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Nikrum's Page

Created by Test pilot 1 > 9 months ago, 25 Apr 2011
Test pilot 1
WA, 1430 posts
6 May 2011 11:47PM
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Nikrum said...

If you truly did that TP1? You are a braver man than I Gunga din. If I favour that sort of pain then I am inclined to do it internally with a well chewed Hot Chilli passed along the Digestive tract. That is painful enough for me.
Ron [}:)]

Now who have I offended this time?????


By being born[}:)]

TAS, 1972 posts
7 May 2011 10:06AM
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Right you Bug LUG! That is it! I'll be after for having you, you insulting Sod!!!

Land Yachts at 2,797.14 kilometers. Yer done Buddy.. Well and Truly Done.[}:)]

WA, 5921 posts
7 May 2011 7:18PM
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I can smell the love in the room you two

TAS, 1972 posts
7 May 2011 10:44PM
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Heaps of fun though i'n't it.
If he's up to it I will meet him at Gillies next summer battling it out with Land Yachts and Mast Lances..
Shoot ! Can you picture 2 Lunatics in LY's Charging each other across a Gypsum Pan using Masts to impale the other. Shiite! This could be the making of another "Great Australian Epic", with a Quixotic Twist.

SA, 2865 posts
7 May 2011 10:21PM
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I thought that Stan Sharp and John Knobbs had already tried that many many years ago (land sailors from about 20 years ago R.I.P.)

TAS, 1972 posts
7 May 2011 11:19PM
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Don't point that Q at me.. I haven't been around that long. Carbon Fiber Masts probably weren't though.

Test pilot 1
WA, 1430 posts
8 May 2011 1:41AM
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Nikrum, here's a chalenge for you if'n you 'ave a two piece mast.
Using the top piece, play "the Last Post" or some thing as near as phonetically possible.
Eye can

TAS, 1972 posts
8 May 2011 9:18AM
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That is an absolute Mongrel thing to try to get me to do.. Alls you want to see is My Eyes Bulge and my Eardrums Blowout!! My Masts have some sort of Baffles in them.. I'd get some sort of Blow Back to splash my sinuses on the floor.. That is a fowl thing to wish on me.[}:)]

WA, 2775 posts
8 May 2011 9:27AM
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Test pilot 1 said...

Nikrum, here's a chalenge for you if'n you 'ave a two piece mast.
Using the top piece, play "the Last Post" or some thing as near as phonetically possible.
Eye can

tried that....

my kelpie complained too much to do it again

Test pilot 1
WA, 1430 posts
8 May 2011 7:59PM
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Nikrum, I thought you had maybe tried that already as i assumed that would explain the size of your girth[}:)]

TAS, 1972 posts
8 May 2011 11:46PM
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Go on, Giggle Laughing Boy.. If my wife keeps dragging me out on her 5 and 6k jaunts I will be to slim to sail The Razor. Low Carbs, Low GI, Lean Beef,Red and White Wines, Sea Food stc. I shouldn't complain too much though as she is keeping my Blood Sugars down and me off of Insulin. If you keep it up TP1 I will Shame you on this venue.[}:)][}:)]

Test pilot 1
WA, 1430 posts
9 May 2011 2:49AM
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Bring it on boy[}:)]

TAS, 1972 posts
9 May 2011 10:22AM
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Who the Hell you callin' Boy?? Son. I am probably a few years your senior anyway. Dang young Whipper Snapper!! I was probably touring Bagdad while you were snuggled down in yer Dads Bag.[}:)]

1260 posts
9 May 2011 8:40AM
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Nikrum said...

Who the Hell you callin' Boy?? Son. I am probably a few years your senior anyway. Dang young Whipper Snapper!! I was probably touring Bagdad while you were snuggled down in yer Dads Bag.[}:)]

You wanna talk BAGS???????

TAS, 1972 posts
9 May 2011 10:57AM
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Whoa! Strange, strange people.. I guess make it and some nut will buy it..

