Forums > Windsurfing Foiling

Pryde AL foil

Created by waricle > 9 months ago, 1 Sep 2017
WA, 852 posts
11 Jul 2018 10:09AM
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seanhogan said..

Maddlad said..
Yeah they're the ones i saw at the shop last week. I dont know if the wings on the AL Flight 2019 are further apart though to give more stability. It looks like a similar fuselage length.

Wow ! already released !!???

They don't seem to be further apart but the larger wings + curve should improve the stability quite a lot compared to the first edition !

Not sure if they're "released" as such, but my local shop had some when i was there the other day. They offered me the chance to try them so i think i'll take them up on the offer and see if there's any difference to the stability.

WA, 3746 posts
12 Jul 2018 11:17PM
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Maddlad said..
Thanks Rich. I ask because my mate has just switched to the carbon RSX Convertible from the pink AL foil and he reckons the RSX foil is so much more stable because of the extra fuselage length and bigger foil, so i'm looking at my options.

The following figures are from:
2018 Neil Pryde RS Flight F4 Carbon
Height of mast (in cm): 95
Length fuselage (in cm): 71
( I measured the fuselage and it is correct-fuselage is in two pieces it is integrated into the rear wing and the other part is integrated into the mast)
Wingspan front wing (in cm): 80 & 59
Rear Wing Span (in cm): 38
Weight (in kg): 3,5

The following test suggests the AL foil has a 74 cm fuselage see:

Is that correct ? If yes, then that would mean the AL foil is longer in the fuselage (slightly) than the F4.

Comparative test:

The foil arrived today by DHL (with duty landed it was less than it was here RRP in Aust, although none available here now) and here it is:
Isthmus Sailboards gave me an excellent deal on this and excellent service.

Picked up the board this afternoon from Surf Sail. Great sales and service from Mark Taylor.

I have found that F4 in California states the following about their custom foils:

"Product Description

F4 is pleased to announce new foils for windsurfing based on new high modulus masts and aluminum fuselages. This modular system allows for both existing and new wings to be adapted to different geometry and spacings.

Changing the fuselage length and front wing spacing can optimize upwind vs. downwind vs. reaching performance.

F4 Windsurf Hydrofoil Features:

100cm complete solid high modulus prepreg mast

----90cm fuselage for control downwind and reaching

----100cm fuselage for medium to high wind race performance

----120cm fuselage for max upwind and light air performance

80cm or 90cm front wing

38cm rear wing with interchangeable 3d angle of attack space

- Upgrades available for NP carbon foils or existing F4 foils - upgrade with new mast and fuselage!"

I emailed them and F4 advised: "F4 are making new new masts and fuselages that fit the NP front wings. Also we have some new wings that fit the current NP carbon foil. You can upgrade your setup with a new mast, fuselage, and rear wing. Then mix and match wings between the two foils."

So it seems a 2018 NP F4 can be upgraded by F4 as you move forward, if desired.

WA, 852 posts
13 Jul 2018 9:50AM
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Cool, sounds good. I'd prefer to use pryde gear if possible but i'm looking for something with a bit more stability without too much compromise in other areas.

WA, 732 posts
16 Jul 2018 11:00AM
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Does the new 2019 alflight front wing fit the pinkie and is it available separately?

WA, 852 posts
17 Jul 2018 9:25AM
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waricle said..
Does the new 2019 alflight front wing fit the pinkie and is it available separately?

Not sure yet mate, but rumours are they may be available to buy separately at some stage.

WA, 852 posts
19 Jul 2018 11:27AM
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I was lucky enough to be given the 2019 NP AL Flight foil and new NP GlideSmall foil to try yesterday.

The new AL foil has the same mast and fuselage set up as the previous versions, but instead of having G10 foils, they are fully carbon and shaped with curved ends on the main wings and rear stabiliser. The NP Glide is from what I hear is intended to be a surf type foil which generates a lot of lift and is very manoeuvrable.

I rigged a 7.0 NP Evo X in conditions that ranged from 8 knots to 20 knots in gusts so it was fairly challenging at times. My impressions of the new foils are as follows.

2019 NP Flight AL foils come with all carbon wings that are shaped more along the lines of fully carbon foils sets, but still have the aluminium mast and fuselage. My impression of them compared to the previous versions is that they are immediately more stable than the previous set. They're especially stable when riding at the top of the mast where I found the previous set to move around a bit. Despite the breeze being very gusty I found them quite comfortable and very quick. I had a mate who was sailing on his 2018 AL foils try the 2019 version and he immediately felt more stability in the new set.

2019 NP Glide has a large curved front foil which gives early lift and is very manoeuvrable, especially off the breeze and in gybes. My understanding of these foils is they're more of a surf style foil and that would make sense with the ease of which they turn. I found myself confident enough to attempt foiling gybes on these which I wasn't as confident on the standard foils. I couldn't push these as hard upwind as the Flight foils obviously, but that's not what they're made for. These would be a good free ride foil for those who aren't looking for speed but would like to cruise around on swells or waves etc.

