I have 5 race sails from 6.6 to 11.0, and I have them because I raced for over 30 years, longboard course racing, slalom, course/slalom, long distance and formula. They are very stable over a broad wind range compared to RAF (no cam sails). However, I just freeride now and the downside of the race sails is:
Don't luff well
Slow to rotate on tacks and jibes because of the fixed foil shape
Popping sticky cams in lighter winds
Expensive, especially with 100% carbon booms and masts
Some brands are tough to rig, but my Maui Sails TR sails are easy and fast to rig.
So for my freeriding, what I gain (opposite of the above list) by using RAF sails is worth sacrificing the broader and more stable wind range of the race sails.
That's why most recreational windsurfers don't buy race sails. Unless racing, it's difficult to justify.
My $0.0001....
I cannot hang on to a bedsheet in the recommended windspeeds, curved foil or not...
Is there some benefit of a flat-windward-surface, which allows me to control the sail-area ?
Mr MW.
You really need to take a step back, have a good look at the situation here (Seabreeze).
Stop posting until there is real practical evidence of your claims here in Australia. You should probably invest some more of your time getting your product into our hands., not your ideas into our heads. Focus on getting a following within any of the many facets of windsurfing or get some positive competition results.
If it is as you say then bring it on! Who doesn't want to go faster with more control?
Until Then.
As John said "Gobbledegoop"
At least its entertaining
Obviously I'm bored again to respond, Having just helped my daughter with her marketing subject at Uni, The emphasis appeared to be on asking the customer what they wanted, and not deciding to produce something for the market without asking the customer and then telling them that this is the product that they need/want = Marketing 101 = probably explains the huge negative response, for something that could have been seen as a positive?
PS. If I had money to spare, for curiosity's sake and the advancement of windsurfing, I would buy one, and share it around the Western Australian windsurfing community, and ask for feedback?
Had a good read of this loooong thread today. Catching up. I missed a bit because I have been flying around the river everyday on my 7.9 in 15-25 knots. Chasing all the other recreational dudes on their race sails.
Is this coming week good wingsail weather? PS, wind not good tomorrow, might go to work!
Lots of unsubstantiated claims of superior product. No independent comparative testing available. Good marketing advice not being heeded.
I'm done too.