Forums > Surfing Longboarding


Created by Cobra > 9 months ago, 26 Mar 2020
8266 posts
28 Jul 2020 12:10PM
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WA, 9675 posts
28 Jul 2020 1:05PM
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MickPC said..

What a load of sh1t

Rednecks stormed council buildings with machine guns ..****ers riding the streets with guns etc etc et****encetera

Stop being a fake ****wit mick

8266 posts
28 Jul 2020 1:32PM
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chrispy said..

MickPC said..

What a load of sh1t

Rednecks stormed council buildings with machine guns ..****ers riding the streets with guns etc etc et****encetera

Stop being a fake ****wit mick

Jeez I thought it was funny, wasn't meant to upset anyone...deleted

WA, 9675 posts
28 Jul 2020 2:09PM
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MickPC said..

chrispy said..

MickPC said..

What a load of sh1t

Rednecks stormed council buildings with machine guns ..****ers riding the streets with guns etc etc et****encetera

Stop being a fake ****wit mick

Jeez I thought it was funny, wasn't meant to upset anyone...deleted

How is it funny ?

Take your angry little emoji and stick it up your arse,you know the place,where all the fake crap you think and blurt out lives and breeds

8266 posts
28 Jul 2020 2:19PM
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chrispy said..

MickPC said..

chrispy said..

MickPC said..

What a load of sh1t

Rednecks stormed council buildings with machine guns ..****ers riding the streets with guns etc etc et****encetera

Stop being a fake ****wit mick

Jeez I thought it was funny, wasn't meant to upset anyone...deleted

How is it funny ?

Take your angry little emoji and stick it up your arse,you know the place,where all the fake crap you think and blurt out lives and breeds

The risk factors for working at Walmart etc etc stuff other than the BLM stuff basically. If you can look past that its funny imo... had no idea anyone here would take it that way & I didn't take much notice of that small portion of the I said, wasn't meant to upset anyone!

I just read through it once quickly & found the risk factor allocations amusing. I didn't focus on whats upset you, but I can see now how it might if viewed that way.

Oh & the emoji is a sad face emoji, not an angry one.....I posted to make people lol nothing else...

WA, 9675 posts
28 Jul 2020 3:35PM
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MickPC said..

chrispy said..

MickPC said..

chrispy said..

MickPC said..

What a load of sh1t

Rednecks stormed council buildings with machine guns ..****ers riding the streets with guns etc etc et****encetera

Stop being a fake ****wit mick

Jeez I thought it was funny, wasn't meant to upset anyone...deleted

How is it funny ?

Take your angry little emoji and stick it up your arse,you know the place,where all the fake crap you think and blurt out lives and breeds

The risk factors for working at Walmart etc etc stuff other than the BLM stuff basically. If you can look past that its funny imo... had no idea anyone here would take it that way & I didn't take much notice of that small portion of the I said, wasn't meant to upset anyone!

I just read through it once quickly & found the risk factor allocations amusing. I didn't focus on whats upset you, but I can see now how it might if viewed that way.

Oh & the emoji is a sad face emoji, not an angry one.....I posted to make people lol nothing else...

The whole lot was bs mick

Trump holds rallies,and again more bs .... etc etc etc

It is all bull**** and divisive just like you are being.

So you find lies ,being deceptive and dividing funny...good bloke you are

8266 posts
28 Jul 2020 3:56PM
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Yes it is all BS m8, couldn't agree with you more....I 100% agree with your last statemeant, except 2/3's of the last line.

Totally agree its all BS...Totally agree its all divisive...interested in hearing your opinion on why there is so much divisive media Curious to see if its all that different to mine, doubt it.

This is not the first time I've looked at things from a diff POV from people & I'm sure its not the last. But it certainly does not make me a race baiting/hating far right xenophobic.

Sometimes when times are tough we look for something that brightens our day. That was the frame of mind I was in when I was looking at some memes n stuff.

You looked upon the same picture differently. I tried to explain how I saw it & empathised with your POV, respected it & deleted my post due to seeing things from your POV.

I'm not perfect, but I do think I'm a good bloke.

10979 posts
29 Jul 2020 6:58AM
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9106 posts
29 Jul 2020 9:44AM
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Ask Jacinta Price what she thinks about BLM rallies. Actually ask her anything, without doubt the greatest indigenous woman dream is For this woman to be our next PM.

8266 posts
29 Jul 2020 12:07PM
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Cobra said..
Ask Jacinta Price what she thinks about BLM rallies. Actually ask her anything, without doubt the greatest indigenous woman dream is For this woman to be our next PM.

+1 awesome woman, straight talker, honest & bravely speaks out about how indigenous affairs would be better handled.

WA, 1403 posts
29 Jul 2020 5:18PM
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I'm not sure who I dislike more, Clive Palmer or the PM Scomo. Actually let's throw in Christian idiot Porter as well.

