Forums > Surfing Longboarding

Where did you surf today?

Created by Simondo > 9 months ago, 23 Mar 2013
WA, 24860 posts
17 May 2013 3:05PM
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Chrispy are they phone camera photos mate,because if they are the iPhone sh1ts all over your phone and I now how much you love the Apple stuff

Thanks for the pics btw keep it up

QLD, 7932 posts
18 May 2013 8:52AM
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Pfffft Apple lol. I just need to stop being lazy and super zooming the bitch away. and trying filters.. Biology vintage Cameras lol

WA, 24860 posts
18 May 2013 7:29AM
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I like your frame work well donehaha got a laugh with the vintage camera post hey

Anyway I've been surfing the net since 5 washed two cars now it warming up ( yes soft ) surf check.

WA, 6913 posts
18 May 2013 11:02AM
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Had a great fun wave this morning at my local. Bloody cold though..Now sitting at work looking for any kind of inspiration

WA, 24860 posts
18 May 2013 12:31PM
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Went for a cruise and scored some fun little ones from behind the rock to the beach 2 hours of fun

WA, 6913 posts
18 May 2013 12:50PM
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62mac said..

Went for a cruise and scored some fun little ones from behind the rock to the beach 2 hours of fun

I bet you didn't manage to run over a grom with his brand new board (after he dropped in on me) though

I still feel like crap..

WA, 24860 posts
18 May 2013 1:51PM
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Bugger JB buggerit happens mate so don't feel too bad remember he dropped in on you.

WA, 6913 posts
18 May 2013 1:57PM
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62mac said..

Bugger JB buggerit happens mate so don't feel too bad remember he dropped in on you.

Yeah i know. No damage both ways but i was yelling in silence..

QLD, 7932 posts
18 May 2013 4:52PM
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Pretty average waves but still had some fun. Better wet than not in my books. Saw a funny poster as I walked to the waves though

laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
18 May 2013 6:26PM
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boofy, the worm, might have got the early bird today. we were training and the waves were ok. so i went home rang mac and said im going to lm. got there and it was so small i canned it even tho i had a 666.

didn't see mac. he texted later saying he was a lazy bastard and was going in 45 mins. i told him it wasn't really ridable.

chalk one up for boofy

NSW, 2110 posts
18 May 2013 6:36PM
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laceys lane said..

boofy, the worm, might have got the early bird today. we were training and the waves were ok. so i went home rang mac and said im going to lm. got there and it was so small i canned it even tho i had a 666.

didn't see mac. he texted later saying he was a lazy bastard and was going in 45 mins. i told him it wasn't really ridable.

chalk one up for boofy

Mate I talked myself out of it all day today but we just got back from a family skate around Jack Evans Boat harbour and fish and chips gee it was beautiful up there this arvo it would have been perfect for a SUP over to Cook Island today

WA, 24860 posts
18 May 2013 4:49PM
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Lacey lacey lacey I had a great time on the 10 footer today then an hour at the gym doing my party pump arms and chest,just got home from a lovely bike ride on my cruiser,not lazy just needed to drink more coffeethis morning to kick start the engine

laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
18 May 2013 6:58PM
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62mac said..

Lacey lacey lacey I had a great time on the 10 footer today then an hour at the gym doing my party pump arms and chest,just got home from a lovely bike ride on my cruiser,not lazy just needed to drink more coffeethis morning to kick start the engine

i did some stair climbing this afternoon running the currumbin lookout. geez so stuffed- i nearly sucked in the handrail each time i got to the top

WA, 24860 posts
18 May 2013 5:16PM
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QLD, 7932 posts
19 May 2013 8:31AM
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Not a bloody wave in sight. Might get the crab pots out and dangle a line with my son.

NSW, 2110 posts
19 May 2013 8:36AM
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chrispychru said..

Not a bloody wave in sight. Might get the crab pots out and dangle a line with my son.

Good idea mate perfect for diving or would be good day to tow lures around Cook island on the SUP I am taking the kids to a field archery day at Chillingham they have taken an interest in archery

QLD, 7932 posts
19 May 2013 8:41AM
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Mmm is that a good thing. My wife has taken a intrest in murder books and she giggling way too much for my liking

WA, 24860 posts
19 May 2013 6:56AM
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You blokes are not looking hard enough for a wave,the early bird is not the go today I've found something which will be fun on the 10 footer in an hour and a half.

QLD, 7932 posts
19 May 2013 9:04AM
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I say your delusional. If straddie is knee high on the sets you got nothing but dreams down there

WA, 24860 posts
19 May 2013 7:24AM
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chrispychru said..

I say your delusional. If straddie is knee high on the sets you got nothing but dreams down there

mate yesterday I sat and watched for 20 mins thinking ok I could ride that,then something a little better came
along waxed up paddle out and had 2 hours of fun knee to waist high on the odd set really no BS,sat right on the rock
@whiting rocksmind you you needed a big board.

10979 posts
19 May 2013 4:17PM
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This morning

Was a good weekend... I have rashes on top of rashes...

NSW, 893 posts
20 May 2013 1:26PM
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Three foot offshore, only person out for 45 minutes this morning, aahhhhhhhh lifes good.

Ted the Kiwi
NSW, 14256 posts
20 May 2013 2:36PM
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yes I thought it may have been good up your way....Sat, Sun and Monday has been smoking around these parts and probably will for most of the week ahead.

QLD, 7932 posts
21 May 2013 5:09PM
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Only waves rideable on the goldy. Had some fun ones with Asea on a very cool morning.

WA, 24860 posts
21 May 2013 3:27PM
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what's asea doing walking on the beach in the second shot,looked a solid 1/2 foot

13831 posts
21 May 2013 6:06PM
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Hughbert , Davy Jones AND Brother Atlantis visited us south of Perf today .... close to the best day this year and fark am I buggered ....copped a few on the head ...(somehow managed to land on my fins during one hilarious moment of Pupdom farking sore right arse cheek ) but managed to smash a few right back in the chops yeeehaaaaaa

WA, 24860 posts
21 May 2013 6:25PM
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On ya pup good to hear your out there mate

13831 posts
21 May 2013 6:36PM
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Youse Qld (oh and other ES ) grommets would have ate what we had today for breakfast

WA, 24860 posts
21 May 2013 6:59PM
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Its a lake here pup Vanders and I have called tomorrows surf off

13831 posts
21 May 2013 7:08PM
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geez that's sad - especially for V .... being out of the drink for 2 weeks poor soul still ya just know it won't last


Forums > Surfing Longboarding

"Where did you surf today?" started by Simondo