Forums > Surfing Longboarding


Created by Cobra > 9 months ago, 26 Mar 2020
8266 posts
30 Jul 2020 8:52PM
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QLD, 21887 posts
31 Jul 2020 8:24AM
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8266 posts
31 Jul 2020 8:05AM
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CDC Director Compares Rate of Suicides to COVID-19 Deaths

If your experiencing mental health issues please visit Beyond Blue, they can help.

8266 posts
31 Jul 2020 8:10AM
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8266 posts
31 Jul 2020 8:17AM
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From Garuda (New Normal)

Dear Valued Customer

Welcoming the new normal, Garuda Indonesia has adjusted some services in every touchpoint based on the health protocol, starts from before your flight until arrive at the destination safely.

#PhysicalDistancing applied at the check-in, boarding, and during the flight (on Economy Class or Business Class), especially for domestic flights. Minimize physical contact between the passengers and our staff. All staff is required to wear masks, hand gloves, and personal protective equipment. Adjust the meal service on-board by using the mono-use cutlery. Not providing reading material to avoid the high-touch surfaces stuff usage.

Garuda Indonesia is ready to serve you to 42 domestic routes and 11 international routes. Several routes that have been operated daily from Jakarta are Medan, Pekanbaru, Denpasar, Yogyakarta, Pontianak, Makassar, and many others. For more details about the schedules, click here.

Before your flight, make sure that you do these following things: Prepare all documents required based on your destination regulation. We advise you to use our Online Check-in feature to avoid the queue at the airport. Download the E-HAC application (Health Alert Card).Always wearing masks wherever you are and keep physical distancing with a minimum one meter.

WA, 9675 posts
31 Jul 2020 8:34AM
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MickPC said..

chrispy said..

MickPC said..

chrispy said..

MickPC said..

Cobra said..
All I can say is thanks to the conspiracy theorist for their prolonged attempts to make the blind see. Because of them we now have gullible individuals running around communities spreading COVID-19 because they have freedoms and it won't kill them or stop them from working.
From the bottom of my heart Congratulations and thank you For exposing these imbeciles and making it easier For us to identifying them.
well it wouldn't be that hard to identify these pair Of bogan injected ****heads.

Full article here;

I wouldn't say it has anything to do with conspiracy m8, although the latest narrative being pushed by the media is for peer public shaming so I can understand your reasoning. I'd say its just a bunch of young people looking for a good time...remember being young & not giving a fark, feeling indestructable with no concern for your own mortality...I do, vaguely lol although the memories are fading I must admit.

But the media are always banging on about something, the narrative they were pushing a few weeks ago was the Black Lives Matter protests. We hardly heard about the mexican beer virus for a while. The Victorian BLM march was even approved by state authorities, covid 19 seemingly forgotten. The media has way too much clout in peoples behaviour these days. "Conspiracy theorists" ie anyone who thinks outside the narrative being pushed by the main stream media get very little airtime, if any & always portrayed as "conspiracy theorists".

It is what the picture I deleted was about which can still be seen above Chrispy's differing take on it. I saw it as how the media portrayed certain events in relation to Covid 19.

But anyway these girls were having a party, not visiting their grandma..."outrage over illegal party" just think for a second from a young persons perspective & how long this sh1t has been going on & where is it to end. All looks to be the "second wave" coming as the media prophesized from the very beginning. And then what, third, fourth, fifth waves locking everyone up. Neverending yoyo on authoritative restrictive practices for something which poses a very low fatality rate, a fatality rate very similar to the seasonal flu that effects the same demographic & immunity deficiencies as always. The only difference being the branding & constant media reporting propping it up to be bigger than it is with an obvious effort to artificially inflate the statistics.

Its ridiculous...OK think about it this many people in the past have you known with a cold or flu, now think about how many people you know with a serious reaction to Covid 19 & compare...

More bs mick for your fake narratives

The girls went to Melbourne for a high end theiving spree,then partied with their mates

Then this is where they systematically and cunningly gave a massive **** you to everyone. They flew to sydney ,then they did not leave the airport. They then bought a ticket to qld with fake declaration papers. Get to brisbane and lie about not being in Melbourne and say look my ticket is from Sydney....all the details they then gave where gets worse mick,but you don't give a ****.