The new carbon wings are going to be available to purchase separately at around $499 for the front wing and $199 for the rear stabiliser apparently. These can be plugged into the older model fuselages from what I hear. To buy the whole new set including mast/fuselage etc will be around $1199 I hear.
I've included some photos below for anyone interested. I used my own mast instead of the 2019 mast as mine slotted straight into my slalom race board already. If anyone's interested in picking up the set in the pics talk to Dan at WSP. Thanks to Dan for letting me test them out.

WA, 3746 posts
19 Jul 2018 1:06PM
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Great review Maddlad.

WA, 852 posts
19 Jul 2018 1:11PM
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RichardG said..
Great review Maddlad.

Cheers Rich. I hope you've had a chance to get out on your new foils in more favourable conditions. :)

WA, 3746 posts
19 Jul 2018 4:47PM
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Maddlad said..

RichardG said..
Great review Maddlad.

Cheers Rich. I hope you've had a chance to get out on your new foils in more favourable conditions. :)

As yet no, since I am deep in work. I should like to get out again this weekend if possible. The forecast this weekend doesn't look like 'foiling' conditions to me. Any thoughts ?

WA, 852 posts
19 Jul 2018 5:28PM
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RichardG said..

Maddlad said..

RichardG said..
Great review Maddlad.

Cheers Rich. I hope you've had a chance to get out on your new foils in more favourable conditions. :)

As yet no, since I am deep in work. I should like to get out again this weekend if possible. The forecast this weekend doesn't look like 'foiling' conditions to me. Any thoughts ?

Yeah from all reports it's going to be blowing too hard for learning to foil, but if you can get out in 11-15 knots with a small sail at any stage then that'd be your best time to have a go. :)

WA, 83 posts
19 Jul 2018 6:28PM
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As Madlad stated, I got to compare the 2018 wings with the 2019 front and rear wings. The newer wings did feel a lot more stable and it didnt feel like the foil was going to suddenly fly out of the water or nose dive at speed. One thing to note was that a washer was in the front position on the newer set so next time I will try the older wings with the washer in the same position to confirm that it wasnt the washer that made the difference.

WA, 732 posts
22 Jul 2018 1:17PM
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Did the new foil get flying any earlier than the old one?

QLD, 28 posts
22 Jul 2018 7:06PM
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And does it whistle ?

WA, 852 posts
23 Jul 2018 9:02AM
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waricle said..
Did the new foil get flying any earlier than the old one?

Felt pretty similar to me but then I'm only 70 kgs so I can get going in pretty light conditions anyway. :)

WA, 852 posts
23 Jul 2018 9:05AM
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ZakK said..
And does it whistle ?

I was using my mast which is the old one so yes it did whistle. I haven't tried the new mast with the new foil as the head didn't fit my fin box easily so I didn't want to force it. There is a trick to getting rid of the whistle. NP made a video on YouTube of how to sand the back edge of it to get rid of the noise. It doesn't bother me as it lets me know when I'm really humming if you pardon the pun.

4 posts
9 Sep 2018 1:30AM
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I have my second mast bend of my alu foil.

2505 posts
9 Sep 2018 10:20PM
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Baltar said..
I have my second mast bend of my alu foil.

Is it bending at the head near the welds?

WA, 852 posts
11 Sep 2018 9:07AM
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Baltar said..
I have my second mast bend of my alu foil.

Are you a heavier rider Baltar? I've hesrd heavier riders can have issues with the AL foil.

16 posts
25 Mar 2019 6:24AM
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Trying to get into foiling with my slalom gear (see picture).
Mistral slalom 137.
8.4 scr
np alu foil.

Do you guys think it will help when standing wider in the back?
To get better control but also balance between front and back foot pressure.
Maybe the 8.4 is a bit big for this foil in light winds?

Recently also bought a 7.0 race sail. Is this going to be a better size for foiling?

Besides that I am still into slalom sailing. I hope to get 35+ knots some day with the 7.0.

My experience with the 8.4 is that you need abit more speed to get foiling.
About 15+ knots of board speed.
i have reached a max of 23 knots but around 25 knots should be possible.
I added to washer for more lift and this does help.
Since the 8.4 is quite heavy I need to mount the mast track more back. Between 125-130cm from the back to get enough lift. This is about the same measurement as with jp boards.
Between 10-15 knots of wind is ok but more than that it is going to be quit hard with the 8.4. But you can also just windsurf normally if there is to much wind to keep control. When foiling it doesn't go upwind very easy I think but this could also be technique. Hope the 7.0 will be better.


Forums > Windsurfing Foiling

"Pryde AL foil" started by waricle