Al G
NSW, 7652 posts
29 Jul 2020 7:32PM
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9106 posts
29 Jul 2020 8:02PM
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MickPC said..

chrispy said..

MickPC said..

What a load of sh1t

Rednecks stormed council buildings with machine guns ..****ers riding the streets with guns etc etc et****encetera

Stop being a fake ****wit mick

Jeez I thought it was funny, wasn't meant to upset anyone...deleted

QLD, 21887 posts
30 Jul 2020 9:12AM
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VIC, 2848 posts
30 Jul 2020 9:49AM
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9106 posts
30 Jul 2020 12:28PM
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All I can say is thanks to the conspiracy theorist for their prolonged attempts to make the blind see. Because of them we now have gullible individuals running around communities spreading COVID-19 because they have freedoms and it won't kill them or stop them from working.
From the bottom of my heart Congratulations and thank you For exposing these imbeciles and making it easier For us to identifying them.
well it wouldn't be that hard to identify these pair Of bogan injected ****heads.

8266 posts
30 Jul 2020 4:28PM
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Cobra said..
All I can say is thanks to the conspiracy theorist for their prolonged attempts to make the blind see. Because of them we now have gullible individuals running around communities spreading COVID-19 because they have freedoms and it won't kill them or stop them from working.
From the bottom of my heart Congratulations and thank you For exposing these imbeciles and making it easier For us to identifying them.
well it wouldn't be that hard to identify these pair Of bogan injected ****heads.

Full article here;

I wouldn't say it has anything to do with conspiracy m8, although the latest narrative being pushed by the media is for peer public shaming so I can understand your reasoning. I'd say its just a bunch of young people looking for a good time...remember being young & not giving a fark, feeling indestructable with no concern for your own mortality...I do, vaguely lol although the memories are fading I must admit.

But the media are always banging on about something, the narrative they were pushing a few weeks ago was the Black Lives Matter protests. We hardly heard about the mexican beer virus for a while. The Victorian BLM march was even approved by state authorities, covid 19 seemingly forgotten. The media has way too much clout in peoples behaviour these days. "Conspiracy theorists" ie anyone who thinks outside the narrative being pushed by the main stream media get very little airtime, if any & always portrayed as "conspiracy theorists".

It is what the picture I deleted was about which can still be seen above Chrispy's differing take on it. I saw it as how the media portrayed certain events in relation to Covid 19.

But anyway these girls were having a party, not visiting their grandma..."outrage over illegal party" just think for a second from a young persons perspective & how long this sh1t has been going on & where is it to end. All looks to be the "second wave" coming as the media prophesized from the very beginning. And then what, third, fourth, fifth waves locking everyone up. Neverending yoyo on authoritative restrictive practices for something which poses a very low fatality rate, a fatality rate very similar to the seasonal flu that effects the same demographic & immunity deficiencies as always. The only difference being the branding & constant media reporting propping it up to be bigger than it is with an obvious effort to artificially inflate the statistics.

Its ridiculous...OK think about it this many people in the past have you known with a cold or flu, now think about how many people you know with a serious reaction to Covid 19 & compare...

QLD, 3570 posts
30 Jul 2020 6:55PM
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mate of mines daughter mid 20s got covid in England , no symptoms just loss of smell and taste , 5 months later still no taste ... !
maybe Dutton could throw them in detention and deport them , the Logan twosome .

VIC, 2848 posts
30 Jul 2020 6:58PM
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What's doing me in down here is people who are refusing to take it seriously.
Our first stage of lockdown 2 was largely ignored until masks became compulsory, which makes it all a bit more confronting.
But Brighton Mums out for a walk still know the rules don't apply to them.
I don't care if I catch it, I think I am unlikely to - I never get a cold and I never catch the flu.
But both my wife and I have fathers who are 90 years old. Both are fighting fit, but get flu vaccines each year, and the cold isn't going to kill them.
Covid 19 would appear to be a death sentance to either of them, and they are not otherwise likely to die in the next few years.
They would both like to go on living.
If it inconvieniences people like me to keep vulnerable older people alive, I am all for it, much as I hate the restrictions, the masks, the constant reporting, the media bull****, and the antics of "attention seekers wanting to be important on Facebook

Worst thing is I have a new board sitting in Sydney I can't get unless me and my mate both drive to the Murray, and he puts it in his side and gives it a good push...

9106 posts
30 Jul 2020 5:33PM
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MickPC said..

Cobra said..
All I can say is thanks to the conspiracy theorist for their prolonged attempts to make the blind see. Because of them we now have gullible individuals running around communities spreading COVID-19 because they have freedoms and it won't kill them or stop them from working.
From the bottom of my heart Congratulations and thank you For exposing these imbeciles and making it easier For us to identifying them.
well it wouldn't be that hard to identify these pair Of bogan injected ****heads.

