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2013 Ozone C4

Created by Big eeeZeee > 9 months ago, 27 Jul 2012
Berg K1t3r
QLD, 106 posts
21 Sep 2012 11:27AM
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Any news on pricing and preorder dates?

21 Sep 2012 5:41PM
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Pricing will either be the same or within an increase of $50-100AUD, hoping it will be the same or within $50 max increase.
Pre orders, you can place them now, but dealers cannot order the kites on the Ozone order system yet, I'm expecting they will come online within the next 7-10 days.

The new push away chicken loop will not be available on any 2013 kites, Ozone have only just received prototypes for testing and they will not release a product unless it has been thoroughly tested by a wide variety of users for at least 6 months. This means we will not see it on any 2013 kites and that if it passes all tests it will be made available on the first of the 2014 kites. The chicken loop assembly will be able to be retro fitted to all 2012/13 kite bars.

Big eeeZeee
NSW, 1100 posts
21 Sep 2012 5:50PM
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Seriously disappointed. I'm all for testing but ozone have had a full year since they had trouble with their last batch of bars. Fail

21 Sep 2012 7:44PM
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Big eeeZeee said...

Seriously disappointed. I'm all for testing but ozone have had a full year since they had trouble with their last batch of bars. Fail

I can totally understand your disappointment. In Ozone's defense I have to point out that Ozone make awesome kites in their own factory. They do not make bars and they do not manufacture line. They do assemble very high quality bars and lines sourced from the best suppliers in the world, and Ozone do have very high standards. So they too have been extremely disappointed with some of the bars and bar components they have been sent and have rejected a couple of manufacturers in the process of finding one that can produce the quality Ozone require.
Ozone do not fail in producing awesome kites, and for sure they have been let down by a couple of suppliers/manufacturers, but they have a working proto now that they are happy with and this part will retro fit all existing bars (of which there is no real issue anyway).
Hang in there, like us, it will be worth it.

Big eeeZeee
NSW, 1100 posts
21 Sep 2012 8:51PM
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Ozone are one of the leading manufactures as far as quality goes, however in my opinion they are now years behind the leaders in regards to safety systems. Their current pull towards systems are safe to general freeride riders, but they just don't cater to freestyle/unhooked riders that ride suicide.

Ozone just might be (correct me if I'm wrong) the only brand that doesn't have a dual safety system where it is possible to ride suicide yet still have access to a complete flag out safety when needed immediately. I have had many instances where I have got into trouble when riding suicide (known that there is a high possibility of the kite looping/ripped by waves) yet I've had to wait several anxious seconds disconnecting the carabiner from suicide to the safety loop - NOT FUN.

Was set to buy a quiver of three 2013 C4's with the new push away release system playing a big factor towards the purchase. With the new chicken loop set for release in 2014, I'm thinking of looking at other manufactures or possibly riding my current 2011 c4's into the ground.

21 Sep 2012 9:53PM
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Big eeeZeee said...

Ozone are one of the leading manufactures as far as quality goes, however in my opinion they are now years behind the leaders in regards to safety systems. Their current pull towards systems are safe to general freeride riders, but they just don't cater to freestyle/unhooked riders that ride suicide.

Ozone just might be (correct me if I'm wrong) the only brand that doesn't have a dual safety system where it is possible to ride suicide yet still have access to a complete flag out safety when needed immediately. I have had many instances where I have got into trouble when riding suicide (known that there is a high possibility of the kite looping/ripped by waves) yet I've had to wait several anxious seconds disconnecting the carabiner from suicide to the safety loop - NOT FUN.

Was set to buy a quiver of three 2013 C4's with the new push away release system playing a big factor towards the purchase. With the new chicken loop set for release in 2014, I'm thinking of looking at other manufactures or possibly riding my current 2011 c4's into the ground.

I'm not up to speed on every brands safety systems, but we do sell several brands and I know them well enough. If you ride suicide on any of them and miss a bar pass, you are in for a depowered ride until the kite crashes, only then could you pull on your leash to get to the bar so you could operate the safety and flag out the kite. Otherwise you get a 5 line or ride attached to the flag out system?

