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Forums > Stand Up Paddle General

How "Primal" changed my SUP life

Created by supthecreek > 9 months ago, 9 Apr 2013
2681 posts
26 Aug 2013 12:58PM
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Glad to see this topic remains alive. The way I see it... every day it is discussed, new people will be exposed to it and primal folks can share their experience and food ideas.

Update on my experience:
I was losing weight very steadily from January through June.
Jan = 120kg
June= 92 kg

I was worried that my weight loss would leave me with unsightly excess skin. At 65... skin is less elastic and I didn't want to look that way.
So I added a lot more healthy fat and ate a bit more food. Coconut milk instead of water, more nuts and almond butter.

I have maintained between 92 and 95 kg since. I am happy with this weight, but I am ready to begin to shed some more weight soon, as I think my skin can handle more reduction.

I have never found a satisfactory lifestyle change till "Primal".... I eat lots of great food, feel fantastic and miss nothing from my pre-primal life.
I will add pictures of my typical meals if folks are interested. There is nothing "Diet" about what I eat everyday. Just yummy, satisfying food.

I hope others will share their stories and go-to foods. So many of us need inspiration to make changes that work. Some fit, healthy people may not find this useful, but I certainly did, and I want very much to "pay forward"

Picture from last week, from a 6 mile paddle I took...Primal snack at the turn around (walnuts, blueberries and natural, unsweetened cranberry juice)

VIC, 1174 posts
26 Aug 2013 11:21PM
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You're looking terrific Rick. My hip op seems to be even better than I would have ever hoped for. Definitely flat water paddling in 19 more days and 6 hours (but who's counting! ) Then depending on what the doc says small surf in 33 days. By that stage Primal should have me around 95 kg. Exactly where I want to be. It's much easier when you get family members into it. People who don't like the thread should just go to the Sexy girls one instead. You're a great source of inspiration and dietary information. I hope I can do a half of what you do in ten years time! Btw I only got through half of that omelet in one sitting it ended up being lunch as well. Keep on ripping bags man Cheers Leroy

2681 posts
27 Aug 2013 12:42AM
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Leroy... I am really glad to hear that all went well with your hip operation. I have been thinking of you, wondering how it went.
Keep us informed with your progress.

Get a camera and record the SUP action at your local... taking pictures is a great way to enjoy the stoke if you are laid up. Take pics of the local proners and share with them.... great for lineup harmony.

VIC, 1174 posts
27 Aug 2013 12:05PM
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Hey STC, I'm not allowed to drive for another three weeks and take it easy on being a passenger for at least another week. When I can drive that far (1.5 hours) I won't be taking no photos, I'll be participating. Where I generally go everyone seems to get on really well. (Ocean Grove). Mostly Geriatrics like me, or young'uns. The Hotter guys tend to go around the corner to 13th beach. Supping seems to be gaining acceptance down here , especially as an alternative on flat days.. It still is disappointing to see some SUPPERS that don't know their limitations and paddle out into the middle of crowded lineups and have either little control over their craft or conversely decide they should take every wave.. In saying that there are always short and longboarders that do the same. 'That's life, that's what people say, loved in March and hated in May'. To loosely borrow a line from the Frank Sinatra classic! Cheers Muscles!!

QLD, 3809 posts
3 Sep 2013 1:03AM
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STC, another big thank you from me, I've dropped from around 117kg to now a steady 106kg, have got a bit slack of late & it's been hard being the only family member to adopt the lifestyle though I won't give up on the others, I know they'll come around eventually. Years of brain washing & conventional wisdom is hard to break away from, so I do as much of the cooking as I can but always struggle for ideas to keep the variety up to the rest of the family. Most of the primal/paleo recipe books are written using ingredients that must be easier to source in the US so it can be a challenge sometimes here in Aus.

Any pics of food & snack ideas would be greatly appreciated as well as other people's experiences with the lifestyle & benefits gained.

Please keep up the input & down with those that want to add negatives to this fantastic topic.



VIC, 1174 posts
3 Sep 2013 6:02AM
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Keep up the great work Vanders. Primal has been great after the hip rehab with minimal exercise I went back up to 108 on Hospital food!!! Back down to 102 of rippling excess skin. At least I can see the container where the six pack used to go. I need to get out and do some paddling. I reckon by the end of this week. I'm walking without a limp, just a moderate corky feeling. There is no doubt in my mind eating Primal healthy has sped the healing process. Maybe it should be included in Hip replacement rehab?? Reducing the pain killers is terrible however. I don't have any pain except for when I try to reduce them. Most people that know me have said that they didn't realise I was on anything, but they can sure tell when i'm trying to stop. If you can possibly get away with not taking strong pain relief- Do it! As they say this part of the cure is worse than the disease!!! Up at 4.00 every morning with aches in every joint. Not very nice.

NSW, 347 posts
3 Sep 2013 8:01AM
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hang in there leroy, looking forward to surfing with you again one day. also trying hard to lose some weight.

WA, 24860 posts
3 Sep 2013 6:04AM
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I was talking to a guy at the gym last night about this lifestyle changehe was on it a year ago and it worked wonders for him,another guy joined the conversation and added yep but how was your energy level?Has anybody noticed a drop in energy,disclaimer I'm not on the this lifestyle or knocking it

VIC, 1174 posts
3 Sep 2013 11:55AM
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sharpie said..

hang in there leroy, looking forward to surfing with you again one day. also trying hard to lose some weight.

