Was a Bad Morning thread.......big onshore at mak......too small at sponge bay.......they chucked the sewage in the sea at town beach
Another possible towball sighting.....looked at biggish surf at makorori today.....ran off to work as fast as he could
Was biggish.....caught 4 waves in 2 hours. Rescued the board of another 666 when he snapped legrope
But we always hope the new one is going to be prettier and faster and turnier.......unlike some people who just get glummer
Towball and I can't work out why a "local" obnoxious whinging pommy short boarder calls us "the telly tubbies"
Fck you know you are getting old and soft when sitting out the back in a wetsuit ,booties , gloves and vest - a young girls paddles out past in a bikini and says on the way past how beautiful the water is today.
Some people know the names of local attractive women surfers. I mainly try to not run over the top of them. Lots of women who surf in giz
One of local amazon waka people. Paddles heaps of kays every day......catches waves in her waka. Even says hello