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Forums > Stand Up Paddle General

How "Primal" changed my SUP life

Created by supthecreek > 9 months ago, 9 Apr 2013
2681 posts
9 Apr 2013 9:55PM
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I replied to an Allwave thread.... in it I mentioned my considerable weight loss...
my buddy Leroy remarked on my comment, because it indicated the standard "Yoyo dieting" that many of us struggle with.

I searched this site for any mention of the "Primal" lifestyle and did not find any...

I am reposting my reply here, because my life was changed forever by a simple post on the "StandUpZone"......I hope fellow "Breezers" benefit from this post...

the YoYo is OVER...Forever.
Since I went "Primal" I eat whatever I want, all I want, and I lose 1 lb every 2 or 3 days. I will never get heavy again. I really enjoy the "Primal" foods... they are all the things that my body naturally enjoys and are incredibly satisfying.
I have dropped from 262lbs (119k)on January 14th... to 219lbs (99k) right now... a steady 10 lbs (4.5k) a month, and I am putting NO effort into the weight loss... it just melts away.
So few small changes... I can't believe I missed this for the past 50 years.
44" waist to 37" and shrinking

I will NEVER go back to the old 40 year struggle of:
suffer crappy food for 6 months... gain it all back in 3 months of "regular" eating... it sucked.

Primal is based on good natural fats and naturally healthy food...
whole meat, eggs, poultry, seafood, veggies, nuts and berries
There is a lot of focus on food source..
Grass fed beef, free range eggs, no processed food, organic... yada yada... maximum nutritional benefits

Best part??? you can eat and enjoy whole fats in beef, eggs, bacon, avocados... and get healthier, because our bodies have evolved to thrive on these foods. I eat many, many more calories and fat than I ever did before... and the weight just melts away.

here is a great source of info:
make sure to cruise the "Success Stories" at the top... it will not only show the incredible ease of weight loss, but the endless health benefits that come with it.

Here's the link that got me interested on the "StandUpZone"
43 pages long
The thread took a while to develop, but it absolutely changed my life. I jumped in on the last 10 pages. Many pictures of the delicious food I eat are in those last pages.

It is a natural fit for SUP.

Here are some pics of "Primal Creek" to show the changes...
#1 = pre primal after the typical holiday weight gain
#2 = after just 2 months at 102k (I am now 99k)
#3 = My Christmas Face
#4 = My Easter Face.... my whole body has changed in 3 months
#5 = My Sunday brunch... yummy tasty food example. Primal doesn't suck

Note... the weather has been NASTY since I went primal... I have NOT exercised more during my weight loss... actually... much less. It is solely from eating changes.

I absolutely LOVE the whole Primal thing... Thank you Strand Leper!!!
(He started the "Primal" thread that changed my life.)

it will lead to serious board reduction and related expenses.
(I am now looking at boards in the 8'6" range)

I am surfing SO much better at 65 than I did at 50

Please add to this thread, with your thoughts and experiences...
I hope the interest is strong in OZ.... Primal has changed the lives of many "Zoners"
May a healthy interest in OZ impact my Breeze friends. Be well.

4214 posts
9 Apr 2013 10:36PM
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Great effort mate.
I am due for one of those stories.
Need to lose 40kg by Xmas.

WA, 3489 posts
9 Apr 2013 11:09PM
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Nice work mate, yep it seems to work.

A friend I work with recently lost quite a bit of weight, when I quizzed her about it she put me onto paleo/primal/marksdailyapple etc.
I am not really carrying a lot of excess weight but am still heavier than I would like to be.
I started moving towards a more 'primal' diet about 6 weeks ago (unfortunately it pretty much went out the window for the two weeks I was on holiday in Bali) but I have lost a few kilo's already without really trying (still drinking to much beer)
Loving the bacon and eggs in the morning or one of my favs the bacon and avocado omelette, lamb chops, roast pork with crackling, curries with coconut cream, mushrooms cooked in butter etc.

