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Forums > Surfing Shortboards

Legions surf report :: Daily updates..

Created by doggie > 9 months ago, 23 Apr 2010
WA, 682 posts
20 Jul 2012 2:25PM
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pretty good this morning, better in the morning. Also, a dude paddled out and told us that a sign was put up at The Cut regarding a sighting, I was there at 8am for a surf check but didn't see anything.

WA, 682 posts
20 Jul 2012 2:28PM
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nice one Downesy, see he's got the vest on, ready for some tow in action?

WA, 15849 posts
20 Jul 2012 2:35PM
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^^ Thats a nice looking wave Baksey

WA, 270 posts
20 Jul 2012 2:46PM
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bakesy said...

nice one Downesy, see he's got the vest on, ready for some tow in action?

haha he wants to learn to surf first before learning to swim. looks like the swells got a bit more west in it today bakesy, it was roughly that size a little further south with a few bigger sets. the northerly was a giving it a bit more wedgey feel to it, not super clean but making it run off better than it has been.

WA, 441 posts
20 Jul 2012 2:54PM
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PaddlePig said...

Baksey you're a legend! I reckon watching him catch even knee high waves would feel better for you than yourself dropping into a wave of the day. Must be rewarding watching him go out. He'll also forever remember his dad taking him out and watching him surf. Top work!

Best feeling ever sharing a passion with your kids, two of my proudest moments this year was heading down the beach with my three girls (7,9, 11) all with a board under there arms walking down the path and paddling around together (flat day). Next was down on the south coast over summer with the 11 year old paddling out the back with me and sharing waves, going from riding reforms to paddling into her own waves and making a few


WA, 6913 posts
23 Jul 2012 6:15PM
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Sat afternoon Mulla point was working okay. Nice waves linking most of the way to the beach but only knee to waist high, a few bigger ones but not too consistent and very fast, only just make-able on a few.

Was out on my own for nearly 40 minutes until another guy joined. (made me happy as i felt safer then) But then another and another and gave up after 9 guys were all trying to work it out and sitting here there and everywhere[}:)]

Surfed a northern reef Sunday but hung over and should have stayed in bed
(seal out as well)

Then my wetsuit zip jammed and i was not happy from that point on, day just went down hill after that

On a boat demo today checked a reef off Hillarys and it was huge and nice form, but no one out

WA, 682 posts
23 Jul 2012 6:53PM
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if that wave off Hilary's is known as SI or LI, I would rate that as one of the sharkiest spots I ever surfed. In fact, back in the 90's we surfed it all the time until one night on the news the largest GWS I've ever seen was filmed ripping apart one of the resident aquatic mammals. Thinking back it just blew our minds as we'd never really given it much thought, ahhh the nineties

901 posts
25 Jul 2012 2:11PM
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I don't usually surf the weekends but I made a late call and went for a sundowner on Saturday at a nice peak with hollow lefts and rights. Had a ball but the nerves start to kick in once the water turns black.

15 posts
25 Jul 2012 9:12PM
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Damn you zuke !!

WA, 15849 posts
31 Jul 2012 10:35AM
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Looks like we might get some sand moved over the weekend, lets hope eh

901 posts
31 Jul 2012 10:40AM
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Edit ^^^^ Great minds doggie, I posted the same time.

This week looks pretty horrible but the straight banks should get a good stir up so hopefully we'll get some good shape when it turns offshore.

Here are few pics from last week to get us through. It was a little windy at first but it cleaned up later, enjoy!

WA, 15849 posts
31 Jul 2012 11:05AM
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Hey Zuke I remember a storm maybe ten years ago now that produced some of the best banks Ive ever seen.
It started strong and kept going for two weeks, big 6m swells and NW winds blowing up to 60knots.
I dont recall one that big since which is a shame. It made the Trigg streach look like pipeline, some of the best waves Ive surfed there ever!!

901 posts
31 Jul 2012 11:37AM
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^^^^ I don't remember that far back doggie but there's no doubt a good NW blow can really help the banks. The more swell with it the better I think.