I think there are downsides to all the systems and its very hard to cater to all freeride kiters. There are inherent risks to freeride/freestyle and one you unhook on suicide you by pass many kites primary safety system. Not sure there will ever be a complete solution for this. The only think I can think of is to ride a 5th line kite with your leash attached to the 5th only?? Otherwise you still need to haul yourself back up the leash to operate the primary safety.

Big eeeZeee
NSW, 1100 posts
21 Sep 2012 10:21PM
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I have found myself in trouble when hooked in (yet still in suicide mode) therefore still giving me access to pull the release. I can't pull the release though until i reposition the carabiner. Once had a fuel fly through my lines sending my kite into a "soft" loop. Managed to get my safety connected in time though.

Steve I will send you an email regarding the package you sent me. If I stick with my 2011's i'll reimburse you accordingly. Thanks mate

QLD, 60 posts
22 Sep 2012 12:57PM
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Been riding a quiver of C4's for the last two seasons. Was super keen to get the 2013's with the new bar but its all starting to get a bit too hard - Price rise and no new bar again!

QLD, 31 posts
22 Sep 2012 1:35PM
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I was also looking at C4's for 2013, but coming from another manufacturer the bar feels miles behind so for me the C4 is off the short list this time. I did demo a 2012 one. Downsides for me are the bar being super fat in the middle, limited safety options for unhooking, no stopper ball so the bar shoots up when I unspin my lines, girlfriend can't reach the depower clear and just don't like those pointy plastic things on the end of the bar. Obviously some of this is personal preference and some is purely functional. The kite is very nice, but it didn't blow me away enough to go with the bar. Of course you can use a different bar but when you come to sell second hand buyers want the bar that goes with the kite.

22 Sep 2012 10:40PM
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benchy said...

Been riding a quiver of C4's for the last two seasons. Was super keen to get the 2013's with the new bar but its all starting to get a bit too hard - Price rise and no new bar again!

Benchy and chr15j
Just get kite onlys (or some) and upgrade to the new bars next year?? There is nothing functionally wrong with the current bar, as you say you have been using it for 2 years, and people want the original bar with a kite. It would be easy to rig something that would allow flagging while on suicide and hooked in
( appropriately tied piece of 3mm amsteel or a fig8 ring).
I always unspin hand over hand, not hard to do, stopper balls create more problems and safety issues IMO.
Extend the end of the trimmer, or get a gf with longer arms!

SA, 161 posts
23 Sep 2012 8:33PM
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Whats the RRP on a 11 metre (kite only) 2012 model ?

Just so I have a idea of how much cash i need to stash outta sight of the wife between now and release date?

WA, 1255 posts
24 Sep 2012 11:42AM
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I've been riding ozones for the last few years and while the kites are good I reckon the bar is sooo outdated and crappy. The "feel" of the bar is simply crap, just try a north or bws bar and you'll know what I mean..

I've been waiting for the new bar for almost 2 years (I saw 1st proto pic back then - it looked good!) and been willing to buy it when released.

Anyways.. different bar may be an option now have to wait another year (or longer).

Any recommendations for bar substitutes that will work with Ozone kites?

QLD, 60 posts
24 Sep 2012 9:43PM
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Kitepower Australia said...

benchy said...

Been riding a quiver of C4's for the last two seasons. Was super keen to get the 2013's with the new bar but its all starting to get a bit too hard - Price rise and no new bar again!

Benchy and chr15j
Just get kite onlys (or some) and upgrade to the new bars next year?? There is nothing functionally wrong with the current bar, as you say you have been using it for 2 years, and people want the original bar with a kite. It would be easy to rig something that would allow flagging while on suicide and hooked in
( appropriately tied piece of 3mm amsteel or a fig8 ring).
I always unspin hand over hand, not hard to do, stopper balls create more problems and safety issues IMO.
Extend the end of the trimmer, or get a gf with longer arms!

Cheers, I know there is nothing major bad about it but compared to the current bars from North, cabrinha etc there is not much good about it either. Just feels like paying full toke for out of date gear. Is the updated bar definately going to be available next year???

