Forums > Surfing Shortboards

Dolphin killed at Mettams

Created by Zuke > 9 months ago, 2 Jan 2013
WA, 598 posts
8 Jan 2013 12:44PM
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So, at the end of 7 pages of drivel (which admittedly I contributed to), and as originally posted by Zuke, did "anyone [end up] have[ing] any info on the dolphin killed by a shark at Mettams yesterday [1/1/13] afternoon"?

WA, 682 posts
8 Jan 2013 1:13PM
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yep we have disussed this issue many times over the last year or so. It surely reflects what is a common talking point amongst Western Australians. I know over the last year many people I know talk about this, even in the water, which used to be taboo in my experience. The forum just reflects that doesn't it? What annoys me is that I have no clear idea on what to do about it or if the powers that be have one either. I am interested to see if the drum lines work or if they tell us when they catch something, I'm thinking not. The media however will want that photo so I guess we'll see it if they catch a GWS if they hook a turtle, dolphin or sambo that will also be front page I'm thinking.

WA, 6913 posts
8 Jan 2013 1:29PM
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rbl said...
Suba, the man with a spear gun in his left hand and a bow in his right hand, shouting conservation and animal cruelty.

I've never heard him talking about animal cruelty..? I have heard him worried about our oceans.

I have a question.

Does anybody else think that the amount (big increase) in smaller shark numbers could be anything to with less great whites

WA, 792 posts
8 Jan 2013 1:46PM
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bakesy said...
yep we have disussed this issue many times over the last year or so. It surely reflects what is a common talking point amongst Western Australians. I know over the last year many people I know talk about this, even in the water, which used to be taboo in my experience. The forum just reflects that doesn't it? What annoys me is that I have no clear idea on what to do about it or if the powers that be have one either. I am interested to see if the drum lines work or if they tell us when they catch something, I'm thinking not. The media however will want that photo so I guess we'll see it if they catch a GWS if they hook a turtle, dolphin or sambo that will also be front page I'm thinking.

I've been thinking the same thing.
I think fisheries will try and let it slip under the radar if they do catch anything. Media will be looking to make a field day of it. With a state election looming Barnett will more than likely be wanting whatever they catch to be kept under wraps so as not to get anyone offside.

I'd like to see the public informed on whatever they catch.

WA, 2153 posts
8 Jan 2013 2:39PM
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Don't know how legitimate their news source is:

WA, 902 posts
8 Jan 2013 2:56PM
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Sounds like there might be an angry shark hanging around the cape now.

WA, 280 posts
8 Jan 2013 8:26PM
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subasurf said...
If you're over the topic, why the **** do you keep posting in it?

you are a complete d**khead take your ****en tunnel vision sunnies off and hear at least what guys who have surfed and or fished in the area have got to say, 20 - 30 years beats yor 2-3 years of being subjected to what government standards are cock.

WA, 280 posts
8 Jan 2013 8:32PM
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soleman said...
subasurf said...
If you're over the topic, why the **** do you keep posting in it?

you are a complete d**khead take your ****en tunnel vision sunnies off and hear at least what guys who have surfed and or fished in the area have got to say, 20 - 30 years beats yor 2-3 years of being subjected to what government standards are cock.

C"mon whats your F**ken smart answer now????

8266 posts
8 Jan 2013 10:28PM
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Ctngoodvibes said...
Is it my phone or is something strange going on with some peoples avatars. Mine seems to have changed to mickpc's and his seems to have changed to jb shacks....?!!!

Might wanna check your bank balance mate, identity theft is a big problem these days & I spent a little too much on dinner & drinks tonight haha ; p
Visited Whaleworld in Albany today & had an awesome old bloke (Peter) guiding us through the retired whaling station telling some great stories. Like how 5m sharks were just the little ones & they used to see 10 to 12 metre sharks pretty often. They once had like 200 great whites appear suddenly & go into a feeding frenzy on this whale that was getting brought in. There was nothing left but bones & during the frenzy, the sharks were even eating each other. Throughout the tour Peter told us heaps of very interesting stories, quite a few shark related. I bought a book by Ches Stubbs, "Memoirs of a whaling skipper" & I'll share more stories if a shark thread's still going when I've finished it

Regarding the drum line fishing to eradicate problem sharks in the SW. It will be interesting to see how long they or it remains. They set one up at Wedge & it wasn't there very long. I heard a rumour it was stolen, dunno if thats true or not.

I'm not in favor of drum line fishing either, as its not as selective as a bloke in a chopper shooting identified targets & therefore not as effective.

Dawn Patrol
WA, 1991 posts
8 Jan 2013 11:32PM
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10-12m sharks?

Perhaps that proves they are endangered if there are none of them left and are no longer sighted hey? [}:)]

WA, 1403 posts
9 Jan 2013 9:48AM
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Scooby Dooby Do where are you .... You've got some work to do now ....
I'll even give you a Scooby snack.

