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Nikrum's Page

Created by Test pilot 1 > 9 months ago, 25 Apr 2011
TAS, 1972 posts
8 Jun 2011 9:30AM
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I will bet you "London to a Brick on" if you slapped that (TP1) betwixt the optics, The Baby Blues, with a 6" x 4" x 6' Plank with a Bridge Spike hanging out of it alls would happen is the Face would implode as the Head Deflated.. BANG! "Cop that young Harry"

Test pilot 1
WA, 1430 posts
8 Jun 2011 2:21PM
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Nikrum said...

I will bet you "London to a Brick on" if you slapped that (TP1) betwixt the optics, The Baby Blues, with a 6" x 4" x 6' Plank with a Bridge Spike hanging out of it alls would happen is the Face would implode as the Head Deflated.. BANG! "Cop that young Harry"

As I remember it was you in your own words who described the space between your aural flaps as being vacuous.
So your last quote would seem to be a poor second[}:)][}:)][}:)][}:)]

360 posts
8 Jun 2011 2:41PM
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Nikrum said...

I will bet you "London to a Brick on" if you slapped that (TP1) betwixt the optics, The Baby Blues, with a 6" x 4" x 6' Plank with a Bridge Spike hanging out of it alls would happen is the Face would implode as the Head Deflated.. BANG! "Cop that young Harry"

Does anyone have a Nikrum/English dictionary handy so I can follow these posts?

WA, 2775 posts
8 Jun 2011 4:47PM
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Sorry Saby,
I think it will be hard to find a "Nikrum compatible conversion and interpretation manual" as they are long out of print...

some would say Nikrums is one of a dying breed
some would say they arent dying out fast enough!!

where abouts in Canada are you, we will be in Vancouver next week!

TAS, 1972 posts
8 Jun 2011 8:18PM
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Yup! Sabydent,
Much of my rhetoric is from a time gone by, terms of the Old School. I love them and will keep them alive as long as I can Don't worry that is only for going to be for a few more years. I love the old days, the days when a man spt in his palm and shook on a deal, that deal was as good as having been written in Blood. I do not give my word lightly and when I do I stick to it "By Hook or by Crook". I think you may find TP1 and myself entertaining with our thrusting and slashing across these threads. I am sure TP1 Loves me[}:)] You know, he loves to hate me.
Anyway have you selected a name for your machine yet?

TAS, 1972 posts
8 Jun 2011 11:56PM
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Ok! For the benefit of the Boffins,
Today, along with Housework, the boss is away gallivanting,Yard Work etc. I managed to endear the Downwind neighbors a little more. What a foul job re-grooving tires is, clouds of white foetid smoke and flying molten Nylon Pugh! But Re Groove I did to the first layer of Canvas. Something I did notice, which may have had some influence on my 3D wobbles of the other day. The wheels are quite badly out of balance, they really get the circular shakes at speed.. Does anyone concur?? I doubt, that given the Rims and the size of the tires balancing will be out of the question
PS; For those that have trouble understanding my turn of phrase. If I suitably confound you then I am truly happy[}:)] [}:)]

Test pilot 1
WA, 1430 posts
9 Jun 2011 1:29AM
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Put axle in vice with wheel attached. Spin wheel slowly a few times. Using chalk mark top position each time it stops. Using silicone attach small pieces of lead to centre of chalk marks. Spin again, repeat process until wheel stops without spinning backwards. Wheel is now ballanced. If you need large amounts of lead in one area attach to both sides of wheel. Notice:- only attach to wheel not tyre D'uh.
As to dying out of your 'old breed' EXTERMINATE them all![}:)][}:)]

TAS, 1972 posts
9 Jun 2011 9:21AM
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Gawd Strewth! We got a Darlek among us Exterminate, exterminate.. What are you TP1?? A member of the Hitler Youth Movement Old Farts Society??
I know from how to balance a wheel, now take a 6"x4" Rim add an Aircraft tire, Like Buku Rubber, Big BIG Rubber, small rim. Duh! Lots of Lead required!!
Yuz wuz Right Paul, Aircraft tires do present a few unique problems.
PS: TP1, I guess I will have to holler Uncle, I am tiring of the barbs and what is more we are confusing our Lingo deprived Northern Cousins, not to mention upsetting some of our local members.