Berg K1t3r
QLD, 106 posts
26 Sep 2012 10:16AM
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I like the current bar am not too phased whether I get a new model one or old. However I definitely won't be paying more for the same or less, I think that's maybe something ozone and dealers need to think about before bumping their price up.

Safety system, big eeezeee if you are sooo heavily reliant on the safety system don't ride on the suicide you kook!
Or you could ride with 2 leashes one on suicide and one on flag out

I think the current safety system is fine and is in no way years behind, ozone just doesn't fall into the whole more safety, better safety makes more sales rubbish!
"ooooh better go buy a cabrinha it has SDS safety system" < must be really advanced because it has a heap of springs on it. " better go buy a north it has 5th line, must be safer" < I've seen more go wrong because of 5th line than without it. Few examples.

Ozone is all about simplicity, and it's simple as choose to ride either flag out or suicide.

Big eeeZeee
NSW, 1100 posts
26 Sep 2012 6:22PM
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You just keep using those sand bags to keep your kite safe and secure on the beach mate! Wouldn't want some wet sand discolouring your crispy white canopy.

You're kidding yourself if you don't think the bar is outdated. It's 3 years old and all they've done is put some neoprene around the clam cleat and thin the line floats. I think the current bar is almost perfect besides the chicken loop. All they need to do is drop the safety line through the middle of the chicken loop, push away release and they could manufacture that bar for the next 10 years.

Ozone would have had a similar safety system to North and Cabrinha if they could get their **** together - Simple as that! Has nothing to do with them not buying into "safety equals sales" nonsense you are dribbling on about...

Berg K1t3r
QLD, 106 posts
27 Sep 2012 7:58AM
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IKR wet sand!!!

doesnt mean its outdated mate, and tbh last thing i personally want is a crappy line running through the guts of the bar getting worn away with every movement of the bar like the norths and naish's etc...usually within 3 months from new they look like a frayed pile of crap and dont look safe at all.
i own four ozone bars, 2 2011 bars, 1 2012, 1 2010 and theyre all still in great condition, the trim line etc

Agreed the CL needs to be push away release, ive started riding SB last season,and have had very little time on TT since. I've had trouble with the pull release while i was unhooked freestyle, was annoying, but no biggy.
Havent started unhooking in waves yet still getting it clued out, so will see how that goes.

27 Sep 2012 11:32AM
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benchy said...

Kitepower Australia said...

benchy said...

Been riding a quiver of C4's for the last two seasons. Was super keen to get the 2013's with the new bar but its all starting to get a bit too hard - Price rise and no new bar again!

Benchy and chr15j
Just get kite onlys (or some) and upgrade to the new bars next year?? There is nothing functionally wrong with the current bar, as you say you have been using it for 2 years, and people want the original bar with a kite. It would be easy to rig something that would allow flagging while on suicide and hooked in
( appropriately tied piece of 3mm amsteel or a fig8 ring).
I always unspin hand over hand, not hard to do, stopper balls create more problems and safety issues IMO.
Extend the end of the trimmer, or get a gf with longer arms!

Cheers, I know there is nothing major bad about it but compared to the current bars from North, cabrinha etc there is not much good about it either. Just feels like paying full toke for out of date gear. Is the updated bar definately going to be available next year???

The new bar will be available next year for sure. Regarding other brands bars, some evolve their bars, as Cab have done for several years now, releasing new a minor upgrades each year. North would be in the same boat and I only mention those brands because you did. Problem with this type of constant refinement is that product becomes hard to service due to all the different parts, unique to each annual upgrade.
This is a serious issue for customers and retailers!

Ozone work quite differently. They are a kite company and they are unique in that they make their own kites and nothing else in their own factory. This is one of the reasons behind the extremely high quality of an Ozone kite.
Ozone don't make bars and as far as I know none of the kite brands actually make their own bars, so quality control does become an issue. Ozone was caught up in the failure of one of the main bar manufacturing factories this caused a massive setback and delay to the R&D of their new bar.
Ozone also do not believe in change just for the sake of change and to compete to have the brightest most fashionable kites, instead Ozone prefers to make constant refinements based on user feedback and feedback from the R&D team.
Hang in there, I'm sure the new bar will be worth the wait, Matt, Robbie, Torrin and the team are super thorough when it come to product design and testing.

