Hi Richard
this is video I was using the JP 135 foil pro 215 x 86 @ 135 liters.
I have also used the F4 on a RRD slalom board 225 x 79 @ 122 and it performed very well in light winds.
The above is the 2018 model and the new 2019 pro model is at top and below. Seems the new pro models from manufacturers for foil specific boards are limited to 150 litre max. and 91 cm maximum, due to rule changes at PWA level, influenced by what fits on the aeroplane since too wide is becoming too big to transport on airlines/airports. Also looking more JP or formula influenced than the 2018 models. Sorry this is getting away from the thread's theme. However the wider the board the bigger sail you can carry upwind railing the board down to windward like a foiling Moth Mach2. I have picked up a 2018 NP F4 carbon foil on sale, so now I am looking for a board. I think the JP135 foil pro is looking good but the RRD is of interest in the Wood version from 2018 H Fire based on the X fire light wind. I hope I can source one as that looks like a good all round light wind board that will be comfortable to sail with or without foil. I don't think you could go wrong with either however so should decide in the next few days.
Does anyone know if there is any difference between the Pryde AL foil fuselage length and the Pryde carbon F4 foil fuselage?
Thanks Rich. I ask because my mate has just switched to the carbon RSX Convertible from the pink AL foil and he reckons the RSX foil is so much more stable because of the extra fuselage length and bigger foil, so i'm looking at my options.
I've not foiled the RSX foil but the difference between the pinkie AL and F4 Carbon is a huge difference.
The pinkie AL is way more forgiving, takes more pressure to engage the foil but gives you more time to adjust yourself, if your new to foiling or foiling in stronger winds.
The carbon F4 is like blipping the throttle on a Bugatti. You give it some pressure and you'll climb quickly (mast is 95cm). It takes more technique to keep the board level and you're constantly adjusting, but if you want to go from point A to B, upwind and down wind quickest way possible the F4 will get you there...it's very very quick.
2019 alflight
curved wings..... at last !!!
and a new model the "glide wind" with different head attachements (incl power box)