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chrispy said..Al G said..chrispy said..So sick can't wait for this...unless al mans up and says I'm not wanted

Uumm,I already told you what I told you,I really don't care what you do It's not up to me to say anyone is not wanted or wanted.Go or don't go it doesn't bother me one bit mate,Your choice.
Yeh it is al,
No one else wanted to tell me,and you did ,after what was so long and a taboo secret,you managed to find some strength of character and managed to make me cry .
I reached out to you as somebody told me you are a legend bloke (true story,not a mac story) but I understand mate

hahaha,Legend gee thanks but I think you've got the wrong bloke,I don't think I've ever done anything legendary.I'm just Mr average cruising through life

PS,If it was a Mac story I probably would believe it

and I really didn't mean to make you cry

but I thought you said it was awesome