Just like your dodgy post you deleted and again changed your narrative on again on how you view it

You are not woke,and to call yourself a critical thinker shows how arrogant and biased with your one sided views you have become ....people like you are the problem, not the crusaders you think you are who will stop the lizard people...ffs all you post is fake ,debunked and divisive clips,links or thoughts

Yeh good bloke you are

Do not mistake my deleting of the chart to be a response to feeling its incorrect in any way. I deleted it because it triggered you so badly...I deleted it to keep the peace, but you I made my interpretation clearer. Regarding most of your post its just personal attack, please provide sources supporting your claims.

It is not personal,it is fact...

You just struggle with facts, much like the croc you posted about the young girls having fun

And being triggered, lol. I again pointed out in a factual way that you are full of **** as that chart was don't cry

Micks fake dialogue continues ...avoids the facts,spreads the bs

Just like the poor young girls dialogue...could only post a bs opinion,gets proven wrong and posts a stupid music clip

Yeh good honest bloke you are mick

Don't cry,just be honest and post facts

You are becoming what you criticise mick

8266 posts
31 Jul 2020 8:49AM
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chrispy said..

MickPC said..

chrispy said..

MickPC said..

chrispy said..

MickPC said..

Cobra said..
All I can say is thanks to the conspiracy theorist for their prolonged attempts to make the blind see. Because of them we now have gullible individuals running around communities spreading COVID-19 because they have freedoms and it won't kill them or stop them from working.
From the bottom of my heart Congratulations and thank you For exposing these imbeciles and making it easier For us to identifying them.
well it wouldn't be that hard to identify these pair Of bogan injected ****heads.

Full article here;

I wouldn't say it has anything to do with conspiracy m8, although the latest narrative being pushed by the media is for peer public shaming so I can understand your reasoning. I'd say its just a bunch of young people looking for a good time...remember being young & not giving a fark, feeling indestructable with no concern for your own mortality...I do, vaguely lol although the memories are fading I must admit.

But the media are always banging on about something, the narrative they were pushing a few weeks ago was the Black Lives Matter protests. We hardly heard about the mexican beer virus for a while. The Victorian BLM march was even approved by state authorities, covid 19 seemingly forgotten. The media has way too much clout in peoples behaviour these days. "Conspiracy theorists" ie anyone who thinks outside the narrative being pushed by the main stream media get very little airtime, if any & always portrayed as "conspiracy theorists".

It is what the picture I deleted was about which can still be seen above Chrispy's differing take on it. I saw it as how the media portrayed certain events in relation to Covid 19.

But anyway these girls were having a party, not visiting their grandma..."outrage over illegal party" just think for a second from a young persons perspective & how long this sh1t has been going on & where is it to end. All looks to be the "second wave" coming as the media prophesized from the very beginning. And then what, third, fourth, fifth waves locking everyone up. Neverending yoyo on authoritative restrictive practices for something which poses a very low fatality rate, a fatality rate very similar to the seasonal flu that effects the same demographic & immunity deficiencies as always. The only difference being the branding & constant media reporting propping it up to be bigger than it is with an obvious effort to artificially inflate the statistics.

Its ridiculous...OK think about it this many people in the past have you known with a cold or flu, now think about how many people you know with a serious reaction to Covid 19 & compare...

More bs mick for your fake narratives

The girls went to Melbourne for a high end theiving spree,then partied with their mates

Then this is where they systematically and cunningly gave a massive **** you to everyone. They flew to sydney ,then they did not leave the airport. They then bought a ticket to qld with fake declaration papers. Get to brisbane and lie about not being in Melbourne and say look my ticket is from Sydney....all the details they then gave where gets worse mick,but you don't give a ****.

Just like your dodgy post you deleted and again changed your narrative on again on how you view it

You are not woke,and to call yourself a critical thinker shows how arrogant and biased with your one sided views you have become ....people like you are the problem, not the crusaders you think you are who will stop the lizard people...ffs all you post is fake ,debunked and divisive clips,links or thoughts

Yeh good bloke you are

Do not mistake my deleting of the chart to be a response to feeling its incorrect in any way. I deleted it because it triggered you so badly...I deleted it to keep the peace, but you I made my interpretation clearer. Regarding most of your post its just personal attack, please provide sources supporting your claims.

It is not personal,it is fact...

You just struggle with facts, much like the croc you posted about the young girls having fun

And being triggered, lol. I again pointed out in a factual way that you are full of **** as that chart was don't cry

Micks fake dialogue continues ...avoids the facts,spreads the bs

Just like the poor young girls dialogue...could only post a bs opinion,gets proven wrong and posts a stupid music clip

Yeh good honest bloke you are mick

Don't cry,just be honest and post facts

You are becoming what you criticise mick

I looked into what you said about the girls being crims & according to the abc its being investigated. We still live in a country where we are innocent until proven guilty. What other "facts" would you like me to look into

Exclusive by investigative reporter Josh Robertson
Posted 5 hours ago, updated 1 hour ago

WA, 9675 posts
31 Jul 2020 8:52AM
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MickPC said..

chrispy said..

