Forums > Surfing Longboarding

Where did you surf today?

Created by Simondo > 9 months ago, 23 Mar 2013
NSW, 3487 posts
29 Mar 2013 9:27PM
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Nowhere interesting, just my local a couple of times on a really low quality day, but what was interesting was the really late surf I had.

3 of my surf buddies were parked close to me but not in the water, I just assumed that they were having dinner at a local joint, just like they usually do on a Friday night.

When I get out of the water just on dark, they're all gone and this reproduction sticker has been left on my windscreen.

Pretty good likeness if you ask me, only thing missing is the stamped individual rego number.

Might put it on the tail of board this weekend

13831 posts
29 Mar 2013 6:29PM
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that's gold Obs

WA, 24860 posts
29 Mar 2013 6:30PM
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Nice sticker,now go file those nails

8266 posts
29 Mar 2013 6:40PM
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chrispychru said...
^^^^i know that feeling mate. the fitness goes goes quickly and returns slowly. me, i just need to give up the ciggies and all will be fine been smoking way too much since i bought the truck

I have a confession to make mate...I quit 18 months ago, but got really drunk last Saturday & had a long walk home. Had a craving & bought a pack. Smoked one, didn't really enjoy it, smoked 2 more coz I'd spent $16 on them & ended up throwing the rest in the bin when I got back to my sisters where I was staying. Thats definitely it for me feel better not smoking & you feel heaps better after a big night when you might smoke more than usual. Highly recommend it mate. Its hard & you still crave the farkers sometimes...but fully worth it for sure

Hiya Pup, good chance I'll have a look at the local if the reefy South of there in front of my place isn't working. Was heaps of 666's at our local today & Damo was giving verbal instructions on the grass like some dark Mesiah. Hopefully it'll be a lot better early tomorrow...if I can drag myself out of bed before 9, so tired atm, work lifes been way too full on lately

NSW, 3487 posts
29 Mar 2013 9:42PM
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62mac said...
Nice sticker,now go file those nails

File then under what? "N" for Nails or "T" for Thumb

On second thoughts, go file them yourself do I look like the office bitch

WA, 24860 posts
29 Mar 2013 6:44PM
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13831 posts
29 Mar 2013 6:48PM
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MickPC said...
chrispychru said...
^^^^i know that feeling mate. the fitness goes goes quickly and returns slowly. me, i just need to give up the ciggies and all will be fine been smoking way too much since i bought the truck

I have a confession to make mate...I quit 18 months ago, but got really drunk last Saturday & had a long walk home. Had a craving & bought a pack. Smoked one, didn't really enjoy it, smoked 2 more coz I'd spent $16 on them & ended up throwing the rest in the bin when I got back to my sisters where I was staying. Thats definitely it for me feel better not smoking & you feel heaps better after a big night when you might smoke more than usual. Highly recommend it mate. Its hard & you still crave the farkers sometimes...but fully worth it for sure

Hiya Pup, good chance I'll have a look at the local if the reefy South of there in front of my place isn't working. Was heaps of 666's at our local today & Damo was giving verbal instructions on the grass like some dark Mesiah. Hopefully it'll be a lot better early tomorrow...if I can drag myself out of bed before 9, so tired atm, work lifes been way too full on lately

See you there brother missed our chats

VIC, 8020 posts
29 Mar 2013 9:50PM
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Good work obct.

Have a great Easter guys.
Wave quality down here has been pretty good for quite a few days now, and only scheduled to get better!

I'm guessing the winners will be crowned on about Monday & Tuesday.

Ted the Kiwi
NSW, 14256 posts
29 Mar 2013 11:44PM
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stuk said...
Hmmmm thats a bit bigger than we got could be a goer tomorrow if its the southerly making its way north.

It was a solid 4ft plus this evening stuk (and SP) and it should be firing Tom morning if the wind forecast is correct

10979 posts
30 Mar 2013 7:42AM
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^^ was 2-3 thIs morning here, not bad but lots of erosion so still a lack of banks

WA, 24860 posts
30 Mar 2013 9:30AM
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Somewhere with a heap of rabbits.

QLD, 7932 posts
30 Mar 2013 11:52AM
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i surfed a secret gold coast point with mac this morning head high and a few bigger. excellent morning at this top secret location. was stoked that there was only about 600 people out then we watched people getting washed along the rocks for a while no asea and no blair. you snooze you loose

NSW, 893 posts
30 Mar 2013 1:53PM
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Ted the Kiwi said...
stuk said...
Hmmmm thats a bit bigger than we got could be a goer tomorrow if its the southerly making its way north.

