Forums > Surfing Longboarding


Created by Cobra > 9 months ago, 26 Mar 2020
10979 posts
3 Aug 2020 7:53AM
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MickPC said..

Ctngoodvibes said..

MickPC said..

Ctngoodvibes said..

Its pretty clear & simple now m8, look at the stats. If your elderly or have a compromised immunity system. Take extra measures to keep safe.

I think your missing the fact it's a pisstake mate

Yeah I know m8 & I've seen one form or another of it plenty of times. Its propaganda designed to dissuade anyone from questioning the mainstream narrative. Truth is there are plenty of the above mentioned people who have the opinion that the measures most countries have taken has been a lockstep over reaction. And many of the people who have spoken out have been targetted by medical boards & made to look crazy or out of touch or something. Which does make people think twice about speaking up. Plus we have never seen such book burning in the way of cencorship from the likes of google & facistbook as we have had in 2020.

We're in our 8th month now...a few more months & clear statistical comparisons will only become clearer.

Your favourite source of video and "facts" is a Google owned company.

WA, 9675 posts
3 Aug 2020 8:07AM
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You lose all credibility, again mick

Nursing homes are not palliative care,palliative care is palliative care and all of people you should know that....stooping low now mick

9106 posts
3 Aug 2020 10:51AM
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chrispy said..
You lose all credibility, again mick

Nursing homes are not palliative care,palliative care is palliative care and all of people you should know that....stooping low now mick

thanks chrispy you saved me the same rant.

Mick can't even get Basic nursing right but has all the answers for a pandemic.

9106 posts
3 Aug 2020 11:10AM
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second man found driving around Melbourne in LOCKDOWN and CURFEW
playing pocamon go.

9106 posts
3 Aug 2020 11:23AM
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i think people that try their hardest to debunk the whole COVID 19 pandemic need to take responsibility of their actions.
with not only spreading their BS but they have no regard for others health and the FACT they contribute
to lockdowns and with lockdowns come the increase in Mental health issues.

every single outbreak has come from people breaking rules the conspiracy idiots fuel their cause.

9106 posts
3 Aug 2020 12:23PM
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SP said..

chrispy said..
Also mick,i will ask again for the umteenth time,how would theses statistics be without all the precautions and measures set in place?

Or is it the 5g airwaves that are messing up the transmission?

The stats don't really matter.
Isn't the reason behind the measures put in place to reduce the spreading of the disease to the vulnerable ?

The measures aren't put in place to save young people lives they are to stop the spreading of the virus to older more vulnerable people.

Look at NSW. No community transmission till our visitor firm Vic, than it spreads through the community and you have deaths. So even though the young may not be dying they are sure as **** spreading it to vulnerable members of the community.

Agree 100% with your call on the stats, funny people say the measures are over zealous then use the stats from those measures to try and make a point.

Why not use Sweden?

SP i hate it when people say mask won't stop you catching it LOL
are people that dumb they don't get the mask thing ? or its, they won't be told,,,in my life studies its the later.

10979 posts
3 Aug 2020 2:42PM
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Cobra said..

SP said..

chrispy said..
Also mick,i will ask again for the umteenth time,how would theses statistics be without all the precautions and measures set in place?

Or is it the 5g airwaves that are messing up the transmission?

The stats don't really matter.
Isn't the reason behind the measures put in place to reduce the spreading of the disease to the vulnerable ?

The measures aren't put in place to save young people lives they are to stop the spreading of the virus to older more vulnerable people.

Look at NSW. No community transmission till our visitor firm Vic, than it spreads through the community and you have deaths. So even though the young may not be dying they are sure as **** spreading it to vulnerable members of the community.

Agree 100% with your call on the stats, funny people say the measures are over zealous then use the stats from those measures to try and make a point.

Why not use Sweden?

SP i hate it when people say mask won't stop you catching it LOL
are people that dumb they don't get the mask thing ? or its, they won't be told,,,in my life studies its the later.

