Hard to describe tow ball's PR man and his extreme manouvre at point today......was kind of like he was being done by a fast breaking wave (strong offshore)......it all turned to custard......he did this kind of backward flip......definitely fun to watch :)
Goooooooooooooooooooooooooood fargen morning Southern Hemisphere yeeeeeee fargen haaaaaaaa 2 surfs at 2 locations
got that much salt in the crack of my arse I'll be churning out pure Himalayan Pink Rock Salt by the Kilo
Towball you NZ superstar ..... if yer out there champion have a farken excellent day mate you too Giz
Rumour has it Vanders has purchased one of those sls trailers they use to toe the clubby boards and ski's around.
Geez TB don't go to the Goldie mate hahaha give me a holler I'll arrange a sane surf somewhere else oh & a good old fashioned feed into you
Well of course you lot could always come over here little bit of cold water never hurt any one
. To be honest the Lupus has been knocking me round a bit , I try and stay out of the sun ,they started me on some new Drugs which I take on a Saturday night sometimes I'm not much good for anything on Sunday . So when I do surf now I'm covered from head to toe , look like a bloody ISIS recruit . Work is full on only supposed to do 35 hrs but that doesn't happen
but it is satisfying . Then still get to surf with just gizzie and the Knee boarder some mornings pretty hard to do that on the Goldie . In August I shot off on my own in the RV headed north checked out the daughters new house in Cambridge then stayed the night in Raglan it was onshore and large there so I wimped out and kept going north . Ended up at a place called Mangawhai Heads surfed there with about six others . Then kepted heading north through Whangarei out toward Sandy Bay going through Nagaru the Chip Shop was open they have the best fish & chips so carried on over the Hill to Sandy Bay & parked up only one there dark by that stage sat there and had me chips .two foot swell sounded bigger , went to bed . Got up at six and hit the water all alone , call me a sad f_ _ _k but it was great . Had some breaky about 9 then went out till the onshore came . I'm just glade I can still do that . sometimes the shoulders play up so I ride an 8ft 666 for a bit . In April we're going to the South Island again keen to surf Kiakura after the earth Quakes hope they haven't spoiled the breaks too much .
So not too keen on going overseas till I get the Lupus under control
Don't you worry mate - it's definitely on my hit list to visit & surf the Land of TB , Gizzie , Ted & Bazz61 Hey thoughts with you on the Skin stuff mate that's a rotten thing