WA, 15849 posts
9 Jan 2013 10:08AM
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Ctngoodvibes said...
Scooby Dooby Do where are you .... You've got some work to do now ....
I'll even give you a Scooby snack.

Bad vibes

WA, 1255 posts
9 Jan 2013 3:07PM
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WA, 15849 posts
9 Jan 2013 3:18PM
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default said...

rabble rabble rabble rabble

1011 posts
9 Jan 2013 3:26PM
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Disappointing, this should have made it to 10 pages.

WA, 15849 posts
9 Jan 2013 3:28PM
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surferstu said...
Disappointing, this should have made it to 10 pages.

I dont think its over........


WA, 64 posts
9 Jan 2013 3:49PM
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Dunsborough rumour mill suggests a 6m specimen was dropped near the cape late last week... as in dropped permanently.

WA, 15849 posts
9 Jan 2013 4:15PM
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barndog said...
Dunsborough rumour mill suggests a 6m specimen was dropped near the cape late last week... as in dropped permanently.

By the shire or other means?

WA, 6913 posts
9 Jan 2013 5:12PM
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barndog said...
Dunsborough rumour mill suggests a 6m specimen was dropped near the cape late last week... as in dropped permanently.

I'd be careful if its even slightly true. There is still a big fine for killing endangered species. To be honest the Federal government have even questioned the right for our state government to kill a endangered animal. In regards as under what circumstances they can and can't

WA, 15849 posts
9 Jan 2013 5:22PM
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jbshack said...
barndog said...
Dunsborough rumour mill suggests a 6m specimen was dropped near the cape late last week... as in dropped permanently.

I'd be careful if its even slightly true. There is still a big fine for killing endangered species. To be honest the Federal government have even questioned the right for our state government to kill a endangered animal. In regards as under what circumstances they can and can't

Yea but they have to catch them first and I recon there would be a bit of an anti shark possi happening down there at the moment. I think that this situation where people are taking matters into their own hands is worth avoiding at all costs, it will get ugly

WA, 2503 posts
9 Jan 2013 6:48PM
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I just think it's funny that all the attention gets focused on Eagle bay/ Bunkers stretch, it's like the Cottesloe pool/tower thing. I bet this wouldn't be happening if it weren't peak tourist season with all the power voters holidaying at their beach shacks.
These pollies sure like to please their voters.

WA, 6913 posts
9 Jan 2013 7:26PM
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smicko said...
I just think it's funny that all the attention gets focused on Eagle bay/ Bunkers stretch, it's like the Cottesloe pool/tower thing. I bet this wouldn't be happening if it weren't peak tourist season with all the power votes holidaying at their beach shacks.
These pollies sure like to please their voters.

Did you even see as well as the fisheries boat ( don't forget there spending another $2 million for another one ) there was also a patrol boat. Either coast guard or navy. I couldn't tell from the picks. What a expensive tax payers fishing trip for the boys[}:)]

WA, 682 posts
9 Jan 2013 7:41PM
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bit off topic JB, but are the RIB's they've got imported? I think the bigger ali boats they have are locally built, just thinking that if they are to spend those dollars at least they do it locally. Mick you're a cynical bastard but spot on as usual

WA, 2503 posts
9 Jan 2013 8:26PM
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Oi!! I resemble that comment Damo!

Rod, I haven't seen any footage of what they're up to, don't have a tele.
As an aside I can't believe your local has banks at the mo, good ones too judging by the pics you put up. Don't think I've seen a summer bank there since before the wall was built, used to get a sick left bank off that reef with the southerlies....

8266 posts
9 Jan 2013 8:49PM
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Dawn Patrol said...
10-12m sharks?

Perhaps that proves they are endangered if there are none of them left and are no longer sighted hey? [}:)]

Nope it just means we're not seeing 10-12m gw sharks. There's obviously plenty of smaller, yet just as dangerous gw sharks that are constantly seen off our shores. If gw's were truly endangered, we would rarely see them. This is not the case...

WA, 2503 posts
9 Jan 2013 8:51PM
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And just quietly, I'd hazard a guess that 10-12m Whites were a rum induced halucination.

WA, 682 posts
9 Jan 2013 9:00PM
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what about the megaladon thing, MickPC did say the tour guide was old

8266 posts
9 Jan 2013 9:00PM
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hahaha possible...i don't doubt they saw some bloody big sharks though.

8266 posts
9 Jan 2013 9:02PM
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bakesy said...
what about the megaladon thing, MickPC did say the tour guide was old

haha didn't hear about it on the tour...he might have saved that little tidbit for those who bought Mr Stubbs book

thommo 000
1670 posts
9 Jan 2013 9:58PM
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smicko said...
And just quietly, I'd hazard a guess that 10-12m Whites were a rum induced halucination.

Mick, Perched up on the 1 fathom edge can result in some outstanding encounters..

@MickPC, good to have a yarn with old timers eh..i'm sure he appreciated it to.


Forums > Surfing Shortboards

"Dolphin killed at Mettams" started by Zuke