Forums > Land Yacht Sailing General

Nikrum's Page

Created by Test pilot 1 > 9 months ago, 25 Apr 2011
SA, 2865 posts
23 Jun 2011 7:46PM
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This type of conversation is like Face book and usually between out of control "Bogans"!!!!!!!

I'm not going to apologize for being grumpy or the old man of the group but fair go this a Forum that is open to the world of Land Sailing and if this is the best we can offer in regard to interaction amongst ourselves then I'm totally disgusted and fed up. Lift your game take your type of conversation elsewhere where it may be appreciated but certainly not here.

I even question why we have catered for one individual for his own ranting and raving. No other Public Forum provides for this level of arrogance and stupidity.

Less than a month ago I drew attention to this type of behaviour. Some people are just not understanding that you are being viewed world wide.

Just stop the garbage!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

TAS, 1972 posts
23 Jun 2011 11:35PM
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Well Well! That is it then.. From here on through I refuse to take the Bait.. I must admit what started out as a bit of fun has gone a little too far.. As for the rest of the world?? I really don't give a Fig..

QLD, 12321 posts
24 Jun 2011 1:01AM
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Gizmo said...

This type of conversation is like Face book and usually between out of control "Bogans"!!!!!!!

Just stop the garbage!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hear here!!!!

Test pilot 1
WA, 1430 posts
24 Jun 2011 1:30AM
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Gizmo said...

This type of conversation is like Face book and usually between out of control "Bogans"!!!!!!!

I'm not going to apologize for being grumpy or the old man of the group but fair go this a Forum that is open to the world of Land Sailing and if this is the best we can offer in regard to interaction amongst ourselves then I'm totally disgusted and fed up. Lift your game take your type of conversation elsewhere where it may be appreciated but certainly not here.

I even question why we have catered for one individual for his own ranting and raving. No other Public Forum provides for this level of arrogance and stupidity.

Less than a month ago I drew attention to this type of behaviour. Some people are just not understanding that you are being viewed world wide.

Just stop the garbage!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You know what is on this page so, if you dont like it dont read it DUH!

WA, 2775 posts
24 Jun 2011 8:28AM
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Gizmo/Cisco- fair call- I think I have pushed it a bit too far myself at times.
no more from me.
hopefully the others can pull thier heads in a bit too.

after all- the forum is supposed to be landyachting stuff.

nikrums page is not a private conversation- anyone can stumble into it- and then wonder what on earth is going on.

TAS, 1972 posts
24 Jun 2011 10:29AM
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I am generally slow to anger and have been thinking about what is being said. There are a couple of points that should be noted before people go being offended for the rest of the World...

1. The rest of the WORLD can stay away from this page if they so wish..
That is a Moot Point though as in a few cases a few of those Neighbors have joined in the Shucking and Jibbing. This is what the Page is about.

2. There is nothing wrong with finding out who that Nut is? You've never met said person in the Flesh and this sort of contact finds out more about them than you will ever realize. In most cases you are never going to meet so you can not compete against them nor slip down the Pub and have a Beer with them, the Key Board and Screen are as close as we will ever get.

3. Getting to know who and what someone is about is a good thing. Because in the instance you may meet them personally you already have a fair idea of who and what they are and how to behave around them.

4. On the other hand if someone should ask a sensible question there is room here to get an open and honest answer or be told to mind your own business. Me personally?? I shoot from the Hip and find Prisoners a hindrance to avoid.

5. There are people on this page that I have jousted with and would trust,
Persons that I believe would deal honestly and I would be prepared to help out where I can, providing they were prepared to pay their way. In this it is my duty to myself to judge and accept any blame due to misjudgement.

It is my belief that before complaining about a few Silly Buggers having a little fun at each others expense go back through the pages and check out who all the contenders are and their origins. Check out the Language, it isn't highly offensive but very much after the English humour with Innuendo pointing at offensive words. Therefore if those who are offended are so innocent "Why are they offended" innocence indicates Naivety/Not knowing.

SA, 2865 posts
24 Jun 2011 11:41AM
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I can't believe people are trying to defend their stupidity.... It's like some drunken bogans fighting in the street and trying to find out who started it !!!!

Nikrum I cant believe you even placed something like this on a forum, it shows your level of contempt and disrespect for others, including the people who initially helped you when you entered the sport .... " As for the rest of the world?? I really don't give a Fig.."
Nikrum if this is how you interact/choose your friends I'm glad I'm not one of them.

And TP1 your comment" You know what is on this page so, if you don't like it dont read it DUH!" This is so disrespectful, its like "just ignore the garbage in the gutter..... you will get over the stench sooner or later !!!!"

This site is one of the most viewed sites in the World about Land Sailing, for inspiration and ideas and assistance for construction of yachts by individuals and often by school students. Discussions on this forum should be about the core subject of Land Sailing and not the garbage recently seen.

Crass vulgar and unsocial commentary is just not called for!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If you want to continue to act as bogans may I suggest a forum that suits your mindset

TAS, 1972 posts
24 Jun 2011 6:58PM
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With that reply.
Cut Nikrums Page from the Site, Immediately.
I will only enter a thread in the future to make an inquiry and nothing else.

WA, 1659 posts
24 Jun 2011 5:36PM
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That would be nice Ron. Otherwise this site will start to look like a lot of garbage and will turn people away from inquiring/ building land yachts.
A large amount of stuff that you have entered on your trials and tribulations in building your yachts has been great stuff. Hope to see more of that as we can all learn from those experiences.
(especially those new to the sport)

WA, 5921 posts
24 Jun 2011 9:24PM
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Select to expand quote
Gizmo said...

. Lift your game take your type of conversation elsewhere where it may be appreciated but certainly not here.

I even question why we have catered for one individual for his own ranting and raving. No other Public Forum provides for this level of arrogance and stupidity.

this thread is a great place for TP1 and nickrum to diddle around, thats why its here out of the way.
I wonder if the problem with other forums is that they dont have a place for individuals to waffle on.
Yes the silliness is getting annoying, so leave it here, not on the interesting threads

TAS, 1972 posts
25 Jun 2011 12:28AM
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Why is this Crap still here?? I want it removed forth with..

By the way Paul there was a lot of help from yourself, TP1 and those that were offended by the goings on. Hey! No offense intended and thanks again to those who gave assistance.

1260 posts
25 Jun 2011 12:05AM
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Nikrum said...

Why is this Crap still here?? I want it removed forth with..

By the way Paul there was a lot of help from yourself, TP1 and those that were offended by the goings on. Hey! No offense intended and thanks again to those who gave assistance.

Send Laurie, Hills, or Nebbian a P.M. They can lock/delete the thread for you.


Forums > Land Yacht Sailing General

"Nikrum's Page" started by Test pilot 1