WA, 1255 posts
27 Sep 2012 9:45AM
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^^ Ozone should really provide the new CL retrofit for free to all the loyal ozone users, constantly upgrading kites without a bar upgrade for so many years. The new bar is always being released "next year" lol.

WA, 9499 posts
27 Sep 2012 12:08PM
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While it is amusing watching you ozone folk bicker like little bitches I do understand ya frustration. Don't feel to bad the bandit 6 is being released with a bar setup that I was using back in 1997. Now thats stupid.

Just buy the kites I reckon. As this is 99 percent of why you fly an ozone kite. It it's not ya have ya head up ya ass and need to get real.

Berg K1t3r
QLD, 106 posts
27 Sep 2012 5:15PM
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Bang on! id even go as far saying we should get the whole new bar and CL when its released, for freeeeeeeeeeeee!!!. 2 seasons we've waited already, 3 is beyond a joke.

default said...

^^ Ozone should really provide the new CL retrofit for free to all the loyal ozone users, constantly upgrading kites without a bar upgrade for so many years. The new bar is always being released "next year" lol.

SA, 161 posts
27 Sep 2012 8:19PM
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Well today I went out and purchased a new line set 200 bucks, so I will be definitely buying a new kite only and thrashing my bar into the ground.

Positives of my bar:
- Fly's kite
- Feels comfortable to me
- Simple
- Easy to de-power on the fly

- Release system could be improved

IMO the ozone kites are bloody fantastic, the bar is simple and practical.

I'm only newish to the kiting world and haven't had any problems caused by my equipment and feel confident and happy with my kite and bar.

Bring on the 2013, ill be happy to get a new bar when it comes out because I know that it will be quality.

WA, 9499 posts
27 Sep 2012 8:50PM
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Sensible move man.

Big eeeZeee
NSW, 1100 posts
29 Sep 2012 10:10PM
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release date looking like it's november

1 posts
3 Oct 2012 9:25PM
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heya guys im 9/10 stone and im not sure what size kite to get in the c4 i was looking at 7/8m but not sure im riding a crazyfly raptor pro 127/38 2012 model too

WA, 8407 posts
3 Oct 2012 10:35PM
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KiterBen said...

Well today I went out and purchased a new line set 200 bucks, so I will be definitely buying a new kite only and thrashing my bar into the ground.

Positives of my bar:
- Fly's kite
- Feels comfortable to me
- Simple
- Easy to de-power on the fly

- Release system could be improved

IMO the ozone kites are bloody fantastic, the bar is simple and practical.

I'm only newish to the kiting world and haven't had any problems caused by my equipment and feel confident and happy with my kite and bar.

Bring on the 2013, ill be happy to get a new bar when it comes out because I know that it will be quality.

ouch, i pay well under 100 for my genuine ozone lines , you was ripped dude

4 Oct 2012 8:52AM
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cauncy said...
KiterBen said...

Well today I went out and purchased a new line set 200 bucks, so I will be definitely buying a new kite only and thrashing my bar into the ground.

Positives of my bar:
- Fly's kite
- Feels comfortable to me
- Simple
- Easy to de-power on the fly

- Release system could be improved

IMO the ozone kites are bloody fantastic, the bar is simple and practical.

I'm only newish to the kiting world and haven't had any problems caused by my equipment and feel confident and happy with my kite and bar.

Bring on the 2013, ill be happy to get a new bar when it comes out because I know that it will be quality.

ouch, i pay well under 100 for my genuine ozone lines , you was ripped dude

Not saying impossible, maybe there is a dealer who gives stuff away for less than they pay for it, but the normal retail on a 25M 500kg/300kg Ozone lineset is $219, the 15M sets are $139 and $200 is a good deal for lines that are the best quality and highest rated.

