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Forums > Windsurfing General

Feedback on your sailing today

Created by petermac33 > 9 months ago, 9 Aug 2018
NSW, 8094 posts
20 Aug 2018 3:30PM
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Cold as.. wearing my 5-4-3mm steamer with a rashie under , helmet , booties , gloves( new 3 full fingers)..Exposed fingers were freezing and i could hardly grab the boom. Footstraps so stiff with the cold I had trouble getting into them..I didn't get wet over thigh deep but I didn't last long..
Hats off to you Tassie and South coast sailors..brrr
Decided to practise some gybes - one end I ran aground on the flip.A few I managed to keep upright and sail off.. The other I flipped as I ran into a bank of weedbergs and lost all speed... same each tack . I think I finally scored a few ok ones..
Last run in broad reaching through the channel I spun out and sailed sideways for the last 100m
Still despite all that there was some fun gusts sailing back and forth.... Funny how it seems better as you think back on it..

QLD, 2456 posts
20 Aug 2018 4:14PM
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^ So glad i sail in SEQ. Water 21'C at its coldest. Back in the 80s it was all about being free. Just a harness n boardshorts on.Wind in yr hair, fangin along. Fast forward 30yrs everyone looks like theyre ready to start a war. Helmets vests wetsuits booties GPS thingys. Sure ive got the newer gear. But its still the BEST DAY sailin when im in my boardies n no tech stuff within cooee of me. Just free sailin

NSW, 8094 posts
20 Aug 2018 4:24PM
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olskool said..
^ So glad i sail in SEQ. Water 21'C at its coldest. Back in the 80s it was all about being free. Just a harness n boardshorts on.Wind in yr hair, fangin along. Fast forward 30yrs everyone looks like theyre ready to start a war. Helmets vests wetsuits booties GPS thingys. Sure ive got the newer gear. But its still the BEST DAY sailin when im in my boardies n no tech stuff within cooee of me. Just free sailin

The day I don't wear a helmet will be the day I'll whack myself in the head with the mast while setting up a beachstart...

NSW, 590 posts
20 Aug 2018 5:09PM
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Went for a sail with nerdburger today
I get cleaned up by the shorey
nerdburger flies back in
turns out it wasn't a whale
end of session

QLD, 4867 posts
20 Aug 2018 7:28PM
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sboardcrazy said..

olskool said..
^ So glad i sail in SEQ. Water 21'C at its coldest. Back in the 80s it was all about being free. Just a harness n boardshorts on.Wind in yr hair, fangin along. Fast forward 30yrs everyone looks like theyre ready to start a war. Helmets vests wetsuits booties GPS thingys. Sure ive got the newer gear. But its still the BEST DAY sailin when im in my boardies n no tech stuff within cooee of me. Just free sailin

The day I don't wear a helmet will be the day I'll whack myself in the head with the mast while setting up a beachstart...

I sometimes wear a helmet in winter , it stops icycles forming on my head.

NSW, 9205 posts
21 Aug 2018 3:12PM
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mdbaus70 said..
Had my first sail in 15 years, got myself new gear, not enough wind to get back in the straps but was just happy I remembered how to do it.

Didn't sail today, again. Might post again in 15 years.

QLD, 4873 posts
21 Aug 2018 6:18PM
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eyeMhardcor said..
35-45kts 7m2 sail. 4.5 metre foil. Got planing a couple times

Is that you Gestalt?

BTW EMH, You win the internet for that day.......i'm still laughing out loud and the kids are looking at me strange!
Meh, I hope I can remember how to sail whenever the next time that might be just like Panda is thinking

NSW, 476 posts
21 Aug 2018 8:55PM
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Had a blast on the Lake at Narrabeen, surprisingly strong but as usual up and down. Went down there to try to coax myself on to the foil which Ive never tried but wimped out. Rigged up a 7.5 (on my 130L) which was still not enough for the lulls but too much for the gusts (sigh). Not as cold I expected but far from warm. Only stayed out for an hour or so managed to get over 30Knots average round 26 but cant get an up load as the old GT31 has water in it (gurrrr!) at least Chuckles saw it so I have a witness!!! One other person went out as I was leaving.

Orange Whip
QLD, 1056 posts
24 Aug 2018 11:06PM
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Getting excited about a possible 10-12 kts at my local tomorrow, ridiculous wind drought here lately

QLD, 2456 posts
25 Aug 2018 1:57AM
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Thursday arvo i jagged 10-12kt ESE at GB. 9.5 n Phantom 380 RB. Ahhh planing, most of the time. Sailed til dark. Top way to end the day.

QLD, 2456 posts
27 Aug 2018 6:15PM
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Today, sailed GB 8-12 kts S thru ENE. Run out tide. 9.5lion n 380 Phantom. 3 -5pm. Planing most of the time. Just mowing the grass. Back n forth. Lots of sailing to windward to overcome the runout tide. Had better TOW , but great to be out there regardless.