It was a solid 4ft plus this evening stuk (and SP) and it should be firing Tom morning if the wind forecast is correct

Yep you predicted it, perfect 4' here got a heap

74 posts
30 Mar 2013 11:28AM
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stuk said...
Ted the Kiwi said...
stuk said...
Hmmmm thats a bit bigger than we got could be a goer tomorrow if its the southerly making its way north.

It was a solid 4ft plus this evening stuk (and SP) and it should be firing Tom morning if the wind forecast is correct

Yep you predicted it, perfect 4' here got a heap

Was there Crispy couldn't find you blokes, need to get some ph numbers, was good, crowd big was there just on 6am

WA, 24860 posts
30 Mar 2013 11:36AM
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^ done,just hope your not another Chrispy freak

VIC, 8020 posts
30 Mar 2013 2:53PM
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Winki today... soooo much fun. Got some really really long ones.

Had the single fin humming & zinging. Going so fast through the bottom turns.

WA, 24860 posts
30 Mar 2013 11:59AM
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Simondo said...
Winki today... soooo much fun. Got some really really long ones.

Had the single fin humming & zinging. Going so fast through the bottom turns.

Is that chicken reef any good.

VIC, 8020 posts
30 Mar 2013 3:04PM
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What's this chicken reef thing?!
Are you calling Winki (Lowers) chicken reef?
Sorry, but it's gone over my head, past the keeper, into the fence for 4.

WA, 24860 posts
30 Mar 2013 12:06PM
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Simondo said...
What's this chicken reef thing?!
Are you calling Winki (Lowers) chicken reef?
Sorry, but it's gone over my head, past the keeper, into the fence for 4.

I heard a guy the other day talking about chicken reef somewhere in Vic.

VIC, 8020 posts
30 Mar 2013 3:15PM
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I think they call "Out Side Point Impossible", "Chicken Reef", when it gets bigger, in reference to it being a pretty good wave but roughly 3/4 or 2/3 the size of Bells & Winki. Still a quality wave. It's a little bit like Bells... A fast upper section, then a long walling end section. It's a really long wave when you get a good one all the way through. I surf it about 2-3 times per year.

I find that I don't really know the crew there, and the Ocean Grove & Barwon Heads crew hit it a bit, I think.

But Chicken Reef should have had some fun ones today. The wave is kinda a fair distance off shore, and it gets wind effected pretty easy. The big cliffs at Winki off it some protection.

WA, 6913 posts
30 Mar 2013 1:05PM
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I surfed somewhere wet, but as i'm in WA i shouldn't really share that info

QLD, 7932 posts
30 Mar 2013 3:14PM
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62mac said...
^ done,just hope your not another Chrispy freak

we were in the water just befpre 6 blair. scoped for your car and in the water...tomorrow same again. same will send my number through mate hope your not like mac

NSW, 3487 posts
30 Mar 2013 4:24PM
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I just got given another 2 of those repro manly rego stickers.

Any of you blokes have an old wall hanger that you need to complete the look with?

QLD, 7932 posts
30 Mar 2013 3:32PM
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obct said...
I just got given another 2 of those repro manly rego stickers.

Any of you blokes have an old wall hanger that you need to complete the look with?

i wish. i will buy one just to get one of your stickers. i think they are way cool. good score obct did you get any good waves today down there?

NSW, 3487 posts
30 Mar 2013 5:05PM
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Got a couple of nice ones at the bommy, but I had to wait a long time.

Big spazz, you've got a heap of old boards, do you want the other?

Just send me a pm of where to post it I'll do it on Tuesday when I'm back at work.

That way they pay for the stamp

Yes, I know, I'm a cheap arse

8266 posts
30 Mar 2013 2:06PM
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Took my new Mardi Gra boad out for its second spin today. Waves were small but had a bit of shape, board goes pretty good, but you gotta watch the board getting tilted on low speed floaters coz its so wide. But a small price to pay for something that paddles into small waves nice & early...hope yuz got a few : )

QLD, 7932 posts
30 Mar 2013 6:27PM
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^^^did you get to surf with the pup today? if not, well pup lift your game and dont be a hoax like you can both get a bundy up ya

laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
30 Mar 2013 6:44PM
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i took out my occasional area pin round tail 12'6 today so there

13831 posts
30 Mar 2013 5:59PM
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Went back to a nook near Pyramids .... pretty small but got a couple , mega crowds and sipping beer now - really hoping for a swell kick soon.

Nice to see ES peeps getting a share though

8266 posts
30 Mar 2013 6:29PM
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^^^Yeah I dropped in for a look mate...far too many out of towner 666'ers & I wanted to take my new board out for spin. So I hit the other side

Hoping for a swell kick too...We'll be hitting the big time soon


Forums > Surfing Longboarding

"Where did you surf today?" started by Simondo