Forums > Surfing Shortboards

Dolphin killed at Mettams

Created by Zuke > 9 months ago, 2 Jan 2013
901 posts
7 Jan 2013 4:13PM
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This thread was going soo well, good discussion by people with opposite views showing respect to each other. I, like others don't agree with what some say but it was refreshing to here people give good clear reasons for there opinions, not just a slanging match.

I hope smicko is right and it's just a rogue that has hopefully left our shores but I'm not holding my breath.

WA, 2153 posts
7 Jan 2013 4:28PM
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I'm not convinced it is a rogue either.

I wish it was, because then the problem would be easier to solve.

WA, 598 posts
7 Jan 2013 4:36PM
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subasurf said...
Are you high Trevor?

There's a bit of a difference between hunting overpopulated animals deemed a pest and killing animals deemed endangered...

regardless, that was years ago mate. People's attitudes can change, although I still have no issue with hunting.

1) no, I am not high - why do you say that?
2) the internet never lies
3) without you expressly admitting it, I think by your reply there was an implied concession by you that hunting with an arrow is inhumane and inconsistent with a stance against culling sharks - just be a man and admit it next time
4) so if you are against hunting where animals are endanged, does this mean it is ok to hunt animals (whether teristrial or marine) if they are not endangered? If so, if it was the case GW weren't endangered, but that they killed endangered species, then it is ok to hunt them?
5) sorry to get involved, but I don't like trolls who troll for trolling's sake.

WA, 598 posts
7 Jan 2013 4:38PM
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subasurf said...
I'm not convinced it is a rouge either.

I wish it was, because then the problem would be easier to solve.

I think we are talking about a great white shark, not a great red shark mate !

WA, 15849 posts
7 Jan 2013 4:42PM
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subasurf said...
I'm not convinced it is a rouge either.

I wish it was, because then the problem would be easier to solve.

I agree, I dont think its a rouge either tbh. I think that we just have more than normal at the moment.

In saying that sightings are off the charts at the moment but the thing is we really are looking for them now more than we ever have before!

I have posted the following before and its my opinion so feel free to shoot holes in it

There are a few reasons that sharks are more prevalent around WA these days and a lack of food isn't one of them.

I think the first thing to look at is whales and their migration past Perth from the north west to the south west. Back in the day when we used to hunt whales, the whales would stay miles off the coast to try and get past the whalers with out getting hunted.
As of 1978 we stopped hunting whales and their numbers grew and they started to get closer and closer to the coast. To the point that I have seen them 100m off shore last year, something that I have never seen before at local beaches (Perth).

The second thing is that we haven't hunted Great White Sharks for the last ten years adding to their numbers by more than we know. With more whales means more sharks as the sharks hang with whale pods for an easy feed, so with whales coming closer so are the sharks.

I may be wrong but this winter has been the coldest as far as water temp in a while and we all know that GWS like colder water, and yes they are found in warmer waters but they prefer colder water.

Also seal populations have gotten larger so food for the GWS isn't a problem, and over fishing imo isn't the problem at all.

The rogue shark theory is not really an option as the sheer number of sharks spotted tells us this cant be fact. If you don't hunt them they will come and in numbers. The tagged sharks prove this beyond all doubt so this theory can be put to bed.

The answer? Well tbh there isn't one that we can throw out there and fix the problem tomorrow, and I don't think that there will be one in the near future that is sustainable.
Part of the solution is to try and stop it before it happens and more tech thrown at shark shield type devices the better and these are not a solution but a piece of mind but they will have to work much better than they do now.

As far as culling them goes killing ten even twenty of them might help for a while but for how long? A month, maybe two? Some of these sharks come from as far away as South Africa so culling unless you were to kill twenty a month isn't going to work and is not sustainable.

WA, 6913 posts
7 Jan 2013 4:43PM
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Zuke said...
This thread was going soo well, good discussion by people with opposite views showing respect to each other. I, like others don't agree with what some say but it was refreshing to here people give good clear reasons for there opinions, not just a slanging match.

I hope smicko is right and it's just a rogue that has hopefully left our shores but I'm not holding my breath.

