I get occasional Seabreeze Windsurfing Digest update emails, and it was great to see the Sandstone Seabreezers thread at the top of the listings and see all the news and photos of you guys getting out and enjoying it. Janet and I have not been windsurfing once since the day we were out on our new Naish GTs and I catapulted and smashed 5 ribs at Sandstone and ended up in hospital for Christmas, two years ago now. We both want to get back into it again but haven't made it happen. A very lamentable state of affairs, and there's no good excuse really. We bought a rural property up in the bush at Bellthorpe a year ago so even though we've "semi retired" now, working on the property and preparing to get a house built up there for us to live and care for our disabled daughter has kind of taken life over a bit. Please accept our shamed solemn confession of windsurfing failure and if we do show up at Sandstone again sometime I hope you don't ostracise us, slash our sails or something worse.
Wow! Glad I didn't waste a trip. Should've put the boat in instead.
Would have been really frustrating, even on the LT.
Was digging through my old mans shed and found an old Bribie Island sticker that I think is around from the mid 80s. We used to stick these on our boards back then so while its a little rough around the edges it feels a little retro looking at it on the water.
I like the sticker
need a a sticker like that with a windsurfer on it. Are there modern ways to make stickers these days?
I had one of those stickers on a paddlepop skateboard when i was a kid n lived near the ol wreck. Nice retro find there Hardcarve1.
Fantastic fun sailing day at Sandstone today, a bit of weird wind that had us swapping from 6.5 to 7.5; but a low, high tide with super flat water. Southside friends Jayson and Mr Mikey were up to join Sandstone expat (and now southside lurker) Pete, Jeff, Max, Adam, John B, BJ and myself for a weekday session.
Mikey scratched up his dancing legs, I bumped and chopped my way through a massive school of fish and Adam got spooked out by a shark (that i so thoughtfully burleyed up for him with chopped fish ) but no-one got hurt. Even local lurker Stevo (who unfortunately can't sail any more because of health) showed up for a chat today ........... it was a cracker day lads
Every Friday can be a good Friday if there's enough wind for sailing. 7.5m day at Sandstone today and pretty flat water made for fun conditions. I hooked up with Jeff, Max, Adam, Mark, Pat and Dag for an early tide dodging squalls. Great to see Dag slowly getting back on deck and also to see Pat having a sail, it's been a while Pat! Looks like squally conditions for a few days now.
Family day at Sandstone. Nice constant winds with the disappearing water
We had guests Matt and Bec plus Jane came for a sail on the windsurferLT
Max got a few PBS and I had an awesome time nicely powered on ezzy 8.5
a couple of catapults as the sandbanks emerged = looking forward to my Fangy fin arriving ????
Life is great
cheers Jeff
have you guys sailed sandstone in a sw wind?
cant ever remember doing it. always sailed at the bar or wello or bongaree.
anyone done it?
Plenty of times, you get to see the gusts fronts coming over the bay so you can head in or out depending on the wind. Red beach is also good with an incoming tide if on low tide and Pebble and Bongaree are low on water, it has some good chop with tide into wind and the chance to go out to Gilligans if your brave.