Forums > Windsurfing General

is windsurfing good???

Created by surfingboyo > 9 months ago, 1 Feb 2009
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QLD, 318 posts
1 Feb 2009 3:49PM
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hey all. just wondering if windsurfing is anygood. i want to start but all my friends think its gay, and for old men. can you get much air off a wave or sumpthing (speling???). and how to you get in to it. do you need a leson or wat.

thanks felas.

NSW, 150 posts
1 Feb 2009 5:22PM
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Windsurfing sucks, that's why we're all here.

I'd recommend body boarding instead.

shear tip
NSW, 1125 posts
1 Feb 2009 7:36PM
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I hope all goes well on your first date too.

NSW, 1499 posts
1 Feb 2009 7:47PM
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Sh!t easy - no lessons needed just get yourself a good learnes kit
80litre board - wave is best (nice and narrow don't want to start too big)
9.0m sail with at least 4cams (nothing worse than having a too small a sail when your starting off) and make sure its at least 25knts or beginners like you will never get going.
Hint wear your boardies over your wetsuit - that will give you heaps of beach cred. else you'll just look gay like your mates reckon.

QLD, 5610 posts
1 Feb 2009 8:02PM
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I think windsurfing might be too difficult for you. Stick to extreme masturbation and kiting and you'll be fine.

QLD, 1927 posts
1 Feb 2009 8:12PM
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**** YEAH, its AMAZING

VIC, 600 posts
1 Feb 2009 9:28PM
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you look more like a kiter no offfence dude

WA, 12135 posts
1 Feb 2009 8:09PM
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surfingboyo said...

hey all. just wondering if windsurfing is anygood. i want to start but all my friends think its gay, and for old men. can you get much air off a wave or sumpthing (speling???). and how to you get in to it. do you need a leson or wat.

thanks felas.

You can tell most people who've replied so far think you're a kiter having a stir.

But in case you're genuine, I'll have a go at a sensible reply, (what comes with age I guess)

Windsurfing is a longer learning curve than kitting, so for people who haven't got the stamina to stay in for the long haul, the easiest thing, is to dismiss the sport in some way or another.

If you're really into surfing then windsurfing may appeal to you more, as there's no lag involved with a sail. You can see a lip and go for it, where as with a kite you have to wait for the kite to get into position first, so you have to guess/judge a little bit ahead of time what the lip is going to be doing.

If you're after big air, then yes it's possible with a windsurfer, but easier with a kite, they don't even need a ramp.

My suggestion is go and have a few lessons, (I taught myself from a book, but lessons are easier), after a few you should have an idea if it's for you or not.

QLD, 318 posts
1 Feb 2009 9:12PM
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oh i dont know. nah def boardies and shirt over wettie, then people thinks your hell tuff not needing a wettie.

QLD, 7428 posts
1 Feb 2009 9:26PM
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surfingboyo said...


oh i dont know. nah def boardies and shirt over wettie, then people thinks your hell tuff not needing a wettie.

Off you go then.

WA, 12135 posts
1 Feb 2009 8:48PM
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Had a feeling I was wasting my time.

VIC, 1506 posts
1 Feb 2009 11:00PM
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Decrep, your answer should have been:

"Yes it is gay and for old men". Less keystrokes.

820 posts
1 Feb 2009 9:16PM
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All: Bit rough ?. Not the tackful of posts, but it was somebody asking for some advice and he probably doesn't know the etiquette of this forum (like I didn't when I first posted). I PM'ed him. He seems pretty keen.

poor relative
WA, 9089 posts
1 Feb 2009 9:16PM
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Facepalm is getting a workout

WA, 12135 posts
1 Feb 2009 9:16PM
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MikeyS said...

Decrep, your answer should have been:

"Yes it is gay and for old men". Less keystrokes.

I just hate that word "gay", couldn't bring myself to use it. it's just so meaningless.
But I take your point.

the walks
WA, 448 posts
1 Feb 2009 9:19PM
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windwarning said...

you look more like a kiter no offfence dude

Richiefish said...

I think windsurfing might be too difficult for you. Stick to extreme masturbation and kiting and you'll be fine.

dude wats so bad about kiting its better than ur sport and we can be out on the water in lighter winds than windsurfers and the same winds as windsurfers so overall KITING IS BETTER!!!!!
and if u have noticed us kiter's go bigger harder and BETTER

Has any1 ever see a good windsurfer go bigger than a good kiter??????
Didn't think so
I'm not thinking of being rude but have any of you ever attempted kiting???
If not how can u jump to conclusions so quickly!

QLD, 5610 posts
1 Feb 2009 10:25PM
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mmmmmmmm, come to think of it, your right !!!!! You are definately wise beyond your years.(how could I have been so blind). Okay, bye now......

QLD, 7428 posts
1 Feb 2009 10:39PM
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God that's 2 that got out. Greenpat, what are you doing?