I was recently contacted by one of the group who were involved in the Mulla surf ski attack. He had some very interesting info and contacted me along the same lines as he is bewildered at just what our State Government and fisheries are actually doing about the problem. The amount of money they are spending and the fact that on the surface it all looks good but scratch the surface and you'll be very unhappy. Some of the info will have to wait for better timing to be released but he has researched and found a very good option for the antiquated Ariel patrols. In today's paper there is a article ( i haven't read it) that is similar to the link that 62 mac put up earlier in this thread that shows only about 18% of of sharks are detected by the helicopter. Well in today's article it talks about the only real solution. Well this guy (from the attack) has put to the government a system that is computer controlled cameras mounted to fixed wing planes (much cheaper to run) that can be programed to find sharks shaped objects up to 10 meters deep. The State government knocked it back saying it was untested. This system is directly taken from the USA were it is used to monitor Dugong populations. Hopefully he is sending me some more info that i might be able to post about it. Maybe explaining it better than my limited English skills are allowing for.

Also i was talking to him about his attack and he said at the time Moments before they had noticed (even stopped paddling and was just watching) a small pod of maybe 6 dolphins. They had stopped dead in the water and rafted up side to side as if to make themselves look bigger, or to give better protection to maybe a smaller animal. One mate paddled a bit past and it was his ski that was hit and bitten in two.

They were quoted and that was miss quoted in the press saying they wanted the sharks culled. They subsequently passed on the offer for a full interview from 60 minutes after that press experience. But he like so many others are wanting answers and has made some serous head ways into the matter and has some great ideas that will help. Problem is they have to get past our State government and fisheries....

8266 posts
7 Jan 2013 4:43PM
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Zuke said...

I hope smicko is right and it's just a rogue that has hopefully left our shores but I'm not holding my breath.

A lot of people believe its just one or 2 sharks causing the majority of the problems & my thoughts are they're probably right. Although I've never heard that opinion explained as well as smicko has or with the added theories of travelling around encountering little to eat other than bony seals between busso & the midwest...If it is the case, I hope they or it has buggered off to greener pastures with tastier less bony seals too... Earlier in the year I commented to one of the stories after the bloke at Bunker bay was killed...where I wrote it would be a good idea to allow fishing for great whites within 5km inshore between busso & Yanchep for whites 3m & over. This way we would be reducing the number of large sharks & in turn reduce the number of shark attacks.

WA, 2153 posts
7 Jan 2013 4:46PM
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trevor1 said...

3) without you expressly admitting it, I think by your reply there was an implied concession by you that hunting with an arrow is inhumane and inconsistent with a stance against culling sharks - just be a man and admit it next time
4) so if you are against hunting where animals are endanged, does this mean it is ok to hunt animals (whether teristrial or marine) if they are not endangered? If so, if it was the case GW weren't endangered, but that they killed endangered species, then it is ok to hunt them?

My stance against culling sharks has nothing to do with it being inhumane or's to do with killing animals that have been deemed endangered.

Do I think it is okay to hunt non-endangered animals? Yes, of course I do; especially if it's for pest control and/or food. I've done plenty of hunting on land myself and I use to go spearfishing on a regular basis.

If the Great White Shark can be proven to be in plentiful numbers beyond what is required to healthy sustain a genetically strong population then yeah, I wouldn't expect them to remain protected, as I've said previously.

Difference between killing large sharks belonging to a vulnerable species and killing Kangaroos and wild goats is huge. Without pointing out all the obvious, for starters you cannot eat white sharks, therefore it would be pointless and wasteful.

As for killing great whites because they predated on another endangered species...that's a tricky one, because you would have to look at why their prey species was endangered in the first place.

WA, 598 posts
7 Jan 2013 4:52PM
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subasurf said...
trevor1 said...

3) without you expressly admitting it, I think by your reply there was an implied concession by you that hunting with an arrow is inhumane and inconsistent with a stance against culling sharks - just be a man and admit it next time
4) so if you are against hunting where animals are endanged, does this mean it is ok to hunt animals (whether teristrial or marine) if they are not endangered? If so, if it was the case GW weren't endangered, but that they killed endangered species, then it is ok to hunt them?

My stance against culling sharks has nothing to do with it being inhumane or's to do with killing animals that have been deemed endangered.

