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Forums > Surfing Longboarding

Where did you surf today?

Created by Simondo > 9 months ago, 23 Mar 2013
13831 posts
16 Mar 2014 3:39AM
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laceys lane said..

plenty big on the goldie. trained this morning then watched the surf for a bit.

this morning looks like being the best. later on on the lower tide its gone sideways.

i didn't have a board other than the log. thinking about how tough it is too paddle against the goldie point rips and how crowded it is- the only option for me with a limited hr range is a 666

i mean i can go to a pretty hard level but paddling up the point prone in a decent swell then getting a set on the head isn't what i my cardiologist prescribed


Ted the Kiwi
NSW, 14256 posts
16 Mar 2014 7:11AM
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I can imagine Locky. Glad you getting some though

It's 3m at 14 seconds here today, wind has been a light northerly most of the night sadly. Still should be good though I hope. Sun just coming up now. Have a good one fellas.

QLD, 458 posts
16 Mar 2014 6:24AM
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I hate to say it but - I'm stoked it's gone northerly!! After 23 surfs in the last 22 days I'm officially surfed out and need to couple of days off. Might reacquaint myself with the wife & grommets today.

Did a hit & run mission yesterday to ***** and scored big time. Surfed through the dropping tide and building swell with max 15 in water - as opposed to 15,000 on Goldie points. My mate's wife scored bomb of the day - I wish I had her patience.

Apart from a snapped leggie and board washing up on the rocks 2nd wave all went off without a hitch.
Mid-week looking good again - better put in the board in for repairs on Monday

QLD, 5396 posts
16 Mar 2014 11:40AM
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i need to man up and front up for round two this arvo

WA, 9675 posts
16 Mar 2014 10:16AM
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Had the neck longboard comp today in a very solid 6-8 ft with some bigger 10ft+ coming through every half hour. The waves looked pretty surfable hahaha.
Watched two champions paddle out and get bombed..then they caught some smaller 8ft
It was not just the size that was ballsy, the noise from the beast breaking had all us car park critics cheering them on.

laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
16 Mar 2014 12:22PM
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i've been waiting for the chance to surf my log in some good waves

maybe next week

chrispy, at least the nw winds made the surf up your end look clean. the alley was as wild as.

looks of water moving around- even right up at winder pk

i paddled my 12'6 from winders pk to the ck mouth and the surf looked really big from winders with set waves charging through

WA, 9675 posts
16 Mar 2014 10:28AM
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Lacey there were some beautiful waves reeling along...I'm still amazed those two blokes could paddle out. The amount of water moving was frightening. It was just non stop.

NSW, 1125 posts
16 Mar 2014 5:36PM
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lay day for me..had my backside handed to me several times (yes slow learner) in the last 48hrs so decided to sit today out..(a side from really knowing that today was WAY beyond me)...enjoyed a coffee watching some of the Big Wave Daves paddling into well over double o/head...impressive. Some of the drops were so cool to watch...did feel the wipe outs though..lots of sweep and white water
(even the ease that some paddled out was super impressive.)

QLD, 515 posts
16 Mar 2014 6:04PM
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Surfed another Sunny coast beachie this morning, won't say which one but there is a certain Island just a 15 min paddle away.( Let me say that the Left off the Island Looked EPIC and I counted 9 boats at 1 stage. As well as All those that made the paddle across )

The swell seemed a touch bigger today
What do some of you guy's think

Then once the wind kicked in I went back down the beach and took my new 2.5m trainer kite for a spin, just to give the shoulders a little more burn.
Hope to make the most of the crappy onshore winds in future and be kitesurfing by Xmas.

Felling pretty sore and sunburnt right now and veggin on the couch watching the F1, Think I'll be asleep straight after dinner.

Hope everyone got in on the action over the last few days.


NSW, 7269 posts
16 Mar 2014 7:23PM
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Got a few today but the wind was making it hard trying to ride the barge. I justgot to work and looking out the window theres still some solid 6 ft sets rolling in. Been howling offshore here most of the day but the swells still coming.

13831 posts
16 Mar 2014 5:21PM
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Lucky bastards .... I'm just hoping we get something early tomoz

NSW, 3487 posts
16 Mar 2014 8:31PM
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Strictly SB territory all day, but in the late arvo a well protected southern corner came good for the LBs. Didn't look that big from shore so I went out on the Noserider, one wave later I was back on the beach racking up the all rounder. Could not believe the NR took the one drop to the left without ploughing in the nose, but it did and I figured it was more a case of good luck than skill.

All I got was 3 waves on the all rounder, but what beauties they were, from maybe 150mts in front of the rockpool, all the way to the northern wall of the surf club, fast walls for most of the way. Maybe just one cutty per wave and a big kick out in the shorey was about all I could manage, everything else was just "can I make the sections?"

Ted the Kiwi
NSW, 14256 posts
16 Mar 2014 9:31PM
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Nice work obct and all the rest of has who got some good ones. Was dam nice to finally paddle into a few decent sized ones and cop a few on the head Makes you feel you are still alive. Did a coast run - Saturday paid enormous dividends but this morning it was not good with the northerly having blown all night. Not the end of the world though I raced home and had 2 magnificent sessions where the nicely lined up NE swell was being fanned perfectly by a light offshore. Hoping tom morning will see more of the same.

EDIT - southerly change just came through ahhhhhh

QLD, 5396 posts
17 Mar 2014 4:07PM
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i was told up the beach was 6-8 ft yesterday morning so we figured at low tide we would head up the
beach about 4.30 & get it a bit smaller. our days of charging
are long gone.
..yep i was going to back it up with a second surf
but it was 4' dumping surf.

