Forums > Surfing Shortboards

Legions surf report :: Daily updates..

Created by doggie > 9 months ago, 23 Apr 2010
WA, 934 posts
15 Aug 2018 9:05PM
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Fu()65 you Huey
not sure how i have offended you (apart from constantly muttering Fu??>You) but man....consistent weekday / workday pumping surf!!!
last weekend early doors Scabs was 1ft and ****sky...drove up to not so secret northern places....horribly bogged, hand digging for an hour eventually snatched out by best guys ever then finally get wet in not so good waves-perfect conditions and back to go to "joy oh joy" daughters califarkinstenic concert, get charged $$ to watch own between watch vids and piccies of pumping Scarbs

FU()65 Huey

secretly i love you Huey...please maybe this weekend!!!!!

8266 posts
15 Aug 2018 11:11PM
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I know the feeling, every decent day over the last 2 weeks I've missed due to chasing the almighty $...some of the best waves this year apparently

Buster fin
WA, 2586 posts
16 Aug 2018 4:59AM
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Don't fret fellow frothers.
It probably wasnt as good as you imagine. Probably

2224 posts
16 Aug 2018 8:00PM
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I did not sound the alarm this morning it was good early not epic but good.
everyone thought it would be onshore and by sounding the alarm yesterday hopefully most got their fill..
waist to head high and on a shortie even got a few head dips

WA, 934 posts
18 Aug 2018 1:02PM
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mocha1 said..
Fu()65 you Huey
not sure how i have offended you (apart from constantly muttering Fu??>You) but man....consistent weekday / workday pumping surf!!!
last weekend early doors Scabs was 1ft and ****sky...drove up to not so secret northern places....horribly bogged, hand digging for an hour eventually snatched out by best guys ever then finally get wet in not so good waves-perfect conditions and back to go to "joy oh joy" daughters califarkinstenic concert, get charged $$ to watch own between watch vids and piccies of pumping Scarbs

FU()65 Huey

secretly i love you Huey...please maybe this weekend!!!!!

As i said Huey, I love you.
got me some screamers today, best waves of the winter (for me) at Scarbs....unleashed my inner Parkoanning


2224 posts
18 Aug 2018 1:15PM
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It is magic today, scored a goooood novelty spot local it was good banks

2224 posts
18 Aug 2018 1:17PM
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Mocha good work maybe Huey had to hear it, it certainly paid dividends

2224 posts
18 Aug 2018 7:04PM
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Today's bank

Buster fin
WA, 2586 posts
18 Aug 2018 7:41PM
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Mocha... I disn't see you for round 2... shame.

WA, 934 posts
19 Aug 2018 6:58AM
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Footy and free beers won out in the end Buster

Buster fin
WA, 2586 posts
19 Aug 2018 10:28AM
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I hope they didnt account for your absence again this morning?

WA, 2222 posts
19 Aug 2018 3:35PM
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Surely today was too small. And yesterday was ok but miles from the best of the year. Plus Scarborough and Trigg banks have kind of sucked since about June.

901 posts
19 Aug 2018 4:56PM
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^^^^ Buster is a frother Legion, all he needs to see is some white water and he's off. You know that deep water spot where the big whites like to visit, when it's maxing out at 8' and the tide's a bit low and the reef's draining on the sets Buster takes the drop on the shut down sets. This is good for me as I get a laugh and the waves that are actually makable.

WA, 2222 posts
19 Aug 2018 6:09PM
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Yeah I know he is but I'd be surprised if it was even breaking this morning. It barely was last night at low tide.

8266 posts
19 Aug 2018 7:50PM
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Yeppers small,but good to get back in the water after an over extended roster...

Buster fin
WA, 2586 posts
19 Aug 2018 7:53PM
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Let's just say that I've got a board for every occasion.

WA, 934 posts
20 Aug 2018 12:05PM
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Buster fin said..
I hope they didnt account for your absence again this morning?

No not at all, tight schedule and definite wave size factor defeated my Sunday plans....and the "not wanting to ruin yesterdays memories" factor played a part.

legion-not best waves of the year....but for me Yes, limited crowd factor probably played into that, lack of Frothers and bad mannered wavepigs can make any surf that much better.

Buster fin
WA, 2586 posts
20 Aug 2018 7:59PM
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The sets were not too infrequent and over head. Good enough for this mung-bean.
But it's true that you only needed another frother nearby and the fun was lost.

