MW, Really think you should promote your wingsail on german and french forums, more experts over there !
Those bloody aussies on here can't recognize a true proven revolutionary product whan they (don't) see one !!!
I don't know how things in Australia but in Europe and USA race sails not really popular. I had 2 of them , give it away for free. Don't tell me how great they are because you have no idea what you are talking about.
It's this kind of false propaganda what you should never ever do in trying to find a market for your own product.
I live in europe, and race sails are hot, just take a look arround and you'l get the picture. (so false)
For you to give away two sails doesn't mean race sails are no good, I can figure out a lot off reasons what can go wrong if youre cleuless . (so false)
My loft sails are great , but ..... I have no idea what I'm talking about, started windsurfing at 13, now I'm 54, did a hell of a lot of competitions mostly race sails . (Youre pissing me off.)
MWsails: "It is really disappointing Australian reaction, but than again my critics is just a few grumpy, opinionated close minded Australian dudes."
MWsails: "Thanks god my well been not depend on sail making so I can spend some time educating public about my product and just relax and observe."
Really, I'm just a rich guy that doesn't really need to be here.
Great attitude you have there, yes, you do need "ambassadors" because you plainly aren't one yourself.
You are an insulting killer of your own product.
This topic is like a train wreck, you shouldn't look but just can't help yourself. I keep coming back to see what outrageous claims MW has posted. I still think he's trolling us and is desperate for attention or a sucker for punishment. If flying a Cessna 150 makes you an expert aerodynamicist then those of us that have flown bigger things should probably qualify as rocket scientists! I reckon Pacey has more knowledge and experience of sail design that all of us put together so I tend to go with his analysis, he created the software most sail/boat designers use after all. Here's some of his background that MW may learn a bit from:
MW needs to rename his sail so it better represents what it does, RAW may be a better moniker, as in Rotating Assymetrical Wing. From an aero point of view he has missed a few rudimentary points. All the wings from planes/animals he mentions don't have a flat section on the opposite side to the cambered section, they have less cambered foil shape. Flat has it's own problems including flow separation and leading edge stall that is induced by large angles of attack, more easily than if the surface was curved.
CFD simulations are great but only if used in conjunction with some type of aero testing. Normally you would take what you developed and simulated in CFD and put it in a wind tunnel to validate your results. If that correlated correctly you then do real world testing to make sure the numbers do match and are correct. So far all we see is pretty CFD pictures and nothing else. If people are willing to buy a sail based on those then good luck to them.
As I said in a previous post I would be happy to conduct side by side testing of the MW sail with our current sails. I'd even provide a written report and gps test data to back it up. I'm not not part of the windsurfing industry or a pro sailor but have extensive test experience ( and know how to go fast) so can be impartial in the whole process. Ball is in your court MW.
Roo, brilliant link. I'm humbled to be in the same internet conversation as someone so accomplished. I can't even imagine how much he's biting his tongue in having to say things such as: "I'm not so sure. I already have a little bit of experience in this field." If I were designing anything - even two legos stuck together - and he bothered to offer me two minutes of his time, I'd take it graciously and appreciatively. Mad respect.
I found this part particularly apt:
Q: The hard wing sail has been described by designers as easier to analyse a given wing shape using CFD because the foil shape is a fixed surface, unlike the surface of a soft sail which is shaped by the airflow passing over it. How does the genetic metamodeling of a wing sail lend itself to being adapted for analysis similar to what VESPA did for the ACC hulls?
A: The use of metamodels and genetic algorithms for design search and optimization has been widely used in the aerospace industry for wing planform design, aerofoil profile design, and the design of high-lift, multi-element aerofoils. So the methodology is directly applicable to the design of wings for the AC72. The difference is that aerospace designers are not necessarily familiar with having to design for wind gradient and how it results in variations in angles of attack at different spanwise locations, nor are they familiar with the use of a VPP linked to a probabilistic tournament model to determine the measure of merit for a particular wing design.
(I think I know what some of those words mean )
About the racesail market in Europe. All big shops in France, Germany and the Netherlands have racesails on stock, both new and second hand. Yes new sails are mainly pre-order but that has to do with the big demand. You have to order your sails in october/november to be sure to get them. Order somewhere around march and most sizes are sold out. Go to the bigger European spots and you will see all the latest race/slalom gear of all big brands.
When he tell's me no , it's like hearing Trump.
Imagine if MWsails don't actually exist and they were made up from an autobot high on chemtrails giving us something to do over Christmas ,
Petermac33 what did u do ?