Probably fall into one of the below categories.

9106 posts
3 Aug 2020 3:13PM
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8266 posts
3 Aug 2020 4:29PM
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chrispy said..
You lose all credibility, again mick

Nursing homes are not palliative care,palliative care is palliative care and all of people you should know that....stooping low now mick

A common misconception for palliative care is that it starts when someones on their last few hours or days of living. Not true.

Palliative care is provided to people & their families when they have a life limiting or terminal illness & the person could live for years prior to passing. Palliative care is providing assistance for people to live as full & comfortable lives as possible.

8266 posts
3 Aug 2020 4:31PM
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SP said..

MickPC said..

Ctngoodvibes said..

MickPC said..

Ctngoodvibes said..

Its pretty clear & simple now m8, look at the stats. If your elderly or have a compromised immunity system. Take extra measures to keep safe.

I think your missing the fact it's a pisstake mate

Yeah I know m8 & I've seen one form or another of it plenty of times. Its propaganda designed to dissuade anyone from questioning the mainstream narrative. Truth is there are plenty of the above mentioned people who have the opinion that the measures most countries have taken has been a lockstep over reaction. And many of the people who have spoken out have been targetted by medical boards & made to look crazy or out of touch or something. Which does make people think twice about speaking up. Plus we have never seen such book burning in the way of cencorship from the likes of google & facistbook as we have had in 2020.

We're in our 8th month now...a few more months & clear statistical comparisons will only become clearer.

Your favourite source of video and "facts" is a Google owned company.

Thanks but I'm well aware, I remember when they bought youtube.

8266 posts
3 Aug 2020 4:32PM
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SP said..

chrispy said..
Also mick,i will ask again for the umteenth time,how would theses statistics be without all the precautions and measures set in place?

Or is it the 5g airwaves that are messing up the transmission?

The stats don't really matter.
Isn't the reason behind the measures put in place to reduce the spreading of the disease to the vulnerable ?

The measures aren't put in place to save young people lives they are to stop the spreading of the virus to older more vulnerable people.

Look at NSW. No community transmission till our visitor firm Vic, than it spreads through the community and you have deaths. So even though the young may not be dying they are sure as **** spreading it to vulnerable members of the community.

Agree 100% with your call on the stats, funny people say the measures are over zealous then use the stats from those measures to try and make a point.

Why not use Sweden?

OK tomorrow we can take a look at Sweden, I have the day off. Right now I have beers too drink

WA, 9675 posts
3 Aug 2020 4:44PM
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MickPC said..

chrispy said..
You lose all credibility, again mick

Nursing homes are not palliative care,palliative care is palliative care and all of people you should know that....stooping low now mick

A common misconception for palliative care is that it starts when someones on their last few hours or days of living. Not true.

Palliative care is provided to people & their families when they have a life limiting or terminal illness & the person could live for years prior to passing. Palliative care is providing assistance for people to live as full & comfortable lives as possible.

You said nursing homes are palliative you wanna bs your way through this by saying all of us,the idiot sheeple have a misconception of what palliative care is...yeh ok i have not been a volunteer in nursing homes for 30 odd years and then nursed my mum ,yeh no one has a clue what palliative care is except you..pretty **** thinking and sadly very standard for you...oh but i must applaud that you are so very polite when you do it,bravo

Again your usual way of answering something,change course,change the context,blame others for being dumb and move on

Once again proving your arrogance and sad assumptions on what people know,or more to your thinking would be what everyone does not know
Great job mick

8266 posts
3 Aug 2020 5:09PM
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chrispy said..

MickPC said..

chrispy said..
You lose all credibility, again mick

Nursing homes are not palliative care,palliative care is palliative care and all of people you should know that....stooping low now mick

A common misconception for palliative care is that it starts when someones on their last few hours or days of living. Not true.

Palliative care is provided to people & their families when they have a life limiting or terminal illness & the person could live for years prior to passing. Palliative care is providing assistance for people to live as full & comfortable lives as possible.

