If the engine jumps around at low idle, they are not rigid.
Quote:- and I'm not changing nothing....... That is a double negative which makes a positive and means you will change something.
Today I finally [after 18 months] got the AIS to talk to the chartplotter and the chartplotter to talk to the DSC radio!!
Today I removed every thing out of the boat powered up my $49 pressure wash from Masters and removed any fiberglass dust or any thing else from the hull interior included all my storage lockers I have the cockpit lockers to go tomorrow rewired stereo top where if will be going . Sorted out my stainless steel sheet for the stove . Should have that mounted in a week or so.
Im using this idea the stainless sheet is for the sides and back same as this set up that some one on here has in there yacht
Thanks hg. And here's another idea: accounts.google.com/ServiceLogin?passive=1209600&osid=1&continue=https://plus.google.com/photos/100682332936372502651/albums/5816719498616728145/5944183570295878754?pid%3D5944183570295878754%26oid%3D100682332936372502651&followup=https://plus.google.com/photos/100682332936372502651/albums/5816719498616728145/5944183570295878754?pid%3D5944183570295878754%26oid%3D100682332936372502651
You should check out all this guy's photos - amazing what you can do with a boat in your yard, some decent skills and the desire to get it perfect.
the below photo taken a couple of weeks ago
this looks a little better I also ran some oils around all the wood work inside and out Ive a fe4w white paint spots to rub off but ill get around to it
the bend in the stern rail has been bugging me for a while so I took to it with a ratchet strap . Ill tweek it a little more next weekend. Sanded the stainless a little as well today Ill use some finers grqade next weekend see if I can bring up the shine on the rails
Also I am doing a little veneering for my stereo and VHF radio see how it goes tomorrow when I take the weight off it.
Mainly cleaned up around home all the bits and peices I had on the boat started organizing them into storage boxes
shes high in the water but Ive a stove fridge water tanks and pumps and mast rigging and sails she go down in the water some once there in place
Still lots of inside jobs to do
yesterdays work above wash and scrubbed the interior
For $49 there not a bad little pressure wash from masters
The huonn pine veneer I have been thinking of using it as a trim between the cabin sides and cabin roof ect ect.
Ill try a piece this week see if I can epoxy some fiberglass tape to the back of the veneer and if its strong enough like that fix it to all the cedar edges .
That should keep me out of the pub
Hoping it will look OK, this trim is some el cheapo from masters