Ha ha definitely FOLD. Your hanging out with the wrong sort of people
I'll bet Petermac is a scruncher
if you scrunch it you have about 3cm to rub against the rusty bullethole
That's just asking for an artificial tan on ya fingers.
I went sailing today.
Just me and about 10 kites.
I think I managed to drop in on 9 of them. But the last one I could only manage to gybe right in front of them.
Sorry kiter dudes (and kiter ladies)
Nailed this foiling thing today on my third session.
Cant go past Quilton Gold, its as soft as a fluffy bunny.
Heres a chuckle. I normally sail RB on flat water at GB. Sick of the gutless shifty winds. Thought id venture offshore Mooloolaba 12-18kts NNE for the First time. Rigged 8.5 Cosmic n 380 Phantom. Couple of foot shorey n very messy out the back. Well i jumped on, thru the shorey no problemo. Board was picking up some nice speed. Then i hit the rough stuff. Overpowered n under skilled im ricocheting off the tops of 1m steep swells. Whole board airborne n Landing on the face of next swell. Ummm how do i control this damn thing??? Think i will just tack. Hmmm well that was the longest,hardest tack ive ever done. Felt like i was on an ice rink that was jumping all over the place. Extreme pucker factor. Got it around n picked up a roller back to shore. Hey now thats fun. Easy to tack again on smoother stuff on the inside n fangin back out again. Lasted 90min before id had enough. Punished , launched , n my ability thoroughly tested. Maybe smaller sail n board next time.....??? Nah....
Wondered why the wave guys were lookin at me strangely as i was rigging up. Hahaha
I will be back!!!
Sorry Pete, this is GTC stuff.
Ratz Fin and myself had an awesome day, steady wind, total sunshine, flattish water, and we put the MM into 2nd place for the month!
Ratz and I got 3 jelly beans a piece.
And it really shows that Ratz's ankle has healed very well, he did 145Kms, you don't do that with a sore ankle.
A bit windy for my 6.2 and 100 litre on the river. NW around 15-30 knots,consistently 20 plus.
NW direction on the river is always the best direction in winter. Did not dare attempt to gybe in the gusts!
Should have taken my 4.4 Koncept.
Wind dropped to 12-20 knots for the last hour and I dropped downhaul / outhaul and changed my 32cm Volt to a Sontag 35 SLR and I could plane around two knots earlier. Enjoyed the lighter conditions so much better.
Lovely warm day in Perth of around 22 C.
Blue sky, 29degrees, 10-12knots, flat water, 8.6 M1 on Ultrasonic. First sail in weeks where I could just relax and blast around. Great fun for 5hours
Weekend of 05th I got to try my new gear (145L Self made and 7.8m Simmer 2XS) and for the first time I got to ride my 145L Freeride board I made myself. Unfortunately no video of the board but I got some of me setting up my friends starboard GO 141L for him. This is the first proper ride I have had on windsurf kit in 20 years - I have been kiting. The fitness required to windsurf is scary compared to kiting. I felt like I had run up a dune while curling 100kgs!!! Knackered is an understatement. The dam is a notorious one called Sterkfontein (Strong Fountain) where we get our best winds up here near Johannesburg (3 hr drive).
Weekend of 9th we had a public holiday and I headed out to a new dam (I live 6 hrs from the coast). The wind was howling and we had to pull out our wave gear. I got to try my other board I made, a 110L freestyle shape and a 4.7m Gaastra Poison. I could have done with a 4.5m or even a 4.2 and smaller board. Once again completely knackered and have to work on my gybes.... did not pull one off .
Sterkfontein Slalom Sesh
Well done Dar
Working in Sydney at the moment and it blew it's t*ts off today. Not a windsurfer in sight in Sydney harbs. Why ?
GB 15-18kts N. 8.5m Cosmic n 380 Phantom RB. Run out tide n flat water . Powered to the max!! Right on the edge. Max DH Max OH. Big bullets of wind. Fun but tough sail. Centreboard kept dropping down at about 20kts
. Thought i used to handle this wind no worries with this sail.... Guessing winter has left me a bit outta condition.NNN NOOOOOO!!!
Need more wind. Need more wind.
I sailed yesterday for three hours on the river at Melville.
Wind was 5 to 13 knots. Rigged my 8m Hyperglide as full as possible.
Got going first run in around 10 knots then the wind dropped to 7-8 knots.
Was going to pack up but the wind came back in. Planed around 70 percent of the time.
At 5 oclock wind dropped to 4-8 knots and i watched a hydrofoil kitesurfer blast all over the river on a very big kite - amazing.
No formula windsufer could plane more than a few metres in conditions this light.
Had a sail. The first sail I've had for over four weeks. It was very good. Unfortunately, the sun went down.
Fox140, 8.6M1 16-20knots off shore wind so nice and flat. Was awesome for an hour then the wind died and left me drifting around about 500meters from the shore. The Fox is not the best upwind in sub planning conditions.
Well this was me tonight, this road goes out for 5km east to west, on the left side is where I was and 50m to the right is the open ocean. We had a 15-20knot north wind so blowing in from the ocean across the road so on the left/south side the water was like a mirror ( you can tell but the road is about 1.5m above the water level so very sheltered) stuck the 8.6 on the fox 140 and let her fly. Gps data to come when I can get the thing to down load but it was showing a fastest km of 28knots.
I managed four carving gybes in a row early this morning, then my alarm clock went off . Worst winter ever here in NQ, haven't sailed for weeks.