MickPC said..

chrispy said..

MickPC said..

chrispy said..

MickPC said..

Cobra said..
All I can say is thanks to the conspiracy theorist for their prolonged attempts to make the blind see. Because of them we now have gullible individuals running around communities spreading COVID-19 because they have freedoms and it won't kill them or stop them from working.
From the bottom of my heart Congratulations and thank you For exposing these imbeciles and making it easier For us to identifying them.
well it wouldn't be that hard to identify these pair Of bogan injected ****heads.

Full article here;

I wouldn't say it has anything to do with conspiracy m8, although the latest narrative being pushed by the media is for peer public shaming so I can understand your reasoning. I'd say its just a bunch of young people looking for a good time...remember being young & not giving a fark, feeling indestructable with no concern for your own mortality...I do, vaguely lol although the memories are fading I must admit.

But the media are always banging on about something, the narrative they were pushing a few weeks ago was the Black Lives Matter protests. We hardly heard about the mexican beer virus for a while. The Victorian BLM march was even approved by state authorities, covid 19 seemingly forgotten. The media has way too much clout in peoples behaviour these days. "Conspiracy theorists" ie anyone who thinks outside the narrative being pushed by the main stream media get very little airtime, if any & always portrayed as "conspiracy theorists".

It is what the picture I deleted was about which can still be seen above Chrispy's differing take on it. I saw it as how the media portrayed certain events in relation to Covid 19.

But anyway these girls were having a party, not visiting their grandma..."outrage over illegal party" just think for a second from a young persons perspective & how long this sh1t has been going on & where is it to end. All looks to be the "second wave" coming as the media prophesized from the very beginning. And then what, third, fourth, fifth waves locking everyone up. Neverending yoyo on authoritative restrictive practices for something which poses a very low fatality rate, a fatality rate very similar to the seasonal flu that effects the same demographic & immunity deficiencies as always. The only difference being the branding & constant media reporting propping it up to be bigger than it is with an obvious effort to artificially inflate the statistics.

Its ridiculous...OK think about it this many people in the past have you known with a cold or flu, now think about how many people you know with a serious reaction to Covid 19 & compare...

More bs mick for your fake narratives

The girls went to Melbourne for a high end theiving spree,then partied with their mates

Then this is where they systematically and cunningly gave a massive **** you to everyone. They flew to sydney ,then they did not leave the airport. They then bought a ticket to qld with fake declaration papers. Get to brisbane and lie about not being in Melbourne and say look my ticket is from Sydney....all the details they then gave where gets worse mick,but you don't give a ****.

Just like your dodgy post you deleted and again changed your narrative on again on how you view it

You are not woke,and to call yourself a critical thinker shows how arrogant and biased with your one sided views you have become ....people like you are the problem, not the crusaders you think you are who will stop the lizard people...ffs all you post is fake ,debunked and divisive clips,links or thoughts

Yeh good bloke you are

Do not mistake my deleting of the chart to be a response to feeling its incorrect in any way. I deleted it because it triggered you so badly...I deleted it to keep the peace, but you I made my interpretation clearer. Regarding most of your post its just personal attack, please provide sources supporting your claims.

It is not personal,it is fact...

You just struggle with facts, much like the croc you posted about the young girls having fun

And being triggered, lol. I again pointed out in a factual way that you are full of **** as that chart was don't cry

Micks fake dialogue continues ...avoids the facts,spreads the bs

Just like the poor young girls dialogue...could only post a bs opinion,gets proven wrong and posts a stupid music clip

Yeh good honest bloke you are mick

Don't cry,just be honest and post facts

You are becoming what you criticise mick

I looked into what you said about the girls being crims & according to the abc its being investigated. We still live in a country where we are innocent until proven guilty. What other "facts" would you like me to look into

You are past having an open mind mick. This is continually proven by all the fake crap you post

You continually post fake crap,get proven wrong,then post more fake crapand skip the parts of where you are proven wrong

All sort of pointless with you....i so do not want to reply to the outrageously fake crap you spread....but you are like a bucket of ****en kfc....i know the **** is poison, i know it is bad for everyone,iknow there is not one bit of usefulness about it......but i still come back shaking my head at why am i here consuming the poison

Edit...and this is the bs you have become mick. Yes the girls have not been convicted for the stealing as of yet.....but everything else i stated is there to read and is fact....but you just pick the little bit you like as your shield and avoid anything that will stop you being woke and ****ing sad

8266 posts
31 Jul 2020 8:56AM
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LMAO 100% agree regarding KFC

9106 posts
31 Jul 2020 11:34AM
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Lol mick I thought you were quick to back those girls. It's ok mate you don't have to defend their innocence that went years ago.