Hi Sharpie, If you didn't make surfing look so easy you'd lose more weight, (Not that you're that overweight anyway) Try keeping up with that magnificent dog of yours. Definitely coming surfing up there next year again. Great waves, friendly crew, without crowds in relatively warm water. Remember if you come down here let me know!!

QLD, 529 posts
3 Sep 2013 4:47PM
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62mac said..

I was talking to a guy at the gym last night about this lifestyle changehe was on it a year ago and it worked wonders for him,another guy joined the conversation and added yep but how was your energy level?Has anybody noticed a drop in energy,disclaimer I'm not on the this lifestyle or knocking it

After about 2 weeks on a low carb diet you will get the "carb flu" You will feel terrible, crave carbs like drug addict craves drugs and have no energy. If you can get through the other side of that stage you'll start to feel better than you ever have and the weight will start to come off.

2681 posts
4 Sep 2013 12:46AM
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Good for you Vanders I love to hear when folks see the benefits I have felt after making the change.

Leroy... go brother.... you'll be ripping in no time... Summers coming

62mac... My energy level is great. The menu is so natural for me, that I didn't notice anything but weight coming steadily off.
I'm 65, I get to the beach everyday before sunrise, surf 3 to 5 hour average session then go to work. Of course, work is mostly lazing about watching TV... I take care of a guy in the last stages of Alzhimers.... so more patience & understanding, than any real work.

I will post some pictures of the awesome food I enjoy daily.
Warning... my meals do not look like diet food.... they look more like manly, fat food

2681 posts
4 Sep 2013 1:39AM
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Requested food pictures.
I just took group photo's to conserve Loading times... Probably need a big screen to view. Let me know if you want single meal shots.

My usual day starts with a Dawn Patrol grab and go.... usually:
Blueberries, almond butter, walnuts and banana.... or similar.
The Big "Brunch" type breakfasts are for no surf days (couple of times a week)

Mostly every lunch is a LARGE wet, full fat, manly salad that includes:
Spinach, avacado, tomato, salmon, goat cheese, walnuts, red onion, blueberries, mushrooms, bacon, grated Parmesan cheese, organic mayonnaise, pepper and celery seed

Grass fed beef, organic chicken, fish, pork etc
butternut or spaghetti squash
veggie with grass fed butter

Water, almond coconut milk, cranberry juice

Absolute Vodka

I make NO claim that any of this is healthy... I eat like this and lose weight. It satisfies me and is better than what I used to eat.
I don't know my "numbers" - I haven't had a check up in 20 years.
I'm a lot thinner... and I like what I eat.
Everyone has different goals. Mine are less yogi/veggie... more comfort type food.
I could probably just disappear if I ate super primal

43 posts
4 Sep 2013 4:14AM
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The second last one is an empty plate!!!What kind of food baby will that make?

2681 posts
4 Sep 2013 4:37AM
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I frequently don't feel the need to eat dinner... my lunch salad is a lot of food...
So, I put a picture of an empty plate in my daily journal to indicate that.

43 posts
4 Sep 2013 4:49AM
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supthecreek said..

I frequently don't feel the need to eat dinner... my lunch salad is a lot of food...
So, I put a picture of an empty plate in my daily journal to indicate that.

I feel silly for asking but ,are all those pictures of food from one day.

2681 posts
4 Sep 2013 7:00AM
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Yes... that was yesterdays consumption... it was a light day.

QLD, 14 posts
4 Sep 2013 10:32AM
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Does anybody know where to get spaghetti squash in Brisbane?

QLD, 3809 posts
9 Sep 2013 7:15AM
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WinginIt said..

Does anybody know where to get spaghetti squash in Brisbane?


NSW, 347 posts
9 Sep 2013 8:20PM
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im thinking butternut pumpkin does the job. anyone else?

VIC, 1174 posts
9 Sep 2013 10:01PM
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sharpie said..

im thinking butternut pumpkin does the job. anyone else?

I think you are exactly correct, I'm pretty sure they are the same thing after talking to STC a couple of months Ago. He fries or roasts up a heap and then uses it in place of spuds. He seems to deep fry a lot of stuff as well but uses really healthy, low calorie oils (Almond oil etc.)

2681 posts
10 Sep 2013 4:17AM
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Sorry for the misunderstanding... I don't deep fry anything... just pan saute' using coconut oil instead of olive oil.
Sometimes I batter the chicken in Coconut flour, but usually just plain organic chicken sauteed in coconut oil

Here is what we yanks call Spaghetti Squash.... cook it and scrape it out... looks just like spaghetti...tastes like whatever you put on it.
Meat sauce, grated Parmesan cheese, butter from grass fed cows.

Butternut squash is the orange one at the bottom

VIC, 1174 posts
10 Sep 2013 10:12AM
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Sorry about the misrepresentation. When you said fry, you obviously meant Pan Fry ie: Saute. apparently you can't buy Spaghetti squash but you can grow it from seeds quite easily. The seeds can be bought at Bunnings apparently. so says the word. ( Google)

QLD, 14 posts
10 Sep 2013 11:47AM
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Thats the stuff, thanks STC. Thanks for the local info Leroy. Looks like I will have to do without cos I aint got no green thumb!

NSW, 347 posts
10 Sep 2013 12:15PM
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standing corrected, spagetti squash looks interesting might have to sus it out myself.

VIC, 5049 posts
17 Sep 2013 10:26AM
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Some science about how/why primal can work.


Forums > Stand Up Paddle General

"How "Primal" changed my SUP life" started by supthecreek