360 posts
9 Jun 2011 12:22PM
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Nikrum said...

Gawd Strewth! We got a Darlek among us Exterminate, exterminate.. What are you TP1?? A member of the Hitler Youth Movement Old Farts Society??
I know from how to balance a wheel, now take a 6"x4" Rim add an Aircraft tire, Like Buku Rubber, Big BIG Rubber, small rim. Duh! Lots of Lead required!!
Yuz wuz Right Paul, Aircraft tires do present a few unique problems.
PS: TP1, I guess I will have to holler Uncle, I am tiring of the barbs and what is more we are confusing our Lingo deprived Northern Cousins, not to mention upsetting some of our local members.

One may infer that we of northern persuasion may be as you so aptly put it “lingo deprived”, however this may in reality be an indication that our communication skills have evolved considerably. A few years back at the international conference for English language speaking countries, a general consensus was agreed upon. In essence it was a draft resolution ratified by all attending that the main focus of English speech would be the communication of ideas. With this in mind it was put forth that the rhetoric from the past should be set aside to allow for smooth and precise transfer of information. At this time it was also suggested that news regarding this new language policy be disseminated to those of lesser intelligence at a slow rate to keep from upsetting them too much. You should be getting the post sometime in the future.

Northern Brian

ps I find the Nik and Test show quite entertaining

TAS, 1972 posts
10 Jun 2011 12:24AM
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Eloquent Brian, very eloquent, You have also managed to gently insult me. Oh! There is a deal of intelligence behind the Dull Eye, I just prefer not to highlight the fact to boldly for fear of making those inferiors feel too ill equipped.
It would appear that the antics of TP1 and myself across the vast expanses of these pages tends to grate on the nerves of some members. I fear that I will have to tone my efforts, to entertain and amuse, down as I may insult, confuse or perhaps, Heaven Forbid, I should make us Aussies course and ignorant to those brethren across the mighty Pacific. Heaven forbid I should make the ignorant look foolish..
PS; There now I should have suitably upset a few members tonight

360 posts
9 Jun 2011 10:48PM
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Nah. I think the problem is that non-topical discussions tends to be distracting. If one is to treat a forum as conversation, it is inapporpriate to change the topic during the conversation especially if the point of the conversation is to garner information. Nikurm's page is a great spot for the other stuff.


Test pilot 1
WA, 1430 posts
10 Jun 2011 12:22AM
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sabydent said...

Nah. I think the problem is that non-topical discussions tends to be distracting. If one is to treat a forum as conversation, it is inapporpriate to change the topic during the conversation especially if the point of the conversation is to garner information. Nikurm's page is a great spot for the other stuff.


Of coarse it would help if nikrum used the correct synonyms[}:)]

QLD, 12321 posts
10 Jun 2011 11:02AM
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sabydent said...

One may infer that we of northern persuasion may be as you so aptly put it “lingo deprived”, however this may in reality be an indication that our communication skills have evolved considerably. A few years back at the international conference for English language speaking countries, a general consensus was agreed upon. In essence it was a draft resolution ratified by all attending that the main focus of English speech would be the communication of ideas. With this in mind it was put forth that the rhetoric from the past should be set aside to allow for smooth and precise transfer of information. At this time it was also suggested that news regarding this new language policy be disseminated to those of lesser intelligence at a slow rate to keep from upsetting them too much. You should be getting the post sometime in the future.

Northern Brian

ps I find the Nik and Test show quite entertaining

Crikey!!!! With such a sharp and cutting wit as that remind me not to get in your chair. Puts me in mind of "The Marathon Man".

WA, 2775 posts
10 Jun 2011 10:11AM
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Of coarse it would help if nikrum used the correct synonyms[}:)]

and TP1 bought a dictionary

Test pilot 1
WA, 1430 posts
10 Jun 2011 2:43PM
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sn said...

