Just back from some small waves. Not great but got a few. Crowds seem to be thinning out a bit as well.
Small east swell here and it's overcast with very little wind. Will wait for the tide to come up a bit before I head out.
I surfed the Dentists chair..Root canal work..2nd time same tooth as they do..
Ouch of the wallet ..and not over yet..
Look after your fangs kids..
Wow I'm surprised this topic is still going, so many guys suspended what the hell happened. Carry on keep surfing.
Had a very welcome face call in on his journey home early this morning - and so Climber & I descended upon Baccies Beach and scrounged up a few reasonable wedges across a couple of banks , yes it wasn't all time but seeing it was on Australia Day dawn service that's just magnificence hey ..... farking grouse
"A few ordinary ones and a ripper which makes you think there might be more but that's just to suck you in to staying longer than you should " surf at palmy.
Get wet, its hot today