Forums > Surfing Longboarding

Singles, Mids and anything else not LB

Created by SP > 9 months ago, 6 Aug 2015
10980 posts
6 Aug 2015 8:27AM
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This is for clips that aren't LB..

Couple of single clips to start off..

The first is the Maldives thing where they surf different boards each day, started yesterday for those interested link is

NSW, 7269 posts
6 Aug 2015 6:25PM
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Good clips SP . Keep them coming

8266 posts
6 Aug 2015 4:52PM
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A surf trip to Lakey

10980 posts
6 Aug 2015 5:06PM
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smh said...
Good clips SP . Keep them coming

This ones for the retrosexuals

Bolts, bolts and more bolts..

QLD, 1332 posts
6 Aug 2015 7:15PM
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Groovers being groovy.

Ted the Kiwi
NSW, 14256 posts
6 Aug 2015 8:05PM
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That place looks crap Stay away - heaps of better places to go.

10980 posts
6 Aug 2015 6:50PM
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Bryce young on a Ryan burch Asym.

And this has been posted before.
Ryan Burch on his own boards

NSW, 7269 posts
6 Aug 2015 9:22PM
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SP said..

smh said...
Good clips SP . Keep them coming

This ones for the retrosexuals

Bolts, bolts and more bolts..

Some familiar old faces in that lot . loved it

10980 posts
10 Aug 2015 9:29AM
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This fella is a ripper...

Asha Pacey.. On a twin..

TAS, 1925 posts
10 Aug 2015 3:09PM
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Great Idea dude...


QLD, 347 posts
10 Aug 2015 9:19PM
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A couple of my favourites from last year; +I really like little dragon!

WA, 9675 posts
13 Aug 2015 6:55PM
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Well i know how bad I am now. Since I have had this board for close to 8 months and I only ever had one oic

This is my go to board,my mostest funnest board and the one I'm surfing in everything from knee high to double oh. It loves it all. I feel on this board. It is super loose for a mid, which imo keeps me surfing it everyday.

I get all the advantages of a mid but I dont lose that much compared to my shorties. Well not enough for me to leave it in the racks. So I took a couple of pics today. Will get some better ones soon.....but hey I've been known to say that before.

One other thing,I think this is teenz (the lady of many colours) best resist tint yet. I still can't work out how she did the clouds....the girls a legend

Oh since I have put the quad in it...well I'm loving it even more

13831 posts
13 Aug 2015 6:58PM
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Cool mate cheers

10980 posts
13 Aug 2015 7:00PM
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That looks Very nice Chrispy.

What dimensions is it?

Now will we see the rest of the quiver??

9106 posts
13 Aug 2015 7:01PM
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cool stick,,, god SDR makes a good board.

BTW sorry to god for mentioning his name in a mid lenght thread

WA, 9675 posts
13 Aug 2015 7:06PM
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Cobra said..
cool stick,,, god SDR makes a good board.

BTW sorry to god for mentioning his name in a mid lenght thread

del makes all shapes mate the big fella even made the semis at the aussie titles for the old ****s did i mention anywhere that thry got first and third in the opens again this year

wow that that horrible gold coast sun has taken some colour out of is super bright,especially the balloons.

Sp it 7'6 x 21 x 2 5/8

VIC, 3829 posts
14 Aug 2015 8:34AM
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Thats a nice looking weapon bro...did you end up selling your singly?

8266 posts
14 Aug 2015 9:31AM
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Yep great looking board

569 posts
18 Aug 2015 4:45PM
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569 posts
18 Aug 2015 4:55PM
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WA, 9675 posts
18 Aug 2015 6:38PM
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Kagey said..

great looked like he was surfing a sub x that worked

WA, 9675 posts
18 Aug 2015 6:39PM
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Tux said..
Thats a nice looking weapon bro...did you end up selling your singly?

hey about to sell about six boards and that is one of them.........a whole new direction is a coming

TAS, 1925 posts
21 Aug 2015 5:40PM
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surf skating... pretty cool.

10980 posts
21 Aug 2015 4:03PM
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^ good footwork.

Great clips Kagey.

Tyler warren is a bit of freak eh??? Rides anything and rips on it..

TAS, 1099 posts
23 Aug 2015 3:01PM
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That Tyler warren clip on the mini simmons is probably my favourite clip on the net and some of the most stylish surfing I have seen! One of those clips to make you want to go and jump in the water right now!

569 posts
24 Aug 2015 9:51AM
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NSW, 7269 posts
24 Aug 2015 2:16PM
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Looks nice but where's the other half ? very nice tint, glassing and pinline.

QLD, 21946 posts
24 Aug 2015 4:18PM
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Stunning looking board,I'd need another for the other foot but have seen guys rip on those things.
Same guy who's been making TB's boards of late

WA, 9675 posts
24 Aug 2015 3:29PM
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Kagey said..

love it
,could you post some dims up please,and im intrested in how the rails are. Are they thick and boxy or have you got them more foiled out?

WA, 9675 posts
24 Aug 2015 3:29PM
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on the rails .just because I know pics are deceptive sometimes

the fins as well. what boxes are they and what fins are you running?


Forums > Surfing Longboarding

"Singles, Mids and anything else not LB" started by SP