Plus another 1!
Like Steve Jobs said..."Here's to the crazy ones, the misfits, the rebels, the troublemakers, the round pegs in the square holes... the ones who see things differently -- they're not fond of rules... You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them, but the only thing you can't do is ignore them because they change things... they push the human race forward, and while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius, because the ones who are crazy enough to think that they can change the world, are the ones who do."
Here we go again !
Looks like you might get the knife wet mid week Ron if the charts stay true.I really hope it flies,flows and squirts all over the place for you and you bury the rail up to the nose - Just saying
Hey Roy...where in this whole thread did I say I was basing my design on the theory of compressing venturi are exactly right in stating it is an enclosed is just like your garden hose...and I don't need you to tell your reply was accurate to the last paragraph...I rode my knife this morning in very sub standard conditions...and for your information it performed very well is very stable and the lift from the blades lets me stand over the top of them enabling me to find the nice fall line of the wave and generate speed...and I'm thinking...more wipe that egg off your face are not the design guru you think you are.....oh.....I see your bottom turn....and raise you one
tides dropped and I'm off for test 2...trying bigger fin this time
What you are seeing is a genuine interest in surfboard design... some of us just think about surfboard design more than others... but some seem to prefer a long stream of 'yes' men to people who make pertinent comments.
Obviously it can be tough to have one's creation publicly criticised, I know how it is to be on the receiving end too, but when all's said and done I prefer to have disagreement aired when it comes to my stuff, as long as it doesn't get abusive and personal.
But that's just me, I don't pretend to speak for Ron, who has already taken the personal comment route, indicating that he doesn't like to parley.
It's a public forum however and if the maker doesn't want to receive criticism as well as praise then he's kind of using the wrong format for publicity.
The runners will act as brakes, there's no way around it really, unless they are straightened out, and no ride report from the maker can change that.
Some nice sticks there, I like the Summercloud one especially... the blades on the board above aren't hooked inwards are they? they look straighter.
Design is about innovation ..Why is a dimpled golf ball flying further than a smooth ball..I would think that dimples would slow it..but not the case.
By the way..It's Summercloud Roy
The personal abuse has been all yours... go back and check.
Your chest thumping notwithstanding (since none of it is relevant) constricting flow by hooking those blades is going to cause extra drag, it doesn't take books to know that though books will obviously confirm it.
By the way I did post that I like your 70's boards and asked a polite question about the shape of the 'blades' on the board in the picture, no need to answer if you don't want to.