NSW, 6451 posts
1 Feb 2009 11:49PM
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can I come play too

WA, 7608 posts
1 Feb 2009 9:53PM
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sharkbiscuit said...

All: Bit rough ?. Not the tackful of posts, but it was somebody asking for some advice and he probably doesn't know the etiquette of this forum (like I didn't when I first posted). I PM'ed him. He seems pretty keen.

At almost 300 posts I think that our Surfingboyotroll knows exactly what the forum etiquette is

VIC, 574 posts
1 Feb 2009 11:57PM
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decrepit said...

Had a feeling I was wasting my time.

man that sucks!

I read your answer through and through!

So at least you spent all that time for a reason!

WA, 8725 posts
1 Feb 2009 9:58PM
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poor relative said...

Facepalm is getting a workout

I thought the dickpalm was at work on this one

VIC, 600 posts
2 Feb 2009 12:18AM
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surfing boy, you need to need to speak to my buddy 'king of the point' dude maybe he can help you

NSW, 160 posts
2 Feb 2009 1:17AM
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how could you forget wet willy, windwarning, all your posts seem to be about him as well!!

NSW, 102 posts
2 Feb 2009 1:36AM
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the walks said...

windwarning said...

you look more like a kiter no offfence dude

Richiefish said...

I think windsurfing might be too difficult for you. Stick to extreme masturbation and kiting and you'll be fine.

dude wats so bad about kiting its better than ur sport and we can be out on the water in lighter winds than windsurfers and the same winds as windsurfers so overall KITING IS BETTER!!!!!
and if u have noticed us kiter's go bigger harder and BETTER

Has any1 ever see a good windsurfer go bigger than a good kiter??????
Didn't think so
I'm not thinking of being rude but have any of you ever attempted kiting???
If not how can u jump to conclusions so quickly!

A couple of mates of mine have been kiting for years and plenty of times offered to give me a go. Maybe one day, but I definitely wouldn't give up a day windsurfing to try it so therefore It'll probably never happen and I couldn't give a f*k.
Each to their own.

WA, 533 posts
2 Feb 2009 12:01AM
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Obviously; the poster is stirring sh1t.
Yea windsurfing is better....who cares apart from us????????
But It cracks me up with the common argument, who friggin cares about windsurfing vs kitesurfing, the fella just asked a honest novice question and you all wank on?
Why bother replying all you do is look like tossers to anyone with half a brain, that may have just stumbled onto the site with an honest question......
Get over yourselves and answer the mans question, or better yet type nothing!
And as for "Windsurfing is a longer learning curve than kiting" quote by decrepid where do you base your conclusions? they both have there various differences one is not easier or harder than the other, and yea I've done both so bow out on the BS...........
p.s for the wankers spelling mistakes

Wet Willy
TAS, 2316 posts
2 Feb 2009 2:11AM
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the walks said...

windwarning said...

you look more like a kiter no offfence dude

Richiefish said...

I think windsurfing might be too difficult for you. Stick to extreme masturbation and kiting and you'll be fine.

dude wats so bad about kiting its better than ur sport and we can be out on the water in lighter winds than windsurfers and the same winds as windsurfers so overall KITING IS BETTER!!!!!
and if u have noticed us kiter's go bigger harder and BETTER

Has any1 ever see a good windsurfer go bigger than a good kiter??????
Didn't think so
I'm not thinking of being rude but have any of you ever attempted kiting???
If not how can u jump to conclusions so quickly!

Actually, "dude", I HAVE seen windsurfers go (meaning jump) bigger than kiters, not to mention going faster and getting more radical, and, furthermore, windsurfers can go out in INSANE winds which would kill most kiters!

But what am I talking to you for?

WA, 6277 posts
2 Feb 2009 12:21AM
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I still haven't seen a kiter sail backwinded.

NSW, 2005 posts
2 Feb 2009 2:30AM
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> Windsurfing is a longer learning curve than kiting

That's BS. We've seen windsurfers being highly proficient into the first year, esp. with modern equipment. And there are kiters into their 3-4th year and still fighting the lines in rather lame wind and no waves (actually most of them it seems).

And I've seen windsurfers with all sort of gear on a trailer barely ploughing along after 10 years, but still having a great time and not getting in other people's way.

Again, the learning curve argument is bs.

VIC, 600 posts
2 Feb 2009 2:31AM
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You tell em wet willy dude and stand up to those kite surfers

QLD, 242 posts
2 Feb 2009 10:05AM
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Windsurfing is much like stand-up paddle boarding......ITS HORRIBLE

and as for this comment
>Actually, "dude", I HAVE seen windsurfers go (meaning jump) bigger than kiters, not to mention going faster and getting more radical, and, furthermore, windsurfers can go out in INSANE winds which would kill most kiters!

Was you high at the time you saw this event happen???

Give kiting a go you will be quite surprised



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Forums > Windsurfing General

"is windsurfing good???" started by surfingboyo