Of coarse it would help if nikrum used the correct synonyms[}:)]

and TP1 bought a dictionary

Nah I use spell chequer

360 posts
10 Jun 2011 4:37PM
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Crikey!!!! With such a sharp and cutting wit as that remind me not to get in your chair. Puts me in mind of "The Marathon Man".

Is it safe?

TAS, 1972 posts
10 Jun 2011 9:27PM
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Gawd! Crickey Dick! What are you Galahs Jabber'n about??? Keep it up and I'm gonna have to open up me bl**dy PC and dig out the Bull Dust.. Cinnamon's and Antimens and Bleed'n dictionaries ain't what it is all about. Problem you Human's have got so far up yourselves you need to have all that garbage to help you organize your lives. This is not what these posts are about.. They are about poking fun at the establishment. I am sure yous Northerners have a few Old Fraze's from yore that would be interesting and designed to confuse. Like I said before, I like the Old School Fella's because a deal was made over a beer and spit on the palm with a handshake. Anyone that is true to their word would prefer death to breaking "That Word". It is a thing that is never given lightly and kept to the grave..

When I'm serious I speak plain and will slap you on the shoulder.

Test pilot 1
WA, 1430 posts
10 Jun 2011 8:15PM
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Nikrum said...

Gawd! Crickey Dick! What are you Galahs Jabber'n about??? Keep it up and I'm gonna have to open up me bl**dy PC and dig out the Bull Dust.. Cinnamon's and Antimens and Bleed'n dictionaries ain't what it is all about. Problem you Human's have got so far up yourselves you need to have all that garbage to help you organize your lives. This is not what these posts are about.. They are about poking fun at the establishment. I am sure yous Northerners have a few Old Fraze's from yore that would be interesting and designed to confuse. Like I said before, I like the Old School Fella's because a deal was made over a beer and spit on the palm with a handshake. Anyone that is true to their word would prefer death to breaking "That Word". It is a thing that is never given lightly and kept to the grave..

When I'm serious I speak plain and will slap you on the shoulder.

They are about poking fun at the establishment.
WRONG they are about poking fun at Nikrum[}:)][}:)]

WA, 5921 posts
10 Jun 2011 8:49PM
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Test pilot 1 said...

Put axle in vice with wheel attached. Spin wheel slowly a few times. Using chalk mark top position each time it stops. Using silicone attach small pieces of lead to centre of chalk marks. Spin again, repeat process until wheel stops without spinning backwards. Wheel is now ballanced. If you need large amounts of lead in one area attach to both sides of wheel. Notice:- only attach to wheel not tyre D'uh.
As to dying out of your 'old breed' EXTERMINATE them all![}:)][}:)]

AHHHHHHH you blew TP1
on a/c tyres teh rim is too small, so you use the adhesice silicon to glue it to the OUTSIDE side of the TYRE
check regularly to make sure the area to be glued on is roughed up first.g go for it Nickrum
great to see the punches flying back and forth on this special privileged thread
nice to see a home for ausie larconisism

QLD, 12321 posts
11 Jun 2011 12:31AM
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sabydent said...

Crikey!!!! With such a sharp and cutting wit as that remind me not to get in your chair. Puts me in mind of "The Marathon Man".

Is it safe?

LOL Yes, yes. It's safe!!........Aaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrgggggggghhhhhhhh!!!!!!!

TAS, 1972 posts
11 Jun 2011 10:34AM
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Ok! Away from the Laconic-s and Larrikinism..
I had a look about for Scaff' Tube. Dang! Is that stuff gold plated or something?? @ $33.34pm - $200 a 6m length, I guess they can keep it stored up the Back Passage. Something you said in "Class Five Design" about a Piece of Karrie.. I don't suppose a 600mm Length of suitably turned Tassie Oak? Ash would suffice to stiffen the Razors Axles??

PS; I just thought, Surely if it was capable of Stiffening TP1's Back it would do nicely in a CF Axle, mind you splinters might give him gyp..

WA, 1659 posts
11 Jun 2011 9:27AM
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You are being ripped off mine cost $85 for 6m.