WA, 585 posts
23 Aug 2018 4:35PM
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Been getting some good waves lately but juezzas its frigging cold

WA, 3028 posts
23 Aug 2018 5:28PM
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IFocus said..
Been getting some good waves lately but juezzas its frigging cold

Agreed, new wettie for next year I think.

2224 posts
24 Aug 2018 12:03PM
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There is a phenomenal bank in the metro area
multiple tubes per wave.........

WA, 1404 posts
24 Aug 2018 4:55PM
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Razzonater said..
There is a phenomenal bank in the metro area
multiple tubes per wave.........


Buster fin
WA, 2586 posts
25 Aug 2018 7:11PM
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Razzonater said..
There is a phenomenal bank in the metro area
multiple tubes per wave.........

I call hoax! Did the early check and it was well shaped but under-whelmingly small and, if I'm not mistaken, weedy.
Ran back to the local in time for the crowds to beat me to my preferred bank. But fun waves were had. And dues were paid.

Then I get a phone call...

2224 posts
28 Aug 2018 9:12AM
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Early yesterday it was offshore, scored an old favourite me n a mate for an hour before three others descended, as they paddled out the wind shifted, got two more and left them too it.
quick snap after I got out below.

there was actually a few solid ones and it was a pleasant surprise for the 1 metre swell.

While we are talking about swell size relative to height of waves, I would like to take this opportunity to have a quick rant.

Swell period (seconds between swells) in Perth is normally and particularly heading into spring and summer around the 8-9 second mark if you are lucky.
It is critical to note that in swells of a larger period 10 seconds or more for Perth that these will have far larger set waves due to the energy and will also likely fire down the reef, periods of 13 seconds plus locally will ensure most if not all metro waves will break providing the swell is above or around the 1.5 metre mark ( in Hawaii you want 15-20 seconds and places like indo around the 13-15 second period)

In summer the swell period is generally in the 6-10 second realm hence a 3 metre swell in summer will normally result in maybe a wave of head height whereas a longer period groundswell of 13 odd seconds ( yesterday) will result in similar sized waves.

You may be wondering why I am spilling my guts for all, well it is near the end of winter and we are entering spring.
the bureau of meteorology is predicting a dry spring down south which will likely mean less fronts and also less long period swell events.

We will lose all swell at 13 or more seconds within the next 6-8 weeks, it is likely that the next few swells will be in the 10 second plus realm however come ent of September it is forecast to be a looong slow summer.

This is my winter gift to those remaining on seabreeze, it is essential that surfing is done as much as possible in the next 8 weeks.
I do not want to hear winging in the approaching summer, this is your opportunity yes the weekend is only showing 1.5 but the period (13 seconds) of the swell will result in head high sets at open beaches.
today is Tuesday you have three days until Saturday with Sunday looking similar.

This is not directed to any one person this is to all. Get organised, do you even have wax? Where is your fin key? What board are you riding?

In two months Huey takes all waves from us away again in Perth this is your last two months of surf.

You have been warned, I'm pleading with you for your own sanity.

This has been a community service announcement

WA, 3028 posts
28 Aug 2018 11:42AM
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Razzonater said..
Early yesterday it was offshore, scored an old favourite me n a mate for an hour before three others descended, as they paddled out the wind shifted, got two more and left them too it.
quick snap after I got out below.

there was actually a few solid ones and it was a pleasant surprise for the 1 metre swell.

While we are talking about swell size relative to height of waves, I would like to take this opportunity to have a quick rant.

Swell period (seconds between swells) in Perth is normally and particularly heading into spring and summer around the 8-9 second mark if you are lucky.
It is critical to note that in swells of a larger period 10 seconds or more for Perth that these will have far larger set waves due to the energy and will also likely fire down the reef, periods of 13 seconds plus locally will ensure most if not all metro waves will break providing the swell is above or around the 1.5 metre mark ( in Hawaii you want 15-20 seconds and places like indo around the 13-15 second period)

In summer the swell period is generally in the 6-10 second realm hence a 3 metre swell in summer will normally result in maybe a wave of head height whereas a longer period groundswell of 13 odd seconds ( yesterday) will result in similar sized waves.

You may be wondering why I am spilling my guts for all, well it is near the end of winter and we are entering spring.
the bureau of meteorology is predicting a dry spring down south which will likely mean less fronts and also less long period swell events.

We will lose all swell at 13 or more seconds within the next 6-8 weeks, it is likely that the next few swells will be in the 10 second plus realm however come ent of September it is forecast to be a looong slow summer.

