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What did you do to your sailing boat today ?

Created by Boatin > 9 months ago, 12 Jun 2013
TAS, 2446 posts
5 Oct 2017 6:43AM
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Hi Shaggy

If you were racing against other boats that draw less than 2.2 meters you have not gained an advantage over them because they could have gone over the top as well so in my opinion what you did was ok

Regards Don

NSW, 490 posts
5 Oct 2017 8:09AM
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Engine can be started as long as a gear is not engaged (propulsion rule 42), but rule 52 states that hull appendages must be adjusted by power of the crew. If your SI overrides that requirement and allow's engine power to adjust the keel, then no problem.

Perhaps you could put in a letter to the sailing committee with the details of the incident and ask for a ruling. But you may then be DSQ or asked to retire after racing. Would help to know for future reference.

QLD, 2539 posts
5 Oct 2017 8:56AM
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Thanks guys for the feedback. Some answers below.
FR, It wasn't a premeditated or a conscious decision to use the keel to shorten the course, it was more one of those "oh **, where did that come from?" But yes, we definitely had time to tack out of it mate and go around, hence the moral dilemma, were my actions fair? This doesn't feel fair to me, but I couldn't find a ruling or regulation pertaining to it.

Donk, this was part of it in a way, as we were dutifully following a section of the fleet who were all on the same course. There were bigger boats than us ahead on our line as well as sports boats, ts and cats, and the whole pack of them simply sailed straight through. This was part of our quandary and cause of debate amongst the crew, none of the boats ahead were avoiding it or altering course, so we were questioning our charts. In hindsight, they all obviously drew less than us, even a Benny 50 that was right on our nose.

EC, thanks for the references, that's what I was looking for. The race SI's do allow for the engine on and the prop engaged to remove yourself from a grounding without a DSQ, you cannot gain an advantage by your actions though.
I am unsure if this relaxation applies to lifting a keel, the intent of this, for me at least, is for allowing a boat to reverse off a sandbank if they're grounded.
I will send a letter off to the sailing committee. I'd rather DSQ myself than cheat, have too much respect for the other competitors.

Appreciate the opinions gents, thanks.

NSW, 1531 posts
5 Oct 2017 11:07AM
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I am fascinated by this subject, though l am only sitting on the side line.
My mate, sailing on Moreton Bay, just bought a yacht with a daggerboard. His is manual, no complications there, however, it is an interesting point in case of a power-lift keel.
I hope you not going to get penalised.

Your honesty, however, should be appreciated.

NSW, 490 posts
5 Oct 2017 5:31PM
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If everyone abided by the rules, and questioned their actions when unsure as you have done, then the racing scene would be a much better place.

Paul Elvstrom once wrote that "You haven't won the race, if in winning the race you have lost the respect of your competitors."

Tips me lid....

TAS, 2446 posts
5 Oct 2017 6:01PM
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When you read rule 52 and it says running rigging can only be adjusted and operated by crew power are you cheating if you use electric halyard winches

Regards Don

NSW, 490 posts
5 Oct 2017 6:52PM
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If you use the electric winch for the halyard before the prep flag, then no. But during a race, especially to change a head sail, my reading of the rule would be to say yes. Also would exclude an autopilot during a race.
There must be something in the SI for S2H that allows them to use hydraulic power to cant the keel.

TAS, 2446 posts
5 Oct 2017 7:13PM
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EC31 said..
If you use the electric winch for the halyard before the prep flag, then no. But during a race, especially to change a head sail, my reading would of the rule would be to say yes. Also would exclude an autopilot during a race.
There must be something in the SI for S2H that allows them to use hydraulic power to cant the keel.


