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Forums > Surfing Longboarding

Singles, Mids and anything else not LB

Created by SP > 9 months ago, 6 Aug 2015
10980 posts
4 Sep 2015 6:45PM
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chrispy said...
SP said..
Nearly all the time...

They post some absolute ****e...

Occasional gem though

some nice surfing....surfed the longboard way better than i thought he could

Yeah, the little single looked interesting and he was ripping on the twin..

9106 posts
4 Sep 2015 6:46PM
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WA, 9675 posts
22 Sep 2015 3:25PM
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QLD, 1332 posts
25 Sep 2015 5:50AM
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Went to the Goldy and Byron the other week. Dropped into the McT showroom as I'd spied a cool Webster 7'6" single fin on their used boards listings.
When I got their it wasn't on the used rack outside.
Looked into the showroom and their it was...being cleaned up, ready to be freighted off to Ireland of all places.
A guy had bought it on-line the night before.
Anyway, drove on into Byron with this song apt soundtrack to the Bay's disciples.

QLD, 21949 posts
25 Sep 2015 7:27AM
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Whoa great clip and song shame about the board

9106 posts
26 Sep 2015 9:55PM
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just thought you lot might be able to help out a brother.

10980 posts
30 Sep 2015 11:25AM
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As smooth as Curren, as fast as Mick, more style then Tudor..

Machado Ripping...

QLD, 1332 posts
1 Oct 2015 7:00AM
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Bought myself a couple of cheap cruisers the other day.
The JC at 7'6" X 20.5" x 2&3/4" could be fun for a lightweight, easy paddling board for decent sized beachies when I want to sit outside a ways from the majority of crew and wait for set waves but it doesn't have so much foam it will be a liability.
Here's a vid of JC talking about a handshaped equaliser
How times have changed too...the board description says it has a wide nose...yeah for back when it was designed in the 90's but not for current times. The website says knee-overhead (Hawaii) so that will give it some
The blackhawk will be for my soft local point when its breaking in a couple of different take off zones or an outer point Nth of me.
The blackhawk has a lot of foam at 8' X 22" x 3&1/4" and 61 litres. I'd looked at some before and the poor finish put me off but this one was much better and they are the last of them so the patchy ones were seconds that the workers must have been thinking about funner stuff while doing.
Here's a vid of Richie Lovett surfing a few on one.

Funny when walks down the beach with one of these big guys boards they can attract jibes along the lines of "Waiimea's that way" or the like due to their nose and length (since the unknowing mistake them for a gun) but if you had a midlength or hp longboard with their rounded noses no one would bat an eyelid.
No idea why the images are sideways...sorry.

WA, 9675 posts
1 Oct 2015 6:25PM
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that jc board is what most smart people are missing,and i say too all the other,,,,,keep riding your hp boards,you all rip

the blackhawk looked like a nice shape,but that is the last vid i would have posted if i was trying to promote it. The board looked really stiff and seemed to track really badly....sorry the vid made it look like sh1t to me

QLD, 1332 posts
2 Oct 2015 6:12AM
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I get what you're saying about the blackhawk.
I reckon that board could be way more foam compared to what Richie's used to riding and I'm already thinking of fins in my collection to loosen it up some.
Watching that video I was waiting for him to do a nice big top turn but it wasn't to be. The last fins I'd screw into that board would be glass flex fins if I was going to ride it in decent waves.
Figure I'll just leave it in the rafters for the occasional bigger day where there may not be much turning involved anyway but my local point is a big mushburger that needs planing area and foam to make it fun.

8266 posts
14 Oct 2015 8:21AM
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I've had some bad luck with cameras this year. 2 cameras I'd had for years died & I lost some great video/photo's from Japan when a portable hard drive died before backing up. Luckily the missus took some shots with her camera & I was able to put a little video together of us in the snow in Hokaido

Kiroro Snow World Hokaido is about 90 mins from Sapporo by bus. We visited a week before the ski season closed & were lucky to still find pretty good snow for the end of March. Its a really beautiful place & a great resort.

WA, 2355 posts
14 Oct 2015 8:36AM
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chrispy said...
that jc board is what most smart people are missing,and i say too all the other,,,,,keep riding your hp boards,you all rip

the blackhawk looked like a nice shape,but that is the last vid i would have posted if i was trying to promote it. The board looked really stiff and seemed to track really badly....sorry the vid made it look like sh1t to me

Richie isn't the biggest guy around so maybe that matters too. One of the local guys - who is 95kgs - rides that and raves about, but our reefs tend to slower and heavier than the beachies that vid is on. Drop down down then hook rather than go go go. The local bloke also turned it into a 2 + 1 so that's a bit different too. I haven't ridden it, although he offered to let me have a go, nor have I seen him on it so just passing on another's opinion. He works in a surf store and that's his go to board btw.

WA, 2355 posts
14 Oct 2015 8:41AM
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I also agree most people need that semi-gun/fun gun thing in their quivers. I have mates paddling around on 6'4" boards same age and weight as me when I am on a 7'2" and they are nowhere near as comfortable or getting anywhere near the number of waves.