10979 posts
31 Jul 2020 12:18PM
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8266 posts
31 Jul 2020 12:51PM
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Cobra said..
Lol mick I thought you were quick to back those girls. It's ok mate you don't have to defend their innocence that went years ago.

haha in that context your probably right

WA, 1403 posts
1 Aug 2020 2:26PM
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8266 posts
1 Aug 2020 5:54PM
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Ctngoodvibes said..

Its pretty clear & simple now m8, look at the stats. If your elderly or have a compromised immunity system. Take extra measures to keep safe.

9106 posts
1 Aug 2020 8:47PM
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MickPC said..

Ctngoodvibes said..

Its pretty clear & simple now m8, look at the stats. If your elderly or have a compromised immunity system. Take extra measures to keep safe.

8266 posts
2 Aug 2020 8:07AM
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lol awesome pic m8...of course they do, not saying they don't. Just that they're the ones who are at risk & should be protected

WA, 1403 posts
2 Aug 2020 10:34AM
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MickPC said..

Ctngoodvibes said..

Its pretty clear & simple now m8, look at the stats. If your elderly or have a compromised immunity system. Take extra measures to keep safe.

I think your missing the fact it's a pisstake mate

8266 posts
2 Aug 2020 4:39PM
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Ctngoodvibes said..

MickPC said..

Ctngoodvibes said..

Its pretty clear & simple now m8, look at the stats. If your elderly or have a compromised immunity system. Take extra measures to keep safe.

I think your missing the fact it's a pisstake mate

Yeah I know m8 & I've seen one form or another of it plenty of times. Its propaganda designed to dissuade anyone from questioning the mainstream narrative. Truth is there are plenty of the above mentioned people who have the opinion that the measures most countries have taken has been a lockstep over reaction. And many of the people who have spoken out have been targetted by medical boards & made to look crazy or out of touch or something. Which does make people think twice about speaking up. Plus we have never seen such book burning in the way of cencorship from the likes of google & facistbook as we have had in 2020.

We're in our 8th month now...a few more months & clear statistical comparisons will only become clearer.

8266 posts
2 Aug 2020 4:49PM
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WA, 1403 posts
2 Aug 2020 5:23PM
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Mick, there ain't no over reaction. Its great your polite in your posts, but what you are saying is offensive to those people suffering with this ****e disease.

I cant fathom why you can't see that young people with no underlying health conditions are dieing.

VIC, 2848 posts
2 Aug 2020 8:02PM
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Infections by age

My 21 daughter is at more risk than me, probably because I am cowering under my bed rather than going out.
Look up the hospitalisation and ICU rates yourselves.

WE are now locked up for another 6 weeks.
I'm going to hit 110 kilos the way this is going.
Now there's a health risk.....

8266 posts
2 Aug 2020 7:47PM
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Ctngoodvibes said..
Mick, there ain't no over reaction. Its great your polite in your posts, but what you are saying is offensive to those people suffering with this ****e disease.

I cant fathom why you can't see that young people with no underlying health conditions are dieing.

Thanks Captain. I do appreciate at least a few people have recognised I've tried my best to be polite throughout this thread with so many emmotional outburst posts containing zero to very little substance to reply to...and its all about opinion like your opening statement "there's no over reaction" which I & many others disagree with. Please base your opinion on facts (non emmotional ones).

Regarding your second statement where you can't fathom young people with no underlying health conditions dieing....this I think partly identifys or partially explains many peoples opposition to what they perceive my thoughts to be. I worked 8 years in palliative care & have seen many people pass. Being there for patients & famillies when their loved ones are gathered, assessing a persons vital signs circled by crying family members & announcing they have passed. Not an easy job I can assure you. Unfortunately I'm not the heartless person people think I am. Just a person who observes a bigger picture. Its far greater than you think, the covid 19 response has caused other less obvious long term issues we will get into & I hope your around for the discussion.

