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Noosa Festival of Surfing

Created by kiakaha > 9 months ago, 14 Jan 2009
QLD, 798 posts
18 Mar 2009 1:39PM
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I just uploaded my first ever YouTube video. It's not much but it's something. As my 5 yr old tells me all the time..."Have a go and do your best !!".

I wanted to test out a new video camera and editing software. You certainly lose quality don't you when it goes through YouTube ?? Anyway...hope you enjoy. Don't get too excited about the size of the waves !!! Try and stay seated at all times !!

To help you identify some of the finalists...

5th Woogie Marsh (White) @ 0.40 secs, 2.05 & 3.05 mins
3rd Keahi De Aboitiz (White) @ 5.35 mins
1st Dane Wilson (Yellow) @ 6.10 & 6.55 mins
2nd Place James Watson (Red) @ 2.37 mins

And other members of Seabreeze...
Casso(Yellow) @ 1.07 & 3.50 mins
Dogman (Green) @ 3.40 mins
Luke Egan (Blue) @ 7.40 mins

QLD, 6992 posts
18 Mar 2009 2:08PM
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Well done Sue , how bad was the surf

NSW, 1016 posts
18 Mar 2009 5:38PM
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Man,I could only watch a bit of it,knowing how these guys would have been carving if it was a foot or two bigger.Good on you guys.Sad for you the you had to compete in that sh#t,

VIC, 17456 posts
18 Mar 2009 8:05PM
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Two words... 'How embarrassing'..

Jeez I feel sorry for you guys having to go out and compete (grovel) in that mush.

Also congrats to those who gave it their best in those conditions.

Thanks for the vid Sue... btw .. Any vid of that bikini girl on the beach?... .. (kidding)..

That vid reminds me of so many windsurfing comps that I've had to grovel in in the past.


402 posts
18 Mar 2009 6:51PM
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Great Gathering........pity about the surf......Hope The Malfunction has better surf........thats what everyone is there for

NSW, 2159 posts
18 Mar 2009 9:09PM
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Seriously, I cant see too many of these guys taking a week of work and family to
go up again next year!

If this was what was on hand on the last two days, fine but the charts point to a significant increase in swell for this weekend.

Can someone tell me why they would embarress the surfers and the fastest growing arm of the industry and run it in this crap?!

Seriously, the organisers have done themselves out of a significant turn out next year.


NSW, 1016 posts
18 Mar 2009 9:15PM
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Amen to that AA.I was going to do the run next year,but after seeing how you guys were treated,screw that.I'll stay here in my one SUP town and have wave after wave,

NSW, 250 posts
18 Mar 2009 9:22PM
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Mark Kelly recently joined this site so hopefully he reads everyones concerns and the main sponsor will help with the event next year but at the end of day it is run by the Noosa Longboard club and I guess it's their call.
As you can see from the pics the scenery on the beach was much more entertaining.
One good thing, another cyclone is brewing so a couple days rest before some epic swell may in the end be worthwhile.

NSW, 66 posts
18 Mar 2009 9:32PM
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According to a mate of mine staying in noosa, dogman was the standout surfer prior to the comp when the waves were bigger on the weekend.He kept raving about this dude in a red helmet who was doing unbeleivable re entries.
The final looked a shocker.

QLD, 3338 posts
18 Mar 2009 8:34PM
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dogman rips wouldn't surprise me

tha dogman
NSW, 2912 posts
18 Mar 2009 9:37PM
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its not that bad guys

sure it was crap waves

but it was great just to see all the crew out there having a shot at the title

and all getting together for a laugh and a bit of sh@t stirring

all you can do is hope that next year is 6 to 8 foot and slabbing barrels and we can put on a bit more of a show for the crowd

im still up here till monday so i hope it turns on

ive had some great sessions each night as the sun goes down and every one clears the line up at first point

a group of guys have been taking turns riding a mal with xmas lights glassed into the rails of the deck and as it surfs down the line the water 2m around the board lights up the water and reflects off the sand bottom(looks so cool)

ive caught a heap of waves and surfed just behind him laughing so much that i was nearly crying

while listening to the crew on headland and beach whistling and hooting

yo DJ

ive been riding the naish glide each night and it loves the gutless little waves

bring on some waves huey

so i can get back to eating more pies


camo hosk
VIC, 613 posts
18 Mar 2009 10:44PM
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Hey thanks for the effort with the Vid aussie,
still good to be able to sit back and see what went on up there,

VIC, 17456 posts
18 Mar 2009 11:18PM
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Good one Dogman you're a good sport.. I'm looking forward to catching up with you again at the next Mambo..

