Forums > Surfing Longboarding


Created by Cobra > 9 months ago, 26 Mar 2020
NSW, 1301 posts
27 May 2020 3:40PM
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Im sure I read Cobras post that im a non contributing lurker and now its not there, maybe i am to some extent but thanks for the feedback

9106 posts
27 May 2020 1:41PM
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conspiracy theorist

QLD, 21884 posts
27 May 2020 3:43PM
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Cobra said..
conspiracy theorist

But Souths haven't played this week yet

9106 posts
27 May 2020 1:44PM
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Ricardo1709 said..
Im sure I read Cobras post that im a non contributing lurker and now its not there, maybe i am to some extent but thanks for the feedback

9106 posts
27 May 2020 1:46PM
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Macaha said..

Cobra said..
conspiracy theorist

But Souths haven't played this week yet


8266 posts
27 May 2020 1:46PM
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Macaha said..

MickPC said..

Cobra said..
Well we'd be all dead if the government listed to the conspiracy believers when our country & borders were open.
we are now in a happier place With things returning to normalcy with infection Rates in control.other countries are restarting with savage death tolls and a need to start up without Infection contrOl.I say it again ,,,we were lucky,,,
we got to see this play out in the northern hemisphere.
im Just glad australia And NZ didn't adopt the SWEDISH Policy of heard immunity. sadly it's had a devastating effect with 4125 Swedish lives lost , and climbing.
compaired to australias 102. Those numbers speak for themselves. some in here will shove their fingers in their ears Speak louder post another pointless Conspiracy video Of how we the Australian people have been conned, as you and I know this will never stop.
Please don't get angry and lose it Just ignore and laugh.
i am.

"We'd all be dead", settle down there tiger lol

You are right, 102 deaths

Don't forget the other stats like Total number of infections 7133
.......................................................Cases Recovered 6553, with 5 people in ICU across the country.

Hardly a we'd all be dead situation

Geez Mick you must have some fans those green thumbs come up fast Me well I've just been caught eating furniture

Yeah I noticed that with Cobra's post too, thumbs almost filled when I popped in & the post had only been up for 32 mins.

I think some people are enjoying the typical Greenroom drama its so famous for

QLD, 21884 posts
27 May 2020 3:47PM
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MickPC said..

Macaha said..

MickPC said..

Cobra said..
Well we'd be all dead if the government listed to the conspiracy believers when our country & borders were open.
we are now in a happier place With things returning to normalcy with infection Rates in control.other countries are restarting with savage death tolls and a need to start up without Infection contrOl.I say it again ,,,we were lucky,,,
we got to see this play out in the northern hemisphere.
im Just glad australia And NZ didn't adopt the SWEDISH Policy of heard immunity. sadly it's had a devastating effect with 4125 Swedish lives lost , and climbing.
compaired to australias 102. Those numbers speak for themselves. some in here will shove their fingers in their ears Speak louder post another pointless Conspiracy video Of how we the Australian people have been conned, as you and I know this will never stop.
Please don't get angry and lose it Just ignore and laugh.
i am.

"We'd all be dead", settle down there tiger lol

You are right, 102 deaths

Don't forget the other stats like Total number of infections 7133
.......................................................Cases Recovered 6553, with 5 people in ICU across the country.

Hardly a we'd all be dead situation

Geez Mick you must have some fans those green thumbs come up fast Me well I've just been caught eating furniture

Yeah I noticed that with Cobra's post too, thumbs almost filled when I popped in & the post had only been up for 32 mins.

I think some people are enjoying the typical Greenroom drama its so famous for

Look either folks have multi logins or Lacey is lurking

9106 posts
27 May 2020 1:49PM
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strange days

NSW, 1301 posts
27 May 2020 3:50PM
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Cobra said..

Ricardo1709 said..
Im sure I read Cobras post that im a non contributing lurker and now its not there, maybe i am to some extent but thanks for the feedback

That was great and I knew it was Pigmeat and not bats that started all this- The Judge

8266 posts
27 May 2020 1:50PM
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Macaha said..

MickPC said..

Macaha said..

MickPC said..