Full article here;

I wouldn't say it has anything to do with conspiracy m8, although the latest narrative being pushed by the media is for peer public shaming so I can understand your reasoning. I'd say its just a bunch of young people looking for a good time...remember being young & not giving a fark, feeling indestructable with no concern for your own mortality...I do, vaguely lol although the memories are fading I must admit.

But the media are always banging on about something, the narrative they were pushing a few weeks ago was the Black Lives Matter protests. We hardly heard about the mexican beer virus for a while. The Victorian BLM march was even approved by state authorities, covid 19 seemingly forgotten. The media has way too much clout in peoples behaviour these days. "Conspiracy theorists" ie anyone who thinks outside the narrative being pushed by the main stream media get very little airtime, if any & always portrayed as "conspiracy theorists".

It is what the picture I deleted was about which can still be seen above Chrispy's differing take on it. I saw it as how the media portrayed certain events in relation to Covid 19.

But anyway these girls were having a party, not visiting their grandma..."outrage over illegal party" just think for a second from a young persons perspective & how long this sh1t has been going on & where is it to end. All looks to be the "second wave" coming as the media prophesized from the very beginning. And then what, third, fourth, fifth waves locking everyone up. Neverending yoyo on authoritative restrictive practices for something which poses a very low fatality rate, a fatality rate very similar to the seasonal flu that effects the same demographic & immunity deficiencies as always. The only difference being the branding & constant media reporting propping it up to be bigger than it is with an obvious effort to artificially inflate the statistics.

Its ridiculous...OK think about it this many people in the past have you known with a cold or flu, now think about how many people you know with a serious reaction to Covid 19 & compare...

ill just reply on a couple of points in your post.

its not about a party LOL, its about being in quarantine and spreading a pandemic virus FMD,,,do you know the story you're commenting on.

And NO its not about young people living life... i lived life to the max and put my life on the line many times without jeopardising
others and always showed respect towards my peers and authorities.
the fact that i worked with young footballers in schools and and one point with a NRL club i know about boundary's being pushed by young adolescences.
i also know how they are influenced by others and what they hear. especially fuelling a young mind with crap that puts them in danger of being fined or arrested publicly shamed and even the cause of some poor older family members death is nothing everyone should dismiss as ...thats life.
our duty as adults is try to lead by example and show the path.
this gets me to the fine line in this case, as these bogans are called teenagers BUT theses morons are adults that work at schools
can vote make decisions on our country and also go to jail.

also its not just young people ...there is a local surgeon up here that just got fined for lying on a declaration that he hadn't been to a hot zone in VIC. imagine that **** in a theatre ,because only healthy people get operated on..... FMD.

So mick STOP for 1 min and think about the crap you are peddling ,, its a GLOBAL pandemic that also halts work, freedoms, and sometimes even cost somebody their life.

9106 posts
30 Jul 2020 5:37PM
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from your article

One of the women has co-operated with detectives and public health officials,
while the other is refusing to speak to authorities.
Only one case of COVID-19, a 22-year-old sister of one of the women, has so far been linked to the quarantine breach.

8266 posts
30 Jul 2020 5:48PM
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Nozza said..
What's doing me in down here is people, maybe people like MIckPC, who are refusing to take it seriously.
Our first stage of lockdown 2 was largely ignored until masks became compulsory, which makes it all a bit more confronting.
But Brighton Mums out for a walk still know the rules don't apply to them.
I don't care if I catch it, I think I am unlikely to - I never get a cold and I never catch the flu.
But both my wife and I have fathers who are 90 years old. Both are fighting fit, but get flu vaccines each year, and the cold isn't going to kill them.
Covid 19 would appear to be a death sentance to either of them, and they are not otherwise likely to die in the next few years.
They would both like to go on living.
If it inconvieniences people like me to keep vulnerable older people alive, I am all for it, much as I hate the restrictions, the masks, the constant reporting, the media bull****, and the antics of "attention seekers wanting to be important on Facebook

Worst thing is I have a new board sitting in Sydney I can't get unless me and my mate both drive to the Murray, and he puts it in his side and gives it a good push...

Sorry to hear that Nozza, but if it makes you feel better feel free to lay h8 on me...although please understand that I do consider the situation seriously & also have loved ones susceptible. My mum has a respiratory issue, emphysema & my step dad who I also care about greatly has had bypass surgery. Both elderly, both at risk. Both taking all the necessary precautions. Both keen for the cruise ships to get started again.

Funny enough mum started her nursing training at Brighton hospital when she was 16 yo in 1966 & I was born there in 1972.