WA, 15849 posts
31 Jul 2012 12:19PM
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Zuke said...

^^^^ I don't remember that far back doggie but there's no doubt a good NW blow can really help the banks. The more swell with it the better I think.

I surfed Trigg on Sunday, why I dont know. I looked down the beach and its so steep in some sections and the back wash is horrible. From tomorrow onwards should mix things up but the wind isnt strong enough imo, swell is good tho.

We will see

WA, 2154 posts
31 Jul 2012 1:16PM
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doggie said...
= I looked down the beach and its so steep in some sections and the back wash is horrible.

I ate 5hit so many times recently from that backwash. You see your wave coming in, position yourself, paddle for it, look over your shoulder to make sure you're not dropping in and then finally as you stand up you finally notice the lump of water rushing back out from shore. You hit it at speed as your drop in, your knees buckle and the board winds up molesting you and you eat it again as the wave closes on you.

****ing backwash... although it can be great fun with some speed and actual anticipation.

WA, 15849 posts
31 Jul 2012 1:31PM
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subasurf said...

doggie said...
= I looked down the beach and its so steep in some sections and the back wash is horrible.

I ate 5hit so many times recently from that backwash. You see your wave coming in, position yourself, paddle for it, look over your shoulder to make sure you're not dropping in and then finally as you stand up you finally notice the lump of water rushing back out from shore. You hit it at speed as your drop in, your knees buckle and the board winds up molesting you and you eat it again as the wave closes on you.

****ing backwash... although it can be great fun with some speed and actual anticipation.

If you can time your take off so the backwash pushes you up it can be great as well, I think it takes a bit of power out of the wave tho.

WA, 24860 posts
31 Jul 2012 1:32PM
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2 foot slop

WA, 15849 posts
31 Jul 2012 2:18PM
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62mac said...

2 foot slop

Been to Perth recently?

WA, 24860 posts
31 Jul 2012 2:20PM
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Yes mate about 49 years ago

SA, 501 posts
31 Jul 2012 4:03PM
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^^^what when you were forty years of age. Sorry mate. Couldn't resist a longboarder leaving himself open like that.

WA, 24860 posts
31 Jul 2012 2:38PM
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fozzy said...

^^^what when you were forty years of age. Sorry mate. Couldn't resist a longboarder leaving himself open like that.

I was a new born

WA, 15849 posts
31 Jul 2012 5:43PM
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Frickin Sunday!!

WA, 270 posts
1 Aug 2012 12:26PM
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the winds dropped out! get out there........

WA, 2222 posts
1 Aug 2012 8:38PM
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No banks, frostbitten toes. Don't think it was suba, but you never know.

WA, 2154 posts
1 Aug 2012 8:55PM
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Not me. Spent all day studying antarctic fish.

Tomorrow on the other hand...

901 posts
3 Aug 2012 9:09AM
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It turned offshore at sunrise this morning but the beaches were out of control. Big, lumpy and shutting down. There were a few rips so hopefully the banks will get some shape but nothing yet.

WA, 15849 posts
3 Aug 2012 9:15AM
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Zuke said...

It turned offshore at sunrise this morning but the beaches were out of control. Big, lumpy and shutting down. There were a few rips so hopefully the banks will get some shape but nothing yet.

I dont think the wonk in the swell will get any better until we get some strong offshore on it.

Sunday still looks like the pick of the days tho.

WA, 521 posts
3 Aug 2012 2:15PM
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plenty of swell but really lumpy, nothing really firing Suns out but

WA, 7608 posts
3 Aug 2012 8:11PM
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Had a bit of west in the wind but it was smoking
Four hours and I'm stuffed

WA, 15849 posts
3 Aug 2012 8:54PM
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Greenroom said...

Had a bit of west in the wind but it was smoking
Four hours and I'm stuffed

Stop it, txt me picks


Forums > Surfing Shortboards

"Legions surf report :: Daily updates.." started by doggie