Brissos are about to descend upon the Sunshine coast en masse. Then it will be shut down here too.
The country will be safe again.
Next is to stop the hordes from going to's full of **** from China anyway!
My daughter partner and grandson are moving back to my place. I'm in NSW and they are in VIC both locations are regional. Can we drive down there and bring a car load up.
Do do I need to get a travel permit?
Anyone got advice on this ?
Dr. Jay Bhattacharya is a professor of medicine at Stanford University. He is a research associate at the National Bureau of Economic Research and a senior fellow at both the Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research and the Stanford Freeman Spogli Institute. His March 24, 2020, article in the Wall Street Journal questions the premise that "coronavirus would kill millions without shelter-in-place orders and quarantines." In the article he suggests that "there's little evidence to confirm that premise-and projections of the death toll could plausibly be orders of magnitude too high."
A link to the source of the stats you posted?
What about what Dr Battachayra had to say on the subject since he's both a Dr and an economist?
Rioting and mayhem will ensue if draconian measures of social control are over exerted.
Most people understand their social responsibility, most reasonable people accept their part and role. Most will endure an enforced hardship for the benefit of others.
But when the cure and it's effects is worse than the disease then most of those people will begin to question it?
What has not been considered is the social and welfare impact of the mandated action.
Early studies are now showing that the longer term effects of the economic disaster of the knee jerk reaction will have a much greater effect on people's health and well being than the actual virus. In simple terms the man made disaster will cause more death and hardship due to less definitive measures than the pandemic.
At that time we will look back at stats and the choices of countries like Sweden, Holland and others, who instead of sacrificing their economies chose to turn into the storm and face the consequences.
They will emerge with their economies intact.
What will be left of ours for the people in the wake of imposed draconian controls and recinding of personal freedoms?
We are approaching a time where we honour the very people who sacrificed their lives for our freedoms by simply accepting the revoking of them.
Does that not strike anyone else as odd?
Yes the consequences of this disease are harsh. Yes it can effect more people than can be treated. Yes it can cost us our life.
But are we so selfish that we value our lives above the very freedoms that our forefathers gave theirs for?
We do need to practice social responsibility and personal accountability. But to what point? When do we say enough to the imposed loss of the freedoms that our wars won us?
Yes endure these constraints for a season. But when they now begin to project months and months in place of the weeks that they initially did to justify this course of action then questions need to be asked and answered.