Thanks guy's I'm looking at dropping another 5 kgs but finding it hard,still training the same 6 hours in the gym and surfing around 6 hours per week.
GrizzieNZ...Extremely funny how the "redthumbers" seem unable to reply to my quite simple query
it seemed like a rhetorical question posed to other "Breezers" about the value of this thread.
Rednumbers will say this:
Threads with little interest fade quickly after a few posts...
Threads that attract a lot of interested reply's seem to live on for a while.
On the Zone... the "Primal" thread has been going since February 2, 2011
It has informed many people... including myself, about a subject that has huge positive impact.
I had never heard of "Primal" until I saw it on the Zone... and it changed my life. I am VERY glad it stayed alive for 54,000 views.
We use the thread to talk about food, nutrition, recipes, results and good vibes about our food stoke. It is as informative now as it was in 2011. New people jump in, keep it fresh and lots of people benefit.
I said it earlier... I have had a lifetime of crappy "diets"... most of my life has been spent eating crummy food and exercising with no meaningful results. I have surfed daily for 48 years and kept getting bigger... I maxed out at 138 kg... still surfing everyday. That SUCKS.
Primal works... it is easy... it is VERY healthy...
To me, it is not a "diet"... it is simply a guideline for proper nutrition and healthy life.
my only purpose here is to pass this on to others like me...
It is impossible to overstate how important the thread on the "Zone" has been to me.
I did not suddenly find "willpower" or motivation... I simply found the the right path.
I will post a picture of me that I NEVER let anyone see... it is horrifying and does not seem possible that it is me.... but it was me at 138 kg (305 lbs) vs yesterday... true, I did not come all that way on "Primal"... but it shows you what I was up against.... and "Primal" will keep that from ever happening again. If I can pass that on to someone... I am happy for them. That is all... I get NO pleasure in posting sad pictures of myself... but I am willing to, if it helps ONE person.
I will include some some shots of me on my longboard at 138 Kg... because it shows that I was NOT just another "fat guy" bobbing in the surf... I charged every day... but it did not keep me from getting fat.... Primal did that.
I'm done explaining... please jump in with your experiences
supthecreek I'm following this thread with interest and thanks for sharing your story with use.
Surfing carrying all that excise weight must have felt crap compared to your current weight,I found just dropping 5 kgs made me feel like a spring chicken now I've dropped
13 I'm alive again.As you have said its not a diet its a lifestyle change.Great longboard photos too btw,ripping mate.A few of my friends in the longboard forum could do with reading this thread.Thanks again.
Hi Creek
I first saw this thread on the Zone and I am considering Paleo/Primal
Giving up the ciggys 4 years ago and turning 45 this year with a diet that consisted on a lot of Carbs is my biggest obstacle.
Im just starting to wrap my head around this but I feel I Should for my Wife and young kids as well as myself.
It will be tough Im sure
Creek your story is pretty inspirational Well done Mate
Cheers Mike
Thanks firstly to mac for telling me about this thread & secondly to supthecreek for initiating the topic, I'm seriously looking at initiating this into my lifestyle, biggest challenge for me is that as part of my job I spend a lot of time traveling & entertaining clients so it'll be interesting to read further into the meals & foods & try to relate that to what's commonly available in restaurants etc & what I can take with me on my travels.
Anyway a big thanks again to all the contributors & let's keep it going.
P.s. supthecreek you need to jump over into the longboarding forum, looks like you've got some talent to share.
I reckon as you age you should adopt what works for you. Be that a full Paleo lifestyle, Primal, Atkins, Vegan etc etc.
We seem too quick to judge other peoples approaches to things and not give them the room to decide how they want to live.
Just my thoughts on it. Supthecreek has found something that works for him as had Evil Scotty. Personally I just wish Evil Scotty would whack on a few KGs so I could get closer to beating him in the Time Trials.
I haven't ever thought too much about what I eat as I'm not over-weight.
The most thought I've put into food is when I look at it I think,
[i"]Well,there's a shiit I haven't had yet"[/i]
But after reading this post I have thought of modifying my diet.
As prevention is better then a cure.
Dont you worry Evil Scotty I will be 'going paleo' over winter and will come back lighter in summer to catch you on your new race board :)
This is one of the most inspirational threads ever on the Breeze. My wife and I have only recently embraced Paleo - she's in good shape anyway, i was sitting at around 89kg and reckon I should naturally be about 82 or so. The weight is falling off, and about once every day or two one of us says "I can't believe it!" regarding how good we feel or to express that we are getting off the scales happier than when we got on them. If anyone is trying something else and it ain't working and/or they are skeptical about Paleo or Primal - stop stuffing around and give it a go. It works. Yeah - all you fat-arse, excuse-makers, who are still gonna be making excuses in six months (I've been there brother!) -- I AM talking to you.
Thanks Supthecreek! Yew!!
Hi Supthecreek
Back on the 13 April I mentioned I was trying to wrap my head around switching to this style of diet.
Well in the second week of June I did and since I have lost 9 kilos from 115Kg
I dropped 3.5 kilos in the first week just by dropping bread/carbs and dairy
I have basically been doing 80/20 I still have a cappuccino with sugar every morning and as its starting to warm up a few beers(Lo carb Pure Blond which I drink anyway) on the weekends.
I have bacon and eggs every morning for breakfast, Fruit for lunch normally watermelon, mandarins and bananas and then chicken/beef/lamb for dinner with veggies as it warms up will probably have more salads
Thanks again and I will sure recommend giving this diet a go for 30 days, its not for everyone
I cook with a lot of coconut oil now and bake myself Paleo banana bread as a snack that i have every day
I have been cooking a lot of meals for my three kids just so that they enjoy the paleo type meals as well so that were not cooking two meals
Im alot more aware of what Im eating now and I reckon Ive got this beat
I have not exercised yet as I wanted to control my food intake before hand
I will be on the treadmill or Mountain biking and paddling again soon as the kids soccer is finished and Ill have more time on the weekends again
Cheers Michael