Do I think it is okay to hunt non-endangered animals? Yes, of course I do; especially if it's for pest control and/or food. I've done plenty of hunting on land myself and I use to go spearfishing on a regular basis.

If the Great White Shark can be proven to be in plentiful numbers beyond what is required to healthy sustain a genetically strong population then yeah, I wouldn't expect them to remain protected, as I've said previously.

Difference between killing large sharks belonging to a vulnerable species and killing Kangaroos and wild goats is huge. Without pointing out all the obvious, for starters you cannot eat white sharks, therefore it would be pointless and wasteful.

As for killing great whites because they predated on another endangered species...that's a tricky one, because you would have to look at why their prey species was endangered in the first place.

(My turn to be inconsistent as this is a troll for trolling's sake ...)

So if GWS or GRS (if we are talking about the rouge variety), eat whales and dolphins, and whales are endangered and dolphins are cuddly, does that not mean we can hunt sharks?

WA, 6913 posts
7 Jan 2013 4:54PM
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doggie said...
subasurf said...
I'm not convinced it is a rouge either.

I wish it was, because then the problem would be easier to solve.

I agree, I dont think its a rouge either tbh. I think that we just have more than normal at the moment.

In saying that sightings are off the charts at the moment but the thing is we really are looking for them now more than we ever have before!

Doggie many of the sightings, especially the constant reports by SLSWA is/OR could be to do with the current application for more funding to actually purchase a chopper for down south (instead of just renting as they currently are doing)[}:)] Just so that they can fly around and spot only 18% of the sharks (as per the previous comments have shown)
Some of the reports are just stupid. Like a 1mtr Hammer head 500 meters of Bunker bay When i was a young grommet i saw a guy yell shark. I never saw it and the following response was that he promptly got beat up on the beach by a few older guys. So i always just suffered in silence. These days i feel like shouting it just get a few more waves to myself. I even thought about a remotely operated beach alarm
Just another waist of money

There are more sharks hear for sure. But i believe that is a localised problem only not one that is world wide represented for all oceans. I don't like sharks, but i like the ocean, and i like my Oxygen that i breathe and those things are all interconnected whether we like to believe it or not

WA, 2153 posts
7 Jan 2013 4:56PM
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Who's trolling now Trev?

WA, 598 posts
7 Jan 2013 5:00PM
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subasurf said...

Who's trolling now Trev?

Yes, you've got me. I am so embarrassed my cheeks have gone rouge

WA, 2153 posts
7 Jan 2013 5:02PM
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I'll give you that one. Well played

WA, 15849 posts
7 Jan 2013 5:05PM
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jbshack said...
doggie said...
subasurf said...
I'm not convinced it is a rouge either.

I wish it was, because then the problem would be easier to solve.

I agree, I dont think its a rouge either tbh. I think that we just have more than normal at the moment.

In saying that sightings are off the charts at the moment but the thing is we really are looking for them now more than we ever have before!

Doggie many of the sightings, especially the constant reports by SLSWA is/OR could be to do with the current application for more funding to actually purchase a chopper for down south (instead of just renting as they currently are doing)[}:)] Just so that they can fly around and spot only 18% of the sharks (as per the previous comments have shown)
Some of the reports are just stupid. Like a 1mtr Hammer head 500 meters of Bunker bay When i was a young grommet i saw a guy yell shark. I never saw it and the following response was that he promptly got beat up on the beach by a few older guys. So i always just suffered in silence. These days i feel like shouting it just get a few more waves to myself. I even thought about a remotely operated beach alarm
Just another waist of money

There are more sharks hear for sure. But i believe that is a localised problem only not one that is world wide represented for all oceans. I don't like sharks, but i like the ocean, and i like my Oxygen that i breathe and those things are all interconnected whether we like to believe it or not

I was at City Beach on Saturday only because I saw the chopper, got there and the shark alarm was going off etc etc, couldnt see a bloody thing!! Tiger sharks I was told.
Unless there is a danger to people they should not say or do anything it just makes these thing worse than they are.

