Yes, because you're the epitome of grace. Here's a novel idea, why don't you try and actually contribute to these threads. If you want to stir up 5hit for no reason then go troll some SUPers. Hell, I'll join you. I'm getting pretty tired of having petty arguments with fellow surfers.
Same place as yesterday - 30min later to allow the high tide to fall...
Looked about 5/10 - but was much better than it looked if you were patient and kept to the two-three banks that were working. Only about 15 crew out... Scored a bucket load of waves - some good length rides...
NNW started upsetting it about 11:30am - but there were still good waves to be had for those that slept in...
Bit of a last minute call but two of my mates have pulled out of going to rotto, anyone keen? Leaving in an hour
a lot of break naming goes on here by people who claim not to name names. although without the photos from the guy who said he'd never photo his homey again it may be a lil boring.
where was everyone this morning?! i was out at a one of the usual northern haunches and there were so few people i couldnt believe my luck. its as if a shark warning had gone out or something. some pretty powerful waves about, many with shape and pretty gaping barrels compared to what we're used to in perth and nobody was riding them!
there was also a pretty good mini-mal chick out there showing the boys up. it was good to see.
Did the early and went somewhere different with just the two of us out.
The second pic is not the best but gives you an idea of the size. There were bigger ones coming through too.
Trigg cams look good this morning - anyone care to give a personal update on conditions - specifically the early high tides?
cold as down south, 9 degrees and raining the other morning
winds variable -nil to howling SSE
windsurfer out at main break yesterday at 9am
thou the vicco i was talking to didnt think so!
he reckoned water here much warmer!
still my new psychofreak 3.5/2.5 keeping me toasty
huzza's been ok - kids having a great time
seal hanging round thou
shark sighted at south point and that cleared the bay at about 1pm
thou a couple stayed out at southie, were ?walking around there when message went out