Forums > Surfing Longboarding

Where did you surf today?

Created by Simondo > 9 months ago, 23 Mar 2013
13831 posts
29 Apr 2013 6:54PM
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when you guys go into your profile - hit the photos (in blue text) over on the top right corner under your post details

That brings ya to another window - is there a red upload tab down the bottom????

WA, 24860 posts
29 Apr 2013 6:57PM
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Add an image to my message,click it should ask you to choose a file (where your images you want to post)click that find the image click on it them press upload,see how that goes.

13831 posts
29 Apr 2013 6:58PM
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Yep that's it mate - select surfing then save ... it should then flick up a tag for you to copy & then paste into a post

NSW, 2110 posts
29 Apr 2013 9:02PM
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62mac said...

Add an image to my message,click it should ask you to choose a file (where your images you want to post)click that find the image click on it them press upload,see how that goes.

yep thats exactly what I do mate and how I have done it for ages it goes to that screen I do all that but no pic appears in the post there is def something wrong with it is fkn me off I luv posting pics will send another email to Seabreeze thanx

Pup I dont know where you are getting the save button from are you playing with my mind

13831 posts
29 Apr 2013 7:06PM
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boofy said...
62mac said...

Add an image to my message,click it should ask you to choose a file (where your images you want to post)click that find the image click on it them press upload,see how that goes.

yep thats exactly what I do mate and how I have done it for ages it goes to that screen I do all that but no pic appears in the post there is def something wrong with it is fkn me off I luv posting pics will send another email to Seabreeze thanx

Pup I dont know where you are getting the save button from are you playing with my mind

yeah I can't do it that way either boof - I have to go into my profile & hit the blue text photos in top right hand corner & go into another screen - the upload tab is down the bottom of that page ... it's the only way I can upload pics - but I still have to copy the URL link to do it mate .... dunno eh????

13831 posts
29 Apr 2013 7:09PM
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Alright Boof try it step by step with me mate .....

Go in to your profile

Then hit the (blue text) photo info in the top right hand corner (under your "last here date")

That should bring you to another page ....

13831 posts
29 Apr 2013 7:13PM
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Ok ,,,,????

now down the bottom of that new page there is a Seabreeze Sunnies ad window on the bottom right hand side ....

There should be a red upload box underneath that Boof ---- hit it to open up the photo uploader box/window !!!!

NSW, 2110 posts
29 Apr 2013 9:18PM
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keep posting steps pup ya little bus restoring champ I gotta go and pick my missus up from the airport at Cooly will try your way to post when I get back thanx

13831 posts
29 Apr 2013 7:18PM
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You'll see ----->


share images (this is a tick box)

select an image buttons mate

so then Select ya pics (from wherever in ya PC)

hit the upload & then save (boxes at the bottom)

a URL like this should have appeared ,,,,,, img][/img
(down towards the bottom of the page)

right click on it to copy that & paste it into ya post

NSW, 2110 posts
30 Apr 2013 8:35PM
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Pup thanx for the help didnt work Laurie emailed me today he is on to it

13831 posts
30 Apr 2013 7:24PM
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No wuzzas Boof - hope he sorts it quick as mate

VIC, 3829 posts
1 May 2013 10:32AM
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boofy said...
62mac said...

Add an image to my message,click it should ask you to choose a file (where your images you want to post)click that find the image click on it them press upload,see how that goes.

yep thats exactly what I do mate and how I have done it for ages it goes to that screen I do all that but no pic appears in the post there is def something wrong with it is fkn me off I luv posting pics will send another email to Seabreeze thanx

Pup I dont know where you are getting the save button from are you playing with my mind

Loz has blacklisted you as revenge for having an office to close to the surf....he doesn't want the rest of us to suffer!!!

NSW, 2110 posts
1 May 2013 5:59PM
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Tux said...
boofy said...
62mac said...

