Forums > Kitesurfing General

is anyone actually impressed by wave riding?

Created by flapjack > 9 months ago, 23 Nov 2007
NSW, 1515 posts
1 Dec 2007 11:30PM
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paul.j said...

Waves are the future and we are only at the beginning

back to the future.................

WA, 78 posts
2 Dec 2007 8:10PM
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WA, 5353 posts
2 Dec 2007 8:31PM
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I think that at this stage you really cant say that anything will be or will not be the future as there is still so far to go.

p.s. to the dude ripping on windsurfing i suggest you watch "The windsurfing movie" then come back here and rag on it.

QLD, 776 posts
3 Dec 2007 12:41AM
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flapjack said...

goon doggg said...

waveslave said...

Wavekiting is really just this; >> to infinity.
Sounds repetitive hey ?
But it's so much fun; you just want to do that sh1t all day long.

The technical part of it is getting the rythmn dialled for each particular wave.
Every waveface is unique......
unlike those pretend waves the flatwater bandits play on......
those sliders and kickers that look so bad-arse with all their cool stickers.

haha bad arse. theres just so much more u can do on kickers and sliders anyway. if ya wanna surf get rid of the kite. looks so much better

exactly loose the kite, or at least make it look hard

Come on boys A lot of us have been surfing for years without a kite an with a kite it is a whole lot harder to truly rip but it sure is insane fun trying so scuse me while I adjust my style to suit an I'm not giving up the kite so suffer in ya jocks ya ****

VIC, 333 posts
3 Dec 2007 12:53PM
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Abesy said...

Was that even worth saying!!
Obviously otherwise kite companys wouldn't bother spending money producing products specifically targeting the surfing aspect of the sport like surfing movies, boards and kites...

Seriously some of the topics being started in the forum are s*#, like "has anybody got some cool kiteboarding stories"....

one time i frew out the beach and allmost hit a the lifesaving club 5 guys had to hold me to the ground......................................... seriously **** topic ur like some sort of pretencious kite spectator

NSW, 1515 posts
3 Dec 2007 1:59PM
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Blownaway said...

Come on boys A lot of us have been surfing for years without a kite an with a kite it is a whole lot harder to truly rip but it sure is insane fun trying so scuse me while I adjust my style to suit an I'm not giving up the kite so suffer in ya jocks ya ****

Now if he was on a windsurfer he'd be at least another 20 feet deeper-the whimp!

WA, 2119 posts
3 Dec 2007 2:40PM
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Windsurfing in Perth sucks, its generally not windy enough and the waves are ****.
Surfing in Perth sucks, it's generally not big enough, and the w........................
Take what you can get, 15-30 waves in an hour, being able to get around sections when needed with the help of the kite, I dont care who's impressed, compared to what else is on offer, I am.

WA, 1194 posts
3 Dec 2007 3:14PM
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"looks" like people who kite in the waves do it for fun.... who would have thought..

as for topics...why the agro about some of them I don't get.. forums have..newbies (in the instance of the topic your sick kite story posting)..intermediate and experienced kiters (often confused with experienced forum users ;c) all with different opinions and personalities...chill out dudes. its just cyberspace and entertainment.

WA, 1441 posts
6 Dec 2007 12:21PM
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meerkat said...

bobjaan said...
As for kitesurfing being slower, you obviously had more beers at lunch than me -

I knew i forgot to do something and or wasn't invited. Flapjack, tell you what. I will make a short video of me kiting in the waves, then when you can't sleep at night just pop it in your betamax and you can sleep all day.

Kiting in ANY conditions is boring if you don't push yourself or your equipment.

i see i will have to explain.

Some of the "surfers" at my local use 10ft tankers to catch 1foot waves, exciting? nope. Same equipment used at margies in large overhead waves, much better. Same for kiting in waves, learn in the small stuff then push the limits.

Kiting in waves doesn't appear difficult as most of the hard stuff is technical and quite difficult to pickup. Anyone with a bit of co-ord can learn to kite and start doing "huge floaty tea bagging" stuff within a couple of weeks on the flat water, but i challenge any ADVANCED(and bored apparently) flat water rider to borrow my 6.2 surfboard in 25-30knts, in shoulder high waves and at a changing tide to show me just how boring it is. Come on! i dare you?

then why the **** are you riding around on flatwater with a directional getting in the way and riding like an absolute kook.

WA, 314 posts
6 Dec 2007 5:50PM
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Maybe you wanna direct that at the right person, before you make nasty comments.

That was Greg, He just bought a new rocket fish and wanted to learn how to gybe it before he tried it in the surf.

But thanks for the Kook complement.

WA, 314 posts
6 Dec 2007 5:55PM
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Sorry bit hasty, you where refering to Meerkat being the kook, well he is not Greg either.

Now it looks like you have made three new friends.

WA, 644 posts
7 Dec 2007 10:45AM
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carbine said...
then why the **** are you riding around on flatwater with a directional getting in the way and riding like an absolute kook.

errrr... whats up doc? haven't been on flatwater for ages and seen as i was the only person out i doubt you would have seen me on my rarely used twin tip.

But you are right i AM a kook.

NSW, 130 posts
7 Dec 2007 3:33PM
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flapjack said...

meerkat said...
Kiting in waves doesn't appear difficult

thats because its not difficult. you have to admit though it looks pretty fu<ken $hit

Uh ?? Depends who you are watching mate!!!.
I have seen kitesurfers who bog sit wiggle on waves and i have seen Guys Kitesurf on waves and tear it apart in Both directions !!
I can guarentee one thing ........Both styles are absolutely loveing life at that moment on that wave ...with or without a kite.
Guys who say its not surfing are correct in a sense ..........its evolved surfing ........and in my opinion its INSANE !!!! ROCK ON KITERS !

VIC, 130 posts
8 Dec 2007 10:56AM
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cant believe this topics still going..... cant believe Rud won the election.lets change the topic in the topice


Forums > Kitesurfing General

"is anyone actually impressed by wave riding?" started by flapjack