Forums > Windsurfing Queensland

Sandstone Seabreezers

Created by Paddles B'mere > 9 months ago, 14 Nov 2015
Paddles B'mere
QLD, 3586 posts
3 Nov 2018 10:10AM
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Yesterday it wasn't cold and wet, it was sunny and warm with a gusty NNE cross shore breeze at Beachmere so I hit the front beach with a few little blue friends for a bit of a bumpy sail in the afternoon sea breeze. Looks like it's going to be hot with strong Northerlies for a week now

WA, 734 posts
8 Nov 2018 3:04PM
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Well how was that! Every seabreezer that sailed yesterday got a PB..or two...

Mr Keen
QLD, 626 posts
8 Nov 2018 5:16PM
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You guys were on fire yesterday. Was talking to a few others and I think we should come and check out Turners Camp next big northerly.

Paddles B'mere
QLD, 3586 posts
8 Nov 2018 6:35PM
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Yeah, that was a lot of km from you yesterday Pete, well done your fitness has well and truly returned. John and I just whizzed around inside the sand bank but Adam and JV have discovered that they can do a big bear away up Ningi Creek, that's where they hit their speed with a bit of extra length.

Hey Jayson come up and give it a try, look at Adam's or JV's tracks on KA72 and you'll see where they go for their speed run. It'll just wind up JV and Adam to go faster

Paddles B'mere
QLD, 3586 posts
9 Nov 2018 4:11PM
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It started out a bit gloomy, but the wind blew the cloud away and it was stunning at Sandstone today. Jeff couldn't resist a quick sail before arvo shift and The Pope was settled in for the tide. Bit bumpy early with gusty winds but it got better as the tide dropped. I was right on the edge of being under powered with a 7.5 but it was a fun bit of sailing with Sandstone as nice as it gets.

Bradley, could you please post and let everyone know what it was like at work today. I don't think there's any wind tomorrow, you might have to mow the yard

QLD, 1087 posts
9 Nov 2018 5:17PM
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Yep good to have a quick blast before work (futura 142 naish 8.5sl and weed fin)
- living the dream

Pope JOHN - living the retirement dream = out everyday this week

cheers Jeff

QLD, 500 posts
9 Nov 2018 5:34PM
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Sunday arvo looks promising.
Will the boss let you play Paddles???

Paddles B'mere
QLD, 3586 posts
9 Nov 2018 5:45PM
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Paddles B'mere
QLD, 3586 posts
12 Nov 2018 5:40PM
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Sunday was a little ordinary for sailing so I gave it a miss and did my chores to keep mummy happy, today however was frikkin lovely. I joined Johnny B and BJ for the high tide. Little bit up and down with it dipping below 15 for a bit which had me slogging on the Magic with a 7.5m sail so I rigged a 9m sail and went out on the GO for a bit till I got a bit overpowered and went back to the Magic. BJ reckons he hasn't sailed for 8 years, but he was bloody flying so I'd hate to see how quick he would have been 8 years ago. Adam and Jeff dropped in late for the very last of the tide with Jeff taking the "sensible" option of using an 8.6m, twin cam race sail with his new LT, he was flying across the sand flats on it.

4 posts
12 Nov 2018 7:02PM
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Thanks guys for all the local knowledge, was a great day testing out the new board (isonic 107) and all my old gear, only damage done was 2 rips in the Mylar of my ancient NP Z1 7.0m, and my whole body from head to toe, might of even taken some pain killers for the trip home, lessons learnt, don't leave it so long between sails, as they say use it or lose it, will be back again for sure, cheers guys.

QLD, 1087 posts
13 Nov 2018 12:02AM
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Paddles B'mere said..
Snip.....Jeff dropped in late for the very last of the tide with Jeff taking the "sensible" option of using an 8.6m, twin cam race sail with his new LT, he was flying across the sand flats on it.

Yep had a 'living the dream' afternoon

had trouble sacrificing sleep after night shift .... kept thinking wind is blowing GET OUT OF BED!!!!

took 2 of my lightwind toys. The Wally lt and jpslw. Decided maybe enough water for the slw however the tide disappeared rapidly and so it was to be the 8.5 naish and the longboard.

Been doing a little practice ... managed a run of completed gybes nicely powered up. WAHOO

Learnt my lesson yesterday ... headed backin before all the water was gone. Didn't have to do the big walk. A benefit of small fins Feeling very excited to be Windsurfing

iPhone orientation!!!

cheers Jeff

QLD, 1087 posts
14 Nov 2018 8:40AM
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Solo session at sandstone yesterday a little sleep deprived after night shift. It was a good way to shake off the lethargy

excited to be getting some gybe success on the Wally I wanted more (#obsessed)

watched gybe videos (on repeat ). Go out and practice. Wind was more than expected. Well powered on 7.5 Ezzy zephyr and my shallow water option the Wally LT

More than enough wind for fat board SLW action off bongaree- hadn't planned for it

after an hour of powered up cruising gybes a small squall came through and took the wind away. Found it then difficult to stay balanced doing minimal wind gybes .... I'm such a klutz with balance!!!

