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Macaha said..Hydromann said..Macaha said..
**** China and the **** they have served for years, **** China and **** lame arse LACEY.
Love ya passion old mate.
But everything happens for a reason.
One good aspect of Carina is the opening of eyes. We've been the frog in the pot for some time now.
But out dependence is strong, we can not stand on our own anymore.
We unfortunately are more dependent on them than they are on us.
Maybe time for change,as I said **** China
There a crafty lot the Chinese. We could actually learn a thing or two from them if we were not seeing red with rage.
They think much more strategically and longer term than western nations, a result of their political stability and continuity.
Not saying a totalitarian system of government is good, too much of history proves otherwise if the leaders are not benevolent.
But the long term stability and focus leaves out knee jerk ratings driven policies for dead.
They look at our politics in light of their thousands of years of governance and ours looks juvenile and self serving.
They have a plan, that's a given. And only now are we suddenly shaken into reality. A reality that many saw coming and warned of, but we let it happen anyway with our she'll be right attitudes.
Nuff said, rant over.