Yes we need to protect those at risk. I guess I have a little less to worry about since my mum has a couple of decades nursing experience more than me, but I also check she is not too complacent. We do need to protect those that are at risk of this virus, I have always said that.


WA, 9675 posts
30 Jul 2020 5:51PM
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MickPC said..

Cobra said..
All I can say is thanks to the conspiracy theorist for their prolonged attempts to make the blind see. Because of them we now have gullible individuals running around communities spreading COVID-19 because they have freedoms and it won't kill them or stop them from working.
From the bottom of my heart Congratulations and thank you For exposing these imbeciles and making it easier For us to identifying them.
well it wouldn't be that hard to identify these pair Of bogan injected ****heads.

Full article here;

I wouldn't say it has anything to do with conspiracy m8, although the latest narrative being pushed by the media is for peer public shaming so I can understand your reasoning. I'd say its just a bunch of young people looking for a good time...remember being young & not giving a fark, feeling indestructable with no concern for your own mortality...I do, vaguely lol although the memories are fading I must admit.

But the media are always banging on about something, the narrative they were pushing a few weeks ago was the Black Lives Matter protests. We hardly heard about the mexican beer virus for a while. The Victorian BLM march was even approved by state authorities, covid 19 seemingly forgotten. The media has way too much clout in peoples behaviour these days. "Conspiracy theorists" ie anyone who thinks outside the narrative being pushed by the main stream media get very little airtime, if any & always portrayed as "conspiracy theorists".

It is what the picture I deleted was about which can still be seen above Chrispy's differing take on it. I saw it as how the media portrayed certain events in relation to Covid 19.

But anyway these girls were having a party, not visiting their grandma..."outrage over illegal party" just think for a second from a young persons perspective & how long this sh1t has been going on & where is it to end. All looks to be the "second wave" coming as the media prophesized from the very beginning. And then what, third, fourth, fifth waves locking everyone up. Neverending yoyo on authoritative restrictive practices for something which poses a very low fatality rate, a fatality rate very similar to the seasonal flu that effects the same demographic & immunity deficiencies as always. The only difference being the branding & constant media reporting propping it up to be bigger than it is with an obvious effort to artificially inflate the statistics.

Its ridiculous...OK think about it this many people in the past have you known with a cold or flu, now think about how many people you know with a serious reaction to Covid 19 & compare...

More bs mick for your fake narratives

The girls went to Melbourne for a high end theiving spree,then partied with their mates

Then this is where they systematically and cunningly gave a massive **** you to everyone. They flew to sydney ,then they did not leave the airport. They then bought a ticket to qld with fake declaration papers. Get to brisbane and lie about not being in Melbourne and say look my ticket is from Sydney....all the details they then gave where gets worse mick,but you don't give a ****.

Just like your dodgy post you deleted and again changed your narrative on again on how you view it

You are not woke,and to call yourself a critical thinker shows how arrogant and biased with your one sided views you have become ....people like you are the problem, not the crusaders you think you are who will stop the lizard people...ffs all you post is fake ,debunked and divisive clips,links or thoughts

Yeh good bloke you are

VIC, 2848 posts
30 Jul 2020 7:54PM
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MickPC said..

Nozza said..
What's doing me in down here is people, maybe people like MIckPC, who are refusing to take it seriously.
Our first stage of lockdown 2 was largely ignored until masks became compulsory, which makes it all a bit more confronting.
But Brighton Mums out for a walk still know the rules don't apply to them.
I don't care if I catch it, I think I am unlikely to - I never get a cold and I never catch the flu.
But both my wife and I have fathers who are 90 years old. Both are fighting fit, but get flu vaccines each year, and the cold isn't going to kill them.
Covid 19 would appear to be a death sentance to either of them, and they are not otherwise likely to die in the next few years.
They would both like to go on living.
If it inconvieniences people like me to keep vulnerable older people alive, I am all for it, much as I hate the restrictions, the masks, the constant reporting, the media bull****, and the antics of "attention seekers wanting to be important on Facebook

Worst thing is I have a new board sitting in Sydney I can't get unless me and my mate both drive to the Murray, and he puts it in his side and gives it a good push...

Sorry to hear that Nozza, but if it makes you feel better feel free to lay h8 on me...although please understand that I do consider the situation seriously & also have loved ones susceptible. My mum has a respiratory issue, emphysema & my step dad who I also care about greatly has had bypass surgery. Both elderly, both at risk. Both taking all the necessary precautions. Both keen for the cruise ships to get started again.

Funny enough mum started her nursing training at Brighton hospital when she was 16 yo in 1966 & I was born there in 1972.

Yes we need to protect those at risk. I guess I have a little less to worry about since my mum has a couple of decades nursing experience more than me, but I also check she is not too complacent. We do need to protect those that are at risk of this virus, I have always said that.