Cobra said..
Well we'd be all dead if the government listed to the conspiracy believers when our country & borders were open.
we are now in a happier place With things returning to normalcy with infection Rates in control.other countries are restarting with savage death tolls and a need to start up without Infection contrOl.I say it again ,,,we were lucky,,,
we got to see this play out in the northern hemisphere.
im Just glad australia And NZ didn't adopt the SWEDISH Policy of heard immunity. sadly it's had a devastating effect with 4125 Swedish lives lost , and climbing.
compaired to australias 102. Those numbers speak for themselves. some in here will shove their fingers in their ears Speak louder post another pointless Conspiracy video Of how we the Australian people have been conned, as you and I know this will never stop.
Please don't get angry and lose it Just ignore and laugh.
i am.

"We'd all be dead", settle down there tiger lol

You are right, 102 deaths

Don't forget the other stats like Total number of infections 7133
.......................................................Cases Recovered 6553, with 5 people in ICU across the country.

Hardly a we'd all be dead situation

Geez Mick you must have some fans those green thumbs come up fast Me well I've just been caught eating furniture

Yeah I noticed that with Cobra's post too, thumbs almost filled when I popped in & the post had only been up for 32 mins.

I think some people are enjoying the typical Greenroom drama its so famous for

Look either folks have multi logins or Lacey is lurking

Isn't it time you farkers got back to work....I'm heading off in 1/2 an hour

I think thats a big reason why a lot of you guys support the lockdown, you get to have a nice long holiday

And yes I am jealous

QLD, 21884 posts
27 May 2020 3:52PM
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MickPC said..

Macaha said..

MickPC said..

Macaha said..

MickPC said..

Cobra said..
Well we'd be all dead if the government listed to the conspiracy believers when our country & borders were open.
we are now in a happier place With things returning to normalcy with infection Rates in control.other countries are restarting with savage death tolls and a need to start up without Infection contrOl.I say it again ,,,we were lucky,,,
we got to see this play out in the northern hemisphere.
im Just glad australia And NZ didn't adopt the SWEDISH Policy of heard immunity. sadly it's had a devastating effect with 4125 Swedish lives lost , and climbing.
compaired to australias 102. Those numbers speak for themselves. some in here will shove their fingers in their ears Speak louder post another pointless Conspiracy video Of how we the Australian people have been conned, as you and I know this will never stop.
Please don't get angry and lose it Just ignore and laugh.
i am.

"We'd all be dead", settle down there tiger lol

You are right, 102 deaths

Don't forget the other stats like Total number of infections 7133
.......................................................Cases Recovered 6553, with 5 people in ICU across the country.

Hardly a we'd all be dead situation

Geez Mick you must have some fans those green thumbs come up fast Me well I've just been caught eating furniture

Yeah I noticed that with Cobra's post too, thumbs almost filled when I popped in & the post had only been up for 32 mins.

I think some people are enjoying the typical Greenroom drama its so famous for

Look either folks have multi logins or Lacey is lurking

Isn't it time you farkers got back to work....I'm heading off in 1/2 an hour

I think thats a big reason why a lot of you guys support the lockdown, you get to have a nice long holiday

And yes I am jealous

Jealous maybe Lacey is but not me,,I'm still in the corner crying.

Note I dont receive green thumbs because I don't run multi user names,I mean my content is worthy of greens

9106 posts
27 May 2020 1:54PM
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9106 posts
27 May 2020 1:55PM
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8266 posts
27 May 2020 1:55PM
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Macaha said..

MickPC said..

Macaha said..

MickPC said..

Macaha said..

MickPC said..

Cobra said..
Well we'd be all dead if the government listed to the conspiracy believers when our country & borders were open.
we are now in a happier place With things returning to normalcy with infection Rates in control.other countries are restarting with savage death tolls and a need to start up without Infection contrOl.I say it again ,,,we were lucky,,,
we got to see this play out in the northern hemisphere.
im Just glad australia And NZ didn't adopt the SWEDISH Policy of heard immunity. sadly it's had a devastating effect with 4125 Swedish lives lost , and climbing.
compaired to australias 102. Those numbers speak for themselves. some in here will shove their fingers in their ears Speak louder post another pointless Conspiracy video Of how we the Australian people have been conned, as you and I know this will never stop.
Please don't get angry and lose it Just ignore and laugh.
i am.