SA, 118 posts
4 Oct 2012 10:54AM
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Eppo. Go watch the bandit details on production re: bars.
They look super strong and simple and comfortable. I personally like the ozone bar, and love my race bar. I want something I can rely on when I'm looping my c4 in 30 knots. Not some new shiny plastic and colorful bar that could kill me.

You wonder why people give you thumbs down...

Berg K1t3r
QLD, 106 posts
4 Oct 2012 5:10PM
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Used all my red thumbs on the Griffin thread again Sorry eppo you miss out this time

Saw a new C4 picture on facebook today, not from ozone.
and when i asked ozone on their page for some pictures or a promo vid or something they just deleted it, not even a reply.

I love my ozones, but i wonder, How do they sell any kites?
Nobody knows what they're buying till its after the release, No official pre-order date announced, no official Pictures or R&D information, no official news on the new bars status (just hear-say at the moment).
All in all just poor business management if you ask me.

4 Oct 2012 5:21PM
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Berg K1t3r said...
Used all my red thumbs on the Griffin thread again Sorry eppo you miss out this time

Saw a new C4 picture on facebook today, not from ozone.
and when i asked ozone on their page for some pictures or a promo vid or something they just deleted it, not even a reply.

I love my ozones, but i wonder, How do they sell any kites?
Nobody knows what they're buying till its after the release, No official pre-order date announced, no official Pictures or R&D information, no official news on the new bars status (just hear-say at the moment).
All in all just poor business management if you ask me.

I'm just guessing you wonder how Ozone sell kites because you don't run a business that is similar? Ozone are selling thousands of kite annually, with very loyal customers who repeat purchase, because they like the quality of the kite and the performance and feel.
If Ozone were to release info on new models then dealers with unsold stock would get stuck or lose even more of the precious margin they need to stay in business in these tough times.
I've already stated there will be no new bar this year and that a completely new bar will be released with the 2014 kites after Ozone have tested it thoroughly. New kites do not need new bars every year, unless there is something seriously wrong with a current bar design, and the fact is that there is nothing seriously wrong with the current bar design. However Ozone owners and design team all kite, travel frequently to kite spots all over the world and get feedback on design improvements, which is what ozone owner expect and will get on their 2014 kites. I'll bet that new 2014 bar will then be around for at least 3-5 years with only minor running changes.

I've stated a couple of times that you can pre-order 2013 Ozone C4 kites now, and that dealers will be able to place orders on the Ozone order system within a week or two at most. The C4 will be available to customers around the end of this month.

WA, 8407 posts
4 Oct 2012 8:16PM
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Kitepower Australia said...
cauncy said...
KiterBen said...

Well today I went out and purchased a new line set 200 bucks, so I will be definitely buying a new kite only and thrashing my bar into the ground.

Positives of my bar:
- Fly's kite
- Feels comfortable to me
- Simple
- Easy to de-power on the fly

- Release system could be improved

IMO the ozone kites are bloody fantastic, the bar is simple and practical.

I'm only newish to the kiting world and haven't had any problems caused by my equipment and feel confident and happy with my kite and bar.

Bring on the 2013, ill be happy to get a new bar when it comes out because I know that it will be quality.

ouch, i pay well under 100 for my genuine ozone lines , you was ripped dude

Not saying impossible, maybe there is a dealer who gives stuff away for less than they pay for it, but the normal retail on a 25M 500kg/300kg Ozone lineset is $219, the 15M sets are $139 and $200 is a good deal for lines that are the best quality and highest rated.

good cause its not impossible, 360 kg set at 25mtrs $92 , 500/360kg 25mtrs $131genuine ozone dk 75 lines , imo ozone lines are the premium ive seen plenty of line repairs on many different brands much younger than my ozone lines, ive had one bar and line set for 3 yrs and kite every time the winds in here in wa, as for all the bleating about the new bar its better to rig up and rip that way your not mincing around looking at your bar thinking how it could be better, i , we, and you arnt good enough to warrant a better bar


Forums > Kitesurfing Gear Reviews

"2013 Ozone C4" started by Big eeeZeee