You caught me with my edit, and I apologise for the original version of the post, which I subsequently thought better of, hence deleting the particular reference to you.
But I stand by my criticism of Brighton Mums...

Peace to you too!

8266 posts
30 Jul 2020 6:16PM
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Nozza said..

MickPC said..

Nozza said..
What's doing me in down here is people, maybe people like MIckPC, who are refusing to take it seriously.
Our first stage of lockdown 2 was largely ignored until masks became compulsory, which makes it all a bit more confronting.
But Brighton Mums out for a walk still know the rules don't apply to them.
I don't care if I catch it, I think I am unlikely to - I never get a cold and I never catch the flu.
But both my wife and I have fathers who are 90 years old. Both are fighting fit, but get flu vaccines each year, and the cold isn't going to kill them.
Covid 19 would appear to be a death sentance to either of them, and they are not otherwise likely to die in the next few years.
They would both like to go on living.
If it inconvieniences people like me to keep vulnerable older people alive, I am all for it, much as I hate the restrictions, the masks, the constant reporting, the media bull****, and the antics of "attention seekers wanting to be important on Facebook

Worst thing is I have a new board sitting in Sydney I can't get unless me and my mate both drive to the Murray, and he puts it in his side and gives it a good push...

Sorry to hear that Nozza, but if it makes you feel better feel free to lay h8 on me...although please understand that I do consider the situation seriously & also have loved ones susceptible. My mum has a respiratory issue, emphysema & my step dad who I also care about greatly has had bypass surgery. Both elderly, both at risk. Both taking all the necessary precautions. Both keen for the cruise ships to get started again.

Funny enough mum started her nursing training at Brighton hospital when she was 16 yo in 1966 & I was born there in 1972.

Yes we need to protect those at risk. I guess I have a little less to worry about since my mum has a couple of decades nursing experience more than me, but I also check she is not too complacent. We do need to protect those that are at risk of this virus, I have always said that.


You caught me with my edit, and I apologise for the original version of the post, which I subsequently thought better of, hence deleting the particular refernece to you.
But I stand by my criticism of Brighton Mums...

Peace to you too!

Cheers m8...I can guess the "Brighton mums" are the ones they're trying to reverse tag "Karen's" the end of the day you can only push people so far before you get some push back. Can certainly understand Vic Peeps struggiling with all that is going on.

Really appreciate the level headed response Nozza...thankyou!

8266 posts
30 Jul 2020 6:20PM
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Cobra said..

MickPC said..

Cobra said..
All I can say is thanks to the conspiracy theorist for their prolonged attempts to make the blind see. Because of them we now have gullible individuals running around communities spreading COVID-19 because they have freedoms and it won't kill them or stop them from working.
From the bottom of my heart Congratulations and thank you For exposing these imbeciles and making it easier For us to identifying them.
well it wouldn't be that hard to identify these pair Of bogan injected ****heads.

Full article here;

I wouldn't say it has anything to do with conspiracy m8, although the latest narrative being pushed by the media is for peer public shaming so I can understand your reasoning. I'd say its just a bunch of young people looking for a good time...remember being young & not giving a fark, feeling indestructable with no concern for your own mortality...I do, vaguely lol although the memories are fading I must admit.

But the media are always banging on about something, the narrative they were pushing a few weeks ago was the Black Lives Matter protests. We hardly heard about the mexican beer virus for a while. The Victorian BLM march was even approved by state authorities, covid 19 seemingly forgotten. The media has way too much clout in peoples behaviour these days. "Conspiracy theorists" ie anyone who thinks outside the narrative being pushed by the main stream media get very little airtime, if any & always portrayed as "conspiracy theorists".

It is what the picture I deleted was about which can still be seen above Chrispy's differing take on it. I saw it as how the media portrayed certain events in relation to Covid 19.

But anyway these girls were having a party, not visiting their grandma..."outrage over illegal party" just think for a second from a young persons perspective & how long this sh1t has been going on & where is it to end. All looks to be the "second wave" coming as the media prophesized from the very beginning. And then what, third, fourth, fifth waves locking everyone up. Neverending yoyo on authoritative restrictive practices for something which poses a very low fatality rate, a fatality rate very similar to the seasonal flu that effects the same demographic & immunity deficiencies as always. The only difference being the branding & constant media reporting propping it up to be bigger than it is with an obvious effort to artificially inflate the statistics.

Its ridiculous...OK think about it this many people in the past have you known with a cold or flu, now think about how many people you know with a serious reaction to Covid 19 & compare...

ill just reply on a couple of points in your post.

its not about a party LOL, its about being in quarantine and spreading a pandemic virus FMD,,,do you know the story you're commenting on.