Regarding your links, please scroll down to "COVID-19 deaths by age group and sex" & turn off your TV before your infected with more BS

WA, 9675 posts
3 Aug 2020 3:35AM
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MickPC said..

Ctngoodvibes said..
Mick, there ain't no over reaction. Its great your polite in your posts, but what you are saying is offensive to those people suffering with this ****e disease.

I cant fathom why you can't see that young people with no underlying health conditions are dieing.

Thanks Captain. I do appreciate at least a few people have recognised I've tried my best to be polite throughout this thread with so many emmotional outburst posts containing zero to very little substance to reply to...and its all about opinion like your opening statement "there's no over reaction" which I & many others disagree with. Please base your opinion on facts (non emmotional ones).

Regarding your second statement where you can't fathom young people with no underlying health conditions dieing....this I think partly identifys or partially explains many peoples opposition to what they perceive my thoughts to be. I worked 8 years in palliative care & have seen many people pass. Being there for patients & famillies when their loved ones are gathered, assessing a persons vital signs circled by crying family members & announcing they have passed. Not an easy job I can assure you. Unfortunately I'm not the heartless person people think I am. Just a person who observes a bigger picture. Its far greater than you think, the covid 19 response has caused other less obvious long term issues we will get into & I hope your around for the discussion.

Regarding your links, please scroll down to "COVID-19 deaths by age group and sex" & turn off your TV before your infected with more BS

Bs mick,your fake clips and links continuously are proven just ignore those important facts... instead you continue to be hoodwinked as you are scouring you tube blindly woke

NSW, 1301 posts
3 Aug 2020 7:03AM
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MickPC said..

Ctngoodvibes said..
Mick, there ain't no over reaction. Its great your polite in your posts, but what you are saying is offensive to those people suffering with this ****e disease.

I cant fathom why you can't see that young people with no underlying health conditions are dieing.

Thanks Captain. I do appreciate at least a few people have recognised I've tried my best to be polite throughout this thread with so many emmotional outburst posts containing zero to very little substance to reply to...and its all about opinion like your opening statement "there's no over reaction" which I & many others disagree with. Please base your opinion on facts (non emmotional ones).

Regarding your second statement where you can't fathom young people with no underlying health conditions dieing....this I think partly identifys or partially explains many peoples opposition to what they perceive my thoughts to be. I worked 8 years in palliative care & have seen many people pass. Being there for patients & famillies when their loved ones are gathered, assessing a persons vital signs circled by crying family members & announcing they have passed. Not an easy job I can assure you. Unfortunately I'm not the heartless person people think I am. Just a person who observes a bigger picture. Its far greater than you think, the covid 19 response has caused other less obvious long term issues we will get into & I hope your around for the discussion.

Regarding your links, please scroll down to "COVID-19 deaths by age group and sex" & turn off your TV before your infected with more BS

Now thats the statistics that we should be looking at, shows a really broad and hopefully accurate picture of what is going on.Thanks for the link Mick

WA, 9675 posts
3 Aug 2020 5:34AM
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Ricardo1709 said..

MickPC said..

Ctngoodvibes said..
Mick, there ain't no over reaction. Its great your polite in your posts, but what you are saying is offensive to those people suffering with this ****e disease.

I cant fathom why you can't see that young people with no underlying health conditions are dieing.

Thanks Captain. I do appreciate at least a few people have recognised I've tried my best to be polite throughout this thread with so many emmotional outburst posts containing zero to very little substance to reply to...and its all about opinion like your opening statement "there's no over reaction" which I & many others disagree with. Please base your opinion on facts (non emmotional ones).

Regarding your second statement where you can't fathom young people with no underlying health conditions dieing....this I think partly identifys or partially explains many peoples opposition to what they perceive my thoughts to be. I worked 8 years in palliative care & have seen many people pass. Being there for patients & famillies when their loved ones are gathered, assessing a persons vital signs circled by crying family members & announcing they have passed. Not an easy job I can assure you. Unfortunately I'm not the heartless person people think I am. Just a person who observes a bigger picture. Its far greater than you think, the covid 19 response has caused other less obvious long term issues we will get into & I hope your around for the discussion.

Regarding your links, please scroll down to "COVID-19 deaths by age group and sex" & turn off your TV before your infected with more BS

Now thats the statistics that we should be looking at, shows a really broad and hopefully accurate picture of what is going on.Thanks for the link Mick

How do you think these statistics would look without all the recommendations that have been put in place ?