You said nursing homes are palliative you wanna bs your way through this by saying all these idiots have a misconception of what palliative care is...yeh ok

Once again proving your arrogance and sad assumptions on what people know,or more to your thinking would be what everyone does not know
Great job mick

Fixated much Just to clarify, I mean Aged Care, we refer to Aged Care as nursing homes over here, surely you do in Qld too. It wasn't even the main point of the post, why are we even talking about think people just choose to go to nursing homes coz they're strong healthy people ffs. The point of the post is that people in nursing homes are susceptible too C19....obviously.

WA, 9675 posts
3 Aug 2020 5:11PM
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MickPC said..

chrispy said..

MickPC said..

chrispy said..
You lose all credibility, again mick

Nursing homes are not palliative care,palliative care is palliative care and all of people you should know that....stooping low now mick

A common misconception for palliative care is that it starts when someones on their last few hours or days of living. Not true.

Palliative care is provided to people & their families when they have a life limiting or terminal illness & the person could live for years prior to passing. Palliative care is providing assistance for people to live as full & comfortable lives as possible.

You said nursing homes are palliative you wanna bs your way through this by saying all these idiots have a misconception of what palliative care is...yeh ok

Once again proving your arrogance and sad assumptions on what people know,or more to your thinking would be what everyone does not know
Great job mick

Fixated much Just to clarify, I mean Aged Care, we refer to Aged Care as nursing homes over here, surely you do in Qld too. It wasn't even the main point of the post, why are we even talking about think people just choose to go too nursing homes coz they're strong healthy people ffs. The point of the post is that people in nursing homes are susceptible too C19....obviously.

Lol...nuff said

8266 posts
3 Aug 2020 5:22PM
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You can edit your post as much as you like Chrispy, it won't change the definition of palliative care or that you were the one to question my understanding of it.

9106 posts
3 Aug 2020 5:23PM
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MickPC said..

chrispy said..

Ricardo1709 said..

MickPC said..

Ctngoodvibes said..
Mick, there ain't no over reaction. Its great your polite in your posts, but what you are saying is offensive to those people suffering with this ****e disease.

I cant fathom why you can't see that young people with no underlying health conditions are dieing.

Thanks Captain. I do appreciate at least a few people have recognised I've tried my best to be polite throughout this thread with so many emmotional outburst posts containing zero to very little substance to reply to...and its all about opinion like your opening statement "there's no over reaction" which I & many others disagree with. Please base your opinion on facts (non emmotional ones).

Regarding your second statement where you can't fathom young people with no underlying health conditions dieing....this I think partly identifys or partially explains many peoples opposition to what they perceive my thoughts to be. I worked 8 years in palliative care & have seen many people pass. Being there for patients & famillies when their loved ones are gathered, assessing a persons vital signs circled by crying family members & announcing they have passed. Not an easy job I can assure you. Unfortunately I'm not the heartless person people think I am. Just a person who observes a bigger picture. Its far greater than you think, the covid 19 response has caused other less obvious long term issues we will get into & I hope your around for the discussion.

Regarding your links, please scroll down to "COVID-19 deaths by age group and sex" & turn off your TV before your infected with more BS

Now thats the statistics that we should be looking at, shows a really broad and hopefully accurate picture of what is going on.Thanks for the link Mick

How do you think these statistics would look without all the recommendations that have been put in place ?

People in nursing homes are palliative Chrispy, procedures are always put in place to minimise their exposure to health risks & with covid 19 extra precautions have been put in place. We should really have put extra focus on protecting our oldies instead of shutting down the country & causing other issues. Unfortunately its very difficult with elderly people with frail health because it often does not take much extra to tip the balance.

The lockdown has shown that it has failed to protect many of them.

But the point I was making was that covid 19 is not taking the lives of younger people, the response to it has but not the virus itself.

If you look at the graphs here you will see people between 20 & 40 years old represent the greatest number of "cases" (infections). The graphs also show that based on the significant data collected now. C19 does not pose as serious health risk as it does for the elderly.