Add an image to my message,click it should ask you to choose a file (where your images you want to post)click that find the image click on it them press upload,see how that goes.

yep thats exactly what I do mate and how I have done it for ages it goes to that screen I do all that but no pic appears in the post there is def something wrong with it is fkn me off I luv posting pics will send another email to Seabreeze thanx

Pup I dont know where you are getting the save button from are you playing with my mind

Loz has blacklisted you as revenge for having an office to close to the surf....he doesn't want the rest of us to suffer!!!

Hey its not all chips and dips on the sundeck working in Byron Tux there is some hard decisions to make like surf the wreck or the pass, cappuccino or espresso, sushi or noodles, chat to Ingrid or Helga the swedish backpacker can be really stressful at times

13831 posts
1 May 2013 5:05PM
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boofy said...
Tux said...
boofy said...
62mac said...

Add an image to my message,click it should ask you to choose a file (where your images you want to post)click that find the image click on it them press upload,see how that goes.

yep thats exactly what I do mate and how I have done it for ages it goes to that screen I do all that but no pic appears in the post there is def something wrong with it is fkn me off I luv posting pics will send another email to Seabreeze thanx

Pup I dont know where you are getting the save button from are you playing with my mind

Loz has blacklisted you as revenge for having an office to close to the surf....he doesn't want the rest of us to suffer!!!

Hey its not all chips and dips on the sundeck working in Byron Tux there is some hard decisions to make like surf the wreck or the pass, cappuccino or espresso, sushi or noodles, chat to Ingrid or Helga the swedish backpacker can be really stressful at times

bastard bastard bastard AND ........ bastard

Ted the Kiwi
NSW, 14256 posts
3 May 2013 5:01PM
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We have swell, offshore winds and I am home in time to hit it! Joy

WA, 24860 posts
3 May 2013 3:08PM
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QLD, 7932 posts
3 May 2013 5:27PM
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NSW, 2110 posts
3 May 2013 5:42PM
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Byron Wreck hollow beachie then fish heads for a coffee got photos still cant fkn post em[}:)]

13831 posts
3 May 2013 5:26PM
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Looking at that list .... ok I finished last .... I surfed in WA

WA, 24860 posts
3 May 2013 5:33PM
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and same tomorrow and the next day

13831 posts
3 May 2013 5:51PM
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Queenslanders (and NSW and Vicco's) rock

13831 posts
4 May 2013 3:02AM
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4 and a bit hours to go before i can get for a couple of hours on my way home wicked can't wait farking

WA, 24860 posts
4 May 2013 4:18AM
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thePup said...
4 and a bit hours to go before i can get for a couple of hours on my way home wicked can't wait farking

Good work pup night shift hmmm.

QLD, 7932 posts
4 May 2013 5:00PM
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Surfed with SDR on the north end. SDR got some nice waves, me I was sick as with my head spinning. Sorry mate for lacking enthusiasm,I was still pissed and sorry. Oh there was plenty of glassy waves on offer.
qld crew SDR will be ch9 news tonight yeeew

WA, 24860 posts
4 May 2013 3:14PM
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thanks for the tip in steve,how did your mate asea go in the comp?

QLD, 5396 posts
4 May 2013 8:13PM
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had a little 666 arvo sesh the local clubby clubhouse had a arvo wedding party with some cool tunes playing out over the water got to love that

WA, 6913 posts
4 May 2013 6:18PM
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weiry said...
had a little 666 arvo sesh the local clubby clubhouse had a arvo wedding party with some cool tunes playing out over the water got to love that

Almost sounds like a Corona Add

13831 posts
4 May 2013 7:33PM
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mmmmmmmmmmmmm Aseaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa yeeeeeehaaaaaaa

QLD, 5396 posts
4 May 2013 9:40PM
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jbshack said...
weiry said...
had a little 666 arvo sesh the local clubby clubhouse had a arvo wedding party with some cool tunes playing out over the water got to love that

Almost sounds like a Corona bundy Add

it is at the moment

WA, 24860 posts
4 May 2013 7:57PM
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I must be sick I haven't felt like cracking a beer all weekend


Forums > Surfing Longboarding

"Where did you surf today?" started by Simondo