8266 posts
3 Aug 2020 7:22AM
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Sorry Captain you call me polite & then I end with "turn off your TV before your infected with more BS". I should of just said fed more misinformation or sensationalised fear mongering. Your links were a good example of that. Respiratory distress is very scary, but at the end of the day young people are not dieing from C19. Infected yes & in greater numbers than old people. Initially there were a lot of oldies infected & the death toll climbed quickly due to the cruise ships & the demographic that enjoy them.

WA, 9675 posts
3 Aug 2020 7:27AM
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MickPC said..
Sorry Captain you call me polite & then I end with "turn off your TV before your infected with more BS". I should of just said fed more misinformation or sensationalised fear mongering. Your links were a good example of that. Respiratory distress is very scary, but at the end of the day young people are not dieing from C19. Infected yes & in greater numbers than old people. Initially there were a lot of oldies infected & the death toll climbed quickly due to the cruise ships & the demographic that enjoy them.

How come doctors do not fully understand how damaging the virus is yet ,yet you know everything about it mick ?

The amount of young and middle aged people not healing is also a cause for concern and is only coming to light now

WA, 9675 posts
3 Aug 2020 7:29AM
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Also mick,i will ask again for the umteenth time,how would theses statistics be without all the precautions and measures set in place?

Or is it the 5g airwaves that are messing up the transmission?

8266 posts
3 Aug 2020 7:35AM
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chrispy said..

Ricardo1709 said..

MickPC said..

Ctngoodvibes said..
Mick, there ain't no over reaction. Its great your polite in your posts, but what you are saying is offensive to those people suffering with this ****e disease.

I cant fathom why you can't see that young people with no underlying health conditions are dieing.

Thanks Captain. I do appreciate at least a few people have recognised I've tried my best to be polite throughout this thread with so many emmotional outburst posts containing zero to very little substance to reply to...and its all about opinion like your opening statement "there's no over reaction" which I & many others disagree with. Please base your opinion on facts (non emmotional ones).

Regarding your second statement where you can't fathom young people with no underlying health conditions dieing....this I think partly identifys or partially explains many peoples opposition to what they perceive my thoughts to be. I worked 8 years in palliative care & have seen many people pass. Being there for patients & famillies when their loved ones are gathered, assessing a persons vital signs circled by crying family members & announcing they have passed. Not an easy job I can assure you. Unfortunately I'm not the heartless person people think I am. Just a person who observes a bigger picture. Its far greater than you think, the covid 19 response has caused other less obvious long term issues we will get into & I hope your around for the discussion.

Regarding your links, please scroll down to "COVID-19 deaths by age group and sex" & turn off your TV before your infected with more BS

Now thats the statistics that we should be looking at, shows a really broad and hopefully accurate picture of what is going on.Thanks for the link Mick

How do you think these statistics would look without all the recommendations that have been put in place ?

People in nursing homes are palliative Chrispy, procedures are always put in place to minimise their exposure to health risks & with covid 19 extra precautions have been put in place. We should really have put extra focus on protecting our oldies instead of shutting down the country & causing other issues. Unfortunately its very difficult with elderly people with frail health because it often does not take much extra to tip the balance.

The lockdown has shown that it has failed to protect many of them.

But the point I was making was that covid 19 is not taking the lives of younger people, the response to it has but not the virus itself.

If you look at the graphs here you will see people between 20 & 40 years old represent the greatest number of "cases" (infections). The graphs also show that based on the significant data collected now. C19 does not pose as serious health risk as it does for the elderly.

We can't lock down the country every time flu season arrives.

Does that answer your second question above Chrispy, I think it does but I can reword it later if you like. Gotta head off to work...havagood1

10979 posts
3 Aug 2020 7:51AM
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chrispy said..
Also mick,i will ask again for the umteenth time,how would theses statistics be without all the precautions and measures set in place?

Or is it the 5g airwaves that are messing up the transmission?

The stats don't really matter.
Isn't the reason behind the measures put in place to reduce the spreading of the disease to the vulnerable ?

The measures aren't put in place to save young people lives they are to stop the spreading of the virus to older more vulnerable people.

Look at NSW. No community transmission till our visitor firm Vic, than it spreads through the community and you have deaths. So even though the young may not be dying they are sure as **** spreading it to vulnerable members of the community.

Agree 100% with your call on the stats, funny people say the measures are over zealous then use the stats from those measures to try and make a point.

Why not use Sweden?


Forums > Surfing Longboarding

"Lockdown" started by Cobra