ha ha......the best my knee board informant came up with was "its some guy from the mount who just moved to giz......I know his landlord"
Good morning TB you highly polished magnificent bastard I am just about to embark on an incoming tide surf with brother Lance , coffee almost done
Nar mac wait ti see if the cl twinnie can do the job.
And the cw 6.2 epoxy. Batten apine which im lead to believe is ready.
Been some time that ine but hanging out to get it
Good morning you pack of crusty old Longboarders, and others, how nice to see that the banter continues.
Have been lurking around the edges with too much on my plate to be active. Plenty of good guff still being put up by the crew, ALI, MAC, LL, OBCT, CHRISPY etc etc oh I forget The PUP.
You guys make reading posts fun and give my days a boost.
Good morning to you from Sunny Beautiful, relaxed and waveless NOOSA.
Good morning TB you absolutely magnificent and superb bastard of a NZ thing go hard my good man or at the very least go forth anyway
farkin champion
pfffff here bloody norferly wind pfffff
Morning all there's a doco being released soon Featuring Peter Way if your my age and you surfed in NZ you know who he is There's a trailer on Rogers Facebook Page I'll try and paste the link (bear with me)