TAS, 1972 posts
11 Jun 2011 6:20PM
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Great!! Thanks for making me feel good.... Do you have to get even quite so cruelly???

WA, 1659 posts
11 Jun 2011 7:03PM
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on aus230 (current yacht) I used commercial tube 50mm x 6mm wall thickness, I have not bent a axle (and I have hit a lot of things)but it is stiff as a board, it is also fairly cheap.
The reason I have changed to scaff tube on the next yacht is that I wanted a bit more flex in the yacht, it may prove to be the wrong move but I can stiffen it up.

TAS, 1972 posts
11 Jun 2011 9:18PM
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Loosen up a little AUS230, don't take my turn of phrase to seriously. My reference was to your and Gizmos remakes on the other page. I know you are serious on the subject. I have no idea why they are so damned well expensive down here so I think 750mm Turned Ash will stiffen the axle nicely and I may have to go over to barrow wheels as I think balancing the Aircraft wheels may be near impossible. I don't know how pilots would fair with badly out of valance tires as they must play merry hell with the Undercarriage.

WA, 5921 posts
11 Jun 2011 7:58PM
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Nikrum said...

Loosen up a little AUS230, don't take my turn of phrase to seriously. My reference was to your and Gizmos remakes on the other page. I know you are serious on the subject. I have no idea why they are so damned well expensive down here so I think 750mm Turned Ash will stiffen the axle nicely and I may have to go over to barrow wheels as I think balancing the Aircraft wheels may be near impossible. I don't know how pilots would fair with badly out of valance tires as they must play merry hell with the Undercarriage.

just get some 2mm, nominal bore wall galtube,(fence post) you dont need to fuss with ally scaff tube. TP1 was using a heavier wall stuff but it was too heavy, when he went back to the lighter 2mm wall he started catching me ............ occasionally
It will be interesting to see the change in the new aus230 as he's changed from metric scaff back to imperial scaff.
re balancing the AC tyres, after glueing the lead weights to the outside of the TYRE , if its still not balancing , use your electric plane /flapdisc sander to take some rubber off the sidewalls and maybe the heavy spot on the tyre.
you can reduce the weight of one of those tyres by nearly half

WA, 1244 posts
11 Jun 2011 8:26PM
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A simple way to balance complete wheels, is to put two foam coffee cups full of water in the freezer.
You need a smooth piece of shaft that extends out each side of the bearings (and clears the tire) by 75mm or so.
Set up two saw horses (the same height) end to end with the gap to take the wheel.
Now take/break the ice out of the foam cups and sit one on each horse.
Then sit each end of the shaft on the top of an ice block. After a few seconds it will sit there due to the ice melting and the water will have made you a friction free balancer.
Add stick on wheel weights as required till the wheel will "stay" in any position its left.
It is a VERY accurate static balance, as the wheel bearings do not need to even turn.

WA, 1659 posts
11 Jun 2011 11:54PM
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That is very clever chook

TAS, 1972 posts
12 Jun 2011 10:34AM
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That is very clever Chook, I should have thought of it myself.. Ah! what the heck I suppose you can't think of everything.. The only part that won't work is the wheel weights, Rims are too small a dia but using that technique along with removing and adding weight from the tire will do the trick.
Thanks Lads,

SA, 2865 posts
12 Jun 2011 10:34AM
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Chook2 said...

A simple way to balance complete wheels, is to put two foam coffee cups full of water in the freezer.
You need a smooth piece of shaft that extends out each side of the bearings (and clears the tire) by 75mm or so.
Set up two saw horses (the same height) end to end with the gap to take the wheel.
Now take/break the ice out of the foam cups and sit one on each horse.
Then sit each end of the shaft on the top of an ice block. After a few seconds it will sit there due to the ice melting and the water will have made you a friction free balancer.
Add stick on wheel weights as required till the wheel will "stay" in any position its left.
It is a VERY accurate static balance, as the wheel bearings do not need to even turn.

Very COOL idea!!!
That should give you about 10 minutes to balance a wheel @ Kalgoorlie in summer.


Forums > Land Yacht Sailing General

"Nikrum's Page" started by Test pilot 1