This is my winter gift to those remaining on seabreeze, it is essential that surfing is done as much as possible in the next 8 weeks.
I do not want to hear winging in the approaching summer, this is your opportunity yes the weekend is only showing 1.5 but the period (13 seconds) of the swell will result in head high sets at open beaches.
today is Tuesday you have three days until Saturday with Sunday looking similar.

This is not directed to any one person this is to all. Get organised, do you even have wax? Where is your fin key? What board are you riding?

In two months Huey takes all waves from us away again in Perth this is your last two months of surf.

You have been warned, I'm pleading with you for your own sanity.

This has been a community service announcement

I've taken holidays :)

Buster fin
WA, 2586 posts
28 Aug 2018 12:54PM
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Sadly, I think there are loads of non-contributing lurkers here, so any treasures or gems of surfing knowledge offered to your bros are shared with those you wouldn't recognise as "bro", to your further the demise of your future surfing enjoyment.
Otherwise, love your work Razz!

WA, 2520 posts
28 Aug 2018 4:51PM
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I am already dreading the crowds hitting Trigg etc in Summer... Unfortunately, I do not always have time to do the road trip; and now everyone has a 6'8" soft-top or old dusty 7'2" mini-mal that get's pulled out of the shed as soon as it hits 28 degrees... and it's just mayhem from the Point down to Brighton

WA, 1404 posts
28 Aug 2018 5:17PM
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Razzonater said..
Early yesterday it was offshore, scored an old favourite me n a mate for an hour before three others descended, as they paddled out the wind shifted, got two more and left them too it.
quick snap after I got out below.

there was actually a few solid ones and it was a pleasant surprise for the 1 metre swell.

While we are talking about swell size relative to height of waves, I would like to take this opportunity to have a quick rant.

Swell period (seconds between swells) in Perth is normally and particularly heading into spring and summer around the 8-9 second mark if you are lucky.
It is critical to note that in swells of a larger period 10 seconds or more for Perth that these will have far larger set waves due to the energy and will also likely fire down the reef, periods of 13 seconds plus locally will ensure most if not all metro waves will break providing the swell is above or around the 1.5 metre mark ( in Hawaii you want 15-20 seconds and places like indo around the 13-15 second period)

In summer the swell period is generally in the 6-10 second realm hence a 3 metre swell in summer will normally result in maybe a wave of head height whereas a longer period groundswell of 13 odd seconds ( yesterday) will result in similar sized waves.

You may be wondering why I am spilling my guts for all, well it is near the end of winter and we are entering spring.
the bureau of meteorology is predicting a dry spring down south which will likely mean less fronts and also less long period swell events.

We will lose all swell at 13 or more seconds within the next 6-8 weeks, it is likely that the next few swells will be in the 10 second plus realm however come ent of September it is forecast to be a looong slow summer.

This is my winter gift to those remaining on seabreeze, it is essential that surfing is done as much as possible in the next 8 weeks.
I do not want to hear winging in the approaching summer, this is your opportunity yes the weekend is only showing 1.5 but the period (13 seconds) of the swell will result in head high sets at open beaches.
today is Tuesday you have three days until Saturday with Sunday looking similar.

This is not directed to any one person this is to all. Get organised, do you even have wax? Where is your fin key? What board are you riding?

In two months Huey takes all waves from us away again in Perth this is your last two months of surf.

You have been warned, I'm pleading with you for your own sanity.

This has been a community service announcement

Razz I think you'll find that in WA we get all our swells from the roaring 40s and they are actually usually relatively long period - like 11 seconds plus, even in summer. The small swells in summer are due to swell direction - way to much south to get into Perth plus the storms are generally further south and lower intensity than in winter. West swells are the goods and this is usually only in winter.
Long swell Period although equating to stronger swell when it's longer also results in Perth's other scourge - ruler edge ground swell that closes out on Perth's straight beaches in summer.
the east coast is different - they get low period wind swells all the time in summer. Wind swells are more broken up by their nature and the waves although gutless can even have shape when there's crap banks.
but then you prob already know all this and are just trying to further confuse the kooks of summer months ha ha

8266 posts
28 Aug 2018 9:05PM
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lol Razz, I didn't want to say anything last week. I surfed everyday from Sunday to Saturday with either just a couple of mates or a few more. I didn't want to say anything to encourage people to get out there. It was a beautiful week & I probably should have got some work done on my garden. But I was just too surfed out....and this sh1t about it being cold pfffttt, its the warmest winter we've had in years

WA, 2222 posts
30 Aug 2018 8:25PM
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I feel sorry for you if you haven't got at least 50 days this season.


Forums > Surfing Shortboards

"Legions surf report :: Daily updates.." started by doggie