We can't lock down the country every time flu season arrives.

Does that answer your second question above Chrispy, I think it does but I can reword it later if you like. Gotta head off to work...havagood1

the M curve and U curve were discussed months ago Mick, nothing new here.

WA, 9675 posts
3 Aug 2020 5:27PM
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MickPC said..
You can edit your post as much as you like Chrispy, it won't change the definition of palliative care or that you were the one to question my understanding of it.

Wow is that what you got out of are poisonous

You said nursing homes are palliative misunderstanding

9106 posts
3 Aug 2020 5:32PM
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MickPC said..
You can edit your post as much as you like Chrispy, it won't change the definition of palliative care or that you were the one to question my understanding of it.

LOL it won't change the meaning of palliative care.

someone that decides to go to a aged care home DONT mean they are being palliated ffs.
my grandmother went to one in her early 80s hated it went to a unit looked after by blue care
and passed at 93 in hospital after brief sickness.

9106 posts
3 Aug 2020 5:34PM
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chrispy said..

MickPC said..
You can edit your post as much as you like Chrispy, it won't change the definition of palliative care or that you were the one to question my understanding of it.

Wow is that what you got out of are poisonous

You said nursing homes are palliative misunderstanding

Mick said........People in nursing homes are palliative Chrispy

8266 posts
3 Aug 2020 5:42PM
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chrispy said..

MickPC said..
You can edit your post as much as you like Chrispy, it won't change the definition of palliative care or that you were the one to question my understanding of it.

Wow is that what you got out of are poisonous

You said nursing homes are palliative misunderstanding

First point, whatever...

Second point, yes people in Aged Care tend to have life limiting or terminal illnesses & care is provided for people to live as full & comfortable lives as possible. This is palliative care.

8266 posts
3 Aug 2020 5:45PM
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Cobra said..

MickPC said..
You can edit your post as much as you like Chrispy, it won't change the definition of palliative care or that you were the one to question my understanding of it.

LOL it won't change the meaning of palliative care.

someone that decides to go to a aged care home DONT mean they are being palliated ffs.
my grandmother went to one in her early 80s hated it went to a unit looked after by blue care
and passed at 93 in hospital after brief sickness.

Yes community services also offer palliative care. There are many options for palliative care now which is great. The government has really focused on supporting community organisations to assist people to remain in their home coz its cheaper & has far greater benefit to the client.

9106 posts
3 Aug 2020 6:02PM
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MickPC said..

Cobra said..

MickPC said..
You can edit your post as much as you like Chrispy, it won't change the definition of palliative care or that you were the one to question my understanding of it.

LOL it won't change the meaning of palliative care.

someone that decides to go to a aged care home DONT mean they are being palliated ffs.
my grandmother went to one in her early 80s hated it went to a unit looked after by blue care
and passed at 93 in hospital after brief sickness.

Yes community services also offer palliative care. There are many options for palliative care now which is great. The government has really focused on supporting community organisations to assist people to remain in their home coz its cheaper & has far greater benefit to the client.

my wife palliates in the 4 offerings available in australia, Hospital care facility's home and hospice.
I've got an idea how it works cheers.
plenty of people going into aged care facilities and villages far from being palliative
lonely yes death now.

WA, 9675 posts
3 Aug 2020 6:26PM
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Cobra said..

MickPC said..

Cobra said..

MickPC said..
You can edit your post as much as you like Chrispy, it won't change the definition of palliative care or that you were the one to question my understanding of it.

LOL it won't change the meaning of palliative care.

someone that decides to go to a aged care home DONT mean they are being palliated ffs.
my grandmother went to one in her early 80s hated it went to a unit looked after by blue care
and passed at 93 in hospital after brief sickness.