"But Mick doesn't go over 7' until it's huge so why do I need a mid-length in 6' waves? The 6'4" will do it because I like the way it turns." Lol.

8266 posts
14 Oct 2015 11:53AM
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Another snowboarding vid from 2009

13 posts
26 Oct 2015 11:22AM
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Hey Cuttlefish
If you're still about could you spare you're opinion on where you'd go with fins in a board like the Blackhawk to reduce the tracking issue?
I've got a (big) guys "short" board 7'6" which is really handy in conditions where I'd be falling off the back or getting mowed down on my smaller board.
Tracking is a bit of an issue though when the legs aren't doing enough of the small amount of critical footwork required...I guess it possible the right set of fins might make it a little more forgiving and help cover some of my stodgy positioning...(my board has fcs/surfinz)

At 6'4" I'm in that 95kgs-100kgs range too, similar to the guy drip mentioned - god help me.

WA, 2355 posts
26 Oct 2015 11:27AM
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Humas said...
Hey Cuttlefish
If you're still about could you spare you're opinion on where you'd go with fins in a board like the Blackhawk to reduce the tracking issue?
I've got a (big) guys "short" board 7'6" which is really handy in conditions where I'd be falling off the back or getting mowed down on my smaller board.
Tracking is a bit of an issue though when the legs aren't doing enough of the small amount of critical footwork required...I guess it possible the right set of fins might make it a little more forgiving and help cover some of my stodgy positioning...(my board has fcs/surfinz)

At 6'4" I'm in that 95kgs-100kgs range too, similar to the guy drip mentioned - god help me.

Try a smaller rear fin. I don't have that board, but have a smilar solution to the problem. I use FCS Performers. Large in the sides, small in the middle. To be honest to do run it as a quad more often, but the small/large fin set up loosens it while still being drivey.

WA, 585 posts
26 Oct 2015 6:09PM
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MickPC said..
I've had some bad luck with cameras this year. 2 cameras I'd had for years died & I lost some great video/photo's from Japan when a portable hard drive died before backing up. Luckily the missus took some shots with her camera & I was able to put a little video together of us in the snow in Hokaido

Kiroro Snow World Hokaido is about 90 mins from Sapporo by bus. We visited a week before the ski season closed & were lucky to still find pretty good snow for the end of March. Its a really beautiful place & a great resort.

One thing I got from the vids Mick is the missus has all the talent when it comes to the snow

Looked unreal its on my bucket list maybe Xmas one year

13 posts
27 Oct 2015 10:44AM
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Thanks thedrip - will give it a try.

8266 posts
27 Oct 2015 10:59AM
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IFocus said..
MickPC said..
I've had some bad luck with cameras this year. 2 cameras I'd had for years died & I lost some great video/photo's from Japan when a portable hard drive died before backing up. Luckily the missus took some shots with her camera & I was able to put a little video together of us in the snow in Hokaido

Kiroro Snow World Hokaido is about 90 mins from Sapporo by bus. We visited a week before the ski season closed & were lucky to still find pretty good snow for the end of March. Its a really beautiful place & a great resort.

One thing I got from the vids Mick is the missus has all the talent when it comes to the snow

Looked unreal its on my bucket list maybe Xmas one year

haha yep true that, I'm pretty out of control a lot of the time. Missus can snowboard, even has her own snowboard at her olds place. But she prefers to ski.

You will love it when you go. Just try & get a plane into Haneda so your right in the heart of Tokyo. Narita is a pain unless you go straight to Sapporo. If you go snowboarding somewhere West of Tokyo you can head out on a Japan Rail pass that you can also use in Tokyo, Kyoto, Osaka etc...great value

8266 posts
27 Oct 2015 11:31AM
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SW Solidity

WA, 2355 posts
27 Oct 2015 11:42AM
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Well they're all the waves I try to avoid surfing.

Actually, that's a lie. There are a whole bunch more too.

QLD, 1332 posts
27 Oct 2015 5:52PM
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Humas said..
Hey Cuttlefish
If you're still about could you spare you're opinion on where you'd go with fins in a board like the Blackhawk to reduce the tracking issue?
I've got a (big) guys "short" board 7'6" which is really handy in conditions where I'd be falling off the back or getting mowed down on my smaller board.
Tracking is a bit of an issue though when the legs aren't doing enough of the small amount of critical footwork required...I guess it possible the right set of fins might make it a little more forgiving and help cover some of my stodgy positioning...(my board has fcs/surfinz)

At 6'4" I'm in that 95kgs-100kgs range too, similar to the guy drip mentioned - god help me.

Hi Humas,
I'd agree with what the drip has said about simply trying a smaller centre fin or rear trailers if you're using quads.
Also when you've a longer board with plenty of rail to use you could also drop down a size or two in all your fins as well.
Just a matter of finding out where you have the right combo of drive, hold and release.
Going to a fin with a more upright template (with less rake) to reduce the hold or narrower tip to promote earlier release.
If the waves aren't too large I often like running H2s to loosen a stiff longer board up.