So we headed back and had a few beers with the local boys up the coast, gee its good sitting in a beer garden listening to some guy strumming a few tunes necking a few frothy's and telling old yarns with old mates

got a surf in today but the swell has just starting to drop now.
has been a fun three days back to work tomorrow so will miss the end of this
swell. but i always look forward to the next surf

QLD, 515 posts
17 Mar 2014 7:31PM
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weiry said..

got a surf in today but the swell has just starting to drop now.
has been a fun three days back to work tomorrow so will miss the end of this
swell. but i always look forward to the next surf

Shouldn't have to wait to long mate, as this weekend looks like it is going to jack back up again.
Can't wait to see what new banks pop up along the beachies in the next day or 2

NSW, 894 posts
17 Mar 2014 8:55PM
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The weather reporter for Newy and the mid and north coast is a surfer and he takes great delight in broadcasting the surf forcast. Well Mr weatherman backf!!!!!!! Every time a decent swell event occurs every man and his dog turn up.

Any real surfer is going to know what is going on all its doing is encouraging all the new retirees to hit the coast on a road trip sheeeeesh.

Ted the Kiwi
NSW, 14256 posts
17 Mar 2014 8:58PM
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So it was good at your place then Stu? The swell really straightened up today. I did a drive by of yr place yesterday and it had too much north in it A lot more square here today. Had 2 fun surfs. Nowhere near as serious as yesterday which made it even more fun

NSW, 894 posts
17 Mar 2014 9:11PM
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Yep really straightened up today me and the 30 others had a ball. Old Bar was throwing some awesome lefts Friday. Probably 3-4 footers on the point today but will be all gone by tomorrow sadly. Good to see your trip was not in vain.

Ted the Kiwi
NSW, 14256 posts
17 Mar 2014 9:39PM
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Glad you got some goods ones Stu. Would loved to have stayed up the coast one more night but had a meeting with a lawyer at 10am this morning that I could not avoid. Ahhhhh. Next time.

NSW, 1317 posts
17 Mar 2014 9:45PM
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Ted the Kiwi said..

Glad you got some goods ones Stu. Would loved to have stayed up the coast one more night but had a meeting with a lawyer at 10am this morning that I could not avoid. Ahhhhh. Next time.

was good for a couple of hours but the crowd was huge backed off pretty quickly

Ted the Kiwi
NSW, 14256 posts
17 Mar 2014 9:54PM
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I can imagine the crowd was ! Someone counted 80 on Saturday morning!!

Saw some nice pics of the place today. Sadly I was back in the office. Now I just need to wait for the next swell - lets hope its it not another 5 months

QLD, 5396 posts
17 Mar 2014 10:22PM
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Ted the Kiwi said..

I can imagine the crowd was ! Someone counted 80 on Saturday morning!!

Saw some nice pics of the place today. Sadly I was back in the office. Now I just need to wait for the next swell - lets hope its it not another 5 months

if i saw 80 in the lineup i would change sports. why don't they go surf with chrispy no crowds up his way

Ted the Kiwi
NSW, 14256 posts
18 Mar 2014 9:21AM
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This swell is continuing to produce some lovely waves around these part. 4ft on the sets but increasingly longer waits between. Some beautiful waves today Seems the word is out though as the place I normally surf in the mornings with just a handful of blokes had a few extra handfuls this morning by 7:30am. I had had my fair share by then though Hope you are all getting some as well.

NSW, 1125 posts
18 Mar 2014 11:06AM
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Same here Ted...nice open faces, but a fair wait for the sets scored some today

VIC, 8020 posts
18 Mar 2014 1:16PM
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I let The Tracker run down the line at Winki this morning!

NSW, 894 posts
18 Mar 2014 1:24PM
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Ted the Kiwi said..

This swell is continuing to produce some lovely waves around these part. 4ft on the sets but increasingly longer waits between. Some beautiful waves today Seems the word is out though as the place I normally surf in the mornings with just a handful of blokes had a few extra handfuls this morning by 7:30am. I had had my fair share by then though Hope you are all getting some as well.

One of the crew I surf with was paddling past some strangers this morning and casually asked where they were from, they told him and he then replied "What, isn't there any waves between there and here" How to win friends and influence people.

NSW, 7269 posts
18 Mar 2014 3:35PM
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Went down to my local spot that nobody knows about and had a ball for 2 hours. Only small at waist high to occasional head high. Got some nice nose rides and caught a ton of waves and uncrowded. There were even some nice looking girls out there. It had everything. The water was a bit cold though.

Ted the Kiwi
NSW, 14256 posts
18 Mar 2014 4:44PM
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Swell is fading fast up this way - just back from another not so secret spot and its now only 2ft with the occasional 3fter coming in. Beautiful shape though. Its been a lovely day

NSW, 7269 posts
18 Mar 2014 7:29PM
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Ted the Kiwi said..

Swell is fading fast up this way - just back from another not so secret spot and its now only 2ft with the occasional 3fter coming in. Beautiful shape though. Its been a lovely day

There was some really nice shaped little peelers down here too Ted. It was one big bank with peaks all over it. I just went up the northern end of it and pretty much had it to myself.

laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
18 Mar 2014 7:29PM
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Trained this morning I was bit off the pace. Worked. Arvo srf at the alley. I'm finally get my feet to move a lot faster on the cw hot log. Adds a new element

Then did my 7 k run that was due today.
Been some real heavy lifting last tTwo days and I'm a bit sore in my chest, but I'll be better for it



Forums > Surfing Longboarding

"Where did you surf today?" started by Simondo