WA, 36 posts
10 Apr 2013 10:13AM
Thumbs Up

This works. Between eating healthier (primal-ish) and crossfit I'm down about 10kg from where I started (74-64kg).

The simplest thing about making this change...

Primal is EASY. There are guidelines, etc., but the reality is (for the most part) - if it's REAL food (not manufactured/ processed/ refined (wheat, etc)) then it's primal. If it comes with a list of ingredients on the packaging (half of which you can barely pronounce) then it isn't. Done. Easy.

Nice work supthecreek! keep at it - I know it won't be hard. Now I'm off to find me some bacon!

NSW, 1080 posts
10 Apr 2013 12:16PM
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Scotty88 said...
Great effort mate.
I am due for one of those stories.
Need to lose 40kg by Xmas.

Scotty from your avatar your not looking that bad..

4214 posts
10 Apr 2013 5:12PM
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pmorgan1974 said...
Scotty88 said...
Great effort mate.
I am due for one of those stories.
Need to lose 40kg by Xmas.

Scotty from your avatar your not looking that bad..

Pete, you don't want to know what I would do to myself if I looked like my avatar.

VIC, 1299 posts
10 Apr 2013 8:09PM
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Scotty I reckon if you went in to have those implants removed that would drop a few KGs wouldnt ya???

Seriously Paleo, Primal etc makes sense and I have been on and off it for a while, I tend to go on it in winter because activity levels drop right off.

4103 posts
10 Apr 2013 6:13PM
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Forty Three pages devoted to this topic on the stand up zone......I think they might have already said all there is to we need to go there?

SA, 205 posts
10 Apr 2013 7:54PM
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Is Coopers classed as Primal???

NSW, 90 posts
10 Apr 2013 8:53PM
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yeast, water, hops + malted barley = primal

4103 posts
10 Apr 2013 6:54PM
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Coopers not considered very classy over here....but Speights on the other hand is most excellent

NSW, 90 posts
10 Apr 2013 9:03PM
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Special Pi$$ Enjoyed In Great Hotels Throughout Southland...usually described as having chunks, give me a nice CPA any day...definitely more primal.

4214 posts
10 Apr 2013 7:12PM
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gregc said...
Scotty I reckon if you went in to have those implants removed that would drop a few KGs wouldnt ya???

Greg, by all accounts they are au natural.

WA, 24860 posts
10 Apr 2013 7:39PM
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Scotty88 said...

Pete, you don't want to know what I would do to myself if I looked like my avatar.


99 posts
11 Apr 2013 6:31AM
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I believe its actuall,

Some People Enjoy It God Hates The **** S.P.E.I.G.H.T.S

Stoke is primal though.

going to get Primal starting today.

WA, 24860 posts
11 Apr 2013 6:43AM
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Fantastic achievement dropping all that weight without training.

However how is your body shape

2681 posts
11 Apr 2013 1:05PM
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Since I made the change from prone to SUP in July 2011... I have been constantly active. I surf daily if there are waves and flat-water paddle a few hours everyday if there are no waves.
I have gotten plenty of exercise during the past two years.... the difference has been, that when I followed a strict Low Fat- Low Cal regime, I struggled to lose weight and I would gain it back immediately if I fell off the plan. The exercise did not seem to help. I was more fit... but still fat.

Primal has changed my body completely. I am smaller, tighter. My Joints feel much better, My overall fitness and body structure is MUCH different than it was following the typical Low Fat- Low Calorie diets.

1st picture shows my first summer SUP Surfing on my 11'2 x 36" Starboard Avanti...compared to one I took today.

I have been at this my whole life... and my body NEVER reacted to any diet or exercise like it has to Primal eating... everyday I am amazed by the constant progress.

Last picture I took while demo paddling an 8'11 surf SUP by Excorcet Today.... I could never dream about being on such a small board 2 months ago.

