The fog certainly was eery this morning?wave were the best we've seen in some time early and even threatened to glass off at one stage. Well over head height if you hit some of the outer metro reefs.
Nothing here for the last few days its been onshore and ****...looks like it should start t fire up tomorrow fingers crossed!!
Looks like Matt's going to be a longboarder,snapped two on his shortboards today,might let him take the 12.6 out at d-bah tomorrow
2 in one day ! Jeepers. Thats a tough day at the office.
I had a fun paddle for a short time this arvo - caught three waves and came in to switch boards as I was getting bumped around all over the joint on the firewire in the wind. Got in and realised that I actually only had one board in the car. Whoops What a goose. Forgot that I had leant the other one to a mate yesterday morning. By the time I got home to grab another one the work bat phone was ringing and my window of opportunity was gone.
He must have got suddenly filthy rich ... new boards , new fins geez , the Chooks must be laying heaps of bumnuts and the Cows giving heaps of milk
Updated: Sat 19 April 5:47am
Surf: Clean 6-8ft ESE
Winds: Moderate W
Weather: Mostly Sunny
Rating: 9/10
Dawn Report: This new E/SE swell has come through and it's pumping. 6-8ft waves with bigger sets at magnets and offshore reefs. Fanastic conditions with the moderate offshore winds. there's a lot of power out there too, so make sure you're in your comfort zone before paddling out. Check back after 8am for the photo report.
One for the Sydney siders,check the short room for OUR's pictures taken yesterday
Rip in Ted 6 to 8 is in your range
This morning I slipped out while the moon was still doing her silver thingy on the water - wicked really ..... unreal glint on the water - a few really nice ones but the southerly soon took over , got some before the expected lunatics made their way out - out of the water by 8.30
I am staggered at the lack of respect and pure stupidity of some of these jokers in WA .... it is embarrassing really!
**** way to end a very very good few days on the mid north coast farrrrrk this board has been a loyal biach for a while ah well new board time now that's exciting
Hope everyone scored today