Forums > Surfing Longboarding

This place is for fun - not for bullies

Created by wavelength > 9 months ago, 21 Feb 2013
8266 posts
28 Feb 2013 12:49PM
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I know where your coming from Doggie. They are hard to compete with...I pretty much gave up & developed new skills for their, what I term "reverse snaking". When they come scratching around in front of me into priority I do one of two things & luckily due to the fat wally waves I generally encounter them it works quite well. I just paddle further onto the shoulder so I can take off without them blocking me or & this works great on a short board. You paddle slowly get your board planing, but don't put too much weight forward to go down the wave until they pass you. Then just take off late & stay in the pocket. 99% of the time they'll be gunning down the line way ahead of the pocket & won't even know your there lol

Most local guys probably expect me to do this these days & don't seem to mind...but I also call them onto waves & share them with them as well

8266 posts
28 Feb 2013 12:53PM
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swalkington said...
Surf a lb if under waist high and a shorty if over. Problem solvered.


Can't see the point of 666'ing unless its like knee high.

WA, 15849 posts
28 Feb 2013 1:15PM
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MickPC said...
swalkington said...
Surf a lb if under waist high and a shorty if over. Problem solvered.


Can't see the point of 666'ing unless its like knee high.

I just cant see the point unless you have a bad back or a general problem standing

WA, 6913 posts
28 Feb 2013 1:24PM
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MickPC said...
swalkington said...
Surf a lb if under waist high and a shorty if over. Problem solvered.


Can't see the point of 666'ing unless its like knee high.

I like it for flat water paddling. But i would enjoy a surf at places like Transit's something like that. Biggest issue is the size and weight.

But back to etiquette Legion i haven't had the same experience as you in the water with 666's but i still would like to think if i called them off they should move. Or at best I'd try and run one down. Out with a mate last night (who does tend to drop in on folk) he got pissed when he got dropped in on. He paddled out and said i hate that. I said you should have shouted. He said he shouldn't have too..That's true but i prefer when people call me if they are on the inside and i call and that works..

I do think i am surfing a lot of different type of spots to you though Legion..

ANyway this thread was about bullying so back to you Doggie, Mac and Pup

WA, 1403 posts
28 Feb 2013 2:41PM
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I tried to post a comment that legion / doggie hate sups yet legion has em posted all over his profile, but seabreeze stopped working and wouldn't let me!! Maybe legion is both doggie and Laurie ?

WA, 6913 posts
28 Feb 2013 3:14PM
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Legion said...
I don't call. Shouldn't have to. If someone chooses to drop in, I'll do my damnedest to catch up to them and have some fun, however I can.

A big problem with dropping in, especially on a 12'+ board ridden by a kook, is that by the time they pull off they've blown at least one section, usually the best opportunity of the whole wave. And interrupting my flow can mess up the whole wave. E.g. I was carrying speed, planned to turn off there and then use that to setup the next section - hang on, gotta stall or maybe carefully manoeuvre around that person to avoid a collision - now both this section and the next are ruined and I have to press reset on a 50-100m long wave.

Also, the SUPers didn't have the same issue with dropping in. Sharing was common between them. If you can't turn it doesn't matter anyway, just all glide along doing nothing next to each other.

Plus they only count themselves in their rotation, because they stand in a different area to other surfers. If they're already 20m+ further out, they don't think about the people in the actual takeoff zone. They take turns amongst themselves but when there are 12 of them, that's more than enough to account for every set. And way too many to try to educate that maybe it's not your turn, or your turn, or your turn every time.

I can't see the point of them in quality waves either, but if you don't own other more appropriate craft and don't have the skills to ride them anyway, there's no choice.

I'd use one at Transits. Or downwinding.

They're not appropriate at Perth's favourite beaches IMO. But there were plenty last winter and there'll be even more this year. Awesome.

I'm dreading when they invade a couple of spots I surf that are shortboard strongholds. I know of at least a couple of very good surfers who have talked about it. Once that happens, the floodgates will really open. I can't say anything because they're people I know and surf with and I have no right to dictate when they know what they're doing. It's not like they'll be dangerous (not intentionally). But if they leverage the boards' wave catching ability it'll get ugly.

Looking forward to the same experience at the same place mentioned earlier again in a few months.

I deal with it. Doesn't mean I have to like it.

Far call As i said i haven't really had the pleasure of 12 666's in a line up with me so maybe i shouldn't comment

QLD, 7932 posts
28 Feb 2013 5:51PM
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i did not want to be the same as a troll post deleted

WA, 15849 posts
28 Feb 2013 4:15PM
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chrispychru said...
i did not want to be the same as a troll post deleted

laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
28 Feb 2013 6:15PM
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legion, go find a shortboard forum or a sup forum to rave on. no ones interested.

not only that its got nothing to do with this topic for goodness sake.

WA, 201 posts
28 Feb 2013 4:50PM
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Can we have a place that is for bullying? I only started checking the LB forum for the Goddard thread (because his boards look awesome) and the Beer Garden experiment/movie/fiasco (because I was impressed by the people having a crack at doing something positive). I know the grand sum of my contributions to the site has been winding Mac up over his choice of footwear (why he gave a toss what some random dick on a computer thought I will never know), so I'm sure my opinion doesn't count for **** but this thread has easily been the most interesting/hilarious thing up on SB in ages!