Yes community services also offer palliative care. There are many options for palliative care now which is great. The government has really focused on supporting community organisations to assist people to remain in their home coz its cheaper & has far greater benefit to the client.

my wife palliates in the 4 offerings available in australia, Hospital care facility's home and hospice.
I've got an idea how it works cheers.
plenty of people going into aged care facilities and villages far from being palliative
lonely yes death now.

Yes like my 45 yo mate who had a stroke...he is not on death row, but at this stage he needs lots of help to live

He has been progressing well

But yeh whatever

9106 posts
3 Aug 2020 6:34PM
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chrispy said..

Cobra said..

MickPC said..

Cobra said..

MickPC said..
You can edit your post as much as you like Chrispy, it won't change the definition of palliative care or that you were the one to question my understanding of it.

LOL it won't change the meaning of palliative care.

someone that decides to go to a aged care home DONT mean they are being palliated ffs.
my grandmother went to one in her early 80s hated it went to a unit looked after by blue care
and passed at 93 in hospital after brief sickness.

Yes community services also offer palliative care. There are many options for palliative care now which is great. The government has really focused on supporting community organisations to assist people to remain in their home coz its cheaper & has far greater benefit to the client.

my wife palliates in the 4 offerings available in australia, Hospital care facility's home and hospice.
I've got an idea how it works cheers.
plenty of people going into aged care facilities and villages far from being palliative
lonely yes death now.

Yes like my 45 yo mate who had a stroke...he is not on death row, but at this stage he needs lots of help to live

He has been progressing well

But yeh whatever

same here Chrispy my mum had a girlfriend that had a aneurysm that lived in a aged care unit for 35years before her death.

8266 posts
3 Aug 2020 6:36PM
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Look its a touchy subject guys, I understand that...I am not trying to twist your words around to make yuz look like heartless barstards am I. Can we please move on & get back on topic....

VIC, 2855 posts
3 Aug 2020 8:48PM
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Cobra said..
i believe the writings on the wall lockdown is around the corner and unless your field is logistics medical power worker ect ect you'll be like most spending plenty of time home.
my question is. have you got any projects in mind or goals basically being proactive with this time.

maybe you'll have a board build happening or a project with the kids.
before some go there, i know some will be wanking and drinking beer

im starting with a morning workout, so i don't blow out.
I've collected a list of materials i need for projects around the house.
the veggie garden has a trailer of mulch ready.

Here we are in to stage 4 lockdown 3.
The wanking and drinking option is winning so far

805 posts
3 Aug 2020 7:00PM
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I have high respect for palliative care workers after my mum and mother in law passing from cancer and dementia (pneumonia).
I feel for the people in lockdown who can't see family who are finishing life's journey.

In NZ we have elections in September with a referendum on end of life choice. I'm a positive person but when the end is near there are situations where its appropriate to end life a little earlier. The problem is to get the legal framework right.

Back to Covid that us kiwis are being reminded how fast a second wave could happen and to get tested. About 3 weeks ago my 15 year old daughter had cold symptoms and goes to college with 1500 students and there would be other student family members that have traveled back to NZ. Taking responsibility we rang the appropriate phone numbers to be told test not necessary.

VIC, 2855 posts
3 Aug 2020 9:02PM
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And I have been cooking 1 recipie a week from Nat

For some reason Seabreeze or Youtube don't want the link to work
Search Nats What I Reckon

The chicken soup was brilliant, the slow cooked lamb I have done 3 times.
End of Days Bolognaise I drank the last 2/3 of the bottle of red after adding it, so no real idea how that came out.
Last week I did Strogan OFF, which was brilliant also.
I think it was the Shepherds pie had stout in it, it needed half a can so I bought a 6 pack.
Not sure how that one came out either, but the family ate it.

Can we all lighten up a bit on here.....

VIC, 2855 posts
3 Aug 2020 9:20PM
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And to try and quote Dave Warner....
"From the moment that you're born to the moment that you're dead, it's a Mugs Game.."

8266 posts
3 Aug 2020 7:40PM
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Forums > Surfing Longboarding

"Lockdown" started by Cobra