Forums > Surfing Longboarding

Ron's knife project

Created by arkgee > 9 months ago, 8 Mar 2015
532 posts
26 Mar 2015 2:01AM
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arkgee said..
ok I'm over this sh#t....I'm bored and its taken up too much of my I'm outa here, but before I go I have a confession to make...the whole thing is a sham....I have manipulated this whole thing and I will be guilty as was tongue in cheek the whole thing...I'm sure most of you must get it "Roys gun project"....Rons knife project".......I baited you big time Roy, and you took it like a giant lurked around for awhile but then you came in and went on with your usual antics...your like an open book mate...with you its always the same washing machine...just a different cycle...your very easy to think I only comment on things that suite my agenda...take a look at yourself...I manipulated you to where I didn't have to lock horns with you...and you didn't even realise lowered yourself to personal abuse...because you lost your cool and got angry...something I watched you do to people time and time again, and the person on the other end was pissing himself laughing...such is the never know if emotions are in check...or is he having a huge lend of see you don't know me, so it was a classic case of mistaken mistook me for someone who gives a f#ck....I'm an old man...a spent cartridge really so I don't really care what you or anyone else thinks of me....I did not do this to win friends so we could gang up on you...I was just really pissed that single handed you have poisoned this once uniquely happy forum, and I strongly feel you should be held can dissect this post and come back with your can show off your intellect....but I'm sorry, you are still a there you go that is my got a little out of hand and I'm not proud of that ....I fabricated the whole the point where I knew exactly how I would end it...I started at the end and worked backwards actually...right from the start I designed and built a KNIFE YOU CAN TAKE TO A GUNFIGHT


The personal abuse came initially from you, and your thread title being a knock off was obvious from the start.

Seems like you have a bit of a chip on the shoulder, making such a fuss over a simple comment on water flow... and if there's poison it 'aint coming from me... I've been straight up from the start... but you claim to have deceived as if it is something to be proud of.

532 posts
26 Mar 2015 2:06AM
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Macaha said..
Cuttlefish said..
Sheer unadulterated brilliance.
We are in the prescence of genius, gentlemen.

haha,the issue I have is I hope Ron is not lost his input has always been first class and not once has he pushed his agenda not once,he is a first class board maker who we have been blessed he has shared with us.

Yes Roy is well known for his antics but hey one person is not going to destroy a good thing.

Antics? I merely posted a comment on water flow and some people get abusive and on their high horse about it, no use blaming me, blame yourselves since you are the ones having a hate fest.

NSW, 639 posts
26 Mar 2015 7:52AM
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RoyStuart said..

arkgee said..
ok I'm over this sh#t....I'm bored and its taken up too much of my I'm outa here, but before I go I have a confession to make...the whole thing is a sham....I have manipulated this whole thing and I will be guilty as was tongue in cheek the whole thing...I'm sure most of you must get it "Roys gun project"....Rons knife project".......I baited you big time Roy, and you took it like a giant lurked around for awhile but then you came in and went on with your usual antics...your like an open book mate...with you its always the same washing machine...just a different cycle...your very easy to think I only comment on things that suite my agenda...take a look at yourself...I manipulated you to where I didn't have to lock horns with you...and you didn't even realise lowered yourself to personal abuse...because you lost your cool and got angry...something I watched you do to people time and time again, and the person on the other end was pissing himself laughing...such is the never know if emotions are in check...or is he having a huge lend of see you don't know me, so it was a classic case of mistaken mistook me for someone who gives a f#ck....I'm an old man...a spent cartridge really so I don't really care what you or anyone else thinks of me....I did not do this to win friends so we could gang up on you...I was just really pissed that single handed you have poisoned this once uniquely happy forum, and I strongly feel you should be held can dissect this post and come back with your can show off your intellect....but I'm sorry, you are still a there you go that is my got a little out of hand and I'm not proud of that ....I fabricated the whole the point where I knew exactly how I would end it...I started at the end and worked backwards actually...right from the start I designed and built a KNIFE YOU CAN TAKE TO A GUNFIGHT


The personal abuse came initially from you, and your thread title being a knock off was obvious from the start.