"We'd all be dead", settle down there tiger lol

You are right, 102 deaths

Don't forget the other stats like Total number of infections 7133
.......................................................Cases Recovered 6553, with 5 people in ICU across the country.

Hardly a we'd all be dead situation

Geez Mick you must have some fans those green thumbs come up fast Me well I've just been caught eating furniture

Yeah I noticed that with Cobra's post too, thumbs almost filled when I popped in & the post had only been up for 32 mins.

I think some people are enjoying the typical Greenroom drama its so famous for

Look either folks have multi logins or Lacey is lurking

Isn't it time you farkers got back to work....I'm heading off in 1/2 an hour

I think thats a big reason why a lot of you guys support the lockdown, you get to have a nice long holiday

And yes I am jealous

Jealous maybe Lacey is but not me,,I'm still in the corner crying.

Geez m8, get back in the water. Go for a surf, itll do you good.

QLD, 21884 posts
27 May 2020 3:57PM
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I'm scare incase Lacey is out there.

9106 posts
27 May 2020 2:02PM
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Well recardo you now have explained. That makes it clearer, thanks for your input.

9106 posts
27 May 2020 2:08PM
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This morn I was social distancing On our local beaches.

QLD, 21884 posts
27 May 2020 4:15PM
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Cobra said..

Macaha said..

Cobra said..
conspiracy theorist

But Souths haven't played this week yet


Select to expand quote
Cobra said..
This morn I was social distancing On our local beaches.

Saw a couple of e bike versions of the fat bike yesterday

9106 posts
27 May 2020 2:45PM
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Macaha said..

Cobra said..

Macaha said..

Cobra said..
conspiracy theorist

But Souths haven't played this week yet


Cobra said..
This morn I was social distancing On our local beaches.

Saw a couple of e bike versions of the fat bike yesterday

E-bikes are tempting. that trek rail 9.. now that is nice. i find hills a challenge and something to beat but they are bat**** boring.
fun part is going down with bumpy parts and a e-bike lets you do that ALOT.
its the 9k thing that makes me say no, especially when technology changes and a better battery or motor is just around the corner.
and that 9K bike is now worth 3K

9106 posts
27 May 2020 3:13PM
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QLD, 21884 posts
27 May 2020 6:16PM
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13831 posts
27 May 2020 5:11PM
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Macaha said..

MickPC said..

Macaha said..

MickPC said..

Cobra said..
Well we'd be all dead if the government listed to the conspiracy believers when our country & borders were open.
we are now in a happier place With things returning to normalcy with infection Rates in control.other countries are restarting with savage death tolls and a need to start up without Infection contrOl.I say it again ,,,we were lucky,,,
we got to see this play out in the northern hemisphere.
im Just glad australia And NZ didn't adopt the SWEDISH Policy of heard immunity. sadly it's had a devastating effect with 4125 Swedish lives lost , and climbing.
compaired to australias 102. Those numbers speak for themselves. some in here will shove their fingers in their ears Speak louder post another pointless Conspiracy video Of how we the Australian people have been conned, as you and I know this will never stop.
Please don't get angry and lose it Just ignore and laugh.
i am.

"We'd all be dead", settle down there tiger lol

You are right, 102 deaths

Don't forget the other stats like Total number of infections 7133
.......................................................Cases Recovered 6553, with 5 people in ICU across the country.

Hardly a we'd all be dead situation

Geez Mick you must have some fans those green thumbs come up fast Me well I've just been caught eating furniture

Yeah I noticed that with Cobra's post too, thumbs almost filled when I popped in & the post had only been up for 32 mins.

I think some people are enjoying the typical Greenroom drama its so famous for

Look either folks have multi logins or Lacey is lurking

mmmmmm funny that mate - I remember this farken thing saying to a few of us he had 6 of them
now what were you saying about fast thumbs ????
Farken sick piece of retarded hypocrisy accusing Cobra of multiple logins

9106 posts
27 May 2020 6:47PM
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thePup said..

Macaha said..

MickPC said..

Macaha said..

MickPC said..