I consider the Noosa to be 'THE' main SUP surfing event down under and would compare it to Bells or even the Pipeline masters.

Would they run a final in conditions like that?... Of coarse not.. .. (IMO)..

Would I go next year if I could after seeing this... No, I don't think so..


QLD, 4177 posts
18 Mar 2009 10:19PM
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did the judges just pull the winner out of a hat , how could you possibly judge and score in those conditions.I guess though you have to make the most of the conditions you get!The guys that entered should have pulled out some paddle twirling handstands ect.

VIC, 17456 posts
18 Mar 2009 11:23PM
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teatrea said...

did the judges just pull the winner out of a hat , how could you possibly judge and score in those conditions.I guess though you have to make the most of the conditions you get!The guys that entered should have pulled out some paddle twirling handstands etc.

Yeah.. Maybe Greenroom could have won on his 11'2" doing the dead cockroach etc..


QLD, 4177 posts
18 Mar 2009 10:35PM
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Yeah Dj i reckon i would have given it a shake with my pissed sailor sup surfing style , my all over the place balancing act .

WA, 24860 posts
18 Mar 2009 9:41PM
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Apart from the lack of swell,The Noosa Festival is a fantastic event!
I agree with the poor option to run a final in ant size pipe,but no one
can predict the conditions when your planning time off work and taking
the kids out of school
I would say the oganisers will learn from this and won't make the same
mistake next year! For the good of the sport !


QLD, 613 posts
19 Mar 2009 4:55AM
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nothing to do with noosa malibu club,phil jarrett is the contest organiser this year,the mal club sold the rights last year for 3 years,phil would have been bowing to sponsor pressure and listening to alan aikten,contest head judge,i said before they would have sup as second string,but they should have postponed the final for sunday or taken it to sunshine beach where i believe it was pretty good and very contestable,just dont hang sh.t on the mal club.dogman was ripping as was kiahi but good old noosa just went flat hopefully we will get wave when the circus goes home.

Buddina SUP
QLD, 48 posts
19 Mar 2009 9:07AM
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I hope the event gets stronger with positive suppport. It would have been good to see the swell but that is uncontrolable. I agree that the Sunday Final would have been a good option for this year.
Regardless all the surfers put on a great show in the conditions that presented themselves and it was greatly enjoyed by my family and myself.

Thanks for the day guys.

NSW, 698 posts
19 Mar 2009 10:12AM
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Really good first effort Sue!
I reckon the music is the hardest part, and your selection was great. Neat last line.


QLD, 613 posts
19 Mar 2009 1:06PM
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found out today sunshine beach was totally out due to the oil spill,thanks to phil jarrett the contest went ahead in noosa as the powers to be wanted to shut everywhere on the sunny coast down,if the oil had of come in to noosa ,well that was to be all closed down so phil actually did well to hold the contest at all,maybe the sup surfers in the final didnt appeal the decision to hold the finals that day,apparently the pro surfers kicked up and got a postponement,this years sup rounds were the best surfing ive seen on a sub,the surfers all ripped in small waves and as sup surfers get more pull or hold their own events then things will improve,noosa is always fickle,if we held it last week,well thats another story,cyclone hamish turned it on.the contest is still running at first point in waist high waves

tha dogman
NSW, 2912 posts
19 Mar 2009 2:12PM
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went for a paddle on the naish glide to check out the waves this morning

out at granite the swell is head height on the sets

a bit lumpy from the wind

some great sections

the glide was so much fun as it is suprising me how good it can be surfed when you have a nice walled up wave and a bit of room to crank a big slow cut back and line up a speed run down the line

you can see the swell pushing straight past the point

ti tree was a little smaller cleaner and running all the way but crowded as

i caught one nice set out the back and nearly ran over 50 people not a good look so i got the hell outta there and paddled back to little cove and hit the spa on the roof of our unit

and eat a few brekky pies

ready to do it again


136 posts
19 Mar 2009 12:49PM
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Yikes...those waves were ugly.