Seems like you have a bit of a chip on the shoulder, making such a fuss over a simple comment on water flow... and if there's poison it 'aint coming from me... I've been straight up from the start... but you claim to have deceived as if it is something to be proud of.

as you would say it again stupid....your not as smart as I thought you were....I SET YOU UP....I couldn't give f#ck about water flow.....have a nice day sunshine.

532 posts
26 Mar 2015 8:21AM
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arkgee said..

I couldn't give f#ck about water flow.

A strange statement coming from a surfboard shaper.

You seem to think it's important that you claim to have 'set me up' but to be honest all you've done is make yourself and some others here look silly.

I haven't changed at all so where's your claimed victory, and why do you have to look for a fight in the first place?

It seems that you carry a lot of resentment.

Comp heads, an odd bunch to be sure.

QLD, 21882 posts
26 Mar 2015 10:32AM
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Roy way before Ron chimed in pardon the punt you started a sh-t fight with your name calling,so in my book you started the SF from the beginning because some questioned your design.

Now in the best interests of the forum may I suggest you contribute in other topics and have a more positive approach to us no bodies and end this little my dicks bigger than yours argument.

Lets all move on and make the most out of life and enjoy the day!

I could be picking up a new board end of week which has me in a good mood

so peace and love from mac

8266 posts
26 Mar 2015 8:57AM
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LOL...happy easter everyone, hope yuz get good waves...for me, I hope to get good snow. Flying out to Japan tonight

Ted the Kiwi
NSW, 14256 posts
26 Mar 2015 12:06PM
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Why did the big reveal not come on April 1?

QLD, 21882 posts
26 Mar 2015 11:06AM
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MickPC said..
LOL...happy easter everyone, hope yuz get good waves...for me, I hope to get good snow. Flying out to Japan tonight

have a great trip mate love Japan the food the beer the people

Ted the Kiwi
NSW, 14256 posts
26 Mar 2015 12:10PM
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Macaha said..
MickPC said..
LOL...happy easter everyone, hope yuz get good waves...for me, I hope to get good snow. Flying out to Japan tonight

have a great trip mate love Japan the food the beer the people

+ 1 send us some pics

8266 posts
26 Mar 2015 9:15AM
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Ted the Kiwi said..
Macaha said..
MickPC said..
LOL...happy easter everyone, hope yuz get good waves...for me, I hope to get good snow. Flying out to Japan tonight

have a great trip mate love Japan the food the beer the people

+ 1 send us some pics

Will if I can, I'm taking a macbook pro I bought to hook up my guitar. I tryed to connect a card reader to it yesterday & it didn't work. That was after I realized the bloody thing doesn't have one built it. Probably needs some mac branded card reader or something

Ted the Kiwi
NSW, 14256 posts
26 Mar 2015 12:22PM
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Mac book pros have an SD card reader. You can get a multi card read for about $10 that plugs straight in the USB - so no real excuses Mick

Something like this will do the trick - get it from any computer store - eBay better but you have run out of time

8266 posts
26 Mar 2015 9:36AM
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Ted the Kiwi said..
Mac book pros have an SD card reader. You can get a multi card read for about $10 that plugs straight in the USB - so no real excuses Mick

Something like this will do the trick - get it from any computer store - eBay better but you have run out of time

Am I supposed to use that thunderport thing? Otherwise there's just heaphones, usb & a couple of other things that are too small for a I said, I already have a cheap multicard reader that did nothing when I plugged it in & I had a look in the "finder" thing & nothing was in there either...I'm a total newb with the mac, I've only been using the guitar software. Presonus, native instruments & garageband.

NSW, 1301 posts
26 Mar 2015 5:22PM
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Ive got a mac Pro and just stick the card in to the slot and i photos pops up and away it goes,whats the go with a card reader,I'm hopeless with computers so you may be talking about something completely different in which case I have nothing.

NSW, 639 posts
26 Mar 2015 7:42PM
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RoyStuart said..

arkgee said..

I couldn't give f#ck about water flow.

A strange statement coming from a surfboard shaper.

You seem to think it's important that you claim to have 'set me up' but to be honest all you've done is make yourself and some others here look silly.

I haven't changed at all so where's your claimed victory, and why do you have to look for a fight in the first place?

It seems that you carry a lot of resentment.