Living the dream
cheers jeff

QLD, 2455 posts
14 Nov 2018 10:17AM
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Hey Jeff, yep that gybe balance thingy. A severe blow to my head in 2015 has me struggling to complete a nice gybe ever. Tilt my head on certain angles n my balance is shot. But i can get going quick in a straight line. Cant ride a bike no hands anymore either. Just gotta keep pushin

QLD, 1087 posts
18 Nov 2018 7:35PM
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That was fun. Futura 141 Ezzy zephyr 7.5 sail. 5 carve gybes successful - I stayed on the board

Great afternoon with my mates at sandstone

iPhone orientation!!

cheers Jeff

Paddles B'mere
QLD, 3586 posts
4 Dec 2018 7:24PM
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Dear me, has anyone seen the forecast? It's looking like morning shift at Sandstone will be the go for the rest of the week

Paddles B'mere
QLD, 3586 posts
5 Dec 2018 1:24PM
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That's day 1 of this week's Sandstone Sail Fest down. Both Johnny B and myself used 7.5 sails and 50cm fins and the conditions were perfect but the wind took ages to come in and we were fighting a battle against the tide going out. John is 20kg lighter than me so was going most of the time whilst I was slogging a bit, but the wind finally started when we only had about 3/4 of an hour of tide left so we had really good conditions for a little while. We'll get to repeat it all over again tomorrow morning

Paddles B'mere
QLD, 3586 posts
6 Dec 2018 2:28PM
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Day 2 - 20-25 conditions but a bit up and down and gusty at times. Johnny B sailed early in the making tide and got bashed around because it was really rough so he had a breather while I rigged up. I got there once the tide had turned and sailed until I started to hit the bottom. The water flattened of heaps as the tide dropped and I went home while John had changed to his delta fin and kept sailing in really flat, shallow water. The bay was completely white from whitecaps when I left.

Paddles B'mere
QLD, 3586 posts
7 Dec 2018 2:40PM
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Day 3 - 18-20 knot conditions with a lot of East in the wind, this makes Sandstone as good as it gets on an outgoing tide. Only a very small chop right out the back and just ripples in close with clean water and slight overcast. Enough wind to get away with 6.5m sails with only an occasional hole in the wind. JV Jonno and The Pope were into it as well. Today was the best sailing conditions I've ever had at Sandstone, even the Pope called it as "perfect".

QLD, 1087 posts
8 Dec 2018 8:59AM
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Big shout out to my mate Tony for helping me get roofracks on the little van - really appreciate the help.

getting prepped to make a few trips down south over school hols so max can sail in some regattas..... Dad may get the odd sail in himself!!
cheers jeff

QLD, 37 posts
8 Dec 2018 3:58PM
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Nice pic
Will you be at Sandstone tomorrow?

QLD, 1 posts
13 Dec 2018 7:56PM
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Hi I finally got on here! I'm Muzza from Caboolture met a couple of you guys at ningi creek the other week. Hows things ? Does anyone have a cheap boom for sale

QLD, 197 posts
13 Dec 2018 8:47PM
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Muzz74 said..
Hi I finally got on here! I'm Muzza from Caboolture met a couple of you guys at ningi creek the other week. Hows things ? Does anyone have a cheap boom for sale

I reckon i got one you can have muzz, pm your number.

Paddles B'mere
QLD, 3586 posts
14 Dec 2018 3:49PM
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Anyone thinking of a high tide sail at Turner's tomorrow if the weather isn't too silly?

QLD, 197 posts
20 Dec 2018 8:52PM
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Who is up for a friday arvo sail at turners to cool off?

QLD, 1087 posts
20 Dec 2018 9:46PM
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Bone's said..
Who is up for a friday arvo sail at turners to cool off?

Taking van up to lake before nightshift

either sailing at lake or back early for turners

Paddles B'mere
QLD, 3586 posts
22 Dec 2018 7:42PM
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We just went over to Bribie for Chinese and it's frikkin howling out there, there's waves breaking in the passage. Big late morning tide tomorrow so see you kids at Sandstone, it should be good fun.

QLD, 197 posts
22 Dec 2018 10:24PM
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Paddles B'mere said..
We just went over to Bribie for Chinese and it's frikkin howling out there, there's waves breaking in the passage. Big late morning tide tomorrow so see you kids at Sandstone, it should be good fun.

Can't wait

QLD, 2455 posts
22 Dec 2018 11:36PM
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Bone's said..

Paddles B'mere said..

Can't wait

Hoping for a GB morning sail before work. Hell yeah. Got a new 6.5lion to test

Paddles B'mere
QLD, 3586 posts
23 Dec 2018 5:10PM
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Very enjoyable day with a few of us at Sandstone this morning, nice to catch up with Pete at his old stomping ground too. The wind was a little bit gusty and up and down at first so I started with a 5.3 wave sail and then ended up with the 6.5 which seemed to be most people's choice. Pretty bumpy at first on the rising tide which was heap of fun but beat me up a bit for when it flattened out on the falling tide. Big tides too so the water disappears very quick. Interesting to see whether it hangs in for tomorrow.

QLD, 500 posts
23 Dec 2018 6:49PM
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Great to catch up. Fun session, as Paddles said had a bit of everything.
Nice start to the holidays.
Jeff must have needed his beauty sleep after his night shift.
Chores and family stuff tomorrow, so don't think I will be able to sneak out.


Forums > Windsurfing Queensland

"Sandstone Seabreezers" started by Paddles B'mere