Big surf at Sponge Bay today.....I was an old try hard.....Paddled out ....survived a few big drops. Am sure tow ball would have done the same :) BUT think he has decided there is no surf in giz anymore. ...has jumped the ditch :) Out local 666 wave warrior just sitting on the fence like a wannabe :)
Big surf at Sponge Bay today.....I was an old try hard.....Paddled out ....survived a few big drops. Am sure tow ball would have done the same :) BUT think he has decided there is no surf in giz anymore. ...has jumped the ditch :) Out local 666 wave warrior just sitting on the fence like a wannabe :)
onya TB mate you did well my son - hey send some of that cooler stuff over to us will you please , this big low is putrid very bloody humid mate
Hello girls I just came back from a South Island , can't say I looked on here while I was away so raised an eyebrow when I happened to have look to see every one wetting there panties .Any way wasn't to bad er trip surfed Kaikoura to start I think the Earth Quake has improved the place surf wise and it was bloody good before . From there we headed south the idea was to go to Dunedin and we got as far as Moraki when I looked at the swell forecast and saw it was 10- 15ft so I wimped out and headed for the Westcoast and ended up at Westport for 12 nights uncrowded nice people they don't even lock there cars when they go for a surf , I know you will find it hard to believe but it's true .
I brought a Suzuki to tow be hind the Motor home which I should have done years ago . Below the new me most people don't recognise me these days it's far con great the beard is for sun protection
So this morning I surfed with Eddie Rare and Benny Hutchens both are over 75 I think far ken great hope I'm still going then
A little old to be taking selfies or is your name Roy
Nice trip by the sounds of it mate hope your well
Good morning surfers, you should all be up by now checking conditions' little uneven not too ban but I'm going to give it a miss due to arm.
As one famous and super rad seabreezer would say.Get out there and enjoy before the day enjoys you, something like that.
We have been having some amazing mornings here on the goldy with a fun wave to be had if one chose the correct wave riding machine it's Friday night
A nice line up of "old school" boards at this morning's dunger competition. The one with the tunnel fin looking quite tricky