Cobra said..
Well we'd be all dead if the government listed to the conspiracy believers when our country & borders were open.
we are now in a happier place With things returning to normalcy with infection Rates in control.other countries are restarting with savage death tolls and a need to start up without Infection contrOl.I say it again ,,,we were lucky,,,
we got to see this play out in the northern hemisphere.
im Just glad australia And NZ didn't adopt the SWEDISH Policy of heard immunity. sadly it's had a devastating effect with 4125 Swedish lives lost , and climbing.
compaired to australias 102. Those numbers speak for themselves. some in here will shove their fingers in their ears Speak louder post another pointless Conspiracy video Of how we the Australian people have been conned, as you and I know this will never stop.
Please don't get angry and lose it Just ignore and laugh.
i am.

"We'd all be dead", settle down there tiger lol

You are right, 102 deaths

Don't forget the other stats like Total number of infections 7133
.......................................................Cases Recovered 6553, with 5 people in ICU across the country.

Hardly a we'd all be dead situation

Geez Mick you must have some fans those green thumbs come up fast Me well I've just been caught eating furniture

Yeah I noticed that with Cobra's post too, thumbs almost filled when I popped in & the post had only been up for 32 mins.

I think some people are enjoying the typical Greenroom drama its so famous for

Look either folks have multi logins or Lacey is lurking

mmmmmm funny that mate - I remember this farken thing saying to a few of us he had 6 of them
now what were you saying about fast thumbs ????
Farken sick piece of retarded hypocrisy accusing Cobra of multiple logins

Pup that's what happens to people that have lost it, conspiracy fills their heads.LOL

apparently for some strange reason i would have multi log names just so i can green thumb myself Bhahahaha.

i better give myself a green for this amazing post and for every post i make from now on

VIC, 2840 posts
27 May 2020 8:52PM
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It's just me lurking.......

9106 posts
27 May 2020 6:58PM
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Nozza said..
It's just me lurking.......

good now don't judge
and we already have moderators

Edit: sorry i fogot

8266 posts
27 May 2020 8:23PM
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thePup said..

Macaha said..

MickPC said..

Macaha said..

MickPC said..

Cobra said..
Well we'd be all dead if the government listed to the conspiracy believers when our country & borders were open.
we are now in a happier place With things returning to normalcy with infection Rates in control.other countries are restarting with savage death tolls and a need to start up without Infection contrOl.I say it again ,,,we were lucky,,,
we got to see this play out in the northern hemisphere.
im Just glad australia And NZ didn't adopt the SWEDISH Policy of heard immunity. sadly it's had a devastating effect with 4125 Swedish lives lost , and climbing.
compaired to australias 102. Those numbers speak for themselves. some in here will shove their fingers in their ears Speak louder post another pointless Conspiracy video Of how we the Australian people have been conned, as you and I know this will never stop.
Please don't get angry and lose it Just ignore and laugh.
i am.

"We'd all be dead", settle down there tiger lol

You are right, 102 deaths

Don't forget the other stats like Total number of infections 7133
.......................................................Cases Recovered 6553, with 5 people in ICU across the country.

Hardly a we'd all be dead situation

Geez Mick you must have some fans those green thumbs come up fast Me well I've just been caught eating furniture

Yeah I noticed that with Cobra's post too, thumbs almost filled when I popped in & the post had only been up for 32 mins.

I think some people are enjoying the typical Greenroom drama its so famous for

Look either folks have multi logins or Lacey is lurking

mmmmmm funny that mate - I remember this farken thing saying to a few of us he had 6 of them
now what were you saying about fast thumbs ????
Farken sick piece of retarded hypocrisy accusing Cobra of multiple logins

Your an idiot with a farked memory if you honestly believe that conversation took place with me. And I did not accuse Cobra of multiple logins today, I said I think there are a few people in the background getting off on the greenroom drama. Comprendo fakekarnt Geez you'd think it's rocket science or something

QLD, 21884 posts
28 May 2020 6:49AM
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9106 posts
28 May 2020 5:12AM
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**** covid ,There should be a Border closure everyday
did anyone see that American cop killing that fella, WTF

QLD, 21884 posts
28 May 2020 7:27AM
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9106 posts
28 May 2020 6:08AM
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Forums > Surfing Longboarding

"Lockdown" started by Cobra