Summers ending and I am getting my paddling ground back. My 10 k out around the islands paddle. Apparently I have to wear a lifejacket now. Probably not a bad idea. Over 300m off shore.
Lots of debris from the flooding.
Sorry for all of you in Melbourne or other places you can't get out on the water.
Sort of downwind last weekend.
Nice one riverider - looks a fun little sesh.
The new board curse struck up here today - not a wave to be had. Tides have been terrible too.
So I took the new Creek out for a stability test and general 'get to know you'-type of paddle.
At 105kgs, the 9'4 Creek is super stable for me.
It sits beautifully 'in' the water, not 'on' it - which adds that dimension of stability - definitely no corkiness at all.
The board paddles surprisingly fast with typical yaw for a performance sup.
I am absolutely hangin' out now for waves. Next weekend is looking promising. I know this thing is gunna get up and boogie.
East Point.
Today makes four in a row for this week. Tomorrow will be five :-) A bit burned out on the camera... This is from the end of September, trying to make the paddle cam work.
Yep - sweet vision Oki!
Cool clip and some tidy backhand jams off the lip man.
Diggin' that crystal clear water too...yeeaaww!
Epic little summery beachy sesh this morn, handful of crew, good shaped runners.
2 hour surf, done and dusted by 7.30, love the early sunrise!
Siiiick waves this morning - woo hoo what a Buzz!
Local beach break throwing up some late season grinders, offshore wind grooming the face and letting them hold up and when you picked the right one (a lot easier to do on a SUP) the shape was incredible.
Stroked into a nice medium size set and just sat in the pocket and soul arched ha ha didnt even want to turn, just soak in the high line
Whilst I was having a lot of fun there were a lot of people struggling on the wrong boards - classic.
Very nice swell and conditions for this time of year. Even a few fun ones up Mandurah way on Thursday.
FINALLY some nice weather to pump out a 5km time trialwithin my 25km zone!!!! Typical photo from the phone and this website.
This morning at first light and plus 7 degrees at Maasvlakte The Netherlands.
all waves were for me as the crowd surfed yesterday afternoon. No wind, light swell 8 sec and between knee and shoulderheight at peak. It was nice with my Gong Fatal 7.7 ??
How was the traffic going to Ventnor today, I opted for Pt Leo, winds were wrong and I was crap but it was good to get wet and see regional Vic again and supported local business by buying lunch.
Traffic was crap, mainly because our betters chose to leave the single lane checkpoint in place some 14 hours after they could have got off the road. 4 km traffic jam.
Trifecta yesterday
Sunrise paddle in pure glass
a little Creeking
Perfect surf
Sunny and warm, then I washed my van. Perfect
After a week of mowing, pruning, whippersnippering, weed spraying, prowling the neighbourhood stealing unattended green bins to fill, a paddle morning!.
Sit down at Ventnor.
Allowed back on the water in France. Yesterday was howling. Some nice swell left over. 1 hr with the swell. Then played in small beach breaks for another hour. It hurts!
It is a lovely day and just happy to be out on the water.