Forums > Windsurfing General

is windsurfing good???

Created by surfingboyo > 9 months ago, 1 Feb 2009
This topic has been locked
NSW, 81 posts
3 Feb 2009 5:44PM
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Funny,,,,,,, The few kiters i know and have met are very nice.
Decent, respectful and responsible people.

None of them feels the need to get involved with this ego boosting.
Real surfers/windsurfers/kiters/SUP'ers/WATERMEN and WOMEN, no matter what their chosen discipline are too busy living it to get involved with the self adoration and ego massage that goes on.


When a few sad "wanna be watermen" get overexcited with themselves they want to shout to the world, "Hey look at me! Look at what i'm doing! Check out how amazing I am"

Let's let them be the way they are.
When i read the rubbish these trolls post here i feel sad for them.

They just don't get it.
They never will.

VIC, 600 posts
3 Feb 2009 6:27PM
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why is it all the kiters troll on windsurf forums and to my records no windsurfer to date has on theres? i think the reason they put up such a strong fight is because deep down they know windsurfing is better, poor boys. its ok i understand you boys

dont cry

QLD, 4873 posts
3 Feb 2009 5:29PM
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In answer to Kiting Casey's thread "is it true what they say about windsurfers" that just got deleted:

Yes it is true what they say about Windsurfers feeling sorry for their boardies over their wetsuit wearing, illiterate kiting cousins (not in the blood relation sense though)

VIC, 600 posts
3 Feb 2009 6:38PM
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All i can say now is us windsurfers were here before all you guys and alot of windsurfers were sailing when you guys were in nappies. so we should have first say to who owns the beach.

This case is now closed

Wet Willy
TAS, 2316 posts
3 Feb 2009 8:41PM
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windwarning said...

why is it all the kiters troll on windsurf forums and to my records no windsurfer to date has?

Actually, I've done it once or was fun at first, but they weren't biting!

QLD, 5610 posts
3 Feb 2009 8:02PM
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what the hell is this "waterman" bussiness ???

QLD, 348 posts
3 Feb 2009 8:10PM
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i agree with you windwarning, kitesurfers really seem like they are very insecure

QLD, 7428 posts
3 Feb 2009 10:14PM
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sausage said...

In answer to Kiting Casey's thread "is it true what they say about windsurfers" that just got deleted:

Yes it is true what they say about Windsurfers feeling sorry for their boardies over their wetsuit wearing, illiterate kiting cousins (not in the blood relation sense though)

Oooh missed it. Was it really rude? I don't suppose it was about religion or politics.
Was the spelling and grammar acceptable or was it written by a webel without a cause. Ooooh those iwesponsible waskally webels make me vewy angwy.

VIC, 600 posts
3 Feb 2009 11:15PM
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any one have a copy ?

Little Jon
NSW, 2115 posts
3 Feb 2009 11:16PM
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OK, who can give me a go of their kite

VIC, 600 posts
4 Feb 2009 1:17PM
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QLD, 318 posts
4 Feb 2009 4:38PM
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meh, i cant belive this topic was soo popular.
2100 veiws, 100 posts. argh im uber cool.

anyway, ive decided to learn kiting, thankx for yuor help...

QLD, 4873 posts
4 Feb 2009 5:11PM
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surfingboyo said...

meh, i cant belive this topic was soo popular.
2100 veiws, 100 posts. argh im uber cool.

anyway, ive decided to learn kiting, thankx for yuor help...

Glad we men could help a boy.
See, coming out of the closet wasn't so hard after all. - nothing to be embarassed about wanting to kite - it's uber cool.

What tipped the scales for you? Must have been caption comp #59

Have fun decorating the float for the parade.

VIC, 600 posts
4 Feb 2009 8:45PM
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surfingboyo, i would just like to say good man for comen out of the closet. to be a man you must take a step you did that today son, you came out. now look here son, next time you see some windsurfers in QLD standing on the beach waiting for more wind. you go up to em and give em free hugs and say you know what you boys are alright. ask em, do you know that? make peace bro with all the windsurfers around QLD start a trend GIVE ME A HUG SURFINGBOYO

WA, 11 posts
4 Feb 2009 6:46PM
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Windsurfing in WA was not just good today - it was great. Stonking 30 knots plus. Not much west in the south of it so even Dutchies was going off. Tabletops and loops (not by me mind!). Woo hoo.

I counted about a dozen windsurfers out, and more rigging up, but just one solitary kiter downwind. Clear what rules at 25 knots plus, and whats gey!

VIC, 600 posts
4 Feb 2009 8:50PM
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we got skunked for no wind in melbourne today just hot weather hey dude you know where i could stay cheaply up WA there i need some wind

WA, 11 posts
4 Feb 2009 8:30PM
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well windwarning its all 'on sale' here given the GFC - the whole state just fell off a cliff last September - so you should be able to pick a cheapo airfare and get a big bargain somewhere - just tell em I said so

(why else would i have time to sail in the middle of a weekday, but for the fact that I should be otherwise gainfully employed)

VIC, 600 posts
4 Feb 2009 10:48PM
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thanks dude will book next flight

VIC, 1579 posts
4 Feb 2009 11:21PM
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Don't dis Vic too much, Windwarning. Yesterday evening at Ricketts Pt was an outstanding session. Did you make it?

VIC, 600 posts
4 Feb 2009 11:38PM
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no, i wish i got there last night and rickets sounds like it was a mass party on the weekend 40+ windsurfers. i never got a invite, dam me and me mate were at balnarring.

poor relative
WA, 9089 posts
4 Feb 2009 9:41PM
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I normally don't use the same pic twice.
However this thread is screaming for it.....

VIC, 600 posts
4 Feb 2009 11:42PM
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sandy point and Gabo island was the only windy places today. not fair wish they were closer

VIC, 1619 posts
8 Feb 2009 9:38PM
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JS Corros', landed it perfectly too...

VIC, 5000 posts
8 Feb 2009 10:02PM
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niiiice air, were you tempted to do a double?

[edit] Ahhh, I see how you got extra lift...using a sail and a kite! clever...(what's with the censor patch in the middle of the pic though?)

3777 posts
8 Feb 2009 8:52PM
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that BIG AiR whoot
to voice my thought.. is windsurfing good
give it a try
its got to be better than playing with ur barbie doll and stamp collection which is what u do now....

Wet Willy
TAS, 2316 posts
9 Feb 2009 12:50AM
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Spotty, that's awesome. You b@$t@rd.

I reckon before people are allowed to "progress" to the "superior" sport of kiting, there should be a mandatory requirement that they complete a forward loop on a windsurfer first. Because kiting is so cool and hardcore.

VIC, 600 posts
9 Feb 2009 12:58AM
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spotty your the man, dude, i thought kites were only aloud to fly. good to see ya victorian brother

QLD, 318 posts
9 Feb 2009 12:11AM
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QLD, 242 posts
10 Feb 2009 6:45PM
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wow maaasssiveee air :|

VIC, 1619 posts
10 Feb 2009 8:15PM
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Guys its JS! 'Jaeger Stone' not me! see wave forum for explanation, of black fuzz too...

I've usually ejected way before getting that high..its a real treat to see such skill executed at such height and land it without getting smashed by your gear.

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Forums > Windsurfing General

"is windsurfing good???" started by surfingboyo