Forums > Surfing Longboarding

The Good Morning thread

Created by towball > 9 months ago, 20 Jun 2012
Ted the Kiwi
NSW, 14256 posts
7 Mar 2014 3:25PM
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Just back from a cheeky arvo paddle. Took the old girl out for a few 2 fters on the low tide. Beautiful conditions just a shame its not a few feet bigger. Typical Friday arvo crowd with 3 of us sharing the peaks on an empty deserted beach in the national park. Heaven. Water temp must be 23 around here ET I reckon.

2m and offshore - sounds great TC - hope you get stuck into a few. Don't forget your homework or yr chick or her friends though

13831 posts
7 Mar 2014 12:46PM
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Yep .... very sparse sets of any goodness and that nasty devil north was chopping things up ..... but a surf is a surf you know

TAS, 1099 posts
7 Mar 2014 5:13PM
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E T said..

Whats the water temp youngen?


Not sure on the West Coast at the moment, haven't been over this year but the same time last year they surfed in boardies the whole comp.

TAS, 1099 posts
7 Mar 2014 5:16PM
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Ted the Kiwi said..

Just back from a cheeky arvo paddle. Took the old girl out for a few 2 fters on the low tide. Beautiful conditions just a shame its not a few feet bigger. Typical Friday arvo crowd with 3 of us sharing the peaks on an empty deserted beach in the national park. Heaven. Water temp must be 23 around here ET I reckon.

2m and offshore - sounds great TC - hope you get stuck into a few. Don't forget your homework or yr chick or her friends though

Na mate, well away from them and not too much schoolwork either! No maths thank fark! Just a bit of Physics and Chemistry Missus is off getting blind at some music festival.

Hoping to score good waves and good points but I reckon I will get my lunch handed to me. Only a shorty comp anyway so I don't expect to do as well!

13831 posts
7 Mar 2014 5:06PM
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Teacake said..

Ted the Kiwi said..

Just back from a cheeky arvo paddle. Took the old girl out for a few 2 fters on the low tide. Beautiful conditions just a shame its not a few feet bigger. Typical Friday arvo crowd with 3 of us sharing the peaks on an empty deserted beach in the national park. Heaven. Water temp must be 23 around here ET I reckon.

2m and offshore - sounds great TC - hope you get stuck into a few. Don't forget your homework or yr chick or her friends though

Na mate, well away from them and not too much schoolwork either! No maths thank fark! Just a bit of Physics and Chemistry Missus is off getting blind at some music festival.

Hoping to score good waves and good points but I reckon I will get my lunch handed to me. Only a shorty comp anyway so I don't expect to do as well!

music SextivalFestival ..... are you entirely insane young Tasgrom and you are where you say geez you need some Greenroom guidance badly young froth

13831 posts
9 Mar 2014 6:04AM
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Well hello and good morning to all of you outrageously talented good baaaaaaaaaastards ..... its Sunday morning - and if ya aint shaggin' the bedposts loose .... well ya gotta be out somewhere ((((that is equally as delicious))) a surfin'

Asea ..... get a 108% organic Mango up yaaaaaaaaaaaaa

NSW, 1125 posts
12 Mar 2014 11:34AM
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Morning to all you wax s hump day..hoping your hump will be overhead and foaming

13831 posts
13 Mar 2014 6:22AM
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Good morning you cosmic wave pigs , filthy fibreglass aficionados and the rest of you absolute farken frothers .... I am off to see whether the Lord Hughbert the wizard of waves has pulled his finger out and served providence

Have a wicked day lads & lasses

Aseaaaaaaaa get 3 papaias up you

Ted the Kiwi
NSW, 14256 posts
13 Mar 2014 9:42AM
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Morning chaps - 2 sleeps to go

13831 posts
16 Mar 2014 2:21AM
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Goooooooooooood Morning you unrepentant wave sinners get some stoke right the farking up yaaaaaa hope ya's all have a deliciously wicked day

13831 posts
17 Mar 2014 3:37AM
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Another good Autumn morning to all ...... make sure ya give your girl some lovin' before ya head off on ya bizz for the day then make sure your Board Porn is safe n sweet then get some purposeful stoke happening

Rumour has it on the Greenroom grapevine of perpetual froth that the Godfather Asea may have smashed the piss out of a certain Goldy point yesterday on his spanking new stick ..... sssssssmoking