And NO its not about young people living life... i lived life to the max and put my life on the line many times without jeopardising
others and always showed respect towards my peers and authorities.
the fact that i worked with young footballers in schools and and one point with a NRL club i know about boundary's being pushed by young adolescences.
i also know how they are influenced by others and what they hear. especially fuelling a young mind with crap that puts them in danger of being fined or arrested publicly shamed and even the cause of some poor older family members death is nothing everyone should dismiss as ...thats life.
our duty as adults is try to lead by example and show the path.
this gets me to the fine line in this case, as these bogans are called teenagers BUT theses morons are adults that work at schools
can vote make decisions on our country and also go to jail.

also its not just young people ...there is a local surgeon up here that just got fined for lying on a declaration that he hadn't been to a hot zone in VIC. imagine that **** in a theatre ,because only healthy people get operated on..... FMD.

So mick STOP for 1 min and think about the crap you are peddling ,, its a GLOBAL pandemic that also halts work, freedoms, and sometimes even cost somebody their life.

I know that & you know that. You were there, they are here...

8266 posts
30 Jul 2020 6:49PM
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chrispy said..

MickPC said..

Cobra said..
All I can say is thanks to the conspiracy theorist for their prolonged attempts to make the blind see. Because of them we now have gullible individuals running around communities spreading COVID-19 because they have freedoms and it won't kill them or stop them from working.
From the bottom of my heart Congratulations and thank you For exposing these imbeciles and making it easier For us to identifying them.
well it wouldn't be that hard to identify these pair Of bogan injected ****heads.

Full article here;

I wouldn't say it has anything to do with conspiracy m8, although the latest narrative being pushed by the media is for peer public shaming so I can understand your reasoning. I'd say its just a bunch of young people looking for a good time...remember being young & not giving a fark, feeling indestructable with no concern for your own mortality...I do, vaguely lol although the memories are fading I must admit.

But the media are always banging on about something, the narrative they were pushing a few weeks ago was the Black Lives Matter protests. We hardly heard about the mexican beer virus for a while. The Victorian BLM march was even approved by state authorities, covid 19 seemingly forgotten. The media has way too much clout in peoples behaviour these days. "Conspiracy theorists" ie anyone who thinks outside the narrative being pushed by the main stream media get very little airtime, if any & always portrayed as "conspiracy theorists".

It is what the picture I deleted was about which can still be seen above Chrispy's differing take on it. I saw it as how the media portrayed certain events in relation to Covid 19.

But anyway these girls were having a party, not visiting their grandma..."outrage over illegal party" just think for a second from a young persons perspective & how long this sh1t has been going on & where is it to end. All looks to be the "second wave" coming as the media prophesized from the very beginning. And then what, third, fourth, fifth waves locking everyone up. Neverending yoyo on authoritative restrictive practices for something which poses a very low fatality rate, a fatality rate very similar to the seasonal flu that effects the same demographic & immunity deficiencies as always. The only difference being the branding & constant media reporting propping it up to be bigger than it is with an obvious effort to artificially inflate the statistics.

Its ridiculous...OK think about it this many people in the past have you known with a cold or flu, now think about how many people you know with a serious reaction to Covid 19 & compare...

More bs mick for your fake narratives

The girls went to Melbourne for a high end theiving spree,then partied with their mates

Then this is where they systematically and cunningly gave a massive **** you to everyone. They flew to sydney ,then they did not leave the airport. They then bought a ticket to qld with fake declaration papers. Get to brisbane and lie about not being in Melbourne and say look my ticket is from Sydney....all the details they then gave where gets worse mick,but you don't give a ****.

Just like your dodgy post you deleted and again changed your narrative on again on how you view it

You are not woke,and to call yourself a critical thinker shows how arrogant and biased with your one sided views you have become ....people like you are the problem, not the crusaders you think you are who will stop the lizard people...ffs all you post is fake ,debunked and divisive clips,links or thoughts

Yeh good bloke you are

Do not mistake my deleting of the chart to be a response to feeling its incorrect in any way. I deleted it because it triggered you so badly...I deleted it to keep the peace, but you I made my interpretation clearer. Regarding most of your post its just personal attack, please provide sources supporting your claims.

How the media portrayed certain events in relation to Covid 19. Please recall Victoria allowed the BLM protest when considering the following chart.

WA, 9675 posts
30 Jul 2020 6:54PM
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MickPC said..

chrispy said..

MickPC said..

Cobra said..
All I can say is thanks to the conspiracy theorist for their prolonged attempts to make the blind see. Because of them we now have gullible individuals running around communities spreading COVID-19 because they have freedoms and it won't kill them or stop them from working.
From the bottom of my heart Congratulations and thank you For exposing these imbeciles and making it easier For us to identifying them.
well it wouldn't be that hard to identify these pair Of bogan injected ****heads.