654 posts
7 Jan 2013 5:18PM
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It would be interesting though and I pray hope so, to see if this and for the next few years we don't have any fatalities let alone shark attacks. It would be intriguing then to imagine what the public reaction would be and expert reasonings after...

WA, 1403 posts
7 Jan 2013 5:18PM
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doggie said...
Ctngoodvibes said...
doggie said...
Ctngoodvibes said...
subasurf said...
No, really, I meant it. I'm proud that his spelling and syntax is improving. You can almost see what he's trying to say. It's important that we nurture his development.

You crack me up dude....
Like I said you can tell you are from Cott.
And by the way whats wrong with iced coffee...liquid gold that stuff.

Why can you tell he is from Cott?

Anyway I thought you now posting in longboards now?

If you can't work it out then there is no point saying....

Lol, I know where you are comming from, but no good vibes comming from you dude.....

maybe I should be captain bad vibes?
Suba you are coming across as a complete spanker in your posts to rbl - doesn't help your arguement.

WA, 6913 posts
7 Jan 2013 5:18PM
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Here is a link to the kind of thing i was talking about.

Seems to be cheaper and as for not proven, well the QLD overnmnet is doing the same thing but using it to combat fire Ants

WA, 15849 posts
7 Jan 2013 5:25PM
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Ctngoodvibes said...
doggie said...
Ctngoodvibes said...
doggie said...
Ctngoodvibes said...
subasurf said...
No, really, I meant it. I'm proud that his spelling and syntax is improving. You can almost see what he's trying to say. It's important that we nurture his development.

You crack me up dude....
Like I said you can tell you are from Cott.
And by the way whats wrong with iced coffee...liquid gold that stuff.

Why can you tell he is from Cott?

Anyway I thought you now posting in longboards now?

If you can't work it out then there is no point saying....

Lol, I know where you are comming from, but no good vibes comming from you dude.....

maybe I should be captain bad vibes?
Suba you are coming across as a complete spanker in your posts to rbl - doesn't help your arguement.

But rbl was/is being a bigger tosser so it evens out I guess........

WA, 1403 posts
7 Jan 2013 5:28PM
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Not really, read the posts back again.
Rbl gave his opinion, and as usual Suba gave one of his head up his own arse responses.

WA, 6913 posts
7 Jan 2013 5:39PM
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Ctngoodvibes said...
Not really, read the posts back again.
Rbl gave his opinion, and as usual Suba gave one of his head up his own arse responses.

From previous history with Rbl maybe he thought the muffled ****ty voice would be easier for him to Understand

WA, 321 posts
7 Jan 2013 6:24PM
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jbshack said...
Zuke said...
This thread was going soo well, good discussion by people with opposite views showing respect to each other. I, like others don't agree with what some say but it was refreshing to here people give good clear reasons for there opinions, not just a slanging match.

I hope smicko is right and it's just a rogue that has hopefully left our shores but I'm not holding my breath.

I was recently contacted by one of the group who were involved in the Mulla surf ski attack. He had some very interesting info and contacted me along the same lines as he is bewildered at just what our State Government and fisheries are actually doing about the problem. The amount of money they are spending and the fact that on the surface it all looks good but scratch the surface and you'll be very unhappy. Some of the info will have to wait for better timing to be released but he has researched and found a very good option for the antiquated Ariel patrols. In today's paper there is a article ( i haven't read it) that is similar to the link that 62 mac put up earlier in this thread that shows only about 18% of of sharks are detected by the helicopter. Well in today's article it talks about the only real solution. Well this guy (from the attack) has put to the government a system that is computer controlled cameras mounted to fixed wing planes (much cheaper to run) that can be programed to find sharks shaped objects up to 10 meters deep. The State government knocked it back saying it was untested. This system is directly taken from the USA were it is used to monitor Dugong populations. Hopefully he is sending me some more info that i might be able to post about it. Maybe explaining it better than my limited English skills are allowing for.

Also i was talking to him about his attack and he said at the time Moments before they had noticed (even stopped paddling and was just watching) a small pod of maybe 6 dolphins. They had stopped dead in the water and rafted up side to side as if to make themselves look bigger, or to give better protection to maybe a smaller animal. One mate paddled a bit past and it was his ski that was hit and bitten in two.