WA, 24860 posts
11 Apr 2013 1:13PM
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You've got to be stoked

QLD, 2286 posts
11 Apr 2013 4:00PM
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I just went onto that website.
I am not going to discount the success that some people may have had, but all I saw was a guy trynig to sell his books and his supplements.
There is a Primal everything if you want to buy it.
Maybe I am an Aussie sceptic.

WA, 3489 posts
11 Apr 2013 3:12PM
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E T said...
I just went onto that website.
I am not going to discount the success that some people may have had, but all I saw was a guy trynig to sell his books and his supplements.
There is a Primal everything if you want to buy it.
Maybe I am an Aussie sceptic.

You are right there is plenty of stuff for sale but there is also plenty of free info as well.
Judging by the transformation I have seen in others it works, as I said earlier I have only just started Paleo/Primal recently and by know means am I following it 100% but I have dropped a few kg's already.
I am sure I will be going more primal as I get used to what foods to eat and find some good recipes, however I am not one to follow anything to religiously, I still enjoy washing down a pizza with a few beers occasionally.

VIC, 5048 posts
11 Apr 2013 5:46PM
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Sorry, I don't get it. What is "Primal"? All the shopping lists show your standard quality fresh foods. There's no magic in that. No trick. It's what any sensible person would have been eating all along. Lots of fruit and veg. Fish and lean meats and eggs etc. Plenty of natural fats from fish, nuts and olive oil. Don't overdo the cheeses and ice cream. Avoid empty calories.

There is no "diet" where you can eat "... as much as you want ..." of everything and not get fat. Any healthy attitude to eating requires being sensible about portions and consumption.

The only thing we should all do is avoid mass produced processed food from the global food industry. These companies are more evil than tobacco companies. They use the same marketing tactics as tobacco companies but they pretend they are providing a service to feed the world.

While I'm having a rant, "health" food companies like Blackmores and vitamin companies like "Swisse" are also evil. They all pretend to have a magic bullet that will make you healthy with no effort ( )

BTW We eat lots of pizza but haven't bought one from a shop for years. I throw the dough ingredients in the bread maker and go kiting. When I come back I roll out a couple of bases, throw on the goodies, enjoy a beer while doing it, then have a nice rough red (that's wine) with the mrs in front of the fire. Heaven.

WA, 36 posts
11 Apr 2013 4:43PM
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Gorgo said...

There is no "diet" where you can eat "... as much as you want ..." of everything and not get fat. Any healthy attitude to eating requires being sensible about portions and consumption.

Not entirely true... when I eat 'clean' as in no processed crap that is thrown in front of us all the time I can actually eat as much as I want - the difference being that my body also realizes when it's full - rather than downing a bag of chips or other junk food that no matter how much is consumed doesn't feel filling. With real food - meats and veggies and good fats my body feels full and stops which in itself limits my intake rather than me having to portion out my food.

Bottom line, I eat when I'm hungry and stop when I'm full. I choose real foods.

And you are correct, it's not a diet but rather a lifestyle, choosing to bypass the easy for the real. Quality indeed.

WA, 7491 posts
11 Apr 2013 4:54PM
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Gorgo said...
Sorry, I don't get it. What is "Primal"? All the shopping lists show your standard quality fresh foods. There's no magic in that. No trick. It's what any sensible person would have been eating all along. Lots of fruit and veg. Fish and lean meats and eggs etc. Plenty of natural fats from fish, nuts and olive oil. Don't overdo the cheeses and ice cream. Avoid empty calories.

+1 I was wondering what was such a revelation for everyone.

Pizza and wine sounds good.

NSW, 2159 posts
11 Apr 2013 7:18PM
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Whatever it is, it looks like it is working Rick. Unlike our TGA

Therapeutic Goods AdministrationAustralia's regulator of therapeutic goods.

Uncovered beautifully here in full Chaser style on the Checkout

Gotta love the boys work! Check it out tonight. Funny show!