4102 posts
17 Mar 2014 1:59PM
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It was a good morning.....the knee boarder and me paddled out at Red Bus in the darkness. The full moon had sunk slightly below the hills but once out in the surf you could vaguely see what was happening
Then another knee boarder came out.
I did good ....didn't run any knee boarders over lol
Towball quite late as usual

13831 posts
17 Mar 2014 7:50PM
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Inform Uncle Fester that he has a little Beerfine racked up Giz ....... under section 1 paragraph 2 .... Greenroom member absent without valid excuse & failure to share his froth and/or beer and/or Boardporn

4102 posts
18 Mar 2014 4:08PM
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I don't know whether we can do the beer fine thing pup
.....firstly because festus doesn't drink beer
and secondly because he did turn up......and he was doing the longboard thing which probably gains him numerous bonus points
But on the other hand he didn't turn up today.......was only head high waves at red bus but strong offshore wind and shallow sandbar
I was getting dragged along by my board in the impact zone which is not a good look

Ted the Kiwi
NSW, 14256 posts
18 Mar 2014 7:12PM
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How is TB Gizzie? Send him some good love from the Greemroom - tell him we all miss his wisdom and good humour

4102 posts
18 Mar 2014 4:52PM
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okay will do.....but am unable to believe that he is not secretly monitoring the "good morning" thread whenever his pc is turned on

13831 posts
18 Mar 2014 7:42PM
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GizzieNZ said..

okay will do.....but am unable to believe that he is not secretly monitoring the "good morning" thread whenever his pc is turned on

Well lets just see about that shall we Giz

....... TB get a large sweet organic Innisfail smooth skin Mango right up you .......

QLD, 5396 posts
19 Mar 2014 8:55AM
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Good morning boys and girls enjoy the day wherever you are

WA, 9675 posts
19 Mar 2014 10:07AM
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weiry said...
Good morning boys and girls enjoy the day wherever you are

Has been a excellent morning. Way past my bed time.....but Pfft to that,it's Friday night

13831 posts
19 Mar 2014 12:02PM
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Ya just gotta lerve Frahdays man I'm on mine too .... shame Huey has turned his toes up and scabbed the swell geez

WA, 9675 posts
19 Mar 2014 12:27PM
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Maybe if I was waiting for a train at penny

4102 posts
19 Mar 2014 2:05PM
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Our swell situation looking good for weekend......quite big 14 second wave period......but where to go? Mahia is like overseas travel for me and easterly swell direction plus southerly wind means tolaga good idea but maybe big big ?

NSW, 7269 posts
20 Mar 2014 8:47AM
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Good morning everybody. Crappy east winds here and very small swell. Will grab the barge and paddle the river I reckon.Enjoy everyone.

VIC, 8020 posts
20 Mar 2014 10:44AM
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Pumping waves here!

I've got some mild shoulder and neck ache, from so much surf, and paddling... I was just stretching, thinking about by "achy shoulder muscles", and... Achy Breaky Heart popped into my head!

My son is in kinder, and I wonder what he and his friends will think when they first hear this song!?

VIC, 8020 posts
20 Mar 2014 10:46AM
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Check these swell lines! (wait for the zoom-in, down the coast - the camera pans around, and zooms, in a cycle)...

13831 posts
20 Mar 2014 8:22AM
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Good Morning galaxy of the greenroom .... Simogrom you baaaaaaaaaaastard Flat as a beer fart this way

8266 posts
20 Mar 2014 9:20AM
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Yep was keen as this morning, thought it might be a tad bigger than yesterday. But nope...gotta say though. If you thought you were hard core, spare a thought for the grannies down there at dawn for a swim. No matter what the weather's like & that Southerly was pretty chilly this morning.

I hope I'm like that when I'm in my 80's

13831 posts
20 Mar 2014 10:03AM
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maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaate ....... I chatted with the regulars , the senior frothers were making more swell paddling around amongst themselves geez

13831 posts
23 Mar 2014 9:10AM
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Say ..... Hi there you magnificent hard pricks whatcha doin'

WA, 9675 posts
23 Mar 2014 1:20PM
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Good morning to you pupwana


Forums > Surfing Longboarding

"The Good Morning thread" started by towball