13 posts
27 Oct 2015 6:12PM
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Thanks Cuttlefish.

Informative as always.

Boards a thruster so I got something to give a go straight away (the smaller centre fin).

Combined with some decent footwork should be sweet.

8266 posts
28 Oct 2015 7:25AM
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thedrip said..
Well they're all the waves I try to avoid surfing.

Actually, that's a lie. There are a whole bunch more too.

There's some serious do or die situations in that vid. Most of them involving some balls to the wall take off's & pedal to the metal. Didn't see much late bottom turns or stalling to get into those beast barrels. Basically taking off super deep & flooring it

I wouldn't be going for 99% of them either

WA, 2355 posts
28 Oct 2015 9:05AM
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MickPC said..

thedrip said..
Well they're all the waves I try to avoid surfing.

Actually, that's a lie. There are a whole bunch more too.

There's some serious do or die situations in that vid. Most of them involving some balls to the wall take off's & pedal to the metal. Didn't see much late bottom turns or stalling to get into those beast barrels. Basically taking off super deep & flooring it

I wouldn't be going for 99% of them either

That's more my style. Easy in, fade, stall, hook and park as the wave hits the shelf and throws. Emphasis on easy in.

8266 posts
28 Oct 2015 12:35PM
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thedrip said..
MickPC said..

thedrip said..
Well they're all the waves I try to avoid surfing.

Actually, that's a lie. There are a whole bunch more too.

There's some serious do or die situations in that vid. Most of them involving some balls to the wall take off's & pedal to the metal. Didn't see much late bottom turns or stalling to get into those beast barrels. Basically taking off super deep & flooring it

I wouldn't be going for 99% of them either

That's more my style. Easy in, fade, stall, hook and park as the wave hits the shelf and throws. Emphasis on easy in.' />


QLD, 1332 posts
28 Oct 2015 3:46PM
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thedrip said..

chrispy said...
that jc board is what most smart people are missing,and i say too all the other,,,,,keep riding your hp boards,you all rip

the blackhawk looked like a nice shape,but that is the last vid i would have posted if i was trying to promote it. The board looked really stiff and seemed to track really badly....sorry the vid made it look like sh1t to me

Richie isn't the biggest guy around so maybe that matters too. One of the local guys - who is 95kgs - rides that and raves about, but our reefs tend to slower and heavier than the beachies that vid is on. Drop down down then hook rather than go go go. The local bloke also turned it into a 2 + 1 so that's a bit different too. I haven't ridden it, although he offered to let me have a go, nor have I seen him on it so just passing on another's opinion. He works in a surf store and that's his go to board btw.

Any chance of finding out whether he added the box forward of the existing rear thruster plugs or had the plugs taken out and routed the box in?
Love to see a photo and/or measurement of box position and what length box he used.

QLD, 1332 posts
28 Oct 2015 3:50PM
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MickPC said..
I've had some bad luck with cameras this year. 2 cameras I'd had for years died & I lost some great video/photo's from Japan when a portable hard drive died before backing up. Luckily the missus took some shots with her camera & I was able to put a little video together of us in the snow in Hokaido

Kiroro Snow World Hokaido is about 90 mins from Sapporo by bus. We visited a week before the ski season closed & were lucky to still find pretty good snow for the end of March. Its a really beautiful place & a great resort.

May be going to snowboard in Japan this coming Feb.
Japanese fellow food stallholders at Eumundi is keen as to hit it.
Would be good to along with him to negate the language, culture proclivities I reckon.

WA, 2355 posts
28 Oct 2015 2:27PM
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Cuttlefish said..

thedrip said..

chrispy said...
that jc board is what most smart people are missing,and i say too all the other,,,,,keep riding your hp boards,you all rip

the blackhawk looked like a nice shape,but that is the last vid i would have posted if i was trying to promote it. The board looked really stiff and seemed to track really badly....sorry the vid made it look like sh1t to me

Richie isn't the biggest guy around so maybe that matters too. One of the local guys - who is 95kgs - rides that and raves about, but our reefs tend to slower and heavier than the beachies that vid is on. Drop down down then hook rather than go go go. The local bloke also turned it into a 2 + 1 so that's a bit different too. I haven't ridden it, although he offered to let me have a go, nor have I seen him on it so just passing on another's opinion. He works in a surf store and that's his go to board btw.

Any chance of finding out whether he added the box forward of the existing rear thruster plugs or had the plugs taken out and routed the box in?
Love to see a photo and/or measurement of box position and what length box he used.

He took the plugs out and had the box routed in. It was done by the Glass Factory who do most of the glassing for the shapers in the southwest so it is a very neat job and looks pretty much stock. i have a 9'6" widow maker on order at the shop so I am in and out a bit so I will ask him if I can take some measurements if he is working next time I am in there.

He he has an eclectic quiver from jet propelled boards to McTavish Vuelos to the Modern 8'. He grew up in the southwest so knows a lot about boards that go in juice.

QLD, 1332 posts
28 Oct 2015 4:37PM
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Thanks very much.


Forums > Surfing Longboarding

"Singles, Mids and anything else not LB" started by SP