They were quoted and that was miss quoted in the press saying they wanted the sharks culled. They subsequently passed on the offer for a full interview from 60 minutes after that press experience. But he like so many others are wanting answers and has made some serous head ways into the matter and has some great ideas that will help. Problem is they have to get past our State government and fisheries....

Yeah I would have thought this is the sort of thing that could be done with a UAV or the like very effectively and at a fraction of the cost, it's pretty amazing what can be done with even a few thousand dollars with these things, I would have thought that half the budget of the current aircraft and helicopter program would have got spectacular results (nowhere near as visible to the public though).

That said, I've been in or around the ocean most of my life and acknowledge the risk in relation to sharks, what gets up my nose is the constant stream of "beach closed", "shark sighted" dribble that's in the media. I for one liked the days when I could acknowledge the risk, still get in the water and not have the "where's the shark today" thought running through my head. I'm sure that's been said before and there are probably a few thinking it also but had to have my turn at saying it.


WA, 2153 posts
7 Jan 2013 6:30PM
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Blueprint, the idea of using UAVs for shark spotting has been thrown around before.
Cybertech UAV, a Perth based company, was considering making a bid to get a contract for shark patrolling, if I recall correctly.

Here we go:

WA, 153 posts
7 Jan 2013 6:31PM
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you're a cunny funt suba.

WA, 321 posts
7 Jan 2013 6:37PM
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Yeah Suba not saying it's new, even at "less than $2000/hr" sounds like a lot to me. Frankly I'd rather they spent the money elsewhere and the reporters actually had to do something for their money other than scour shark alert or whatever it's called for their next great story "amazing there's sharks in the ocean" (I've heard that somewhere before I think ) I personally doubt very much that the ones they spot are a threat to anyone.

Edit: that said the I do find the discussion on the population dynamics and other environmental factors interesting, just sick of shark alerts and sighting stories.

WA, 2153 posts
7 Jan 2013 6:43PM
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The sad thing is RBL, I doubt you mixed those letters up on purpose....

WA, 933 posts
7 Jan 2013 6:43PM
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And the buggers are getting smarter and vindictive- 38 degrees nice little wave at scabs/trigg and bloody shark alarm goes off AGAIN- bloody vindictive tiger sharks, bloody bait balls are in on it too!!!

But really after asking "slightly embarrased" beach patrol ranger guy in 4wd where is it really?

About 500m out and just off South Trigg so beach at scabs shut, Brighton still open coz shark more than 1 km away!!!!!!

Is it just now or have they always been 500 + off the beach chasing baitballs......I think we all know!

WA, 2153 posts
7 Jan 2013 6:46PM
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I think if the alarm goes off, and the waves are cranking, then you're a lucky bugger. You just might get good waves without the severe crowds. The past few days have been a prime example.

They close the beaches for a Tiger Shark, yet in most parts of the world divers go looking for Tiger Sharks to swim with.

WA, 153 posts
7 Jan 2013 6:55PM
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This subject seems to be on repeat. Surely people are sick of this shark debate.
Didn't hit spell check, hope this hasn't offended subidoo.

Honestly if you want the latest white shark papers or any science/eng related paper just look at 'scholar google'

WA, 2153 posts
7 Jan 2013 6:59PM
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Google scholar is great, but it's hardly a drop in the ocean with what it gives you access too. Most of the peer reviewed papers require authorized (expensive) access to view them.

There are so many papers on shark research out there that are not available through google scholar. Personally I wish peer reviewed journal papers were free for all to view, but sadly, they aren't.

Sometimes you can get copies of journal papers just by googling the title, but google scholar certainly doesn't give you access to a whole lot. But it's an awesome concept.

WA, 153 posts
7 Jan 2013 7:07PM
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so pay 30$ for a decent read. Google scholar is great and is usually used for students to get the 'current info' as a background to their final year thesis. If you are honestly interested in information that has been referenced correctly then google scholar is the way to go.

NB: this post is not directed at suba but all those that actually want to know what info is out there. If you are genuine and want knowledge then it is there even if you have to pay for it.

no spell check again, sorry subistudi


Forums > Surfing Shortboards

"Dolphin killed at Mettams" started by Zuke