Comp heads, an odd bunch to be sure.

your very clever you have the sad puppy eyes...why me, I haven't changed.....lets take macs advice and move on make the most of life...I have a new board too...I will make it easy for you to end it all so you don't need a comeback and this thread will then be a sinker....seems to me what you need is this and please no come back let this sink.


NSW, 639 posts
26 Mar 2015 7:46PM
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MickPC said..
LOL...happy easter everyone, hope yuz get good waves...for me, I hope to get good snow. Flying out to Japan tonight

just had some friends return PC....... powder city

532 posts
26 Mar 2015 5:09PM
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arkgee said..
RoyStuart said..

arkgee said..

I couldn't give f#ck about water flow.

A strange statement coming from a surfboard shaper.

You seem to think it's important that you claim to have 'set me up' but to be honest all you've done is make yourself and some others here look silly.

I haven't changed at all so where's your claimed victory, and why do you have to look for a fight in the first place?

It seems that you carry a lot of resentment.

Comp heads, an odd bunch to be sure.

your very clever you have the sad puppy eyes...why me, I haven't changed.....lets take macs advice and move on make the most of life...I have a new board too...I will make it easy for you to end it all so you don't need a comeback and this thread will then be a sinker....seems to me what you need is this and please no come back let this sink.


It's you're not your, getting that part right will go a long way towards improving trans Tasman relationships.

As you were.

QLD, 21882 posts
26 Mar 2015 7:12PM
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Cool so thats behind us looking forward to the new board build thread

QLD, 3808 posts
26 Mar 2015 8:48PM
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Macaha said..
Cool so thats behind us looking forward to the new board build thread

Speaking of new board builds............???

How's she traveling RG?

WA, 9675 posts
26 Mar 2015 6:53PM
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vanders1 said..

Macaha said..
Cool so thats behind us looking forward to the new board build thread

Speaking of new board builds............???

How's she traveling RG?

my new one is being shaped tomorrow

NSW, 639 posts
26 Mar 2015 9:53PM
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RoyStuart said..

arkgee said..

RoyStuart said..

arkgee said..

I couldn't give f#ck about water flow.

A strange statement coming from a surfboard shaper.

You seem to think it's important that you claim to have 'set me up' but to be honest all you've done is make yourself and some others here look silly.

I haven't changed at all so where's your claimed victory, and why do you have to look for a fight in the first place?

It seems that you carry a lot of resentment.

Comp heads, an odd bunch to be sure.

your very clever you have the sad puppy eyes...why me, I haven't changed.....lets take macs advice and move on make the most of life...I have a new board too...I will make it easy for you to end it all so you don't need a comeback and this thread will then be a sinker....seems to me what you need is this and please no come back let this sink.


It's you're not your, getting that part right will go a long way towards improving trans Tasman relationships.

As you were.

see.... you are right

NSW, 639 posts
26 Mar 2015 9:56PM
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vanders1 said..

Macaha said..
Cool so thats behind us looking forward to the new board build thread

Speaking of new board builds............???

How's she traveling RG?

all good the pit with her tomorrow

NSW, 639 posts
26 Mar 2015 9:57PM
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chrispy said..

vanders1 said..

Macaha said..
Cool so thats behind us looking forward to the new board build thread

Speaking of new board builds............???

How's she traveling RG?

my new one is being shaped tomorrow

are you doing the artwork Crisp

QLD, 3808 posts
26 Mar 2015 9:14PM
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arkgee said..

vanders1 said..

Macaha said..
Cool so thats behind us looking forward to the new board build thread

Speaking of new board builds............???

How's she traveling RG?

all good the pit with her tomorrow

Good news mate. My fingers are starting to get get itchy in anticipation of caressing it's curves.

13831 posts
26 Mar 2015 7:16PM
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mmmmmmmmmmm I detect the wicked aroma of delicious Coffs Harbour Pornography in the thin evening air

Ted the Kiwi
NSW, 14256 posts
26 Mar 2015 11:38PM
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arkgee said...
vanders1 said..

Macaha said..
Cool so thats behind us looking forward to the new board build thread

Speaking of new board builds............???

How's she traveling RG?

all good the pit with her tomorrow

Is it going to have any fancy stuff happening on the bottom or just more of the same old stuff - I was liking the idea of something a bit novel come on Vanders show some creative spirt and fund the master shaper to build you something random !


Forums > Surfing Longboarding

"Ron's knife project" started by arkgee