However, If I ever get a chance to travel to Oz i'm going to plan it around Noosa. If it ever happens I expect to be taught how to party by professionals...

QLD, 851 posts
19 Mar 2009 8:15PM
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tha dogman said...

its not that bad guys

sure it was crap waves

but it was great just to see all the crew out there having a shot at the title

and all getting together for a laugh and a bit of sh@t stirring

all you can do is hope that next year is 6 to 8 foot and slabbing barrels and we can put on a bit more of a show for the crowd

im still up here till monday so i hope it turns on

ive had some great sessions each night as the sun goes down and every one clears the line up at first point

a group of guys have been taking turns riding a mal with xmas lights glassed into the rails of the deck and as it surfs down the line the water 2m around the board lights up the water and reflects off the sand bottom(looks so cool)

ive caught a heap of waves and surfed just behind him laughing so much that i was nearly crying

while listening to the crew on headland and beach whistling and hooting

yo DJ

ive been riding the naish glide each night and it loves the gutless little waves

bring on some waves huey

so i can get back to eating more pies


Saw him today. How funny is it.

Not a bad idea...could catch on

VIC, 17456 posts
20 Mar 2009 12:27AM
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Hey Keahi.. Congrats on your great result in the comp.. That's not bad for a young'un.. .. Hope to see ya back at the Mambo this year.


NSW, 3768 posts
20 Mar 2009 1:16PM
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Just got back from Noosa last night. I had a great time - frustrating waves for the comp but I got to meet some really nice people.

Here are a few pics from my trip...

Dogman ripping before the comp started:

Dogman cruising. If only the waves stayed this good for a few more days so we could compete in something that would impress the spectators and promote our sport:

Plenty of this type of "action" during the free surfing:

The line up before the race:

The start of the girl's race:

The start of the guy's race:

The distance between first (Travis), second (Woogie) and third (Danny), just before Travis turned the buoy:

Travis just after finishing - didn't even seem too puffed:

Woogie just after finishing:

Danny just after finishing:

Ali Cat crossing the line in first:

Aussiewahine crossing the line in second:

The aftermath of the race:

Billy about to paddle out for the final:

Woogie about to paddle out for the final:

Dane about to paddle out for the final:

Lummers about to paddle out for the final:

Keahi about to paddle out for the final:

Keahi snapping it in the final:

Lummers whacking it in the final:

Dane getting vert (well, as close to be expected in the conditions) in the final:

Noel cutting back in the final:

Billy snapping it in the final:

Woogie pushing it around in the final:

Dane - Noosa 2009 Champion:

The SUP surfing finalists minus Noel (L-R: Woogie, Billy, Dane, Keahi, Matt):

QLD, 6992 posts
20 Mar 2009 12:27PM
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Great shots Casso how good is the first one of Dogman and then the Keahi slash....

tha dogman
NSW, 2912 posts
20 Mar 2009 1:31PM
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nice photos casso

see you next time dude

its over head on the sets at ti tree and crowded


885 posts
20 Mar 2009 5:24PM
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LoL - great soundtrack Casso. What is that - The Mod Squad theme or something?

What a nightmare on the finish line! If I was going to race one of these I'd defo get the handle in the deck.

Good pics upthread as well.

NSW, 769 posts
20 Mar 2009 8:19PM
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ianr64 said...

Amen to that AA.I was going to do the run next year,but after seeing how you guys were treated,screw that.I'll stay here in my one SUP town and have wave after wave,

Come to this yrs Mambo Robbo your be well looked after



Forums > Stand Up Paddle General

"Noosa Festival of Surfing" started by kiakaha