I believe some of the maxi's in the S2H use hydraulic winches as well

Regards Don

QLD, 227 posts
5 Oct 2017 6:33PM
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Where were you there is a rise off Green Is but at it still has 3m over it at Low tide.
There is a spot I use to fish closer to the red off green but it's not marked as a rise, but I note someone on navionics have marked it as the Green Bump

NSW, 490 posts
5 Oct 2017 7:36PM
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Found last years SI for the S2H. It may have been this way for a while.
11.3 Changes to RRS
RRS 41: Whilst racing a boat may retrieve data from the standings pages of the event website or from and or retrieve data from the text-based feeds provided at even if those pages are not publicly available. During the race a boat shall not contact, or be in contact with, any person or private entity using any medium to receive private meteorological forecasts, tactical advice or information customised for a particular boat or group of boats, however a boat may obtain assistance in the form of any readily available commercial meteorological or hydrographical information regardless of cost. Amends RRS 41(c).
RRS 42: A boat in the Cruising Division may, from two hours after its starting signal use its engine for propulsion. That use must cease prior to the boat finishing. Engine hours and miles covered under engine must be logged.
RRS 51: A boat with movable or variable ballast (within the meaning of those terms in the Special Regulations) may move that ballast for the purpose of changing trim or stability.
RRS 52: RRS 52 does not apply to: the adjustment and operation of sails or the adjustment of movable appendages on any boat; or any boat in the Cruising Division.
RRS 61.3: There is no time limit on protests by the Race Committee or the International Jury. No other protests may be delivered after 1700 hours on 1 January 2017, except when seeking redress. In that event, the time limit will be three hours after the protesting boat finishes. The International Jury may not extend the time for delivery of a protest lodged under the provisions of this clause.
RRS 78.2: Valid rating/class certificates shall be produced by the required time specified in the NoR.

QLD, 2539 posts
5 Oct 2017 6:54PM
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seabird said..
Where were you there is a rise off Green Is but at it still has 3m over it at Low tide.
There is a spot I use to fish closer to the red off green but it's not marked as a rise, but I note someone on navionics have marked it as the Green Bump

G'day Seabird,
yep, the Green Bump looks about right ! I can attest to the depth at LAT is only 2.2mtr.

TAS, 2446 posts
5 Oct 2017 8:08PM
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Hi Shaggy
If you were following the fleet on the same course i don't see that what you did gave you an unfair advantage so personally even though it appears that you may have violated rule 52 i am ok with it

Regards Don

QLD, 227 posts
5 Oct 2017 7:33PM
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shaggybaxter said..

seabird said..
Where were you there is a rise off Green Is but at it still has 3m over it at Low tide.
There is a spot I use to fish closer to the red off green but it's not marked as a rise, but I note someone on navionics have marked it as the Green Bump

G'day Seabird,
yep, the Green Bump looks about right ! I can attest to the depth at LAT is only 2.2mtr.

Interesting the paper chart Aus 236 from 2008 shows a rise to 2.2m.

QLD, 2539 posts
5 Oct 2017 7:39PM
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Donk107 said..
Hi Shaggy
If you were following the fleet on the same course i don't see that what you did gave you an unfair advantage so personally even though it appears that you may have violated rule 52 i am ok with it

Regards Don

Thanks Don,
I feel a little bit less guilty. Sent off an email to the SC, I'll report back the outcome!

Seabird, interesting isn't it? My CMap charts showed it. One of the guys with an old version of Navionics on an IPad doesn't .


TAS, 2446 posts
5 Oct 2017 8:48PM
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Hi Shaggy

Have you had a look at the keel to see if you have done any damage or are you confident it is ok

Regards Don

QLD, 2539 posts
5 Oct 2017 8:25PM
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I havent stuck a camera underneath yet, I'm going to check Saturday. It wasn't the smooth hit that sand gives you, so I'm bracing for some damage.
Mind you, when we lifted the boat after the whale hit, the only damage was the leading edge of the keel looked like it had been sanded.
So, fingers crossed!