Test pilot 1
WA, 1430 posts
9 May 2011 4:29PM
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Nikrum said...

Who the Hell you callin' Boy?? Son. I am probably a few years your senior anyway. Dang young Whipper Snapper!! I was probably touring Bagdad while you were snuggled down in yer Dads Bag.[}:)]

More than a few by the age of that attempt at a joke

Test pilot 1
WA, 1430 posts
9 May 2011 4:33PM
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Nikrum said...

Whoa! Strange, strange people.. I guess make it and some nut will buy it..

Nikrum you oughta get a set, for when youv'e worn yours away coz I think ya must be scratchin 'em all da time

Thats if'n ya c'n reach 'em under that fat gut of yorn

TAS, 1972 posts
9 May 2011 6:59PM
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Probably a good Idea.. Scratching ain't the problem but crushing is through sitting on 'em.

WA, 2775 posts
9 May 2011 5:18PM
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I can just picture a set of them tacked onto the back of occums cat!

TAS, 1972 posts
9 May 2011 10:34PM
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Sorry SN,
Not big enough Hefilumps come to mind.

Test pilot 1
WA, 1430 posts
9 May 2011 11:00PM
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Just dont get 'em tangled in ya sheet rope coz if'n ya need to let it out real quick like then you'll be talkin in a falsetto[}:)][}:)][}:)]

TAS, 1972 posts
13 May 2011 9:14PM
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Ok! So at last a decent breeze today fairly constant around 25 to 30kmph.
I managed a bit of footage-----if I can repair a couple of corruptions, however the Razor performed well under the Skinny Sail, though interestingly under strong gusts the yacht wanted too skid sideways. Generally, it behaved well but could have used more space to get under way properly. The sail, it seems to me, comes higher up on the wind than the first (Medium) one and holds longer----------If that is possible. This statement is born out on some video strips I shot. I will just have to get over to Strahan and Ocean Beach for some real trials but I am pleased.

Test pilot 1
WA, 1430 posts
15 May 2011 12:16PM
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Nikrum said...

Boy! Didn't they larn you nothin the day you went to school or did you just get Caned?? Tasmania is a few time zones ahead of you guys in WA!! Dang seems like that would put us 100 years ahead of you--------------------------------------Knowledge wise, that is.

Now if i slowly wind the handle does any one think he'll notice 'til he's in the bag[}:)]

TAS, 1972 posts
17 May 2011 11:44PM
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Wadareyu?? The Organ Grinders Monkey???? Shoot! That one was a long time in the offering.

TAS, 1972 posts
20 May 2011 11:50PM
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Hey Paul,
You mentioned re grooving tires, How do we go about that??

1260 posts
21 May 2011 2:16AM
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Nikrum said...

Hey Paul,
You mentioned re grooving tires, How do we go about that??

Spin the wheel, and drag the long sharp toothed item in the pis across the treaded area..... [}:)]

TAS, 1972 posts
21 May 2011 10:36AM
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Ok! But I haven't got as lathe.

WA, 2775 posts
21 May 2011 12:44PM
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Nikrum said...

Ok! But I haven't got as lathe.

lathes are for wimps.

real blokes do thier regrooving on the move- sheetrope in one hand, saw blade in t'other........

or you could wander down to your local truck tyre depot with a sixpack and rent thier tyre regrooving gun. practice on a dead tyre first.

TAS, 1972 posts
21 May 2011 6:06PM
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Jee! I like the 100kmph and saw blade best, sounds like real man ** to me.

Test pilot 1
WA, 1430 posts
21 May 2011 11:37PM
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Nikrum said...

Ok! But I haven't got as lathe.

Clamp a big electric drill in a vice, remove the bearings from the wheel and, using a largish bolt through the axle hole(securely tightened of course)in the chuck(also securely tightened) you now have a method of spinning your wheel[}:)]


Forums > Land Yacht Sailing General

"Nikrum's Page" started by Test pilot 1