NSW, 111 posts
11 Apr 2013 10:09PM
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Great work supthecreek, I also have adopted a paleo lifestyle. I don't call it a diet as I am not doing it short term as dieting sometimes implies. I have been eating this way for 18 mths and did so not losing weight but to get my panic disorder and out of control anxiety under control. It worked so I have stuck with it and my health is the best it has ever been. The easy weight loss is great also.
There are plenty of people that poo-poo living this way but it works and given the obesity epidemic and the amount of money people spend yearly on quick fixes maybe something as simple as eating clean is the way forward.
Sorry for the hijack and again well done supthecreek

2681 posts
12 Apr 2013 12:18AM
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EvilScotty...not a hijack at all... My only purpose is to get participation by other primal folks, to pass along the stoke it brings

What is different about Primal?
Good question... sometimes I am amazed by how simple it is and how few changes I had to make. It is very similar to an intelligent, healthy diet... with some MAJOR difference's, because it's based on food groups available BEFORE agriculture (Grains... wheat... rice..etc)
Primal places "food source" at the heart of the matter. Organic only.... no processed anything.

NO grains of any kind... ever.... even the much touted healthy whole grains
NO tofu
NO rice
NO beans or Legumes of any kind
NO processed foods
Limited grass fed Dairy products

Some of my changes:
Full Fat Meat instead of LEAN Meat
Butternut squash instead of potatoes
Spaghetti Squash instead of Pasta
Blueberries, nuts & fruit instead of Low Fat-Low Cal Cereal Bars
Loaded Omlettes instead of whole grain cereal
Giant, moist LOADED Salads instead of whimpy dry diet salads
Fresh Fish instead of Lean Cuisine
Almond Butter instead of Peanut Butter
Walnuts instead of Peanuts(a legume)
Water instead of milk
Water instead of Diet Coke
Free range butter instead of margarine
Free range eggs instead of NONE
Bacon instead of NONE
Avocados instead of NONE
Organic instead of Genetically Modified
Coconut Oil for frying

Satisfaction instead of Denial
Overall health gains instead of merely "weight loss"

WA, 24860 posts
12 Apr 2013 4:37AM
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Supthecreek,can you recall how long it took you to drop the first 10 kgs?
and have you found the weight lose slow after a certain period? I've dropped
13 kgs over 10 weeks training and eating oh and drinking clean but the weight
lose has slowed similar to a golfer with a handicap of 9 its so much harder to drop
the handicap to 5.

NSW, 982 posts
12 Apr 2013 9:11AM
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Supthecreek and for that matter GC, question how is your cholesterol? I am not the smallest person inthe world and have looked at this but keep coming back to the cholesterol issue...........friend recently did something similar and hers when up nearly 2 points on the diet to the point she needed to take medication, pros v cons

WA, 441 posts
12 Apr 2013 10:19AM
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62mac said...
Supthecreek,can you recall how long it took you to drop the first 10 kgs?
and have you found the weight lose slow after a certain period? I've dropped
13 kgs over 10 weeks training and eating oh and drinking clean but the weight
lose has slowed similar to a golfer with a handicap of 9 its so much harder to drop
the handicap to 5.

Hey Mac I have found that after a while despite how much exercise you do and how "clean" your eating is, you will need to start to monitor and reduce your calories to keep the weight loss on the downward trend, Primal/paelo/caveman works because you drop the nutrient empty calorie dense foods ( Bread, cereals, processed sugar, processed carbs) and fill up on Meats, eggs veggies and fruits. These foods are good at filling your up, dont make you retain water and are anti inflamitry (all good things) Plugging these foods into a calorie counter soon shows that you eat less calories a day that you would have been on your before paelo way of eating and weight loss occurs.

There is an saying that you cant out exercise your mouth... running a marathon will burn ~ 2500 calories 0.5kgs of fat is about 3500 cals so to loose 1kg a week you need to run 2.5 marathons a week or eat less.