QLD, 1590 posts
6 Oct 2017 9:33PM
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I'm gunna need a bigger truck, to make my visit to whitworths.
Finally got down to the little Sonata after over a weeks absence to find an inch of fresh water lapping around in the cabin so after mopping it all
out took an inventory of all that needed replacing, resealing or repairing.
Oh my goodness I know by all accounts the family who owned her previously had some great times sailing and holidaying on her but I really wish they had put a dollar into her upkeep more regularly. But there again the price reflected it. Attached the new vang I had put together and decided I had to try it out and since I had not had a close look at the mainsail since washing it in nappy san ran it up the mast and cast off. Gee it felt good to be under sail again even if only the main in 15/20 knot wind. Alas it had long lost its shape . Oh well what's the cost of a new main between friends ( me and my wallet). Booked her at Horizon Shores for next week for a two pack /antifoul . You know she was built in 1985 from all documentation sighted and yet has never had a name. She will soon .

NSW, 1531 posts
6 Oct 2017 11:13PM
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I am not to flog the old hobby horse of mine about the dangers of navionics vector carts, but MemoryMap's electronic raster chart (which is AUS 236 from last year) also clearly shows a tip of 2.2m!
Sorry Shaggy!

QLD, 2539 posts
6 Oct 2017 11:24PM
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G'day SirG,
No probs mate, and I agree with you, too many suss reports coming out about Navionics now, it all seemed to get a lot worse from this managed service implementation model they've adopted.

I did see it on my Nav software before we hit (I run CMAP charts on Adrena), that's how I managed to mitigate the damage, I had a few minutes to warn the crew and get the keel prepped for a quick lift.
At the dock we had a look at one of the guys older Navionics on an Ipad, and it didn't show it, that's the reference I made to Navionics.

QLD, 12337 posts
7 Oct 2017 7:32AM
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shaggybaxter said..
At the dock we had a look at one of the guys older Navionics on an Ipad, and it didn't show it, that's the reference I made to Navionics.

When you reference it to Navionics I suspect they will remind you of the terms and conditions everybody agrees to when they open the app,i.e. "not to be used for navigation".

NSW, 1531 posts
7 Oct 2017 8:48AM
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My point exactly!

I never seen such warning on an official chart. (yes, l know, official charts are having incorrect data sometimes, yeeees) but still...The decision is yours.

I usually run two separate systems while on passage, one on my chart plotter in the cockpit with CMap and the second on my tablet below with MemoryMap.
Both of those programs are electronic versions of the official vector charts.
Plot my position on the paper chart hourly, or so.
I got two chartplotters, one in the cockpit and one below at the chart table beside the tablet.
If needed, l could turn on my phone with GPS and MemoryMap as well, any time.

But l would never navigate with navionics or it's ilk.

QLD, 239 posts
7 Oct 2017 7:51AM
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cisco said..

shaggybaxter said..
At the dock we had a look at one of the guys older Navionics on an Ipad, and it didn't show it, that's the reference I made to Navionics.

When you reference it to Navionics I suspect they will remind you of the terms and conditions everybody agrees to when they open the app,i.e. "not to be used for navigation".

My Navionics shows it at 2 m

NSW, 1531 posts
7 Oct 2017 9:12AM
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Yes it might, if one zooms in enough.
But if not? Crunch!

Look at your zooming level indicator on the bottom right hand corner.
At the 372 feet 'level' does not show the depth.

Vital information should not depend on the zooming level.
It should show at all levels, using mutually agreed measurements, permanently!

That chart looks like a toy with the ducks and drakes on it! Sorry, what a joke it is!

SA, 4776 posts
7 Oct 2017 9:30AM
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I think someone needs to open a navionics discussion thread soon as this one is getting hijacked.

What I did to my boat today
I fitted a new vanity bowl and mixer tap phew expensive nearly $400 all up. I will now strip the timber and stain n varnish in cherry red gloss.

WA, 855 posts
7 Oct 2017 10:36AM
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southace said..
I think someone needs to open a navionics discussion thread soon as this one is getting hijacked.

What I did to my boat today
I fitted a new vanity bowl and mixer tap phew expensive nearly $400 all up. I will now strip the timber and stain n varnish in cherry red gloss.