Full article here;

I wouldn't say it has anything to do with conspiracy m8, although the latest narrative being pushed by the media is for peer public shaming so I can understand your reasoning. I'd say its just a bunch of young people looking for a good time...remember being young & not giving a fark, feeling indestructable with no concern for your own mortality...I do, vaguely lol although the memories are fading I must admit.

But the media are always banging on about something, the narrative they were pushing a few weeks ago was the Black Lives Matter protests. We hardly heard about the mexican beer virus for a while. The Victorian BLM march was even approved by state authorities, covid 19 seemingly forgotten. The media has way too much clout in peoples behaviour these days. "Conspiracy theorists" ie anyone who thinks outside the narrative being pushed by the main stream media get very little airtime, if any & always portrayed as "conspiracy theorists".

It is what the picture I deleted was about which can still be seen above Chrispy's differing take on it. I saw it as how the media portrayed certain events in relation to Covid 19.

But anyway these girls were having a party, not visiting their grandma..."outrage over illegal party" just think for a second from a young persons perspective & how long this sh1t has been going on & where is it to end. All looks to be the "second wave" coming as the media prophesized from the very beginning. And then what, third, fourth, fifth waves locking everyone up. Neverending yoyo on authoritative restrictive practices for something which poses a very low fatality rate, a fatality rate very similar to the seasonal flu that effects the same demographic & immunity deficiencies as always. The only difference being the branding & constant media reporting propping it up to be bigger than it is with an obvious effort to artificially inflate the statistics.

Its ridiculous...OK think about it this many people in the past have you known with a cold or flu, now think about how many people you know with a serious reaction to Covid 19 & compare...

More bs mick for your fake narratives

The girls went to Melbourne for a high end theiving spree,then partied with their mates

Then this is where they systematically and cunningly gave a massive **** you to everyone. They flew to sydney ,then they did not leave the airport. They then bought a ticket to qld with fake declaration papers. Get to brisbane and lie about not being in Melbourne and say look my ticket is from Sydney....all the details they then gave where gets worse mick,but you don't give a ****.

Just like your dodgy post you deleted and again changed your narrative on again on how you view it

You are not woke,and to call yourself a critical thinker shows how arrogant and biased with your one sided views you have become ....people like you are the problem, not the crusaders you think you are who will stop the lizard people...ffs all you post is fake ,debunked and divisive clips,links or thoughts

Yeh good bloke you are

Do not mistake my deleting of the chart to be a response to feeling its incorrect in any way. I deleted it because it triggered you so badly...I deleted it to keep the peace, but you I made my interpretation clearer. Regarding most of your post its just personal attack, please provide sources supporting your claims.

It is not personal,it is fact...

You just struggle with facts, much like the croc you posted about the young girls having fun

And being triggered, lol. I again pointed out in a factual way that you are full of **** as that chart was don't cry

8266 posts
30 Jul 2020 6:58PM
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chrispy said..

MickPC said..

chrispy said..

MickPC said..

Cobra said..
All I can say is thanks to the conspiracy theorist for their prolonged attempts to make the blind see. Because of them we now have gullible individuals running around communities spreading COVID-19 because they have freedoms and it won't kill them or stop them from working.
From the bottom of my heart Congratulations and thank you For exposing these imbeciles and making it easier For us to identifying them.
well it wouldn't be that hard to identify these pair Of bogan injected ****heads.

Full article here;

I wouldn't say it has anything to do with conspiracy m8, although the latest narrative being pushed by the media is for peer public shaming so I can understand your reasoning. I'd say its just a bunch of young people looking for a good time...remember being young & not giving a fark, feeling indestructable with no concern for your own mortality...I do, vaguely lol although the memories are fading I must admit.

But the media are always banging on about something, the narrative they were pushing a few weeks ago was the Black Lives Matter protests. We hardly heard about the mexican beer virus for a while. The Victorian BLM march was even approved by state authorities, covid 19 seemingly forgotten. The media has way too much clout in peoples behaviour these days. "Conspiracy theorists" ie anyone who thinks outside the narrative being pushed by the main stream media get very little airtime, if any & always portrayed as "conspiracy theorists".

It is what the picture I deleted was about which can still be seen above Chrispy's differing take on it. I saw it as how the media portrayed certain events in relation to Covid 19.

But anyway these girls were having a party, not visiting their grandma..."outrage over illegal party" just think for a second from a young persons perspective & how long this sh1t has been going on & where is it to end. All looks to be the "second wave" coming as the media prophesized from the very beginning. And then what, third, fourth, fifth waves locking everyone up. Neverending yoyo on authoritative restrictive practices for something which poses a very low fatality rate, a fatality rate very similar to the seasonal flu that effects the same demographic & immunity deficiencies as always. The only difference being the branding & constant media reporting propping it up to be bigger than it is with an obvious effort to artificially inflate the statistics.