SA, 100 posts
29 Aug 2018 9:29AM
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90 mins of getting blown of the water followed by 15mins trying to get home when it died completely.

WA, 58 posts
30 Aug 2018 9:18AM
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Melville, 1 hour in 15 -40knots, 4.7, couldn't see a thing in the squalls

There were guys out on slalom kit

No damage to equipment or self

SA, 100 posts
31 Aug 2018 10:09AM
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Went to beach, perfect 16knots and flat water. Forgot gps, went to get gps as it looked really fast, got back to beach still perfect. Launched in to perfect conditions, it gonna be great. **** where the hell did all this weed come from, I've never had a weed problem but today every 20meters it felt like hitting a parachute. After 90 mins gave up and went home.

hoping it's a one off and the weed disappears tonight

SA, 2525 posts
31 Aug 2018 11:54AM
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tryharder said.

Where did you sail ?

QLD, 2456 posts
1 Sep 2018 12:00PM
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Friday,last day of winter.First real Northerly of the season at GB. 20kts+ Woohoo. 7.5lion Speed 250 RB. Powered to the Max.

Full day session. Great to see the whole crew back on the water.

SA, 100 posts
3 Sep 2018 11:26AM
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jn1 said..

tryharder said.

Where did you sail ?

PEI at the moment

QLD, 2456 posts
3 Sep 2018 3:03PM
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Fathers day, very little wind at GB. Sailed it anyway. Beautiful clear water high tide. My GF on 7.5lion n Speed 250 RB. Me 9.5lion n 380 Phantom. No where near planing. But a great day to show the GF she CAN handle 7.5m sail. Happy Days all round.
PS. back at work today n wouldnt ya know it 18-20kt S.

QLD, 3424 posts
4 Sep 2018 5:15AM
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worked on my angles yesterday

243 posts
4 Sep 2018 10:30AM
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First session in 5 years! 15-20 knots. 5.7m NP Wizard with a 109l Fanatic Skate at Lake Lopez in California. I need to get windsurf-fit again. The huffing and puffing was interfering with the air flow over the sail.

The wind funnels down between the hills...a little gusty but fun.

QLD, 2456 posts
16 Sep 2018 12:44AM
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More GB Action. 13-18kt NNE. 9.5lion n AHD149. Crystal clear high tide.
Aaahhhh....Does it get any better??

QLD, 4867 posts
16 Sep 2018 7:41AM
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Did u spend your money on a drone instead of a boom ?
Nice shot
I was watching hail build up on my deck yesterday

QLD, 1479 posts
16 Sep 2018 8:25AM
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olskool said..
More GB Action. 13-18kt NNE. 9.5lion n AHD149. Crystal clear high tide.
Aaahhhh....Does it get any better??

Nice shot!!!! Who was the pilot?

mr love
VIC, 2376 posts
16 Sep 2018 8:36AM
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Feedback on your sailing today


5108 posts
16 Sep 2018 6:38AM
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Still bbbrrrr.but no complains 15-20 knots 7.0 cheetah 125 tabou rocket ...

SA, 100 posts
16 Sep 2018 10:31AM
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10-12knots new 50cm raptor has transformed my Fox140 into a mean light wind blasting machine.

QLD, 2456 posts
16 Sep 2018 5:10PM
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Imax1, no drone or boom for me.
Local drone pilot, keen for some flying time n footage. Thanks Zane!

QLD, 4046 posts
16 Sep 2018 6:27PM
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yesterday course racing on Phantom377l & 9.5 Aerolite in 10 to 15knts from the NE, perfect conditions to start the Racing season,

today was bump and jump on a 109ltr JP FSW with a 6.1 NP expression in a 20 to 25knts SE change.

My 14yo son and 15yo daughter sailed their techno's with 7.8 and 6.8 yesterday around the course and today my son joined me and enjoyed a shortboard session with 5.4 NP Zone and 86ltr Fanatic Freewave with his other techno mates on their shortboards

QLD, 4867 posts
16 Sep 2018 6:46PM
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Those kinds of footage make we want to be a banana bender even more Mabee I can try the outboard straps .
Had a good sail a couple days ago , 2 sail change , two hour , two beer combo . Sunny and freezing . Onshore big .
In the odd rollers zone , 3 m swell , had to look up 45 deg to see sky . Not so bad because they don't break . Big slow cold walls that can be fun slowed down . S.E Port Phillip bay straight on can be big. Slow planing can be a fun thing .

WA, 2335 posts
17 Sep 2018 9:42AM
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We were heading out then the clouds blew over and the wind went (real cold) so we did a stock take instead (Choose your weapon) for ****s & giggles. We were giggling like teenage girls at the amount of kit that we have. Hoarders maybe?


Forums > Windsurfing General

"Feedback on your sailing today" started by petermac33