13831 posts
28 Feb 2013 4:56PM
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WA, 15849 posts
28 Feb 2013 5:24PM
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13831 posts
28 Feb 2013 5:31PM
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photo 1 - 2 foot .... then photo 2 - 3 foot .... then photo 3 - fark it he missed you [}:)]

WA, 15849 posts
28 Feb 2013 5:39PM
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thePup said...
photo 1 - 2 foot .... then photo 2 - 3 foot .... then photo 3 - fark it he missed you [}:)]

Hows the new Goddard going, havnt heard any reports on how it goes.

I would have thought you would be wanking yourself madly over it and telling the pres how well it goes and turns etc?

WA, 682 posts
28 Feb 2013 5:39PM
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Doggie, I'm trying to work out what your saying with these pics and whether there is a link between Pup's pics and yours. I noticed your post on another thread had a similar theme, I know a picture paints a thousand words but I'm stuffed if I can find those words, very cryptic or I'm just not getting it, would you care to elaborate?

WA, 15849 posts
28 Feb 2013 5:50PM
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bakesy said...
Doggie, I'm trying to work out what your saying with these pics and whether there is a link between Pup's pics and yours. I noticed your post on another thread had a similar theme, I know a picture paints a thousand words but I'm stuffed if I can find those words, very cryptic or I'm just not getting it, would you care to elaborate?

No relation at all, just thought I would throw up a couple of pics that I took myself the top one before we went out (with Calv actually in both) and the second one after we got out (very uncrowded for that spot) last one was a fave from the SUP room.
Real waves that were a bit bigger than the pups estimate lol

49 posts
28 Feb 2013 11:37PM
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doggie said...

So what happened in the last pic anyone get hurt?

49 posts
1 Mar 2013 1:27AM
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Killbot said...
Can we have a place that is for bullying? I only started checking the LB forum for the Goddard thread (because his boards look awesome) and the Beer Garden experiment/movie/fiasco (because I was impressed by the people having a crack at doing something positive). I know the grand sum of my contributions to the site has been winding Mac up over his choice of footwear (why he gave a toss what some random dick on a computer thought I will never know), so I'm sure my opinion doesn't count for **** but this thread has easily been the most interesting/hilarious thing up on SB in ages!

Very entertaining

WA, 15849 posts
1 Mar 2013 10:34AM
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WA, 24860 posts
1 Mar 2013 10:42AM
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5 pages of dribble.

No wonder some of the regular posters have dropped off.

WA, 15849 posts
1 Mar 2013 10:48AM
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62mac said...
5 pages of dribble.

No wonder some of the regular posters have dropped off.

Like smh?

WA, 24860 posts
1 Mar 2013 10:50AM
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Correct and a few others.

WA, 15849 posts
1 Mar 2013 10:58AM
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62mac said...
Correct and a few others.


WA, 24860 posts
1 Mar 2013 11:00AM
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doggie I'm not going to list names but I'm sure your smart enough to work it out.

WA, 15849 posts
1 Mar 2013 11:02AM
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62mac said...
doggie I'm not going to list names but I'm sure your smart enough to work it out.

Smh outlined why he wont be back, it isnt because of me. Some people dont like groveling and sucking up. Its not good form imo.

WA, 24860 posts
1 Mar 2013 11:07AM
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I also know why he is not coming back,I agree its because of you.

NSW, 2110 posts
1 Mar 2013 2:15PM
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Doggie I dont know you and havent met you and like your passion for surfing and your sense of humour, thing is I know its an online forum but a lot of blokes in here have met each other and have surfed together etc so it gets a bit personal. I just dont understand the Pup bullying thing have you met him. Would you do the same thing if you met someone like him in your local board riders club etc.

WA, 6913 posts
1 Mar 2013 11:17AM
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Im still here

Lets move it along fellas..Mac you don't have time for this, we want picks and so far you are letting us all down[}:)]

NSW, 3487 posts
1 Mar 2013 2:24PM
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62mac said...
5 pages of dribble.

No wonder some of the regular posters have dropped off.

Probably 50% correct Mac, I haven't dropped off, but I've dramatically dropped my post count and my reading.

This thread is a good example, this is my first contribution to it because in the same way that I'm blind to red and green thumbs, I also make myself blind to threads that I don't like the content of.

The only reason I opened it was because you were the last poster and I like your contributions.

I'm sure the people who stopped posting are lurking and looking and if they feel that they have a worthwhile contribution to make, they will make it.

But all is not lost, I can't be thankful enough to the forum for the people that it's put me in close contact with, and as a consequence of that, even if my contributions have dropped somewhat, my PM have increased, simply because it's the best way to stay in contact with the people I've met.

WA, 24860 posts
1 Mar 2013 11:25AM
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jbshack said...
Im still here

Lets move it along fellas..Mac you don't have time for this, we want picks and so far you are letting us all down[}:)]

Rest day today,been on the go go stuffed,just had a spin down the beach on the scooter,no waves on the west side.Matt has all the photos so we will have to wait sadly.


Forums > Surfing Longboarding

"This place is for fun - not for bullies" started by wavelength