Neil loved the contemporary mix of 90's Adams with today's on trend black, just WOW! Shayna was equally impressed but felt the toothbrush holder was a little out of date. Darren's jaw dropped on sighting the black tap, the best head makeover he had ever seen. However, he thought the exposed plumbing and wiring didn't quite get the industro pump styling.

Next time on the block, maritime edition. Ramona attempts to add another control line to the cabin top. Cisco ponders whether it will actually be global warming that refloats his boat off the hard, its taken so long. Shaggy installs full lift foils to never have to worry about shallows again.

QLD, 12337 posts
7 Oct 2017 1:15PM
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^ I see you had your razor blades for breakfast FreeRad!!

WA, 1576 posts
7 Oct 2017 11:52AM
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FreeRadical said..
southace said..
I think someone needs to open a navionics discussion thread soon as this one is getting hijacked.

What I did to my boat today
I fitted a new vanity bowl and mixer tap phew expensive nearly $400 all up. I will now strip the timber and stain n varnish in cherry red gloss.

Neil loved the contemporary mix of 90's Adams with today's on trend black, just WOW! Shayna was equally impressed but felt the toothbrush holder was a little out of date. Darren's jaw dropped on sighting the black tap, the best head makeover he had ever seen. However, he thought the exposed plumbing and wiring didn't quite get the industro pump styling.

Next time on the block, maritime edition. Ramona attempts to add another control line to the cabin top. Cisco ponders whether it will actually be global warming that refloats his boat off the hard, its taken so long. Shaggy installs full lift foils to never have to worry about shallows again.


NSW, 1434 posts
7 Oct 2017 10:53PM
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southace said..
I think someone needs to open a navionics discussion thread soon as this one is getting hijacked.

What I did to my boat today
I fitted a new vanity bowl and mixer tap phew expensive nearly $400 all up. I will now strip the timber and stain n varnish in cherry red gloss.

You have been watching too much of "The Block Southace!!

NSW, 2662 posts
15 Oct 2017 2:22PM
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Not much sailing lately but I spent a couple of hours this morning cleaning. I intended to take her for a run but I got onboard and found dust everywhere. Wiped the cockpit down and rinsed with sea water. Having got some momentum I then went through the cabin cleaning dirt and some mould off bits everywhere.
How many nooks and crannies can you fit into 34'. Lots.
Anyway Morning Bird is looking much better for it.
She is booked into Gladesville Bridge marina for an anti foul on 4 Dec.
I'd like to take her to Broughton Is before Christmas. Maybe a bit of time back in Broken Bay, or maybe Lake Macquarie, would be good too.

VIC, 490 posts
15 Oct 2017 6:14PM
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sirgallivant said..
Yes it might, if one zooms in enough.
But if not? Crunch!

Look at your zooming level indicator on the bottom right hand corner.
At the 372 feet 'level' does not show the depth.

Vital information should not depend on the zooming level.
It should show at all levels, using mutually agreed measurements, permanently!

That chart looks like a toy with the ducks and drakes on it! Sorry, what a joke it is!

Yep, I was down below having a kip and the boat ran into a whale that WASN'T SHOWN ON NAVIONICS! What a joke that app is. A whole $60 for the entire Aussie chart, what a rip off. AND if I only look on the all-of-Australian view on my tiny smart phone, I can't see every single rock. AND there's no warning about the crocs at Gladstone. AND .....

Why doesn't everyone use CLOSEDMAP - You only have to scan the charts using DOS chartscan, insert references with a Sinclair calculator and a paper clip, convert PDF to BITMAP to JPEG and then back to BITMAP. Then you simply run .chartscript in Ubuntu, convert to Linux, convert to Methodism, convert to Windows. Then simply disable fire wall, link windows to Android and display on your fridge temperature screen. Simples

(Bristle has been restrained and suitably medicated by trained personnel from the Bundy rum museum. Normal service will be resumed as soon as possible )


Forums > Sailing General

"What did you do to your sailing boat today ?" started by Boatin