Its ridiculous...OK think about it this many people in the past have you known with a cold or flu, now think about how many people you know with a serious reaction to Covid 19 & compare...

More bs mick for your fake narratives

The girls went to Melbourne for a high end theiving spree,then partied with their mates

Then this is where they systematically and cunningly gave a massive **** you to everyone. They flew to sydney ,then they did not leave the airport. They then bought a ticket to qld with fake declaration papers. Get to brisbane and lie about not being in Melbourne and say look my ticket is from Sydney....all the details they then gave where gets worse mick,but you don't give a ****.

Just like your dodgy post you deleted and again changed your narrative on again on how you view it

You are not woke,and to call yourself a critical thinker shows how arrogant and biased with your one sided views you have become ....people like you are the problem, not the crusaders you think you are who will stop the lizard people...ffs all you post is fake ,debunked and divisive clips,links or thoughts

Yeh good bloke you are

Do not mistake my deleting of the chart to be a response to feeling its incorrect in any way. I deleted it because it triggered you so badly...I deleted it to keep the peace, but you I made my interpretation clearer. Regarding most of your post its just personal attack, please provide sources supporting your claims.

It is not personal,it is fact...

You just struggle with facts, much like the croc you posted about the young girls having fun

And being triggered, lol. I again pointed out in a factual way that you are full of **** as that chart was don't cry

9106 posts
30 Jul 2020 6:59PM
Thumbs Up

Select to expand quote
MickPC said..

Cobra said..

MickPC said..

Cobra said..
All I can say is thanks to the conspiracy theorist for their prolonged attempts to make the blind see. Because of them we now have gullible individuals running around communities spreading COVID-19 because they have freedoms and it won't kill them or stop them from working.
From the bottom of my heart Congratulations and thank you For exposing these imbeciles and making it easier For us to identifying them.
well it wouldn't be that hard to identify these pair Of bogan injected ****heads.

Full article here;

I wouldn't say it has anything to do with conspiracy m8, although the latest narrative being pushed by the media is for peer public shaming so I can understand your reasoning. I'd say its just a bunch of young people looking for a good time...remember being young & not giving a fark, feeling indestructable with no concern for your own mortality...I do, vaguely lol although the memories are fading I must admit.

But the media are always banging on about something, the narrative they were pushing a few weeks ago was the Black Lives Matter protests. We hardly heard about the mexican beer virus for a while. The Victorian BLM march was even approved by state authorities, covid 19 seemingly forgotten. The media has way too much clout in peoples behaviour these days. "Conspiracy theorists" ie anyone who thinks outside the narrative being pushed by the main stream media get very little airtime, if any & always portrayed as "conspiracy theorists".

It is what the picture I deleted was about which can still be seen above Chrispy's differing take on it. I saw it as how the media portrayed certain events in relation to Covid 19.

But anyway these girls were having a party, not visiting their grandma..."outrage over illegal party" just think for a second from a young persons perspective & how long this sh1t has been going on & where is it to end. All looks to be the "second wave" coming as the media prophesized from the very beginning. And then what, third, fourth, fifth waves locking everyone up. Neverending yoyo on authoritative restrictive practices for something which poses a very low fatality rate, a fatality rate very similar to the seasonal flu that effects the same demographic & immunity deficiencies as always. The only difference being the branding & constant media reporting propping it up to be bigger than it is with an obvious effort to artificially inflate the statistics.

Its ridiculous...OK think about it this many people in the past have you known with a cold or flu, now think about how many people you know with a serious reaction to Covid 19 & compare...

ill just reply on a couple of points in your post.

its not about a party LOL, its about being in quarantine and spreading a pandemic virus FMD,,,do you know the story you're commenting on.

And NO its not about young people living life... i lived life to the max and put my life on the line many times without jeopardising
others and always showed respect towards my peers and authorities.
the fact that i worked with young footballers in schools and and one point with a NRL club i know about boundary's being pushed by young adolescences.
i also know how they are influenced by others and what they hear. especially fuelling a young mind with crap that puts them in danger of being fined or arrested publicly shamed and even the cause of some poor older family members death is nothing everyone should dismiss as ...thats life.
our duty as adults is try to lead by example and show the path.
this gets me to the fine line in this case, as these bogans are called teenagers BUT theses morons are adults that work at schools
can vote make decisions on our country and also go to jail.

also its not just young people ...there is a local surgeon up here that just got fined for lying on a declaration that he hadn't been to a hot zone in VIC. imagine that **** in a theatre ,because only healthy people get operated on..... FMD.

So mick STOP for 1 min and think about the crap you are peddling ,, its a GLOBAL pandemic that also halts work, freedoms, and sometimes even cost somebody their life.

I know that & you know that. You were there, they are here...

i Know you're not with it...


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"Lockdown" started by Cobra