My Primal/Paelo story is that I dropped 15kgs over about 3 months doing Primal then stayed that weight for about 12 months bouncing +/- 2kgs even through I exercised and ate really clean I didnt track calories or restrict what I ate just ate good "clean" unprocessed foods from the list. I then had a stressful time at work and didnt watch what I ate and drunk too many flat whites and ate junk and surprise surprise 10kgs weight gain in 3 months.... I then went primal again and dropped the weight in about 5 weeks and reached that same stall point. At this point I still had 15kgs to loose but it wouldnt shift despite how much exercise and how clean I ate. For about 12 moths I stayed at that weight set point +/-2kgs.

So last year I did a ten days of eating only plain boiled potatoes and white rice with hot chili sauce, black tea coffee and water. It all came down to low fat and low calories. It was enough by the end of the 10 days to make me gag at the sight of a potatoe and boring as bat **** to eat ..... but in ten days I lost another 8 kgs and the weight has stayed off for the last 6months and I went back to eating normal (80% primal) and still had the odd slice of good bread or pizza and beer once or twice a month . This worked because of calorie restriction and the fact potatoes are a high satiety food, even without the melted butter, sour cream and bacon bits on top...... To eat your daily recommended (~2000 Cals) is about 10 cups of boiled rice or 2.2kgs of spuds no way could I eat that much in a day.

After a few months of not worrying too much about it I am now on a quest to get down to the last 5-10kgs. To do this I am now watching how much I eat and am trying to restrict Cals to under 1800-2000/day +/- 10% without been to anal about it, weight loss has started again and is steady at 0.5-1kg a week. I tracked food in an app (my fittness pal) to get an idea of how much I was eating.. It adds up quick dam it... a couple less beers and cut the pizza out. After a few weeks you get a rough idea on how much you are eating and can adjust up/down as you see fit. I am also trying something else and am one week in and that seems to be working

I would suggest that you want to drop some more weight then monitor what you eat for a week or so, after that adjust you calories down by 200 cals/day (one flat white) do that for a week and see if you loose weight if you dont drop another 200 etc etc

WA, 36 posts
12 Apr 2013 10:21AM
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I fully admit I didn't read the full article (linked below) explaining the "issues" surrounding cholesterol but I've heard many stories where eating cleaner helped people with their cholesterol and other poor health issues.

2681 posts
12 Apr 2013 1:24PM
Thumbs Up matter what "diet" I tried through the years, I lost 10 to 20 lbs immediately... I just wrote it off to water weight... after that it was slow and wobbled up and down... didn't matter what I was trying. 30 lbs was always a plateau for me. Tough to get by... easy to gain back.

With Primal, it felt different... the weight came off the right places, and it felt good. I have enjoyed a very steady pace of 2 to 3 lbs a week. Like clockwork, I drop 10 lbs a month.
I will put a condensed picture of my daily record. You will see that the weight dropped at a very steady pace... no plateaus, almost never went up.... just click, click, click the pounds melt away.

The bold red numbers indicate every 10 lb loss. Red numbers signify loss...Blue numbers represent gain. I weighed myself at the same time every morning, before breakfast.

I keep waiting for it to level off... but it shows no sign of slowing yet... that will come when I get closer to the proper weight. I imagine at 200 lbs it will get harder to lose.

Shire... I don't know my numbers... no one has ever had a problem in my family, so I never check anything. Everything I have read on the subject has indicated that ALL numbers get better, and get better fast. There is so much emphasis on the nutritional values of food, that I would expect overall health to get significantly better.

Many top level athletes are Primal... and a rather well known surfer as well:
I have heard thatKelly Slater follows a Primal lifestyle (also called Paleo)... I have found many references that confirm that claim.


Forums > Stand Up Paddle General

"How "Primal" changed my SUP life" started by supthecreek